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Successful Life is a Balanced Life
YOU NEED PHYSICAL BALANCE. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "Don't you know that
you're bought with a price.  You're not your own.  Therefore glorify God in your
body."  Do you glorify God in your body?  We need physical balance.  When we
All of the world is based on this principle of balance. The principle of nature is don't take care of our bodies, it affects everything else.  You have to ask
that the world is perfectly balanced. It is tilted at a certain angle and rotates at yourself:  Am I constantly complaining about being tired?  "I'm so tired... I'm
a certain number of miles per hour without any vibration. If the world were a sick and tired of being sick and tired."  There's a way out.  You maintain
little bit closer to the sun we would burn up and if it were a few miles further physical balance.
away from the sun we would freeze to death. The world is in balance.
Physical balance.  Getting your life in shape.  Getting it all together. Some of
In nature, the ecologists study the ecosystems where the food chain and the you say, "I could never get in shape.  I'm too old.  You can't teach an old dog
checks and balances in nature take care of each other. In architecture, there's new tricks."  I say, it's never too late to change! Indeed, health is wealth.
balance. There's the balance within a structure. Engineers know that if a
building isn't built right and the stress isn't balanced, it will collapse or a bridge 3. JESUS GREW IN FAVOR WITH MEN: Grow Socially
will fall through. YOU NEED SOCIAL BALANCE. I'm talking about your relationships.  You can
In your body, doctors say when you get sick, it is an imbalance in your body. have everything right in your life and if your relationships are lousy, life stinks. 
Health comes when your body is restored to balance. All through your life, in Romans 12:16 "Live in harmony with one another."  I looked up the word
everything we look at, it all focuses toward equilibrium -- the principle of "balance" in Webster's dictionary.  It says the definition is this, "When all of the
balance. parts are in harmony."  When all of your relationships are in harmony, there is
social balance.
God wants our personal lives to be balanced. Proverbs 28:2 "A man of
understanding and knowledge maintains order." He has balance in his life. 1 As we mature in our walk with Jesus, notice that the circle of unbelieving friends
Corinthians 14:32 "For God is not a God of disorder, but of peace." God wants in our life become lesser and lesser. Is this good? No, because just like Jesus,
things to be in balance and equilibrium. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 "There is a time for He always comes in contact with sinners and sharing, healing the sick and
everything..." God wants us to live balanced lives. oppressed, teaching and telling about the Kingdom of heaven. Is He not
branded to be a friend of sinners and the gluttons, and drunkards, and
Luke 2:52, we see an example of Jesus Christ.  Jesus was the most perfectly prostitutes and lepers? Let us bring them in our church. Yes you can without
balanced person.  "And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor compromising your faith. Your success is always connected to people. Build a
with God and favor with man."  Jesus Christ grew in four important aspects in healthy and godly social life.
life.  A balanced life is a life modelled by Jesus in our text for today.
1. JESUS GREW IN WISDOM: Grow Intellectually This is the Spiritual Development. This aspect of your life is part of a larger
Romans 12:2 "Don't be conformed to this world..."   (Phillips translation:  "Don't process. Jesus said it very clearly in the Amplified Bible of Matthew6:33; "But
let the world squeeze you in its mold.") "... but be transformed by..."  Your will seek, aim at and strive FIRST OF ALL to His Kingdom and His righteousness and
power?  No.  By working real hard?  No.  "... be transformed by the renewing of His way of doing and being right, AND THEN ALL THESE THINGS TAKEN
your mind."  What you think about affects your life and you need mental TOGETHER WILL BE GIVEN YOU BESIDES!" (paraphrase). This last aspect of
balance.  The Bible says "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he."   We need our personality should be the first to be given much attention as exhorted by
balance. our Lord. It should be integrated with every dimension of our life. We cannot
fully develop in other areas--intellectually, physically and socially if we are not
How do you have balance?  You balance it by screening the things that come
making any progress in our spiritual relationship with God. We can’t grow in any
into your mind.  You just don't allow anything to come into your thought life
one of these areas without also having an effect on all other areas. The Spiritual
indiscriminately.  You maintain balance by choosing what you're going to think
growth should be the first, the rest would follow and fall wonderfully in their
about.  Jesus said in John 8:32, "When you know the truth, the truth will set
proper places. Be excited because your next BIG MOVE is
you free."  When you fill your mind with truth, you will find freedom in your
lifestyle. Freedom comes by having the right kind of thoughts. Feed your mind
with godly positive things. Starve your mind with foolish things.
In Luke 2:52 we saw the example of Jesus Christ - "And Jesus increased in
2. JESUS GREW IN STATURE: Grow Physically wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and favor with man."   Jesus Christ
grew in these areas.  He grew in wisdom.  That means He grew intellectually. 
He grew in stature.  That means He grew physically.  He grew in favor with
God.  That means He developed spiritually.  He grew in favor with man.  That
means He developed socially.  Jesus became successful by having a balanced
life. You too will surely become successful as you begin your balanced journey
in life. Let’s get it on!

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