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Covav: Covid-19 Apply and Verify

Senior Project


Youssef Ezzedine,

Hussein Kerdi

Submitted to the School of Engineering of the

Lebanese International University

Saida, Lebanon

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


Spring 2021

Approved by:

Dr. Soha Farhat

Committee Member
Dr. Abdel Mehsen Ahmad

To all the people that lost their lives due to Covid-19

Youssef Ezzedine

To all the workers in the medical sector

Hussein Kerdi


We cannot express enough thanks to our professors for their continued support and

encouragement: our supervisor Dr. Soha Farhat, our dean Dr. Amin Haj Ali, and our

committee member Dr. Abdel Mehsen Ahmad. We offer our sincere appreciation for the

learning opportunities provided by our professors of different fields and wide knowledge, we

must acknowledge their efforts, hard work, dedication, and generosity when giving us all the

information we need. We also need to thank our university for their support and always being

there for us by giving the best learning experience. Finally, we are grateful for our families

and friends for their constant support in every moment in our journey.


The medical related websites and applications were already on the rise and getting

more demanded, and with the Coronavirus pandemic, the need for such websites exploded as

web developers were racing to create applications and websites that can assist the medical

sector in this fight. Working on this project had the sole purpose of helping in dealing with

the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our website aims to create an atmosphere of safety

and trust between individuals by allowing the users to apply for Covid-19 vaccines, and more

importantly, giving the users the option to search for other individual’s vaccine status to be

sure if that individual is safe to contact or not.




TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................................V

LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................................VIII

LIST OF TABLES..................................................................................................................X

LIST OF SYMBOLS.............................................................................................................XI

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................1

1.1 Background................................................................................................................1

1.2 Problem Statement.....................................................................................................2

1.3 General overview of the project.................................................................................3

1.4 Thesis Outline............................................................................................................3


2.1 Introduction................................................................................................................4

2.2 System 1: website.......................................................................4

2.3 System 2: Alipay Health Code application................................................................8

2.4 Conclusion and Motivation......................................................................................10

CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DESIGN.........................................................................................11

3.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................11

3.2 Requirements and Specification Analysis................................................................11

3.3 Financial Viability....................................................................................................13

3.4 Project Management Aspects...................................................................................13

3.4.1 Stakeholders.........................................................................................................13

3.4.2 Scope....................................................................................................................13

3.4.3 Risks.....................................................................................................................14

3.4.4 Schedule and Milestones......................................................................................14

3.5 Ethical and Social Considerations............................................................................15

3.6 Environmental and Sustainability Considerations...................................................15

3.7 System Architecture.................................................................................................16

3.8 Relevant Standards...................................................................................................17

3.9 Class Diagrams.........................................................................................................18

3.10 Sequence Diagrams..................................................................................................19

3.11 State Diagrams.........................................................................................................20

3.12 E/R Diagram.............................................................................................................21

3.13 Conclusion................................................................................................................22


4.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................23

4.2 Implementation Tools..............................................................................................23

4.3 Implementation Summary........................................................................................24

4.4 Test Cases and Acceptance Criteria.........................................................................39

4.5 Conclusion................................................................................................................40

CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK......................................................41

5.1 Conclusion................................................................................................................41

5.2 Future Work.............................................................................................................42

APPENDIXB: USER MANUAL.........................................................................................43



Figure 2-1 First page of

Figure 2-2 Second page of

Figure 2-3 Third page of

Figure 2-4 Fourth page of

Figure 2-5 Final page of

Figure 2-6 Images showing the UI of Alipay Health Code application.....................................9

Figure 3-1 Use Case Diagram..................................................................................................12

Figure 3-2 Activity Diagram....................................................................................................12

Figure 3-3 General schedule during the semester....................................................................15

Figure 3-4 Web Application Architecture................................................................................17

Figure 3-5 Class Diagram........................................................................................................18

Figure 3-6 Sequence Diagram..................................................................................................19

Figure 3-7 State Diagram.........................................................................................................20

Figure 3-8 E/R Diagram...........................................................................................................21

Figure 4-1 Home page part 1/3................................................................................................24

Figure 4-2 Home page part 2/3................................................................................................25

Figure 4-3 Home page part 3/3................................................................................................26

Figure 4-4 Admin login page...................................................................................................27

Figure 4-5 Admin edit page.....................................................................................................28

