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International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 189 (2021) 104281

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Quantitative risk-based inspection approach for high-energy piping using a

probability distribution function and modification factor
Jung Soo Song a, Vanno Lok a, Kee Bong Yoon a, *, Young Wha Ma b, Byeong Ook Kong b
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chung-Ang University, 84, Heukseok-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, 06974, South Korea
R&D Institute, Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co., 22, Doosan Volvo-ro, Seongsan-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, 51711, South Korea


Keywords: Risk-based inspection (RBI) offers the most cost-effective operation and maintenance strategy for minimizing
Risk-based inspection overall risks and making financial and safety improvements within a power plant. Risk assessment may also
Weibull distribution benefit decision-making with regards to plant design and equipment manufacturing processes. The purpose of
Mean time to failure
this study is to propose a quantitative RBI methodology that can be applied to a high-energy piping system
Modification factor
Risk target
operating at elevated temperatures and high pressures in power plants. Three major steps involved are: (i) using
High-energy piping generic mean time to failure (MTTF), specified as the expected lifetime of the equipment obtained from a
theoretical equation; (ii) adding a modification factor that identifies the specific conditions that can influence the
failure rate; and (iii) incorporating individual inspection locations as a factor in risk evaluation.
Probability-of-failure (POF) assessment was conducted using a Weibull distribution with MTTF and the
modification factor. In addition, consequence-of-failure (COF) assessment was conducted based on financial
consequences in terms of downtime costs per day and the length of downtime due to failure. The main steam
piping system in a thermal power plant was selected as the case study unit. The actual inspection locations where
damage to components could frequently occur were defined as risk evaluation targets for the RBI. The generic
MTTF for the main steam piping system was evaluated using the Larson-Miller parameter (LMP) equation for
creep rupture time. Piping system stress analysis was conducted to obtain the stress applied to the LMP. An
equation for the modification factor applied to the main steam piping system was also proposed based on five

1. Introduction Inspection - Document of Guidelines,” which explains how RBI can

optimize the inspection and replacement strategies for equipment in
Risk-based inspection (RBI) in industrial plants requires an engi­ fossil-fuel-fired power plants [3,4]. The American Petroleum Institute
neering strategy for risk assessment and optimal inspection processes (API) has also published a number of standards, such as “Recommended
that focus on the potential loss of integrity of pressurized equipment Practice (RP) 580 (Risk-Based Inspection)” and “Recommended Practice
such as pressure vessels, heat exchangers, and piping due to various (RP) 581 (Risk-Based Inspection Technology),” which have been appli­
forms of damage, thus improving safety and equipment integrity [1]. cable to refineries, petrochemical plants, chemical process facilities, and
RBI addresses risks that can be controlled through appropriate inspec­ gas production facilities since 2000 [5,6]. For application engineers, the
tion and maintenance routines and has been accepted as an effective recommended practices of API serve as major practical standards in
method for inspection programs that increases plant availability and risk-based inspection. In Europe, the Risk Based Inspection Framework,
reduces unplanned shutdowns. In order to implement RBI successfully, a standardization project for the development of a methodology that can
inspection strategies (i.e., what, how, when, and where to inspect) that be applied to various industries and to different types of equipment, such
most efficiently match forecasted or observed damage mechanisms need as static, rotating, safety, and electrical/instrument equipment, was
to be designed [2]. launched in response to the API’s RBI. As a result, the European Com­
Since 1991, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) mittee for Standardization (CEN) Workshop Agreement (CWA) 15,740,
has published a variety of technical documents, including “Risk-Based Risk-Based Inspection and Maintenance Procedures for European

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (K.B. Yoon).
Received 17 April 2020; Received in revised form 3 December 2020; Accepted 8 December 2020
Available online 16 December 2020
0308-0161/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.S. Song et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 189 (2021) 104281

