The Department of Computer Science: Honours Degree

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YEAR: 2021

LEVEL: 2.2






Paratema John



Cover page………………………......................................……………............1

Table of contents………………………………………………...................2

Chapter one Introduction…………………………….....................................


Back ground……………………….....................................………………….4

Problem definition...................…………………………………………….....…………….


Instruments and methods................................…………………………………...5

Data collection methods......................................……....……………………..6

Justification and retionale…………….......................................


Limitation and delimitations of the system.....................................……….


Feasibility Study………………………………………………………………8
Work Plan…………………………………………………………………..8
Chapter one Conclusion……………………………......…………............................9

Chapter two introduction……………………………………………………….10

Previous methods……………………………………………………………….11
Advantages of the current system…………………………………………..12

Current implementations and limitations……………………………………13

Chapter two conclusion……………………………………………………….14

Chapter three introduction……………………………………………………………….15

Hardware components and methods………………………………………………………15

Paratema John



“Poultry farming, raising of birds domestically or commercially, primarily for meat

and eggs but also for feathers. Chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese are of primary importance,
while guinea fowl and squabs (young pigeons) are chiefly of local interest. This article treats the
principles and practices of poultry farming. For a discussion of the food value and processing

of poultry products, see eggs and poultry processing [1]”. As all other business individuals

and organisations expect to maximise the profits so are the same wishes of the poultry
farmers. The Poultry farmers are losing chickens, geese, quail-doves, guinea fowl, ducks
to mention but a few, in the process of breeding them due to high temperatures, low
temperatures, lacking enough oxygen inhaling of poisonous gases. Some disabled
individuals are failing to venture into animal farming due to their disabilities. With that in
mind we have been triggered to create a system that we assume to be relevant not only to
the poultry farmers in Zimbabwe but also to the global village at large. Its goal is to
increase the food security in our beloved country, Zimbabwe thus reducing importing of
food thereby eradicating the dependency that we have as a nation. The system will
obviously carter for almost all thus the majority of the disabled and all the abled, be they
the lazy or the hard working. The system will be programmed in a way that when the
concentration of oxygen in the air is low it is going to realise the oxygen in the air when
it is enough it then automatically cease to realise the oxygen. The machine is also going
to sense some dangerous gases in the air if they are noticed it sounds an alarm that alert
the caretakers of the so that they can to migrate the animals and immediately turns on
mechanical fan that is capable of pulling out dangerous fumes or gases with the carbon
filter in other words the gas absorbers. When the temperatures are low the system will
turn on heater and when the temperature is high it is going to switch on the fan.

Paratema John
The great yields are also these animals are guaranteed when we carefully control the
environment that we are to breed our respective animals we can achieved this by avoiding
scaring, chilling, over heating this is nearly universal in all sorts of animal farming.
“Cannibalism, which expresses itself as toe picking, feather picking, and tail picking, is
controlled by debarking at one day of age and by other management practices. [2]”


Human beings are by far outnumbered the number of animals they eat. A combined
estimated total of nearly twenty billion chickens are living at the same time, But this
number is just a fraction of the animals we eat. Over fifty billion chickens are slaughtered
for consumption excluding male chicks and unproductive hens killed in the production of
eggs. With only that mind we can clearly see that there is need for us to address this
poultry farming carefully just like what the women of India have done. The great ladies
of this nation are now playing a very vital role to the national food security due to their
activities at different stages of poultry production. The majority of the families in Kerala
have been keeping poultry animals as a tradition under the so called extensive farming
production system which is dominated by women. This system generates the vast
amounts income and they are now providing the area cheap source of high protein. Even
though a number of the activities to this poultry farming is being done by women the
difficulties faced by them in farming are not given due consideration while designing
training programs.

Sometimes poultry farming could be difficult when the animal die of the sicknesses we
don’t know. Inhaling of dangerous gases and varying temperatures can contribute to the
deaths of animals. There are so many disabled personals who are idle. Considering all the
importance of the animal to lives especially for our food we have been prompted into
thinking that this system will be vital.

