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Healthcare Hashtag Twitter Transcript

From: Tue Mar 22 18:00:00 PDT 2011
To: Tue Mar 22 19:05:00 PDT 2011
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Learn more about #MDchat at The Healthcare Hashtag Project

Total #MDchat Tweets in Database: 14254

MD_Chat Welcome everyone to #MDchat! A good place to discuss important things in a fun
way. Let's get started by introducing ourselves!
Tue Mar 22 18:00:12 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient Greetings. Michael A. Weiss here. Host of "The Professional Patient Podcast"
Tue Mar 22 18:01:36 PDT 2011

thehealthmaven Hi everyone, Lea signing in, hope everyone is doing well #MDchat
Tue Mar 22 18:02:45 PDT 2011

DrJerath Ob/Gyn physician in Parker, Colorado - Look fwd to tonight's

discussion. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:03:12 PDT 2011

s_eller Susan here from Chicago - Nurse educator using simulation for IPE at med school
Tue Mar 22 18:03:42 PDT 2011

apjonas #mdchat Pat Jonas, MD, aka Dr Synonymous a holistic Family Physician in OH
Tue Mar 22 18:04:13 PDT 2011

EinsteinMed David Flores here for the Albert Einstein College of Medicine #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:04:35 PDT 2011

MD_Chat OK, we'll start with the first of two topics in a moment. Please prepend responses
with T1, T2, etc. Good luck! #MDchat
Tue Mar 22 18:05:03 PDT 2011

KathyKastner Eveing all...Health blogger, patient education video producer from Toronto #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:05:08 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient I feel like I am about to start playing on a Game Show. :) #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 18:05:48 PDT 2011
Tue Mar 22 18:05:48 PDT 2011

MD_chat T1 Physician Responsibility Online: Whatʼs your duty if a patient pleas online for
help? What about fellow colleague behavior? #MDchat
Tue Mar 22 18:06:02 PDT 2011

s_eller T1 - pleas for help -is this about patient complaint/suit article earlier, or something
different? #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:07:21 PDT 2011

DrJerath T1 - Important to have proper doctor-patient boundaries. Direct pt to proper

communication channel for medical advice. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:07:48 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient T1 - As a Chronic Patient, I don't expect my Doc 2 participate on-line as the rules 4
Docs have not yet been defined. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:08:08 PDT 2011

DrJerath Feel it is ok to be resource, provide guidance, direct pts to credible sources/info, but
direct medical advice in office only. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:08:32 PDT 2011

DrJerath @HospitalPatient There are no rules, but common sense stands for docs and pts.
Tue Mar 22 18:08:58 PDT 2011

scrubdin hello. thuc here, pronounced tuck. founder @scrubdin, site for medical apps
shopping. #MDchat
Tue Mar 22 18:09:04 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient T1 - I do, however, appreciate when my Doc tries to accommodate me in that regard.
No expectations though - at least now. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:09:17 PDT 2011

apjonas T1 #mdchat I empathize and redirect them to a physician they have a professional
relationship with that's the best way medicine is practiced
Tue Mar 22 18:09:22 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 T1 - My med school class just surveyed - >50% said they witnessed inappropriate
behavior of fellow students on social media #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:09:32 PDT 2011

scrubdin T1: telemedicine is the future. if my patients want it, they can have it. must make sure
not too acute that face-face is more approp #MDchat
Tue Mar 22 18:09:53 PDT 2011

s_eller T1 - if patient asking for medical advice, then would direct to comm channel #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:09:58 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient @DrJerath @HospitalPatient Agreed about Common Sense but sadly I've been
disappointed by Docs in that regard. They seem 2 provide #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:10:10 PDT 2011

DrJerath T1 - as for fellow colleague behavior, that's tougher. I expect colleagues to maintain
professionalism/boundaries, but upto them. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:10:29 PDT 2011
Tue Mar 22 18:10:29 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient T1 - a "Service" instead of "Solving Problems" thus the follow-through is not

objective-driven. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:10:55 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator T1 must not discuss individual case, but provide general information. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:11:28 PDT 2011

DrJerath @HospitalPatient But, the patient is the "consumer" so ok for them to help define the
rules & voice expectations to doc. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:12:12 PDT 2011