Industry (RIMAP), was published in 2008 [7] and EN 16691, Risk-Based approach is not easy to employ in reality because past data on equip­
Inspection Framework, was published in 2018 [8]. ment failure is usually insufficient and its systematic relation is quite
Over the past two decades, various approaches to risk-based in­ uncertain, which can lead to unrealistic risk assessment results.
spection and qualitative and quantitative management methods have A number of previous RBI studies have focused on high-energy
been reported [2,9–23]. An increasing number of case studies have piping in fossil-fuel-fired power plants. The main steam and hot reheat
applied the API’s RBI method, either directly or in a slightly modified piping systems have been recognized as the components of high-energy
form, and there have been also many studies based on probabilistic risk piping systems most likely to be subject to significant forced downtime.
assessment using system analysis tools for specific systems. A brief re­ Cohn (2007) and Cohn et al. (2008) proposed an RBI methodology based
view of some of the frequently cited approaches for power plants is on a life management strategy for welds in the main steam and hot
presented here, though case studies that directly employed API’s RBI in reheat piping systems based on a 16-year historical database of incidents
a straight-forward manner are not included. from the Generating Availability Data System (GADS) of the North
Fujiyama et al. (2004) studied RBI and maintenance processes for American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) [19,20]. Statistical
steam turbine components using life cycle event trees coupled with evaluation such as survival analysis and Monte Carlo simulation was
component breakdown trees. A default unreliability function was performed to determine the failure frequencies and failure consequences
assigned to every event using the statistical analysis of field failure data, of the reported incidents, including weld failures. A fractional factorial
which was modified by inspection information and probabilistic life design was used to evaluate the governing parameters of the outage
assessment. The risk was calculated as the product of the unreliability costs. Plant personnel response, number of injuries, and the interaction
functions and expected monetary loss for every event in the event tree. between the plant personnel response and weldment stress were
The optimal maintenance plan was selected based on the risks and considered in the RBI analysis.
preventive costs calculated over the entire life cycle [13]. In addition, The purpose of the present study was to propose a quantitative RBI
Fujiyama (2011) described a two-step approach to risk-based mainte­ methodology that can be applied to high-energy piping operating at
nance with application examples for steam turbine components. The elevated temperatures and high pressures in a power plant. This
first step was risk prioritization based on a risk matrix, and the second approach was built upon the recommended procedures outlined in the
step was quantitative risk assessment and decision-making for the API’s RBI but with simplification where appropriate. Probability-of-
optimal conditions for operation and maintenance intervals. A Bayesian failure (POF) assessment was conducted using a Weibull distribution
network approach was applied to produce scenarios for failure events model with mean time to failure (MTTF) and a modification factor. In
based on numerical probability values, and a probabilistic material se­ addition, consequence-of-failure (COF) assessment was based on finan­
lection and design diagram was presented to assess the creep-fatigue cial consequences that considered the downtime costs per day and the
damage for high-temperature turbine components [14]. length of downtime due to failure, which is a general practice in RBI for
Krishnasamy et al. (2005) classified Unit 3 of Holyrood Thermal power plants [10]. The quantitative risk was expressed as the combi­
Generating Station into major subsystems based on their operational nation of the POF and COF, and a newly proposed risk matrix was
characteristics and estimated the parameters of Weibull and exponential designed based on these approaches. The inspection time for the
distributions based on failure data obtained from the power plant’s re­ equipment was determined to be the time required for the equipment to
cords. Fault tree analysis was used to determine the failure probability reach the maximum acceptable POF as determined by a pre-determined
for 13 basic events and the top event (the failure to generate and supply risk target and uncertainties.
power). Subsequent analysis involved the estimation of the maintenance The main steam piping system in a thermal power plant was selected
and production loss costs. A risk index was used to compare the esti­ as the case study unit for the present research. High-energy piping sys­
mated risk for each individual subsystem against acceptable risk criteria, tems for power plants generally include main steam piping and hot
creating three categories: high risk, medium risk, and low risk [15]. reheat piping, which operate at elevated temperature and high pressure.
Hameed and Khan (2014) proposed an estimation framework for the As a result, these systems are exposed to conditions under which a
risk-based shutdown interval for a gas chilling/liquefaction unit at an number of damage mechanisms might be active, causing thinning, the
LNG processing plant. A Weibull distribution model for the critical degradation of material properties, and/or cracking of welds [24]. These
equipment and a block diagram representing the relationships among systems can also be subject to higher stress at certain locations due to
the equipments were used to estimate the probability of system failure. thermal expansion and the conditions of the support/hanger. Therefore,
The consequences of failure included asset, human health, and pro­ the stress applied at these locations can be used as a major factor in risk
duction losses, as well as shutdown inspection and maintenance costs. assessment.
The estimated shutdown interval for maintenance and inspection was
based on assumed acceptable risk criteria [16]. 2. RBI for high-energy piping
Bertolini et al. (2009) proposed an RBI and maintenance process for
an oil refinery that integrated classic reliability-centered maintenance 2.1. Proposal for an RBI framework
(RCM) analysis with models of risk analysis. This process comprised
several modules: identification of the scope, functional analysis, risk 2.1.1. Failure, risk, and inspection effectiveness in RBI
assessment, risk evaluation, operation selection and planning, and Failure in RBI is defined as a loss of containment from the pressure
computation of the J-factor. The J-factor indicates the reduction in risk boundary resulting in leakage to the atmosphere or the development of a
in relation to the costs invested in alternative strategies such as pre­ hole, crack, or rupture of the equipment. Risk is defined as the product of
ventive and mitigating actions [17]. Carazas and Souza (2010) POF and COF, which can be expressed qualitatively or quantitatively
described a risk-based decision-making method for the selection of a [5]. Risk increases as damage to the equipment accumulates during
maintenance policy for a lubrication oil system used in gas turbine in-service operation. Therefore, the risk target or the acceptable risk for
journal bearings based on RCM concepts in which equipment failure a system should be predetermined. An inspection method that is fairly
states were referred to as functional failures. A cause-consequence dia­ effective in quantifying the damage to the equipment can be recom­
gram approach focusing on the occurrence of an initiating event was mended initially, with more effective approaches recommended as the
proposed to evaluate various failure scenarios [18]. risk of equipment failure increases. Although the inspection activity it­
The studies mentioned above typically calculated the probability of self does not reduce the inherent risk, it provides reliable information
failure for the entire system using probability distributions, such as about the damage to the equipment and thus reduces uncertainty
Weibull and exponential distributions, for the equipment within that regarding damage mechanisms, damage rate, and the susceptibility of
system, and systematic relation of the equipment. However, this the equipment to damage.

