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ABSTRACT point out those industries production process,

This paper contains topics of interest management report that they feel employee’s
for those in the Knowledge Management field. knowledge in their work. Through their
Knowledge management is the art of dealings with knowledge of the present and
performing knowledge actions such as future state levels of knowledge management in
organizing, blocking, filtering, storing their concern.
gathering, sharing, disseminating and using
Keywords: Knowledge Management, organization
knowledge objects such as data, information,
and Employee Satisfaction , values.
experiences, evaluations, insights, wisdom and
initiatives. In general terms it is the
performance of knowledge actions on What is knowledge Management?
knowledge objects. It does keep one abreast of Knowledge Management is one of the
the rapidly unfolding field of Knowledge hottest topics today in both the industry world
management. The paper throws a light on and information research world. In our daily life,
knowledge management cycle; history of we deal with huge amount of data and
knowledge management, values and information. Data and information is not
technologies influences the knowledge knowledge until we know how to dig the value
management, percent and future stages of out of it. This is the reason we need knowledge
knowledge management and implementing management. Unfortunately, there's no universal
knowledge management in the organization. definition of knowledge management, just as
Knowledge management is a timely and there's no agreement as to what constitutes
important topic for workers of employee’s knowledge in the first place. We chose the
satisfaction and to solve the problems in their following definition for knowledge management
production. Particularly some recent for its simplicity and broad context.
technologies will support the knowledge
management in the industry. Several studies
Meaning of Knowledge Objectives of Knowledge
Management Management systems in practice:
Knowledge management is the Process to help 1. Create knowledge repository
organization identify, select, organize, 2. Improve knowledge assets
disseminate, transfer information. 3. Enhance the knowledge environment
Knowledge management is the art of 4. Manage knowledge as an asset
performing knowledge actions such as
organizing, blocking, filtering, storing gathering, Knowledge Management may be viewed
sharing, disseminating and using knowledge in terms of
objects such as data, information, experiences, People – How do you increase the ability of an
evaluations, insights, wisdom and initiatives. In individual in the organisation to influence others
general terms it is the performance of knowledge with their knowledge
actions on knowledge objects (Sivan, 2001) as Processes – Its approach varies from
shown in the Figure 1. organization to organization. There is no limit
Knowledge on the number of processes
management = Knowledge Technology – It needs to be chosen only after
Actions × Knowledge Objects all the requirements of a knowledge
The art of Organizing, Data, management initiative have been established.
performing storing, information, Culture – The biggest enabler of successful
knowledge gathering, experience, knowledge-driven organizations is the
actions on sharing, evaluations, establishment of a knowledge-focused culture
knowledge disseminating, insights, Structure – The business processes and
objects … using …. wisdom… organisational structures that facilitate
knowledge sharing
Simple Definition
Knowledge Management refers to a multi- Technology – A crucial enabler rather than the

disciplined approach to achieving organizational solution.

objectives by making the best use of knowledge. Knowledge Management System

Knowledge Management focuses on processes Cycle
such as acquiring, creating and sharing
1. Creates knowledge through new ways of
knowledge and the cultural and technical
doing things
foundations that support them.
2. Identifies and captures new knowledge
3. Places knowledge into context so it is
4. Stores knowledge in repository concern over how to deal with exponential
5. Reviews for accuracy and relevance increases in the amount of available knowledge
6. Makes knowledge available at all times and increasingly complex products and
to anyone processes. Doug Engelbart’s Augment (for
"augmenting human intelligence"), which was
introduced in 1978, was an early
hypertext/groupware application capable of
interfacing with other applications and systems.
Rob Acksyn’s and Don McCracken’s
Knowledge Management System (KMS), an
open distributed hypermedia tool, is another
notable example and one that predates the World
Wide Web by a decade.
The 1980s also saw the development of systems
for managing knowledge that relied on work
done in artificial intelligence and expert systems,
giving us such concepts as "knowledge
acquisition," "knowledge engineering,"
Earlier forms of KM "knowledge-base systems, and computer-based

Although it can be said that various forms of ontologies.