EinsteinMed T1 @DrJerath @HospitalPatient Is there a case you can think of where you have to
break these rules? #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:12:21 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Boundaries are getting blurred with social media RT @DrJerath: T1 I expect
colleagues to maintain boundaries, but upto them. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:12:24 PDT 2011

s_eller @DrJerath T1 - but so many of the professionalism issues for colleagues behavior
not defined - boundaries differ amongst individuals #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:13:00 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient @DrJerath @HospitalPatient A very logical point but my reality is SO FAR from that -
& THAT will change as #HCSM becomes more #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:13:23 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient Patient-driven. That will empower #HCSM and HELP Docs provide that Consumer
"Service" #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:13:53 PDT 2011

s_eller @DrJonathan Don't see you on #mdchat - it's that time :)

Tue Mar 22 18:13:57 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator A plea for help in the form of a suicide threat should not be ignored however
Tue Mar 22 18:14:37 PDT 2011

apjonas T1 #mdchat I'm most bothered by docs vehemently/hatefully railing on all mbrs of the
D,R or T party instead of acceptable discourse.
Tue Mar 22 18:14:42 PDT 2011

EinsteinMed T1 Interesting article on cnet recently on just this topic. Is it the duty of Drs. to correct
misinfo? #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:14:46 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient @EinsteinMed @DrJerath @HospitalPatient I'd expect more in SM from my Doc

ONLY IF we discussed it previously. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:15:04 PDT 2011

DrJerath @s_eller @DrJerath Yes, lines are crossed in #HCSM, but feel strongly that doc
needs to maintain ethics and professionalism. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:15:25 PDT 2011
Tue Mar 22 18:15:25 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Suicide RT @EinsteinMed: T1 @DrJerath @HospitalPatient Is there a case you can

think of where you have to break these rules? #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:15:31 PDT 2011

DrJerath @EOLnavigator @DrJerath Hope docs don't blur boundaries, but all are different.
Tue Mar 22 18:16:35 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient @EOLnavigator I'd hate 2 B a Doc faced w/ a Virtual Suicide Threat/ 2 many folks
want attention & it's not fair 4 Docs #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:16:40 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient to have to Patrol that added "Space." #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 18:16:51 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 @DrJerath @s_eller If physician works in network that has rules, it may be more
than ethics and professionalism - would mean jobs #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:16:55 PDT 2011

s_eller @EinsteinMed David - great link to article about Quora question #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:17:26 PDT 2011

DrJerath @mdstudent31 @DrJerath @s_eller Good point, but many indicate tweets/thoughts
are their own. But, network may still impose rules. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:17:59 PDT 2011

EinsteinMed @s_eller Thanks. Glad you liked it! #MDChat

Tue Mar 22 18:18:09 PDT 2011

s_eller @mdstudent31 @DrJerath - great point Kevin, my question is: how many
networks/practices have these rules defined so far? #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:18:31 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Bound 2 only increase. RT @HospitalPatient: @EOLnavigator Id hate 2B a Doc

faced w/ a Virtual Suicide Threat #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:18:47 PDT 2011

DrJerath @HospitalPatient @EOLnavigator Difficult and sad scenario for all involved. Not
easy to deal with. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:18:57 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 @s_eller @DrJerath a great question! No idea. Did not help a teacher in a local
school district when blogging #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:19:49 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient T1 - I do think the future is hopeful though because a Patient-2-Patient Virtual

Community will clarify the Role of Docs in SM. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:20:14 PDT 2011

DrJonathan @DrJerath I agree. It's difficult because the official rules for professionalism and
#hcsm for Drs has not yet been established. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:20:17 PDT 2011
myevery28days What online resources (including SM) have you found useful in educating patients
about menstrual matters? #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:20:31 PDT 2011

MedMarketingCOE Doc & #hcmktg pro speaks about #hcsm Plagiarism #health20
#mccsm #socpharm #hcsmanz #ehealth #mhealth #ACHE2011 #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:20:47 PDT 2011

DrJerath @EOLnavigator @EinsteinMed @DrJerath @HospitalPatient No, would not break

rules, proper channels & method for every scenario. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:21:06 PDT 2011