J.S. Song et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 189 (2021) 104281

Table 1
Numerical values associated with POF and financial-based COF categories.

POF category POF range (0–1) COF category COF range ($)
Lower limit (<) Upper limit (≤) Lower limit (<) Upper limit (≤)
1 0 0.006 A 0 10,000
2 0.006 0.045 B 10,000 100,000
3 0.045 0.143 C 100,000 1,000,000
4 0.143 0.306 D 1,000,000 10,000,000
5 0.306 1 E 10,000,000 ∞

The calculation of risk involves the determination of the POF (Pf (t)) calculated using the gamma function, as shown in Eq. (5):
combined with COF (Cf ). In general, Riskf (t) is determined using Eq. (1) / ( )
as a function of time: η = MTTFgeneric Γ 1 + , (5)
Riskf (t) = Pf (t) × Cf , (1)
where MTTFgeneric is the lifetime determined by the deterministic or
where POF is a function of time because damage to the equipment ac­ theoretical life equation for each type of equipment, and Γ(n) is the
cumulates over time. However, COF can be assumed to remain un­ gamma function of n. The η parameter is equivalent to the MTTF when
changed over time. the β parameter is equal to 1. The η parameter for the Weibull distri­
Risk is also a function of information regarding the state of damage to bution can determined using Eq. (5), which represents the relationship
the equipment obtained from past inspections. When the effectiveness of between MTTF and Weibull parameters. Then, if only the MTTF of the
the inspection method (IE ), which is related to uncertainty, is applied to equipment is known, the POF(t) as the CDF having a Weibull distribu­
Eq. (1), the equation can be rewritten as Eq. (2) [6]: tion, can be determined as shown in Eq. (3). Changes in POF related to
operation period in years can also be estimated.
Riskf (t, IE ) = Pf (t, IE ) × Cf . (2)
The actual life of equipment can differ significantly from the life
obtained from a deterministic or theoretical equation depending on a
2.1.2. Estimation of POF number of factors, including the equipment type, operating conditions,
and installation conditions. Therefore, MTTFgeneric needs to be modified POF using the weibull distribution. Due to its versatility, the using a modification factor, as suggested in Eq. (6):
Weibull distribution is one of the most widely used probability distri­
butions for the prediction of time-related POF for equipment in reli­ MTTFmodi = MTTFgeneric × Fmodi , (6)
ability engineering and in life data analysis [15]. With an appropriate
choice of parameters in the Weibull distribution, a variety of failure rate where Fmodi is the modification factor, which identifies the specific
behaviors can be modeled, such as all three failure stages of the bathtub conditions that can have a major influence on the POF of the equipment.
curve: the decreasing failure rate (i.e., early failure), the constant failure These conditions can be categorized into subfactors to reflect the various
rate (i.e., random failure), and the increasing failure rate (i.e., wear-out characteristics of a system associated with damage that can lead to the
failure) [18]. failure of the equipment [1,6,21,22].
The POF as the cumulative distribution function (CDF) for the 2-
parameter Weibull distribution can be expressed as shown in Eq. (3): 2.1.3. Estimation of COF
There are many costs incurred due to the failure of equipment in a
[ ( t )β ]
Pf (t) = 1 − exp − , (3) power plant, including but not limited to Ref. [5]:
• Direct equipment repair and replacement costs
where t is the time in years, β is the shape parameter, which can have a • The cost of damage to other equipment in the affected area
marked effect on the shape of the Weibull probability density function • Interruption to business as a result of the downtime required to
(PDF), and η is the scale parameter, which determines the range of the repair or replace damaged equipment
Weibull PDF [25,26]. The β parameter is also known as the Weibull • Costs related to the injuries and deaths caused by a failure
slope because its value is equal to the slope of the regressed line in a • Environmental clean-up costs
probability plot [25], and the η parameter, regardless of the value of the • Increases in future insurance costs following failure
β parameter, is also known as the characteristic life in years, which is • Loss of brand value due to an accident or the loss of reputation
defined as the time at which about 63.2% of the equipment has failed • Costs associated with regulatory action that limits production.
The time to reach a specified POF can be determined by rearranging Because the indirect costs of a failure are not easy to estimate, only
Eq. (3) as shown in Eq. (4): the direct costs are considered in this study. COF is determined based on
( [ ])1 the financial consequences, which include the business interruption
t = η⋅ − ln 1 − Pf (t) β . (4)
costs associated with lost opportunities due to production downtime,
environmental clean-up costs, and total maintenance costs associated POF using MTTF. The η parameter can be adjusted to increase with the repair and replacement of the equipment. The estimated
or decrease the POF based on the mechanical integrity of the plant downtime is the time required to return to normal operation. The
equipment, which is associated with equipment type, inspection results, consequence of an unplanned shutdown for a plant due to equipment
and management systems. This can be considered an adjustment to the failure is determined using Eq. (7):
MTTF of the equipment [6].
When deterministic or theoretical life equations exist for a specific Cf = Costbusiness + Costmaint + Costenv , (7)
type of equipment, the MTTF can be specified as the average lifetime of
where Costbu sin ess is the business interruption costs ($), calculated using
the equipment in years. If the β parameter is known beforehand or is
the cost of downtime per day ($/day) and the length of downtime in
constant (the default is 3 in the present study), the η parameter can be