Figure 4-6 Status edit page.......................................................................................................29

Figure 4-7 Edit news page........................................................................................................29

Figure 4-8 Edit doses page.......................................................................................................30

Figure 4-9 Browse pendings page............................................................................................30

Figure 4-10 Apply page part 1/2..............................................................................................31

Figure 4-11 Apply page part 2/2..............................................................................................32

Figure 4-12 Successful application page part 1/2....................................................................32

Figure 4-13 Successful application page part 2/2....................................................................33

Figure 4-14 Search page part 1/3.............................................................................................34

Figure 4-15 Search page part 2/3.............................................................................................35

Figure 4-16 Search page part 3/3.............................................................................................35

Figure 4-17 Covid-19 info page part 1/2..................................................................................36

Figure 4-18 Covid-19 info page part 2/2..................................................................................36

Figure 4-19 Vaccine info page part 1/2....................................................................................37

Figure 4-20 Vaccine info page part 2/2....................................................................................38


Table 2-1: Comparison Table.....................................................................................................9

Table 3-1 Duration of every step.............................................................................................14


HTML: Hypertext Markup Language

JS: JavaScript

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

MySQL: "My", the name of co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter, and "SQL",

the abbreviation for Structured Query Language

UI: User Interface


1.1 Background

Coronaviruses, common in people and many different species of animals, are a large

family of viruses, and in some cases animal coronaviruses can infect people and then spread

between people. That was the case with MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, and also the current virus,

SARS-CoV-2. Older people and people with compromised immune systems and certain

underlying health conditions seem to be at greater risk of serious illness, such as people

suffering from heart disease, lung disease and diabetes.

The Coronavirus pandemic affected the world heavily, and the devastating effects

caused by it are still increasing. That pushed many countries to rush into discovering an

effective vaccine in order for people to go back to their normal lives. Spreading the vaccine

takes time and effort, which keeps the risk high in that time. At the same time, vaccines are

the only hope to get out of this pandemic.

A serious question is why do unvaccinated people present a risk to vaccinated ones?

There are two simple facts that answer it, the first being that no vaccine is 100% effective,

and there will always be a slight risk of infection. The other fact is that the less vaccinated

people there are in a community, the more germs will spread, thus everyone is at greater risk

of exposure and that includes vaccinated people. So why vaccinate only half the population

when we can decrease the risk of spreading the virus by having most of the population


1.2 Problem Statement

There are people that are not well educated about Covid-19, and others that simply

don’t care about the safety of others. Not in a very far off period of time, some careless

people will start lying about being vaccinated. For some people, this actually is a reason to be

concerned. There already exists multiple ways to apply for a Covid-19 vaccine, but no way to

identify the people that are actually getting vaccinated. This will be more important than ever

when the lockdowns are eased.

A good example is the one that was adopted in Hangzhou in China. Through the

Alipay mobile application they can tell if people contacted someone who’s infected through

tracking personal data. It uses QR codes that show up in three colors, green being the color

that allow the user to go around freely, yellow meaning that the user was in contact with an

infected person and should stay at home for a few days, and red meaning that the user is

probably infected and should quarantine for two weeks. Many other applications and

websites are also about detecting infected people, but still we are yet to see any serious

projects about revealing vaccinated individuals. This is where our project idea comes in to try

and fill this gap.

One of the main problems that will concern people who actually fear for their and

their family’s health is weather the people they are going to visit are indeed vaccinated and

not lying about it. It also works the other way around, like what if I wanted to enter a

protected zone and I need to prove that I am vaccinated. This problem will only grow the

more vaccine is available and people start to care less. That brings us to the need of a fully

functional website that allows people not only to apply for a vaccine, but also to store their

info after they receive the vaccine and be able to show it when needed.

1.3 General overview of the project

The following parts of the project will talk about all the details starting with

determining which method will be used and give a comparison between our website

and similar websites that detect Coronavirus infections and another one that allows the

users to apply to Covid-19 vaccines. Next, we will talk about the specific details of the

project and all related environmental and financial and social details, and a description

of the website and its design architecture and the user interface. Finally, we will present

our steps of implementation and all related diagrams and testing details.

1.4 Thesis Outline

This section is a prelude of all remaining chapters that will be summarized here.