knowledge management have been around for a The phrase "knowledge management" entered

very long time, the explicit notion of managing the lexicon in earnest. To provide a

knowledge started as an offspring of rapid technological base for managing knowledge, a

developments in information technology. At the consortium of U.S. companies started the

same time current knowledge management Initiative for Managing Knowledge Assets in

efforts sometimes resemble older methods such 1989.

as apprenticeships, which have been around for By the mid-1990s, knowledge management

millennia. initiatives were flourishing, thanks in part to the

Internet. Knowledge management was
The History Of Knowledge
introduced in the popular press in 1991, when
Tom Stewart published "Brainpower" in Fortune
(different opinion of knowledge management) magazine. The International Knowledge
Recognition of the growing importance of Management Network (IKMN), begun in
organizational knowledge was accompanied by Europe in 1989, went online in 1994 and was
soon joined by the U.S.-based Knowledge knowledge must be shared and serve as the
Management Forum and other KM-related foundation for collaboration. Yet better
groups and publications. The number of collaboration is not an end in itself; without an
knowledge management conferences and overarching business context, Knowledge
seminars is growing as organizations focus on management is meaningless at best and harmful
managing and leveraging explicit and tacit at worst. Consequently, an effective Knowledge
knowledge resources to achieve competitive management program should help a company do
advantage one or more of the following:
By 1990, a number of management consulting 1. Foster innovation by encouraging the
firms had begun in-house knowledge free flow of ideas
management programs, and several well known 2. Improve decision making
U.S., European, and Japanese firms had 3. Improve customer service by
instituted focused knowledge management streamlining response time
programs. Perhaps the most widely read work to 4. Boost revenues by getting products and
date is Ikujiro Nonaka’s and Hirotaka services to market faster
Takeuchi’s The Knowledge-Creating Company: 5. Enhance employee retention rates by
How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics recognizing the value of employees'
of Innovation (1995). knowledge and rewarding them for it
In 1994 the IKMN published the results of a 6. Streamline operations and reduce costs
knowledge management survey conducted by eliminating redundant or unnecessary
among European firms, and the European processes
Community began offering funding for KM- These are the most prevalent examples. A
related projects through the ESPRIT program in creative approach to Knowledge management
1995. can result in improved efficiency, higher
The Value Of Knowledge Management productivity and increased revenues in
Some benefits of Knowledge management practically any business function.
correlate directly to bottom line savings, while Knowledge Management Today
others are more difficult to quantify. In today's According to a recent IDC report, knowledge
information-driven economy, companies management is in a state of high growth,
uncover the most opportunities and ultimately especially among the business and legal services
derive the most value from intellectual rather industries. As the performance metrics of early
than physical assets. To get the most value from adopters are documenting the substantial
a company's intellectual assets, Knowledge benefits of knowledge management, more
management practitioners maintain that organizations are recognizing the value of
leveraging organizational knowledge. As a structures of a viable knowledge management
result, knowledge management consulting system should consist of a knowledge
services and technologies are in high demand, repository, knowledge contribution and
and knowledge management software is rapidly collection processes, knowledge retrieval
evolving. systems, a knowledge directory and content

Generally implementing a management.

6. Integrating existing information systems to
knowledge management
contribute and capture knowledge in an
methodology follows seven steps: appropriate format.
1. Identifying the problem. Corporate
Technologies That Support
knowledge is typically found in isolated systems
Knowledge Management
or knowledge silos. The access and
technological barriers protecting this knowledge The following diagram reflects the main

lead users to perceive that there is lack of technologies that currently support knowledge

knowledge. The knowledge segments should be management systems.