J.S. Song et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 189 (2021) 104281

stakeholders. A two-dimensional risk plot graphically depicts POF and

COF to allow a better understanding of the relative risk for the assessed
equipment, while a risk matrix is a very effective tool for communicating
the distribution of risks without requiring numerical values.
In the present study, the POF and COF for each piece of equipment
are characterized using the categories specified in Table 1. The POF
categories were established using a probability value corresponding to
regular intervals based on the MTTF for the equipment, and the COF
categories followed the log scale method used by the API’s RBI and CEN
CWA 15740. However, it may need to be the stakeholders’ responsibility
to establish the POF, COF, and risk categories that best suit their own
RBI approach.
The risk matrix contained four categories: High Risk, Medium-High
Risk, Medium Risk, and Low Risk. The risk for each piece of equip­
ment can be placed in a box within the risk matrix shown in Fig. 1. Risk
categories are assigned to the boxes based on iso-risk lines, which are
dependent on the level of risk assigned as a threshold between risk
categories. Equipment near an iso-risk line represents a constant risk
level, while the contribution to risk of POF and COF may vary widely.

2.1.5. Inspection planning based on risk analysis

Fig. 1. Risk matrix used in the study. Use of a risk target for inspection planning. A risk target is the
defined level of acceptable risk according to corporate management
policy for continued operation without inspection activity. Therefore,
Table 2 risk targets can differ widely depending on internal corporate guidelines
Categories for inspection effectiveness and uncertainty [6].
and overall risk tolerance. These corporate guidelines should be incor­
Inspection Inspection Additional Remarks porated into an RBI program because acceptable risk levels and decision-
category effectiveness uncertainty of
making rules relating to corporate risk management will differ among
A Highly Effective 0.05 (or 5%) Based on Eq. (1) or (2), the maximum acceptable POF (Pf,max ) for
B Usually Effective 0.10 (or 10%)
C Fairly Effective 0.20 (or 20%)
equipment can be determined as a function of the COF and the risk target
D Poorly Effective 0.30 (or 30%) (Risktarget ), as shown in Eq. (8):
E Ineffective 0.50 (or 50%) This also applies to
no inspection. Risktarget
Pf ,max = . (8)

The time of next inspection can be determined from Eq. (4) using the
maximum acceptable POF obtained from Eq. (8). The next inspection
date is the date at which the risk target specified by the company is
expected to be reached. Therefore, on or before that date, an inspection
should be conducted. Reduction in uncertainty due to inspection effectiveness. Although

inspection activity itself cannot reduce absolute risk, it may reduce the
uncertainty of risk evaluation, which is an inherent problem when
assessing the conditions to establish the potential for damage to equip­
ment. Therefore, the evaluated risk for equipment that has not under­
gone inspection would be considered higher than that for equipment for
which an inspection has been conducted.
Reducing uncertainty when evaluating the possible rate of damage to
equipment depends on the effectiveness of the inspection method. An
effective inspection method should be applied to identify the type of
damage expected for the equipment and to quantify the extent of that
Fig. 2. Flowchart of an inspection plan using a risk target and two forms of damage. Inspection methods such as visual testing, ultrasonic testing,
uncertainty, generic uncertainty (GU) and additional uncertainty (AU). penetrating testing, magnetic-particle testing, radiographic testing, and
field replication have different levels of effectiveness in terms of
days, Costmaint is the total maintenance costs, including repair and locating, sizing, and characterizing the damage, which in turn greatly
replacement costs ($), and Costenv is the environmental clean-up costs affects estimates of damage rates.
($). Categories for inspection effectiveness are shown in Table 2. These
act as guidelines when assigning levels of uncertainty to particular in­
2.1.4. Risk assessment spection methods. The inspection methods employed for any equipment
Because POF is dimensionless and COF is based on financial conse­ in a power plant can be reasonably categorized using Table 2 by an RBI
quences, risk may be described in terms of financial value in Eq. (1) or team and stakeholders. The more advanced the inspection techniques
(2). The distribution of risk for different pieces of equipment can be that are used, the lower the uncertainty will be. If a particular item of
plotted on a risk plot or a risk matrix, which can be more informative for equipment is identified as being high risk prior to an overhaul/