In chapter 1, the general overview of the project, by going through a background

about the Coronavirus and funneling into the problem we are trying to solve.

In chapter 2, two similar systems that inspired us are viewed in details, like what we

want to adopt from these systems and what we want to improve on from them.

In chapter 3, we dive into the deep and tiny details starting from requirements and

specification analysis to all the project management aspects, and the taking a deeper dive into

the system architecture. The front and back ends of the website are to be explained with the

support of many types of diagrams.

In chapter 4, the implementation process is shown, going from the implementation

tools used to achieve our target, to a summary of the implementation process. We also

discuss the test cases and acceptance criteria of the website.

In chapter 5, a final conclusion of all the project and how it was accomplished. In

addition, we give our opinion on what could be improved in our website in the future.


2.1 Introduction

In this chapter, we will present two other systems that we were inspired by. The first

one being the official website ( that is used by the Lebanese government

to allow people to apply for the Covid-19 vaccine doses. The other one is the Alipay Health

Code mobile application. It was used in China as a method to classify if the citizens are

infected or not.

2.2 System 1: website

The first system that is the website that was implemented in

Lebanon and some other countries. Users of this website can apply for a Covid-19 vaccine by

filling in personal info such name, age, nationality, city, job, phone number, ID number,

email address and a few other details. Then, the user receives a message telling him to wait a

call to know the date of his/her vaccine dose. In our project, not only can the users apply for

the vaccine, but that is only a little part of our project. We will also store their status: show

whether the user is waiting for the vaccine dose, or if he/she already got it, and if he/she is

waiting for the second dose, if needed. The below figures are from the

website[ CITATION Wor20 \l 1033 ]. In the first page ( Figure 2 -1 ),

the user chooses which category he belongs to. In pages 2 ( Figure 2 -2 ),

3( Figure 2 -3 ), and 4 ( Figure 2 -4 ), the user fills

in personal information. In the fifth and final page (Figure 2 -5), the user selects yes or no on

multiple questions regarding any previous underlying health issues. The user simply submits

the application form after that, and receives an SMS confirming the successful application.

Figure 2-1 First page of

Figure 2-2 Second page of

Figure 2-3 Third page of

Figure 2-4 Fourth page of

Figure 2-5 Final page of

2.3 System 2: Alipay Health Code application

The second system that we were inspired by is the Alipay Health Code mobile

application. The Chinese application uses people’s personal data to identify whether the user

is safe, or if the user was in contact with an infected person and might be infected and should

stay at home for a few days, or if the user is infected and should quarantine or be sent to a

hospital. If you are familiar with the QR code typically used in China for various online

transactions, then you already have an idea of what a health code would look like. It is simply

a QR code that people scan to prove to authorities that they are in a healthy state. And this

code is very crucial in determining who can or cannot get around places freely[ CITATION

Zho20 \l 1033 ].

That system obviously uses much more private data than our website. In our project,

we will use a similar method to identify if the user has already applied for a dose of the

Covid-19 vaccine and waiting his/her turn, or if the user already received a shot or two with

the specific dates listed. We will also use colors to identify if the if the user received the

vaccine or not, but we won’t be using the QR code system. The real similarity between this

application and our website comes down to using some personal information when the user

applies, and then using colors to show the user’s vaccination status.

Figure 2-6 Images showing the UI of Alipay Health Code application

Table 2-1: Comparison Table

Method Advantages Disadvantages  Is recognized and used  Doesn’t offer
by many governments functionalities like storing
vaccinated individual’s
 Very easy to use  Gets neglected by people
who don’t even apply for
the vaccine
Alipay Health Code  Updates user’s info  Uses too much private
very fast data
 Uses QR code system  It sometimes unfairly
for faster verification forces individuals to

2.4 Conclusion and Motivation

There already exist many ways to apply for a Covid-19 vaccine with a few simple

steps, like filling out a form with your personal information. There are also multiple ways to

track individuals and try to identify, by gathering a lot of personal data, whether the

individual could be at risk of infection or not. These two methods are already implemented by

many governments in many countries. Still, none of the systems are prepared to store a proof

for the individuals that got the vaccine.

What inspired us to create this website is the lack of any serious system to identify and

store the data of people who received the Covid-19 vaccine, for them to be able to prove it

later when needed. Our main target remains as follows: creating a real atmosphere of trust

and safety.