identified. These technologies roughly correlate to four

2. Preparing for change. This refers to change main stages of the Knowledge management life
in terms of business efforts, especially in how cycle:
the business is operated. Knowledge is acquired or captured using
3. Creating the team. Most organizations that intranets, extranets, groupware, web
have successfully implemented knowledge conferencing, and document management
management have created a corporate level systems.
knowledge management team charged with and An organizational memory is formed by
responsible for implementing a pilot project. refining, organizing, and storing knowledge
Here chief knowledge officer should be using structured repositories such as data
appointed to lead the effort. warehouses.
4. Mapping out the knowledge. Identify what Knowledge is distributed through education,
the knowledge is, where it is, who has it, and training programs, automated knowledge based
who needs it. Once the knowledge map is clear, systems, expert networks.
define and prioritize the key feature and identify Knowledge is applied or leveraged for further
appropriate technologies that can be used to learning and innovation via mining of the
implement the knowledge management system. organizational memory and the application of
5. Defining the building blocks for a expert systems such as decision support
knowledge management system. The base systems.
collection, archiving and retrieval of
3. Shifting emphasis from knowledge
to influence – Knowledge management
practice now includes the creation of internal
communities to foster face-to-face and e-mail
interaction among staff.
4. A new focus on social capital and
social networks –Organizations are now
looking at the tools and training for staff to map
their existing social networks and to understand
how to build 'social capital' with their
All of these stages are enhanced by effective colleagues, clients and audiences.
workflow and project management. 5. Open source/open content:
According to Creech (2005), there addressing the democratization of knowledge
sharing- Again, according to Creech (2005), the
are seven trends that are
open source concept (involves the release among
influencing how organizations are computer programmers of source code for others
dealing with knowledge to work with) is of growing interest to

management: knowledge-based organizations.

6. The adoption of different
1. Convergence
Knowledge concepts and practices for
modalities - There is growing interest in how

international organizations have emerged out of collaboration among groups of people can be

management approaches into the private sector, 'governed' rather than 'managed.' An

innovation in the uses of information and organization creates the space for knowledge-

communication technologies, and processes for sharing through providing leadership and

addressing international development through resources, and through clear articulation of roles

consultative approaches. and expectations, and then lets the emerging

community run itself.
2. Transition from the storage and
7. Adaptive management –There is an
retrieval of information to active
increasing recognition that for learning to be
engagement with the knowledge user –
transformational, there have to be mechanisms
KM has moved well beyond the systematic
for monitoring work, relationships and The Future Of Knowledge
knowledge exchanges as they progress
Knowledge Management Today
In the next several years ad-hoc
According to a recent IDC report, software will develop into comprehensive,
knowledge management is in a state of high knowledge aware enterprise management
growth, especially among the business and legal systems. Knowledge management and E-
services industries. As the performance metrics learning will converge into knowledge
of early adopters are documenting the collaboration portals that will efficiently transfer
substantial benefits of knowledge management, knowledge in an interdisciplinary and cross
more organizations are recognizing the value of functional environment. According to
leveraging organizational knowledge. As a Smallwood (2008), there is a need to control and
result, knowledge management consulting reduce emissions and waste even in the KM
services and technologies are in high demand, world and it is becoming a trend to reduce
and knowledge hardware and energy requirements by using
Present And Future State Of technologies and methods like virtualization,
Knowledge Management power optimization and even telecommuting

Currently communities of practice such Current Trends In Km 2023

as the Knowledge Management Network and the The recent trend study of Pumas’
development of standards and best practices are Technologies AG answers the question of which
in a mature stage of development. Knowledge knowledge management approaches have a
management curricula such as certification, chance to succeed in practice. The authors have
corporate training and university graduate examined all practices for their application and
certificate programs are on the rise. Techniques distribution by applying a hype cycle approach.
such as data mining and text mining that use
Knowledge management for competitive
intelligence and innovation are in the early Conclusion
stages of development. Finally, organizations are The hype cycle illustrates the different
investing heavily in ad hoc Knowledge phases of public attention that an innovation
management software that facilitates goes through during market introduction. For
organizational knowledge. The chart below each method and technology the chart shows
estimates the state of their current and future whether it is already being used in practice or is
Knowledge management Knowledge still subject to development. In addition to this
management activities. data, the study shows when the different
knowledge management trends will become
established. The respondents are all knowledge
management practitioners and visionaries, most
of them in managing or executive positions in
large companies

1. "The knowledge creating company". Harvard

Business Review 69 (6): 96–104.

2.Sanchez, R. (1996). Strategic Learning and

Knowledge Management. Chichester: Wiley.

3. "Networks, Organizational Learning and

Knowledge Management: NHS Cancer


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