J.S. Song et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 189 (2021) 104281

Fig. 3. Flowchart for the calculation of the estimated remaining life (ERL) for equipment in a creep regime.

turnaround or the equipment reaches the end of its life, it will require a to calculate the predicted failure date based on the inspection results,
more effective inspection method than what has been used in the past. the failure date can be used to modify the base POF curve.
In the study, the recommended inspection time, tinsp , for equipment is
determined using Eq. (9): • Predicted life based on measured thickness data
( [ ])1
tinsp = η⋅ − ln 1 − Pf ,max β ⋅GU⋅(1 − AU), (9) The thinning rate of the equipment can be determined using Eq. (11),
which is based on the thickness of the original wall and that measured
where generic uncertainty (GU) is applied at 0.9 (or 90%) for a con­ during the last inspection:
servative approach, and additional uncertainty (AU) is the additional
torig − tmeasured
uncertainty of the inspection method as specified in Table 2. trate = , (11)
In summary, the two uncertainties mentioned above are used to
adjust the inspection time. If the equipment has no record of inspection,
where trate is the thinning rate of the equipment (mm/year), torig is the
the 50% AU from Table 2 is applied to predict the POF for that equip­
original wall thickness of the equipment (mm), tmeasured is the measured
ment. The recommended inspection time can be also obtained from the
wall thickness (mm), and tservice is the time in service before inspection
curve for the 90% lower bound confidence and AU in a Weibull plot of
statistical analysis. Fig. 2 presents a basic flowchart for an inspection
Assuming that the minimum required wall thickness is the failure
plan using a risk target and the two forms of uncertainty (see Fig. 3).
point, the predicted life adjusted according to the inspection results,
The POF of equipment, Pf (t,IE ), as a function of time and uncertainty
PLadj , can be calculated using Eq. (12):
can be expressed using Eq. (10). The risk for the equipment, Riskf (t, IE ),
can be obtained using Eq. (2): PLadj =
torig − tmin
, (12)
( ) [ ( )β ]
t 1
Pf t, IE = 1 − exp − × . (10) where tmin is the minimum required wall thickness without allowance for
η GU⋅(1 − AU)
corrosion for each piece of equipment based on the original construction Adjustment of the POF curve based on current conditions. The code or API 579–1/ASME FFS-1.
results obtained from an inspection can be used to assess the actual
condition of the equipment in terms of damage, and adjustments to the • Predicted life based on estimated remaining life
POF curves can be made as necessary because the inspection reduces
uncertainty. Data from other equipment employed in similar systems For equipment operating in a creep regime, life fraction rules can be
can be used to determine whether the equipment is in worse condition used to obtain the predicted life adjusted according to the inspection
than what was predicted. On the other hand, if the equipment is found to results [27]. The total operation period of the equipment is divided into
be in better condition than expected, this would indicate that the base several short periods of operating time in which the operating conditions
POF curve is too conservative. Regardless of the inspection method used such as pressure and temperature are constant. As such, the thinning rate

J.S. Song et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 189 (2021) 104281

Fig. 4. Overall flowchart for the proposed risk analysis process.

equipment after the last inspection is then simply determined by sub­

Table 3
tracting the service period of the equipment from the summation of all
Taxonomic hierarchy of the case study unit according to ISO 14224.
calculation periods. Fig. 6 displays a flowchart of the calculation process
Taxonomic Taxonomic Taxonomic information Number of for the ERL of equipment in a creep regime. The predicted life adjusted
level hierarchy items
according to the inspection results, PLadj , can be calculated using the ERL
1 – – of the equipment after the last inspection time, as shown in Eq. (13):
2 – –
3 – – PLadj = tservice + ERL. (13)
4 Unit *** Unit 1 1
5 System Main Steam Piping System 1 The predicted life adjusted according to the inspection results, PLadj ,
6 Line 1161-L-501A-XXH-650 6 can be also calculated using the ERL, as shown in Eq. (14), even if the
1161-L-502A-XXH-650, etc. cause of damage is something other than general or uniform corrosion.
Once the predicted life based on the last inspection has been deter­
– – –
8 Spool 1161-P-501A-001 41
1161-P-501A-002, etc. mined using either Eq. (12) or (13), Eq. (14) can be calculated:
9 Component PIPE No. 1, RED. TEE, etc. 50
10 (added) Inspection No. 1 Weld (inlet), No. 2 Extrados, 84
MTTFinsp = PLadj , (14)
location No. 21 Body, No. 22 Saddle
(inlet), No. 23 Saddle (outlet), No. where MTTFinsp is the MTTF adjusted according to the inspection results.
41 Weld (outlet), etc. MTTF should be modified using the modification factor calculated in Eq.
(6). The η parameter for the POF curve based on the inspection results
can be calculated using Eq. (5). Fig. 4 presents the overall flowchart for
is also assumed to be constant during these periods. For each of these
the proposed risk analysis process.
periods, the consumed creep life fraction is estimated; the summation of
these produces the accumulative creep life [28]. At each calculation
step, whether the cumulative creep life has become equal to or greater
than 1 should be checked. The estimated remaining life (ERL) of the