3.1 Introduction

In this chapter, we will get into more details about our website such as requirements,

financial viability, project managements aspects. We will illustrate our project specification

with charts, diagrams, sequence, and an illustration of the system architecture. We will

present our concept of the website with specific details such as how the user will apply for

the vaccine or search people’s vaccination status, in order to offer the reader a clear vision on

what to expect from the final result of the website.

3.2 Requirements and Specification Analysis

In this selection, we will be using two types of diagrams to further explain the

functionality of our website. The first one being a use case diagram as seen in Figure 3 -7
below to give the user a general idea behind the operation of this project. The next diagram

that is Figure 3 -8 is an activity diagram with the purpose to give a more detailed view about

how the website operates.

The use case diagram shows how the website is a point of connection between the

user and the vaccination centers that are operated by the government, where the user will

apply for the vaccine or search the database to verify if another specific individual is


The activity diagram takes us through the possible paths that the website takes

starting from the main home page.

Figure 3-7 Use Case Diagram

Figure 3-8 Activity Diagram

3.3 Financial Viability

As most website application projects, creating this project is essentially free. The

only cost is if the owner of the website decides to rent a host for it. And even then that would

only cost a few hundred dollars per year to keep the website up and running online.

3.4 Project Management Aspects

3.4.1 Stakeholders

The entire population will actually benefit from this project as it really helps people

know who is really safe to contact. In addition to that, this project won’t cause harm to

anyone, as its uses can really only have a positive outcome. As for the real stakeholder, and

the one responsible to how this project gets used, it is obviously the ministry of health as they

are responsible for managing the vaccines.

3.4.2 Scope

The target of the project is to create an atmosphere of safety when contacting other

individuals and at the same time being able to prove that we are vaccinated. Also it will allow

users to apply for the vaccine. The goal is to create safe zones, especially in public crowded

spaces such as schools, universities, offices… Thus helping the government target and ease

lockdowns in areas with a high vaccinated percentage of individuals.

3.4.3 Risks

Fortunately, the risks that may hinder this project are few and limited. The most

important one being that the project might not be adopted by the ministry of health and thus

ruining the potential of the project. The other important risk is actually people refusing the

vaccine, which in turn means less users on the website applying and receiving the proof of

the vaccine.

3.4.4 Schedule and Milestones

Home Application Search Database Report PowerPoin

Page Page Page Server t

Design Developmen Developmen Developmen

t t t
Duration 2 weeks 3 4 2 10 weeks 2

weeks weeks weeks days

Descriptio Designin Developing Developing Creating a Gets Creating the

n g the the page that the page that local server updated PowerPoint
main allows users allows users to run the weekly that will be

page that to apply for to search for project and throughou presented in

is first the vaccine vaccinated connect it to t the class

displayed people the website semester

Table 3-2 Duration of every step


Main Page

Apply Page

Search Page



March April May June

Report Main Page Apply Page Search Page Databaase Test/Edit Empty

Figure 3-9 General schedule during the semester

3.5 Ethical and Social Considerations

In order to differentiate between users of the website, we need to know some

important details like the phone number of the user to be able to contact him. Also the ID

number that is considered private is needed to prevent any mistakes regarding individuals

with the same name and family name. So it is our job to make sure that such information is

stored safely and only accessed and edited by the admin of the website.

3.6 Environmental and Sustainability Considerations

This website has a real environmental target to achieve, and that is to help crowds

and gatherings be in an atmosphere of safety and trust. It also aims to become a sustainable

go-to place to check who is safe to contact and who isn’t. If every person checks if the

individual he’s going to visit is vaccinated or not, that alone will be the beginning of a trust

web that we aim to build.

3.7 System Architecture

The website follows the main web application architecture like most other websites as

seen in figure 3-4 below. First, the main page will contain an administrator login tab at the

top in order for only specific people to be able to change the stored information about the

people that applied. The only people that will be able to login are the ones at the vaccination

center and will be given a unique admin account.

Below, in the middle of the page, there will be multiple buttons. The first one will be

the apply button that allows people to apply for the vaccine by inserting their information on

another page such as their name, age, nationality, id number, place of living, and phone

number, in addition to a text box where the user can add any comments about whether he/she

suffers from any illnesses. The information he/she provides will be stored in the database as

waiting for the vaccine.