DrJonathan I'm still trying to get my hospital to unblock Twitter on its network. Baby steps.
Tue Mar 22 18:21:32 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient T1 - Since Docs can't really dispense Specific Advice in SM, that limitation needs 2 B
understood by Patients. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:21:35 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 @s_eller @DrJerath It was all over the news - someone close to
me works in that district, guidelines not clear #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:21:39 PDT 2011

DrJerath @DrJonathan @DrJerath AMA has some recommended standards of

professionalism for #hcsm. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:21:52 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Won't really become clear until courts make a position statement! RT @DrJonathan:
@DrJerath #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:22:31 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient T1 - Then Docs can use SM to "supplement" the services they provide, e.g.
Preventative Care Suggestions, New Treatments, etc. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:22:46 PDT 2011

DrJerath @KathyKastner @HospitalPatient Agreed, future is hopeful and docs do need to

participate. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:22:50 PDT 2011

DrJonathan @DrJerath I didn't know that! That's great! I will try to find the link to those #hcsm
standards of professionalism #mdchat.
Tue Mar 22 18:22:50 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 @DrJerath @DrJonathan Even the AMA recommendations leave room for
interpretation by many. Definitely not perfect, but a starting pt #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:23:26 PDT 2011

scrubdin our hospital just got blocked. RT @DrJonathan: Im still trying to get my hospital to
unblock Twitter on its network. Baby steps. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:23:33 PDT 2011

meducate It's a start! RT @DrJerath: @DrJonathan @DrJerath AMA has some recommended
standards of professionalism for #hcsm. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:23:37 PDT 2011
MedMarketingCOE Why Physician Listings are ALWAYS bad idea #health20
#mccsm #socpharm #hcsmanz #ehealth #mhealth #hcsm #mdchat #hcmktg
Tue Mar 22 18:23:51 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient T1 - I am also an atty. so B Careful w/ #HCSM Standards as they R "Suggestive" &

likely not binding. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:24:18 PDT 2011

s_eller @DrJonathan @DrJerath @mdstudent31 - great that AMA has guidelines, but as I
recall, the guidelines were debated amongst this group #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:24:22 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 @scrubdin @DrJonathan Best of luck Re: Twitter! #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 18:24:31 PDT 2011

EinsteinMed T1 Article about new Facebook suicide notification system. Could be help tor Drs. in
these situations. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:24:47 PDT 2011

DrJonathan I'd love to know who wrote these guidelines. It should be us! #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:24:49 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient T1 - No Rules 4 Patients other than the constrictions of their own preference, e.g.,
Privacy, Work concerns, etc. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:25:32 PDT 2011

ryanmadanickmd Good evening, sorry I'm late, prob have to lurk a bit here tonight 2ary to WORK...
Tue Mar 22 18:25:47 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Great link. Thx.RT @EinsteinMed: T1 Article about new Facebook suicide
notification system. Could be help #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:25:52 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 @s_eller @DrJonathan @DrJerath Definitely debated, enough of a consensus to

publish them. Not all med orgs/academies have guidelines #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:25:52 PDT 2011

s_eller @HospitalPatient T1 - exactly - guidelines are suggestive & open to some

interpretation #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:25:55 PDT 2011

KathyKastner +1 (although I'm not an MD) RT @DrJonathan: I'd love to know who wrote these
guidelines. It should be us! #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:26:07 PDT 2011

MedMarketingCOE #Doctor Review sites - Get in Control of UR reputation #health20

#ehealth #mhealth #hcsm #mdchat #hcmktg
Tue Mar 22 18:26:27 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD T1? #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 18:26:31 PDT 2011
DrJerath @DrJonathan Here you go: AMA Policy: Professionalism in the Use of Social Media #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:28:31 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient T1 - Patient "Credibility" is a MAJOR issue 4 Docs & that's Y #HCSM is a GREAT
Promotional Tool but not sure if it gets past that #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:28:54 PDT 2011

DrJerath @EOLnavigator @EinsteinMed Lives have been saved from twitter suicide threats
already. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:29:23 PDT 2011