J.S. Song et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 189 (2021) 104281

Table 4 Each Level 9 component can be divided into a weld and a base; the
Inspection location for the main steam piping system. names of the inspection locations for the welds and bases are given in
Component type Inspection location type Table 4. The exact location was defined in reference to the streamline of
the fluid flowing within the pipe. For example, for a bent pipe, the in­
Weld Base
spection locations were defined at the weld joint through which the
Straight pipe Weld Weld – – – steam was entering and at the extrados of the bend.
(inlet) (outlet)
(30 (6
locations) locations) 2.2.2. MTTF and the modification factor for main steam piping
Bent pipe Weld – Extrados – – The generic life of a component operating at high temperatures and
(inlet) (16 high pressures, such as main steam piping, can be calculated using a
(16 locations) deterministic/theoretical equation for creep rupture time. The Larson-
Miller parameter (LMP) describes the equivalence of time spent at a
Elbow (45, 90) Weld – Extrados – –
(inlet) (0 particular temperature for a given material in the thermally activated
(0 locations) creep damage process that can lead to stress ruptures [30]. The LMP is
locations) determined from the applied stress level using the LMP curve for the
Tee Weld – Body (4 Saddle Saddle material. The generic MTTF of main steam piping can be considered the
(inlet) locations) (inlet) (outlet)
creep rupture time of the base metal, which has the relationship with the
(4 (4 (4
locations) locations locations) LMP and temperature shown in Eq. (15):
LMP = (T + 273)(log Le + C), (15)
Reducer Weld Weld – – –
(inlet) (outlet) where T is the operating temperature (◦ C), C is a material-specific
(0 (0
locations) locations)
constant (about 20), and Le is the creep rupture time (hours). Le can
be changed to years and used as the generic MTTF.
The modification factor Fmodi in Eq. (6) should be designed so that the
MTTF is as close as possible to the actual operating life at the inspection
Table 5
locations of the components in the main steam piping system. For the
Subfactors applied to the inspection location of welds only.
present study, Eq. (16) was used to calculate Fmodi for the main steam
Weld correction (SFwc ) Weld process (SFwp ) Dissimilar welds (SFdw ) piping system:
Option Value Option Value Option Value ( )
Fmodi = SFwc ⋅ SFwp ⋅ SFdw × SFhe × SFshc . (16)
Base 1 Shop welding 1 No 1
Weld 0.60–0.90 Field welding 0.90 Yes 0.90 The five subfactors in Eq. (16) are defined as follows:

• Weld correction (SFwc ): takes into account differences between the

Table 6 base and weld metal locations (i.e., material properties) [31,32].
Subfactors applied to all inspection locations. • Welding process (SFwp ): takes into account empirical and managerial
History effect (SFhe ) Support/hanger condition (SFshc ) differences between shop welding and field welding since some field
welds could cause low qualities which cannot be accepted by the
Option Value Option Value
None 1 Good 1
Moderate 0.75 Serviceable 0.90 • Dissimilar welds (SFdw ): determined based on differences in creep
Severe 0.50 Poor 0.70 behavior for the two types of steel, and differences in thermal
– – Unknown 0.60 expansion coefficients between the materials, leading to thermal
stress at the welds and local metallurgical changes near the weld
metal interface due to prolonged service at elevated temperatures
2.2. Application of RBI to a main steam piping system
• History effect (SFhe ): determined based on the frequency of past
2.2.1. Taxonomic hierarchy for a main steam piping system
failures occurring at similar inspection locations [6].
A 1000-MW power plant was selected as the case study unit for this
• Support/hanger condition (SFshc ): determined based on the actual
study. This power plant represents the first 1000-MW Ultra Supercritical
conditions at the on-site installation that differ from the design
facility in Korea. It uses bituminous coal as fuel and commenced com­
conditions for the support and hanger, such as missing/damaged
mercial operation in June 2017. The RBI strategy proposed in this study
supports and inappropriate support conditions [6].
was applied to the main steam piping system of the unit.
In ISO 14224, a taxonomy is defined as the systematic classification
Each subfactor is composed of several options, the choice of which
of items into generic groups based on factors common to most of the
follows specifically defined rules. For each option, numeric values are
items [29]. Levels 1 to 5 represent high-level categorization that relates
assigned to indicate the degree to which the actual life or the actual
to industry and plant applications, while Levels 6 to 9 are related to
failure time deviates from the generic life as a result of the conditions
equipment units with subdivisions. In the case study plant, Level 4
being analyzed. Values lower than 1 are assigned to conditions that are
(“Plant/Unit”) up to Level 9 (“Part”) are generally used.
considered more deleterious than those for generic life calculations. The
Assets within the case study unit can be also classified according to
subfactors employed in this study are shown in Tables 5 and 6. The
the systematic taxonomy of ISO 14224. Because inspection locations are
modification factor is designed to fall somewhere between about 0.146
defined as risk evaluation points for the proposed RBI process, one lower
and 1 using Eq. (16), but this may vary depending on the functional
level is added after Level 9 (Table 3). The main steam piping was defined
relationship between the subfactors and the numeric value of those
as Level 5. It consists of 6 lines at Level 6, 41 spools as Level 8, and 50
components at Level 9 (not including four pressure control valves). Each
For the weld correction subfactor, a value of 0.9 was applied to all 56
spool was applied at Level 8 to consider the difference in weld quality
weld inspection locations. The welding process subfactor was applied to
due to different welding processes, such as shop and field welding.
all inspection locations in the welds, with 48 shop welding locations
Finally, 84 inspection locations were applied at Level 10.