Paratema John



A fish will never survive long outside water neither can a lion live under water, it takes
tool much wool for a sheep to see another day at poles, thus animal including poultry
animals have got their respective favourite temperatures that if it is altered they become
stressed, ill or even die hence there is need for controlling the temperatures. Not only the
temperatures that needs to be monitored but also the concentration of the gases in the
atomssphere that may come as a result of air pollution. There are some gases that are
needed in huge quantities, some in small quantities yet there are some that are poisonous
and can lead to death. If these problems are let loose, the poultry projects will generate
less income for the farmers, have a reduced growth rate as a business entity and also
affect the livelihoods of those who will be depending on its success e.g. the farm workers.
Therefore, I anticipate that this project will go a long way in alleviating these challenges
and make sure poultry business has a greater impact and influence worldwide.
1.4 AIM

The aim of this project is to design a technical system that improves aeration through
monitoring temperatures and gas concentrations in the atmosphere surrounding poultry
animals' habitation. This system will give feedback if necessary to the owner of the

project with a goal to eradicate unnecessary deaths of the animal. Further this will in turn
enable the farmer to separate healthy and unhealthy animals and even concentrate on the
healthy ones to maximise profits, as all challenges that would normally fight against
normal growth of animals would have been eradicated through this system. i.e the aim of
the project is to eliminate the death and illness of the animals as well as to make it easy
for the poultry farmers to manage these animals.

John Paratema



To design and implement a system that: -

• Immediately open gas absorbers in case of existing dangerous gases in the


• Turns on heater when the temperature of the room are low

• quickly raises an alarm where there are unfavourables changes in the animal's

• turns on fan when the temperatures are high

• senses gases in the room

• senses temperature in the room

• programming platform
 Arduino Uno Board
• thermometers
• gas sensors
• alarms
• A Dummy fan
• A Dummy heater

Paratema John



• The maintainance of temperature does not need human attention.

• The gas absorbers minimise the effects of the gases while the owner is on the process
of migrating the animals.

• It is a broad system that covers all the poultry projects.

• It relies on facts about existing temperatures or gases within the atmosphere of the
animals' shelter.

• It creates more profits for all poultry projects if implemented well.

• It creates food security in the country.

• It can generate more foreign currency for the country as it improves productivity.
• It creates more jobs if productions increase.

• It saves time


• since the system is electrically powered, some small scale farmers who live in areas
where there is no electricity or experiencing too many power cuts may not be able to

• Paratema John

• R1813139G

• use this system. It will then cost more for some farmers to first acquire solar systems
first before acquiring this current system.

• the components are connected by wires which can be disconnected by animal

movement hence failing to perform its duties unless repaired

• the system is done electronically hence the animals can be electrocuted to deaths is
precautionary measures are not undertaken.

The project will need an estimated budget of $145 USD for it to reach full
implementation with the hardware and the software components included, a fairly cheap
price when focusing on the benefits that are be given by the project.


-This part initiate just after the project has been clearly said and the necessary resources
have been committed. The completion of the project will be based on the efforts and the
availability of the resources however the expected time frame is shown in fig. 1.9.

1.9.1 Gaunt Chart for 2020-2021



Month Dec ,Jan ,Feb ,Mar April ,May June

Week 1-4 4-8 8-12 12 1-2 2-4 4-6 6- 1 2 3 4

- 8

Project design
Project report


The idea of automating the process of technical poultry management system will enhance
better animal breeding. The mechanism works on a simple principle to the owner of the
project and there is not much complexity needed when operating the system and also its
fairly cheap to maintain. The accuracy of this project may be improved by adding some
features. This paper outlines the basic idea of developing a system to handle poultry
related issues in bigger projects or small.