MedMarketingCOE 3 social media #hcsm rules: Point to Resources, Build YOUR reputation, Respect
Patient Privacy! #health20 #ehealth #hcsm #mdchat #hcmktg
Tue Mar 22 18:29:28 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient T1 - I think Doc SM Guidelines will prove 2 b a slippery slope. #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 18:29:49 PDT 2011

MD_chat Knock, knock! Next topic is coming up in a couple minutes. #MDchat

Tue Mar 22 18:30:03 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 My med school class is currently in intersession, had session on professionalism in

SM - med schools should do this on admissions #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:30:09 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 We were taught The 3 P's of Electronic Communication and Professionalism - It is

Public, Permanent, and can be Powerful #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:30:20 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD @HospitalPatient why do you say that? #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 18:30:43 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD MT @mdstudent31: The 3 Ps of Electronic Communication and Professionalism - It

is Public, Permanent, and can be Powerful #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:31:39 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient @ryanmadanickmd @HospitalPatient BC 2 many Patients will look 4 ways 2 sue & 2
many Docs will want a Cap on their responsibilities #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:31:55 PDT 2011

MD_chat T2 Negative Online Reviews: See Whatʼs your view on

responding? How extreme is suing over bad reviews? #MDchat
Tue Mar 22 18:32:01 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 My med school class: 93% have smartphone, 92% a FB page, 15% follow
posts/tweet, 24% use myspace/linkedin/foursquare/blog #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:32:02 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator No turning back. If not in...can't win! RT @HospitalPatient: T1 - I think Doc SM

Guidelines will prove 2 b a slippery slope. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:32:11 PDT 2011
s_eller @mdstudent31 Kevin - I love 3 p's of electronic communication. Sad but true, nurses
will remember that due to 3 p's of pt rounding #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:32:51 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient @ryanmadanickmd @HospitalPatient I wish that weren't the case but I've had
#Crohns Disease 4 25 yrs & been an atty for 20 yrs #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:33:28 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 @s_eller Our communications/IT doc provided that info. We get good ed. re: SM and
technology - but they make students paranoid #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:34:09 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient T2 - Patients who Post Reviews usually have "Extreme" experiences. U must have
thick skin UNLESS they R PATENT LIES that affect #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:34:28 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD @HospitalPatient y do u think it will become a slippery slope? #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 18:34:42 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient T2 - Your Reputation (that's the Patient and Attorney in me speaking) #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:34:53 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient @ryanmadanickmd @HospitalPatient U seem like a Conscientious, Compassionate

& Well-Intended Doc. That's rare. That's Y. :) #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:36:01 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD @HospitalPatient LOL, thx! #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 18:36:33 PDT 2011

EinsteinMed A staple of all online reviews. RT @HospitalPatient: T2 - Patients who Post Reviews
usually have "Extreme" experiences. ... #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:36:49 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator T2: Have to learn to accept neg feedback in a public forum. There are online
solutions #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:36:53 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 T2: Celebs, athletes, other pros in media - usually extremes. Similar to movie
reviews? I usually like movies w/ bad reviews :) #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:37:05 PDT 2011

DrJerath @MD_Chat Oh, geez! Sounds like doc is being overly sensitive and family lacks
understanding. Lose-Lose for both sides. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:37:34 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD T2: this can be a problem, esp if anonymous. #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 18:38:04 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient @EOLnavigator EXACTLY. It's like cos who advertise on-line. They must expect
wacky comments - otherwise - find another medium #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:38:04 PDT 2011

MD_chat @DrJerath Sounds like it. ;) #MDchat

MD_chat @DrJerath Sounds like it. ;) #MDchat
Tue Mar 22 18:38:09 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD @DrJerath @MD_Chat definitely over sensitive #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 18:38:17 PDT 2011

DrJerath @HospitalPatient @ryanmadanickmd Should not be rare!! #MDChat

Tue Mar 22 18:38:35 PDT 2011

MediBabble #MDchat T2: The permanence of SM is threatening to the delicate physician

reputation. But the best defense is encouraging positive reviews.
Tue Mar 22 18:38:36 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD T2: Maybe AMA and other groups can help, get involved in decreasing "publication"
bias of negative reports?? #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:39:06 PDT 2011

scrubdin T2: gotta take the bad with the good. continue to be professional & respond w/tact
even in the face of negativity #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:39:30 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient @ryanmadanickmd @DrJerath @MD_Chat Try 2 B like an Actor or Filmmaker who

doesn't read "Reviews." Everyone has an opinion and ... #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:39:33 PDT 2011

