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.�11 111"lll 11tWr �llnll ._Cl o�n contain 1:1. 1th deposit and insurance
1"1 t1l\hm\ H, elements. �n
le\ i:.1we nantrnct ne c ed e nt receives a repayment of the
"' 'i1m 1 1le1 1 1 11u111 1 1i; tt:ill\'-111 wl1e1e
1 1 1 i:111rn11 1 1" nl rt l i 1 h f l e1 t1111r;1 11 tl\d\11 � 1 0 no cla11ns vnae. the
contract. Effectively this constitutes a
1, 1q11 l lv 1111· 1111t:111I 1 1 1<11 w1ll I 1u lu� 1 11w1 in the fu ture
, . If F S 4 r equires that

:\ I , , , 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1\ ll1•• 1:c1dan1 tli accounted for its a loan advance and as a payment for
II lt1 I It 111 I· • ' , ., •\hi\
11 I llr< 1111t 111 n 1 1 •:a pt P l l \ 1 • 1 1 1 1 1� �COL)Ul\ted luf as � 1avenue i te m in the statement of income
'' I llr.o 1 '' "" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 "':''' 1 1 1 111:111 fnr 1mcter PAS I A
' 1 1 1 11<1 p 1 1· 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 •<11d ' "' U r:lc:Uoll purely "to a h1d l l ind 11 1-; aL·.:: o unted for under PAS 39
" I lll•

t1h,lll ..m �ft A I J 1� .inml'"'W'� 1ma1on s11b111c1iary hart the following amounts in stickies (§) in
�·11 1 )
I '. 1 \lil I 11 Ul\fh hi n, noo, MO

QI 1td
i I 11d1111-1 111v1111to1 y !l00 , 000
.· ' (
I '"1.111 11111 llJ 11 11111111\11 y

1 11r.o i1v•1 �u11 •m111�nutt 11th11 lhtrlng

t J0,000

�u 1 2 waa § 1 = $ ·16 The beginning inventory was acquired

wllPll l l 11i 1111t'l\i*t11Jo $1 .�O
tttht w.-11 § I
:: The 11nd1ng inv en to ry was acquired when the
t- \ r l \llt1\Jc:1 1 n l d w�t> § I .. 1 Qll. Tht' exchM!)f'I i atr· at December 3 1 . 2012 was §1 = $.84.

"""""'ll"l l t 11�t lllr1 1. 11 Pl\Jtl 1 • nmtt y ''"1i i;t IWIXJI -1ntlai1t nary economy, at what amount should the
l<lf 'f'IUl l 1111l 1•ldt1UV 1 l\ l1l)lll "' oooda sole! havt been 1eflected jn the 2012 U . S . dollar income
i: l1tle$llldt1l 1 11

1\, i,IWn.MtHI U. ,\ 040,0llO • S,760.000 D. 5,824,800

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