Chapter 2

Literature review


“Increasing the volume and velocity of air moving over bird enhances heat loss in birds
due to convection, removal of heat trapped within the poultry house, and reduction of the
effect of high humidity on evaporative cooling. [4]” A number of way can be used in
increasing temperature, electrically or using gas, solar, coal or wood gas burning, from
the researches made so far has reviewed that all these ways been done manually
including at Irvine, the biggest poultry company in Zimbabwe. Consideration of the
cost and availability of resources on choosing the appropriate method to use. In those
time of extreme low temperatures in the production region sometimes farmer would opt
to rather keep the much older animals which can withstand these low temperatures than
a day-old animals or plan to avoids getting the animals at these times. In case the farm
is using unclosed buildings, windows are closed with curtains to keep the temperature
in the building warm. Ventilation has been a solution applied to evenly disperse the
heat around the house.” Poor heat distribution can result in some birds growing faster
than others and in effect poor bird uniformity. [5]” To counter these temperature
variations buildings were insulated during cold draughts. Literature is collections
surveys or work done in order to gather all relevant information about the suggested area
of research. The previous ways of poultry farming were not all that technical though
some electrical components have been used the likes of fans and heaters. The
introduction of this system will definitely play pivotal as the production of the animal
will be improved and made easy.

2.2Analysis study

- The previous poultry methods

Paratema John


“Running a successful poultry operation, even one aimed at feeding you and your family,
can be quite difficult even when things run smoothly. [6]” Quite number of method has
been implemented in order to make sure the animals are healthy like choosing the right
chicken, safe enclosure, regular source of food, hygienic surroundings, breeding and
hatching, parasite management but in relation to the topic measures like the use of wood
with endangers the animal housing from catch fire. The poultry housing management
system being used by a number people suggests a number of answers to atmospheric
related problems it suggested the naturally ventilated open housing system this one has
been identified by the tropical part of the world due to its simplicity, he economic
advantages and its easy of monitoring of heat in the building in bid to surpass the
exposure of the surrounding walls from the sun radiation the house has to be sited in east-
west direction since heat stress can be hastened when they are exposed to solar radiation.
The system also encourages that the shelter is not to exceed 12m to prevent the issues of
uneven exchange rate together with temperature inside a building. The system suggested
a number of solutions to the project some to do with roofs in order to eradicate the
temperature negative effects hot air is less dense than the hot air the system also went on
to mention the introduction of ridge opening that could be useful in ventilating through

stack effect in the poultry house. As partially stated in the brief background information
subtopic of chapter one, the poultry farmers used to sense the changes in the
environments in which the animals stay using their own imagination and experiences no
technical methods were used to eradicate effective changes. small scale poultry farmers
were sometimes doing the poultry farming as part time projects hence paving the chances
of them being away from their respective animal in some cases. It was, at these times,
were the animal vulnerable to the effective atmospheric changes. Previously, the majority
of the people used to use weather forecast to predict the temperatures of the day or use
their feeling to tell whether it is cold or hot so that they will know what to do to their
respective poultry animal. The exception goes to some large scale

Paratema John


who would place the thermometers in the places in which the animals are being kept. For
those whose used to use the weather forecast, the challenges comes when we are breeding
our animal indoor as the temperatures may be altered by the types of roofs we will be
using or the aeration of the place or let us assume the place is covered by a huge tree
whose shadow spends most of the day on top of the shelter of the animal definitely then
temperatures of these shelters are not as those that may be predicted by the farmers also
the weather forecast assumes the temperatures of a huge area hence the temperature
stated on the forecasts are usually the average not the one at your home. Some small scale
farmers use how they are feeling to assume the what needs to be done to their respective
animals. Their assumptions may be right but at the same time can be biased as the human
feelings are not that accurate. Inserting thermometers in the shelters of keeping the
animals has proved to be a better solution but still leaves a gap as this will still need
human effort to keep checking the changes. The introduction of this system will solve all
these problems technically thus there is no human effort in managing the above stated

-Advantages of the current system

-This system will guarantee better yields compared to the precious methods of farming as
the deaths rate is being surpassed and stunned growth of the animals is reduced by the
implementation of the poultry farming system.

-The system will reduce the expenses to large scale famers who used to employ
individuals to carry out works monitoring the change the animal inhabitants.

Paratema John


- the is more accuracy to all the assumptions that can be made compared to the previous
-current implementation and limitations

So far the temperature sensor has been successfully programed though the actual equipment’s that
were supposed to hinder the changes in temperature have proved to be fairly expensive as the red

and green LEDs have stood in place of the heater and the fan respectively for the demonstration

2.3 Gaps identified

If a disabled individual was to ever think of a project that would earn him/her a living definitely
they would never think of a project of poultry farming as one, due the complicated attention
needed for the surviving of the animals. With the implementation of this machine a number of
challenges are eliminated hence opening a room for the less privileged and old into the business.
So here we see the system being viable to them and demanded by the charity homes and homes
for the homes. Also the system will definitely be vital to the first time farmers with less
experience on what need to be done to these animals.