KathyKastner T2 FWIW, past life was on-camera reporter. Lots of comments. Lots stupid, some
hurtful. Some insight. lots of tears and tequila) #MDchat
Tue Mar 22 18:39:43 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Mistake to be reactive. RT @MediBabble: #MDchat T2: The permanence of SM is

threatening to the delicate physician reputation. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:40:42 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient @MediBabble I disagree. SM levels the playing field & it will make Doc's more
efficient/effective 'cause Patients R now "informed" #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:40:47 PDT 2011

EinsteinMed T2 Good piece on the power of docs encouraging positive reviews from @kevinmd #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:41:07 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator T2 always patient centered approach #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 18:41:12 PDT 2011

DrJerath Feel if doc is compassionate, diligent, uses best judgement & helps educate, inform,
& empower pts, reviews will always be positive. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:41:17 PDT 2011

ryanmadanickmd T2: diff between docs and public figures is that docs (most) didn't/don't enter med to
be in the spotlight... #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:41:17 PDT 2011

s_eller T2 Family criticism may be extreme, but may not feel they have other avenues for pt
s_eller T2 Family criticism may be extreme, but may not feel they have other avenues for pt
advocacy. Suing on part of MD seems extreme too #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:41:32 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD T2: we are not prepared for public comment #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:41:41 PDT 2011

DrDave01 “@scrubdin: hello. thuc here, pronounced tuck. founder @scrubdin, site for medical
apps shopping. #MDchat” Dr Thuc is a force 4 good!
Tue Mar 22 18:41:44 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 T2 - As w/ athletes, etc. - physicians can use bad reviews as motivation to improve
practice? #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:41:48 PDT 2011

MediBabble #MDchat T2: SM comments are only individual votes in a sea of commentary. More
reason for us to be active in SM to generate positive feedbck
Tue Mar 22 18:42:16 PDT 2011

s_eller @DrJerath I like your thoughts - but not sure that even if MD does his/her best that
reviews will always be postitive - human nature #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:42:18 PDT 2011

KathyKastner Good to remember :)RT @EOLnavigator: T2 always patient centered approach #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:42:34 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Don't have PR training either. RT @ryanmadanickmd: T2: diff between docs & public
figures is that docs didnt enter med 2B #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:42:39 PDT 2011

EinsteinMed Been there - in print :) RT @KathyKastner: T2 past life on-camera reporter. Lots of
comments. Lots stupid, some hurtful... #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:42:49 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD T2: we are used to constructive, not destructive feedback (at least in academic med)
Tue Mar 22 18:42:51 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient T2 - Now that Patients can compare experiences w/ other Patients about Docs - it
will "refine" the "transactions" b/n Doc & Patient #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:42:54 PDT 2011

DrJerath @EinsteinMed Good article - thanks for sharing. @kevinmd #MDChat

Tue Mar 22 18:42:57 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD @EOLnavigator very true, and many of us are not good at business either, this is
new venue #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:43:35 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient @ryanmadanickmd Which is ANOTHER reason Docs/SM will be a rough road 2

official navigate. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:43:49 PDT 2011

T2: Has Anyone here used Reputation Defender? Or looked into it? #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:44:20 PDT 2011

EinsteinMed Welcome! RT @DrJerath: @EinsteinMed Good article - thanks for sharing.

@kevinmd #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:44:22 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient @ryanmadanickmd @EOLnavigator Oh, but U will learn. :) #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 18:44:34 PDT 2011