J.S. Song et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 189 (2021) 104281

using the commercial software AutoPIPE v8i. ASME B 31.1 Power Piping
Code was employed as the reference piping code [35].
A model of the piping system that includes the inspection locations
(numbered 1 through 84) is presented in Fig. 5. The condition of all of
the supports, such as hangers and anchors, was evaluated based on
piping isometric drawings and pipe support information. The main
steam piping system had a design pressure of 28.80 MPa, and it is
typically operated at 26.87 MPa. The design temperature was 618 ◦ C,
and the operating temperature was 613 ◦ C. The pipe specifications are
shown in Table 7, and the material properties are based on the ASME B
31.1 Power Piping Code in the material library of AutoPIPE v8i
(Table 8).
The stress analysis of the main steam piping system was carried out

Table 7
Pipe specifications for the main steam piping system.
Item Outer diameter Thickness (㎜) Material grade

Pipe size ID393 650.0 128.5 A335-P92/A234-

Fig. 5. Model of the main steam piping system with inspection locations.
Pipe size DN400 406.4 82.0 A335-P92/A234-
assigned a value of 1.0 and 8 field welding locations assigned 0.9. There WP92
were two dissimilar welds at the ends of the main steam piping; the Insulation – 170 for ID393 E-glass fiber
155 for DN400
material grade of the piping was A335-P92, and the material grade of
Cladding – 0.5 Aluminum sheet
the turbine casing was COST CB2 (9Cr). Finally, the “moderate” option
for the history effect subfactor and the “serviceable” option for support/
hanger condition subfactor were applied to all inspection locations.
Table 8
Material properties employed in the piping system stress analysis.
2.2.3. Piping system stress analysis for POF
The purpose of piping system stress analysis is usually to ensure the Material properties Room temperature (◦ C) Operating temperature (◦ C)
structural integrity and to maintain the operability of the piping system. Min. Yield strength (㎫) 527.70 295.54
The piping is assured of having an acceptable safety factor in terms of Ultimate strength (㎫) 688.00 314.94
Long modulus (x E3 ㎫) 190.61 124.70
structural integrity when all of the minimum requirements of the piping
Hoop modulus (x E3 ㎫) 190.61 124.70
code are satisfied [34]. To ensure the structural integrity of the main Shear modulus (x E3 ㎫) 73.31 47.96
steam piping system in this study and to determine the applied stress at Density (kg/m3) 7850.60 7850.60
all inspection locations, piping system stress analysis was conducted Poisson’s ratio 0.30 0.30

Fig. 6. The six inspection locations with the highest stress (based on von Mises stress).

J.S. Song et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 189 (2021) 104281

Fig. 7. Screenshot of the POF analysis tool in the RBI program.

main steam piping (no. 19: the inlet weld of a straight pipe). The 5th and
6th highest stresses occurred in the branch lines connected with valves
between the main steam piping and the by-pass line (no. 65: the inlet
weld of a straight pipe and no. 32: the outlet weld of a straight pipe,
At the inspection location with the highest stress (104.54 MPa), the
primary stress due to the internal pressure was 66.92 MPa, and the
secondary stress due to thermal expansion was 59.14 MPa. According to
the ASME B31.1 Power Piping Code, the allowable primary stress was
66.14 MPa and the allowable secondary stress was 188.9 MPa. There­
fore, it was found that the primary stress at this inspection location
slightly exceeded the allowable stress.