2.4 conclusion

The core purpose of the literature review was to analyse the patterns in a number areas along the
years back to the beginning of the story in the 1920s where the poultry farming initiated in the
locations of Delmarva Peninsula, Arkansas, Georgia and the New England and the changes
implemented along the way and the current still changes. The previously implemented solutions
to poultry farming has of course saved the global village and with it we can still go forward but
definitely the implementation of this system we will surely easy our lives and the provision of
food into our respective areas is guaranteed. With the implementation of this system poultry
farming becomes an easy and an open hand business to all as it will accommodate everyone.

Paratema John

Chapter 3

“Methodology refers to the overarching strategy and rationale of

your research project. It involves studying the methods used in your field and
the theories or principles behind them, in order to develop an approach that
matches your objectives. [2]” This chapter will give an overview of the
hardware and software components and how each component is going to be
used. It also shows the methods in which the project is going to be carried out.
It also

Hardware and Software Components

The code of the project will be done in a C language platform

Hardware Component Component specification

BREAD-BOARD  This is platform

used to easy the
connection of circuits
which eliminates the
application of soldering
wires i.e its a temporary
experimental tool for
building and breaking
electrical connections in
a short piece of time.
"The breadboard
consists of a sheet of
plastic with holes on the
top, and metal rails
connected underneath:
components and jumper
wires are inserted into
these holes. Each of
those rows of 5 holes in
the middle is connected.
On the outside, the
entire column is
connected: these are
typically use as common
power lines.[3]"

MALE TO MALE JUMPERS  These are electrical wires

insulated by different colours
used for making connection
from the Arduino to the
breadboard and within the
breadboard. .

Liquid crystal display IT is the one responsible

outputting all the necessary
information that could be
transpiring the implementation
of the project be they the
readings of the sensor or all the
responses of the system.

 They are responsible for

controlling the amount of
current flow into the
components. They avoid the
components from damage.


 USB Cable It is the one responsible for

powering the Arduino. It is also
used to connect the Arduino and
the is also the one that is
responsible for transferring
information in the form of
programmes from the PC to
Arduino board or the reverse

 LEDs LEDs are electronic devices

that comes in various colours
(red, yellow, green and white) .
Under the umbrella of LEDs
there are RGB LED features
with 4 pins one representing a
colour and one common cathode
or ground, so one can carry out
some experiments with a
mixture of colours, or even
make displays of varying

The positive side of the LEds is

one which is twisted/longer than
the other, but if tboth sides are
equal , you then have to check
for a flat side underneath of the
actual LED. The leg on the flat
side is the ground or negative.

 Gas sensor  It is the one responsible for

detecting the concentration of
the gas present and the type of
gas in the. Due to the to
concentration of the gas in the
atmosphere the sensor therefore
create potential difference by
altering the resistance of the
material iside the gas sensor
which is then measured as
output voltage

 

 Arduino Uno Is a micro-controller board

which is capable of taking the
inputs . Once it takes these
inputs it then passes it on to the

Paratema John

 Proposed System Architecture

Paratema John


process analysis
{2 processes}

needs a


of the code

{c code ok}

Need optimization

Paratema John


activity diagrams.

 Algorithm Design

 If temperature is>35degrees

Then fan is turned ON

If temperature <25 degrees

Then fan remains OFF

ELSE System goes back to start

If the unfavorable gas is detected

Then alarm is turned ON

High temp low temp

Normal temp

Paratema John

This explains the specific custom-made or standardized method to be applied
in the proposed solution. This can include pseudocode and flow charts.

 Circuit Design

 The overall circuit architecture to be implemented and all relevant hardware

components arrangement.