DrJerath @ryanmadanickmd What is it? #MDChat

Tue Mar 22 18:45:00 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD @HospitalPatient @EOLnavigator how true #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 18:45:13 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient @DrJerath @MediBabble Docs should be CAREFUL in SM. Ur GOOD intentions

can backfire w/ just 1 wacky anonymous "reviewer." Slippery. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:45:55 PDT 2011

apjonas T2 Hospitalists initially got neg FB d/t bailout of primary care docs from hosp. They
got better w/time & practice w/customer sat #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:46:02 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD @DrJerath I hear about it on radio on my way to work, apparently helps protect and
monitor your image online #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:46:31 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 @Flavio_Metz @EinsteinMed @ryanmadanickmd Depending on rotation,

attending/resident, we get both destructive and constructive fdbck #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:46:35 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 18:46:43 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator One of the online tools available is 2 bury neg in a sea of pos.RT @DrJerath: RT
@MediBabble SM individual votes in a sea #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:47:06 PDT 2011

apjonas @RyanMadanickMD I recall at OSU 20% of students ranted a bit in faculty eval.
South must be cooler #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:47:19 PDT 2011

DrJerath @HospitalPatient @DrJerath @MediBabble Possibly, but can't be afraid & if I do my

best, I'm helping someone which is more important. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:47:22 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD @mdstudent31 @Flavio_Metz @EinsteinMed this is V true; most acad med docs
have no training in giving appropriate feedback #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:47:30 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient It is nice 2 see young Docs interested in being so available 2 Patients in SM.
Tue Mar 22 18:47:39 PDT 2011
s_eller @mdstudent31 @Flavio_Metz @EinsteinMed @ryanmadanickmd I have to agree,
have seen some very destructive feedback in academic med #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:47:49 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 @ryanmadanickmd @Flavio_Metz @EinsteinMed Though getting this feedback

earlier in career could make us numb to it later on #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:48:12 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD T2: OK, novel idea Best defense against negative reviews is to BE VERY GOOD at
interpersonal skills/communication and Patient care!! #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:48:39 PDT 2011

s_eller @ryanmadanickmd That is where I come in - teaching clinical instructors how to

debrief/give good feedback #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:48:42 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient T2 - 1 of the probs 4 Docs is that they R "Accountable" on a variety of levels &
participating in SM adds even more - possibly. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:49:14 PDT 2011

KathyKastner 4a pt: horrifying! RT @s_eller: @mdstudent31 @Flavio_Metz @EinsteinMed

@ryanmadanickmd some very destructive feedback in acadmic med #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:49:38 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD @s_eller @mdstudent31 @Flavio_Metz @EinsteinMed I remember hearing "hold

this retractor, Stud" in the OR...Very degrading #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:49:55 PDT 2011

DrJerath @HospitalPatient I think we should be accountable as a professional standard.

Tue Mar 22 18:50:27 PDT 2011

MediBabble @HospitalPatient @EOLnavigator Agreed. Not suggesting reactivity, just engaging

pts positively via SM to build overall + reputation. #MDchat
Tue Mar 22 18:50:54 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 @ryanmadanickmd @s_eller @Flavio_Metz @EinsteinMed Yep, has happened to

me. Also in front of pts in exam room - not intro'd by name #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:50:56 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD T2: Does anyone encourage their patients to post positive reviews (a la EBay)?
Tue Mar 22 18:51:03 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient @DrJerath @HospitalPatient Yes - but some patients will be unrealistic in what they
expect. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:51:18 PDT 2011

s_eller My favorite reference for debriefing/feedback . Comes from simulation perspective,

but also for feedback #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:51:48 PDT 2011

DrJerath @ryanmadanickmd @s_eller @mdstudent31 @Flavio_Metz @EinsteinMed LOL - I

always got "sweetie"-told MD his wife would not approve! :-) #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:51:49 PDT 2011
RyanMadanickMD @mdstudent31 @s_eller @Flavio_Metz @EinsteinMed Professionalism and
feedback trickles down from higher ups... #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:51:59 PDT 2011

DrJerath Good point! RT @HospitalPatient: @DrJerath @HospitalPatient Yes - but some

patients will be unrealistic in what they expect. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:52:26 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 @ryanmadanickmd @s_eller @Flavio_Metz @EinsteinMed See one, do one, teach

one - also applies to professionalism #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:52:32 PDT 2011

KathyKastner Am I the only one whose heard a bad review about an md I'd give a great review to?
My sister doesn't like my GP. I adore my GP.#MDchat
Tue Mar 22 18:52:32 PDT 2011