The next button is the more important part, as there will be a page that allows the user

to search for people that applied for the vaccine and check if they are still waiting for the

vaccine, or if they already received the first dose or even the second dose with the dates

stated. The search can happen by entering someone’s full name or ID number.

The remaining two buttons will provide information about Covid-19 such as

precautions and symptoms. The last button will show all types of available vaccines, with

information about their success rate, side effects, price, and number of doses needed.

The website will also be user friendly so people of different ages will be able to use it

with ease. The main page will also have the ability to be updated with news regarding both

the Coronavirus and the vaccines, knowing that with time new vaccines will come out and

new studies about the older vaccines will be determined. That makes it important for the

information on the website to be flexible and easy to update. Announcements can also be

made if the admin chooses to do so.

Figure 3-10 Web Application Architecture

3.8 Relevant Standards

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language

JS: JavaScript

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

MySQL: "My", the name of co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter, and "SQL",

the abbreviation for Structured Query Language

UI: User Interface

3.9 Class Diagrams

In this selection, we are explaining all the attributes that will be used in the project

through the class diagram in Figure 3 -11 below. It should help the reader know more about

all the tools that will be used in our project.

Figure 3-11 Class Diagram

3.10 Sequence Diagrams

In this part we will present a sequence diagram as shown in Figure 3 -12 below. This

type of diagrams is meant to show an organized step by step view of the route that the user

follows after every button he/she pushes.

Figure 3-12 Sequence Diagram

3.11 State Diagrams

In this part, we are showing the state diagram in Figure 3 -13 in order to give the

reader a clearer view of each state that the website can go through.

Figure 3-13 State Diagram

3.12 E/R Diagram

The diagram below is meant to show the relation between entities in our database.

Figure 3-14 E/R Diagram

3.13 Conclusion

In summary, this chapter was a great way for the reader to envision the project as a whole

through many different methods. We used different types of diagrams to show the website

from distinct angles. Some of these diagrams gave a general view of the website, others gave

a close view of the steps that the website goes through to function properly and fulfill its role.

Hopefully, this chapter clearly shows the reader the plan that the project aims to follow and

thus come to fruition and achieve the goal of creating a website that could be very useful to

fight against a pandemic and deal with the aftermath it left behind.

4.1 Introduction

In this chapter, we are finally going to get into the details of the implementation of the

website after we already presented plenty of general concepts and ideas. First, we will go

over the tools used to implement the system. Then, we will give a step by step summary of

the implementation, and just before concluding the chapter, we will discuss the test cases

used and the acceptance criteria.

4.2 Implementation Tools

The following tools are the ones being used in our project:

1. NetBeans IDE: It is a free and open source integrated development environment for

application development on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Solaris operating systems.

The IDE simplifies the development of web, enterprise, desktop, and mobile

applications that use the Java and HTML5 platforms. The IDE also offers support for

the development of PHP and C/C++ applications.

2. XAMPP: It is an abbreviation for cross-platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl,

and it allows you to build WordPress site offline, on a local web server on your

computer. This simple and lightweight solution works on Windows, Linux, and Mac.

It is a free and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack package

developed by Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server,

MariaDB database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl

programming languages.

4.3 Implementation Summary

In this part of the chapter, we will go over all the implementation steps that led to

the completion of the website. The home page has the vital role of gathering all the

functionalities together.

When the user enters the home page, he/she will first notice the large icons of the

four main buttons of the website. The buttons in a left to right order are apply, search,

Covid-19 info, and vaccine info. At the top of the page, there is the admin login button,

only meant to be used by specific individuals. On the right side, we put the links for the

Covid-19 hotlines recommended by the ministry of public health, if clicked on a phone,

will open the calling tab with the pressed number copied. We will get into more details

about each button as we proceed.

Figure 4-15 Home page part 1/3

As the user scrolls down the home page, in the middle he/she will notice a table

containing three counters we implemented showing the number of pending vaccine

applications and the number of available vaccine doses, and the last one showing the

number of vaccinated individuals. These numbers will get the information from the

database and be updated as that data changes. Below the table, there is a slider that

keeps rotating and showing some news accompanied by a picture on the side. This

slider is meant for Covid-19 and vaccine related news, or to make some announcements

by the administration. The admin will be able to update the news after he/she logs in.