 Conclusion

This system is designed by using gas sensors and temperature which works as the
inputs to the Arduino board and the Arduino board takes the input to the set of
instruction i.e the program. This project is implementing in real time which will fully
automate the system and no one will have to carry all the manual work inside the
shelter of the broilers. The stated above components and the mentioned above
methods are used to in implementing the system. Some of the mentioned above are
not necessarily the ones that will be used in the actual project they are going to be
used for demonstration purposes for instance the red LED for the heater

Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

 Introduction

The C programming language has been used and successfully executed and the objectives of the
project to sense temperature using the temperature sensors and to sense unfavorable gasses in the
shelter using the gas sensor has been successfully implemented. Also the reaction to these
changes has been achieved thus raising alarms in times of unfavorable gases and switching on
and off fan in times of high temperature and heaters in the times of low temperature. The fan and
the heater will automatically switch off in times of a suitable temperature range depending on the
types of animals being raised

Implementation/ Experiments

When temperature is low the temperature sensor senses this temperature and sends the input
through the bread-board to the Arduino board and then the Arduino board sends this input to code

//code for temperature sensor begins here

temp=(val*500)/1023;// temperature calculation formula

if(temp > 30) //if temp is high

Paratema John
digitalWrite(green, HIGH);
digitalWrite(red, LOW);

else if(temp < 20)

digitalWrite(red, HIGH);
digitalWrite(green, LOW);

else if (temp > 20)

digitalWrite(green, LOW);
digitalWrite(red, LOW);

Serial.print("Tep:");// output and display characters beginning with Tep

Serial.print(temp);// output and display value of temp

delay(2000); // wait 2s for next reading

The reaction of the system will depend on the input fed a low temperature will prompt the system
to turn on a heater whereas a high temperature will prompt the turning on of the fan.

similarly for the gas sensor once it detects any unfavorable gas the above steps takes place.

Paretema John


Testing and Results

Eventually, we have tested the project and came up with satisfactory results for a technical
poultry system which have proved to be applicable in solving the problems that have been killing
poultry animals. with the results obtained we are assured that the deaths of animal due to
variations of temperature and inhaling of unfavorable gasses In the presence of the system is
eliminated. The temperature sensor has been exposed to low temperatures while connected as
required by the system and in turn the red LED (i.e the fan) turned on immediately when the
serial monitor recorded a temperature of less than 20 as programed in the code, though this
minimum temperature can be altered in the code depending on the temperature required by the
animals at our disposal. this has assured us that once the temperature that could be cool is
recorded the system fights hard to make sure the surrounding goes back to the original favorable
temperature. Once the serial monitor records a temperature of greater than 20 the red LED turns
off thus the heater is off hence we can conclude that the system is technical enough to monitor the
temperature and has a temperature range which it rest. Also the temperature sensor has been
exposed the high temperatures and once the serial monitor recorded a temperature of greater than
30 in turn the green LED turned on thus the fan is on in a bid to lower the temperature hence the
animals are guaranteed of not dying due to high temperature. The gas sensor has been exposed to
smoke immediately the serial monitor records smoke detected and in turn the lime LED turns on
thus the alarms are on and we tried to increase the increase the concentration of carbon dioxide to
the gas sensor by breathing on it this in turn raised the alarms too when the serial monitor records
the carbon dioxide of more than 140ppm.


From the initial steps of the projects up to date, quiet a number of things have been figured out
along the way and huge number of steps have been taken in order to use these findings to the
advantage of the project. Brain storming is quite easier than effort that could be taken in the steps
taken to implement a project. One would just imagine that once you connect a component to
certain current it would just work like what we thought at the initial stages of the project only
Paratema John


to find out of late that a certain component has its respective current else it would burn or not
work. We faced a challenge when we were trying to use the a 200mA power bank to power the
Arduino board. The board remained off initially we thought it was damaged till we had to
research the minimum power required by the Arduino of which it was 250mA. We faced an
equally challenge with the LEDs as they burn time and again search and find out that the LEDs
requires the 20mA yet the current circulating inside the bread board ranged at around 3oomA thus
we had to use the resistors to counter for this challenge.