HospitalPatient Gotta edit my Podcast. Thx 4 a cool conversation. I have HOPE 4 Docs of the Future
:) Speak next week. Good Health 2 all. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:53:44 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 @KathyKastner Maybe they should provide M-B personality types in reviews - that
may be more helpful than user reviews #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:53:46 PDT 2011

KathyKastner @DrJerath @HospitalPatient Examples pls of unrealist patients? #MDChat

Tue Mar 22 18:54:06 PDT 2011

s_eller @HospitalPatient Have a good evening - happy editing #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 18:54:25 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD @s_eller I use #Pendleton rules #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 18:54:35 PDT 2011

DrJerath @KathyKastner Sometimes it is about doctor-patient compatibility. Everyone has

different personality and style. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:54:35 PDT 2011

KathyKastner Nicely put.RT @DrJerath: @KathyKastner Sometimes it is about doc-patiet

compatibility. Everyone has different personality and style. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:55:20 PDT 2011

DrJerath @KathyKastner @DrJerath @HospitalPatient Expecting phone calls returned w/in

minutes despite knowing you are tied up with emergnecy. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:55:30 PDT 2011

MedSavingsDoc I wish I had been available to participate in #mdchat tonight. Maybe next week.
Tue Mar 22 18:55:50 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD @s_eller #Pendleton rules: 1. what they think went well; 2. what u think went well...
Tue Mar 22 18:56:19 PDT 2011
DrJerath LOL RT @mdstudent31: @KathyKastner Maybe should provide M-B personality
types in reviews - that may b more helpful than user reviews #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:56:24 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Doc4Doc Rep Savers! #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 18:56:40 PDT 2011

a_singledrop @mdstudent31 @s_eller agreed that faculty lectures on SM professionalism are

often paranoia inspiring and feel out of touch. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 18:56:43 PDT 2011

KathyKastner Ah. Got it. RT @DrJerath: @KathyKastner @HospitalPatient Expectingcalls returned

w/in minutes despite knowing you r tied up w emerg. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:57:24 PDT 2011

healthpolicygrp Professionalism & intelligent, thoughtful feedback and action emerge from *Within*.
Leadership. Integrity. Compassion. Character. #MDChat
Tue Mar 22 18:58:53 PDT 2011

apjonas #mdchat Hire a reputation mgr/trainer if U wish but keep pt care first no matter what
your ratings. Avoid phonies who try 2 please everyone.
Tue Mar 22 19:00:12 PDT 2011

KathyKastner M-B? @mdstudent31: @KathyKastner Maybe they should provide M-B personality
types in reviews - #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 19:00:14 PDT 2011

PhilBaumann I"m always amazed at the way #MDchat looks like a flock of birds - so cool, so
supple. Totally awesome to moderate! Cheers!
Tue Mar 22 19:00:30 PDT 2011

DrJerath Thanks for great chat, everyone! #MDChat

Tue Mar 22 19:00:42 PDT 2011

s_eller Good night all - but feel honor bound to say: see one, simulate many, teach to
mastery is closer to my heart. #mdchat
Tue Mar 22 19:00:55 PDT 2011

mdstudent31 @KathyKastner Myers Briggs #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 19:01:03 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Great discussion. Thanks. #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 19:01:19 PDT 2011

EinsteinMed Thanks everyone. Have a great night! #MDChat

Tue Mar 22 19:01:33 PDT 2011

RyanMadanickMD @philbaumann thx Philly boy!! #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 19:01:43 PDT 2011

KathyKastner AH! OK. TY and ..LOLRT @mdstudent31: @KathyKastner Myers Briggs #mdchat
KathyKastner Tue Mar 22 19:01:44 PDT 2011

KathyKastner #MdChat So gr8. Night all.

Tue Mar 22 19:02:25 PDT 2011

PhilBaumann @RyanMadanickMD My pleasure as always :) #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 19:02:57 PDT 2011

DrO_Idachaba great discussion. Thanks #MDChat

Tue Mar 22 19:03:00 PDT 2011

s_eller Thanks for moderating @PhilBaumann #mdchat

Tue Mar 22 19:03:02 PDT 2011

pyramidmedicine I just saw #mdchat. I am a FNP certified in FP owner of business. I do hormone

replacement & weight loss. Com… (cont)
Tue Mar 22 19:04:15 PDT 2011

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