Figure 4-16 Home page part 2/3

The bottom part of the page is simple, first there are the social media clickable icons

that will direct the user to the Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages of the ministry of

public health. There is also “learn more” button to read more about us and the terms

and conditions that will be agreed to later.

Figure 4-17 Home page part 3/3

When the admin clicks on the admin login button, he/she will be redirected to the admin

login page where he/she will need to enter the correct username and password to continue to

the next page.

Figure 4-18 Admin login page

As for the admin editing page, there will be four buttons in it. There are four

buttons, the first being the edit status button that allows the admin to go to a page where he

can search an ID number and edit the applicant’s vaccine status. The admin can also use the

browse button to check all the pending applications and immediately select one of them to

edit. The edit news button allows the admin to change the news section found in the home

page. The edit counter allows the admin to change the number of available vaccine doses.

Figure 4-19 Admin edit page

Figure 4-20 Status edit page

Figure 4-21 Edit news page

Figure 4-22 Edit doses page

Figure 4-23 Browse pendings page

Going back to our four main buttons, and starting with the “Apply” button. When the

user clicks it, he/she will be redirected to the apply page, where the users are prompted

to fill out all their personal information as shown in the next two figures below. All the

fields are required to be filled except for the last text box, which the users don’t need to

fill out if they don’t have a reason to. The users must also check the terms of service

box to be able to submit the form. The form won’t submit if there are errors in the

form, and once the submission is successful, the user will be return to the home page

after show a message that it was a success.

Figure 4-24 Apply page part 1/2

Figure 4-25 Apply page part 2/2

After successfully filling the form and applying for the Covid-19 vaccine, the user will

be redirected to a page informing him/her of the successful application and a table

summarizing all the information that he/she entered.

Figure 4-26 Successful application page part 1/2

Figure 4-27 Successful application page part 2/2

The second button is in fact the main feature that our website boasts, and that is the

“Search” button. Once the user clicks on this button, he/she will be redirected to the

search and verify page that contains a search bar. The user can search individuals by

their names or IDs. Once a name is typed, the user will begin to see suggestions that

filter out the more letters he/she enters. Only the names of individuals that already

applied for the vaccine through the website are available. If a name is found and

selected, a table showing some information about him/her, and most importantly the

vaccine status and type and dates if available.

Figure 4-28 Search page part 1/3

Figure 4-29 Search page part 2/3

Figure 4-30 Search page part 3/3

The third button is the one responsible for Covid-19 information. Once clicked, the

user will be redirected to a page that shows facts and questions about the Coronavirus
disease. All the questions are in a pull-down list, and the answers will be shown when

each question is clicked.

Figure 4-31 Covid-19 info page part 1/2

Figure 4-32 Covid-19 info page part 2/2

The final button in the four main ones that concern the user is the vaccine

information button. Once clicked, the user will be redirected to a page that shows all

available and ready to use vaccines with information about each one such as the
technology behind it, price, major buyers, and so on. As for the sources that we used to

find the information about the different types of vaccine: Pfizer-BioNTech from the

CDC website[ CITATION Cen21 \l 1033 ] , Moderna from [ CITATION Cen211 \l

1033 ] , Sputnik V[ CITATION Wik21 \l 1033 ] , AstraZeneca from [ CITATION

Ast21 \l 1033 ] , Sinopharm from [ CITATION Wik211 \l 1033 ] , and

Johnson&Johnson from [ CITATION jnj21 \l 1033 ].

Figure 4-33 Vaccine info page part 1/2

Figure 4-34 Vaccine info page part 2/2

4.4 Test Cases and Acceptance Criteria

In this website, we begin testing by trying to login as an admin through the admin

login button in order to access the admin page where we can edit the applicant’s vaccine

status, and also the news in the home page.

We then proceed to try to apply for a vaccine through the apply button that takes us

to the apply page where we can fill out a form that prompts us to enter our personal

information starting with full name, date of birth, phone number, ID number, gender,

nationality, field of work, governorate, and finally a text box that is optional to fill.

We also want to test the search and verify page by clicking the search button, which

takes us to the search page containing a search bar where we enter someone’s name or ID

number and we get a table that displays that individual’s status, whether he/she applied and

are waiting for a vaccine, or if he/she received a dose or two with the specific dates.