The results produced by the system has proved to be fairly satisfactory though some challenges
have been faced in bid to implement the project as well as in the testing processes as it has proved
to difficult some component to our desired condition in fear of damaging the components. Testing
has proved to be vital in the process of developing the system. A number of components and the
way they are arranged in a circuit had to go through a thorough evaluation to be certain

that all the components at our disposal are properly working and are in their perfect working
condition. Components which did not yield the anticipated output were put aside and troubleshoot
to determine the nature and cause of the component failure through careful analysis, that is
examination of the working principles of the componentss

Chapter Five
Summary and Conclusion


This chapter gives an overview of the summarized roundup of the all the work that has been
carried in modelling the system. The main focus of this chapter is to give a combined around up
of the whole document. significance and the importance of the project are indicated here. It
provides the full knowledge on the initial objectives and the archived ones. It is in this chapter
where one can find the recommendations that can be used for future use.

5.2.1 Chapter 1 

Chapter one introduced the project and pointed out what could have prompted the group to
venture into the project mainly focusing on background. The definition of the problems that


were to be solved by the project was also analyzed in chapter one. The aim of the system of the
system was also mentioned in chapter one. Chapter one contained the instruments and the
methods used in implementing the project.

5.2.2 Chapter 2
In chapter two the focus is on the pre-existing method of solving challenges in breeding animals
and comparing them to the suggested technical poultry management system. The comparisons
were to done looking in the advantages of the one to be introduced, of course the one to be
introduced has to carry more advantages.

5.2.3 Chapter 3

Here we focus on the number of the methods implemented in the processes of developing the
system. It gives an elaboration on all the hardware and software components used in the system.
Here is where the components and their uses are stated how best can they be used The system
architecture, diagrams that assist in explaining the methods included in the chapter. Finally, the
flow chart was given to explain further the interactions between the hardware components and the
software system.

5.2.4 Chapter 4

It is in this chapter where we are given the results obtained during system implementation, testing
and methods used to conduct the test A detailed discussion of how the system can be improved or
maintained is also provided. Testing procedures are diagrammatically illustrated in the chapter.

5.3 Significance of the project

This project is of critical significance due to the fact the it carries a part that is of great
importance to Zimbabwe's food security and the globe at large.

Meat affects the costs and quality of living of the people. During 2011-2012 Zimbabwe was
highest commander of broiler meat from South Africa. As of to date Zimbabwe is importing 19
percent of the South Africa broilers. This clearly shows that we are losing foreign currency in bid
to balance our food. This is a problem that we are assuming can be reduced by the
implementation of the project. On the contrary South Africa is selling 75 percent of its broilers to
Mozambique a method we can imitate once we manage to produce broilers that are adequate to us
and those who may wish to import from Zimbabwe hence generating income.

Regulation of meat is significant for a vast number of reasons beyond its impact on industry
profits and household budgets. The issues to be solved by the system have short and long-term


implications for consumers, businesses, workers and communities. The is with red eye looking
for adjustments if there are any.

Recommendations and Future Work

The internet has played a pivotal role to the success of this project. Quite a number of
websites have been visited in sourcing the needed information to help the implementation
of this system. The system has not been a success had it not been the so willing to give
answer people of our community when we researching about all the necessary
information. The library of Midlands State University was also source our information.
These are the recommendations l would give to someone who would want to venture in
developing an project. The view of improving the system still exists in our mindset. we
suspect that a system of this type will be more relevant will be if all its parts are
compressed to a portable one.


The main goals of the work is to develop, implement and show steps to manufacture a technical
poultry management system which is to address all the poultry related issues and eliminate them
at all costs possible. The processes of the project targeted a system that was to be relevant to a
vast number of Zimbabweans yet competitive across the but fairly affordable. To successfully
accomplish the research goal, a research methodology was carried out, an important piece of
which was the setting of objectives that, when done with system, would seek to incrementally fill
the gaps in the boundaries of knowledge and realise the research goal. The aim of the system
listed in chapter one. The majority of the objectives were accomplished. More-so, the results
obtained as a direct consequence of meeting these objectives are stated.
Referencing list
1.Article by proffessor animal husbandry Wesley patterson Garrigus university of
kentucky, lexington 1947 author of introductory animal sceince

2. Article by proffessor animal husbandry Wesley patterson Garrigus university of

kentucky, lexington 1947 author of introductory animal sceince

3. https:/ www,>agenda 2019 chart-o

4.Http://wwww.>books poultry housing Simmons etal
5. 3. https:/ www,>agenda 2019 chart-o

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