As for the Covid-19 info button, it took us to a page that displays a list of facts and

questions about Covid-19 such as causes, symptoms, and ways to prevent…

The remaining main button, is the one responsible for the vaccine info, as it redirects

us to a page that displays all tested and available types of vaccine with information about

them such as, price, technology used, major buyers, efficacy… There is also a “learn more”

link below each vaccine that directs us to the pages of the companies that produced them.

At the bottom of the home page, we tested the clickable social media icons and the

all led us to the respective links of the ministry of public health on different platforms.

The learn more button at the bottom of the home page took us to a page that

displayed more information about the creators of the website, and it also showed the terms of

service that the we agreed on in the apply page.

The acceptance criteria of the test cases are as follows:

 The administrator must enter the valid username and password he


 The applicant must fill all of the required fields in the correct input

format in the application form, in order for the application to succeed.

 The applicant must accept the terms of service to submit the form.

 The user must enter the full name or full ID number of another

individuals in order to view their vaccine status.

 The user must have a general idea about the vaccine he/she is going to


4.5 Conclusion

In this chapter, we viewed the implementation summary to show what we went through

to achieve and finish our website. As in any project aimed for the masses, it must be user-

friendly, and to make it that way, we must test it over and over while paying attention to little

details that could complicate matters for the user. That is the reason why we reviewed our test

cases to show what would happen as the user surfs our website.


5.1 Conclusion

Developing a website in this day and age doesn’t feel like anything special, but

creating a website with a unique purpose is a real challenge. People can find websites for

everything they can think about, so that makes the window for creativity smaller, that is until

something new comes along into our daily lives and begs for a web application to support it.

The medical related websites and applications were already on the rise and getting

more demanded, and with the Coronavirus pandemic, the need for such websites exploded as

web developers were racing to create applications and websites that can assist the medical

sector in this fight.

Working on this project had the sole purpose of helping in dealing with the aftermath

of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our website aims to create an atmosphere of safety and trust

between individuals by allowing the users to apply for Covid-19 vaccines, and more

importantly, giving the users the option to search for other individual’s vaccine status to be

sure if that individual is safe to contact or not.

As we come closer to finish this chapter in our lives, one that wasn’t easy and was

filled with challenges and obstacles, we feel very proud with what we were able to learn and

achieve in these vital recent years. All the knowledge we gained was thanks to the unsung

heroes of this story, our instructors, who shared without any hesitation all their knowledge in

their respective fields, and were always there for us. We admire you all for your efforts that

you might feel at times are underappreciated, but can be sure that most of us wouldn’t go

anywhere without them.

5.2 Future Work

Any human that aims for advancing should be able to accept criticism, so we are

indeed very open to any suggestions that would help us take our website a step further. This

project can have some features added that can make it even more valuable in assisting people

in adapting to the post Covid-19 era. A lot of small details can be added to make the

experience for the users even smoother.

A great addition to the website would be a page or section that shows statistics of

vaccinated individuals by age and location across Lebanon’s map. An interactive map can be

added for that purpose. Another interesting idea is developing an application for the website

that revolves around the searching and verifying part of the website. There could be other

ideas that are even better, but for now this website should hopefully serve its purpose as it is.


1. First, visits the Covav website and choose one of the available options.

2. In case of an admin, click the admin login button and enter the credentials.

a. Choose one of the four available buttons to be redirected to the pages.

b. The options are to edit the counter in the home page, edit the news

section in the home page, browse applicants by ID number, and edit

the status of the applicants.

3. In the home page, the first button is the apply button, where the user fills a

form with personal information and applies for a vaccine.

4. The second button is the search button, where the user can find and verify the

vaccine status of other individuals by entering their full name or ID number.

5. The third button redirects the user to a Covid-19 information page.

6. The third button redirects the user to an information page about all available

Covid-19 vaccines.


[1] World Health Organization, "IMPACT," WHO, 2020. [Online]. Available:
[2] Z. Garcia, "S.J. Grand Financial and Tax Advisory," 2 June 2020. [Online]. Available:
[3] "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention," 27 May 2021. [Online]. Available:

[4] "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention," 17 May 2021. [Online]. Available:
[5] "Wikipedea," 5 June 2021. [Online]. Available:
[6] "AstraZeneca," 2021. [Online]. Available:
[7] "Wikipedea," 6 June 2021. [Online]. Available:

[8] "jnj," 2021. [Online]. Available:




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