2.2.4. COF analysis for main steam piping

The estimation of COF includes business interruption costs associ­
ated with lost opportunities during the downtime of normal power
generation, environmental clean-up costs, and the maintenance costs
associated with the repair and replacement of the damaged component.
Using Eq. (7), business interruption costs can be obtained from the
downtime costs per day and the estimated length of downtime.
The financial information employed in the COF analysis for the case
Fig. 8. Risk matrix for the main steam piping system for an in-service time of
study unit was as follows:
1 year.

• Downtime costs per day: $500,000/day

with the inclusion of connected piping such as by-pass lines and cold • Downtime duration: four days for repair welding (two days for
reheat lines. To confirm the accuracy of the stress analysis, the pipe welding, two days preparing for the restart), and nine days for
movement at several support locations obtained from the analysis was repairing after cutting-out the damaged part (seven days to cut out
compared with the designed movement specified in the piping support the part and weld it and two days waiting to restart)
drawings. It was found that the differences between the two were slight • Environmental clean-up costs: $0 because there is no environmental
at most locations. pollution for steam leaks
The six locations with the highest system stress identified in the • Total maintenance costs including repair and replacement costs: $0
analysis are shown in Fig. 6. The 1st and 3rd highest stresses occurred because the total maintenance costs were not confirmed.
near the weld joint of a bent pipe (no. 38: the inlet weld of a straight pipe
and no. 37: the extrados of a bent pipe, respectively). The 2nd highest Using the above financial information, the financial consequences
stress occurred at the saddle of a tee fitting (no. 63: inlet saddle and no. were classified as COF Category D (from $2,000,000 to $5,000,000).
64: outlet saddle). The 4th highest stress occurred at the weld joint of the

J.S. Song et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 189 (2021) 104281

Table 9
Risk results for 35 inspection locations with a risk of $1 or more.

2.2.5. Risk assessment and inspection planning • Risk target: $50,000

In this study, the risk was calculated using the POF obtained using • Scheduled cycle of preventive maintenance (or the overhaul inter­
Eq. (10) and the COF obtained using Eq. (7). The risk category was then val): 48 months
determined based on the risk matrix shown in Fig. 1. The maximum • Inspection records: none
acceptable POF for an inspection location as a function of the risk target • Inspection locations: 84
and the COF was determined according to Eq. (8). Because there were no • Risk assessment dates: three situations
records of inspection for the case study unit, the recommended inspec­
tion date was predicted by applying the 50% additional uncertainty Case 1 – June 2018 (In-service time: 1 year).
(AU) in Table 2 using Eq. (9), but the date was adjusted in accordance Case 2 – June 2022 (In-service time: 5 years).
with the scheduled cycle of preventive maintenance (or the overhaul Case 3 – June 2026 (In-service time: 9 years).
interval). For newly-installed power plants, comprehensive commissioning
A risk assessment was conducted based on the process outlined in the and reliability operations are carried out for about a year after instal­
previous section. The information employed in the assessment is sum­ lation. During regular operation, the various monitoring systems are
marized below: checked to ensure stable power generation, and large-scale inspection
and maintenance activities take place during the first shutdown period.
• Service start date: June 2017 Therefore, the three risk assessment dates listed above were selected in

J.S. Song et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 189 (2021) 104281

Table 10
Thirteen locations where inspection is required immediately or during the next overhaul period.
No. Inspection Component Calculation for inspection planning Next inspection plan
Name Type POF Maximum Time to reach max. Next inspection time Inspection effectiveness
acceptable POF Acceptable POF (year) category

19 Weld (inlet) PIPE No. Straight 7.31E- 2.50E-02 2.26 Immediately A: Highly Effective
5 Pipe 04
29 Saddle (inlet) RED. Tee 2.23E- 1.11E-02 6.94 Next overhaul period (after C: Fairly Effective
TEE 05 48 months)
30 Saddle (outlet) RED. Tee 2.23E- 1.11E-02 6.94 Next overhaul period (after C: Fairly Effective
TEE 05 48 months)
31 Weld (inlet) PIPE No. Straight 4.19E- 2.50E-02 7.45 Next overhaul period (after C: Fairly Effective
8 Pipe 05 48 months)
32 Weld (outlet) PIPE No. Straight 1.40E- 2.50E-02 4.66 Next overhaul period (after C: Fairly Effective
8 Pipe 04 48 months)
37 Extrados PIPE No. Bent Pipe 1.18E- 1.11E-02 1.11 Immediately A: Highly Effective
3 03
38 Weld (inlet) PIPE No. Straight 1.11E- 2.50E-02 0.31 Immediately A: Highly Effective
4 Pipe 02
60 Weld (inlet) PIPE No. Straight 1.39E- 2.50E-02 4.66 Next overhaul period (after C: Fairly Effective
5 Pipe 04 48 months)
61 Weld (inlet) RED. Tee 6.14E- 2.50E-02 6.44 Next overhaul period (after C: Fairly Effective
TEE 05 48 months)
62 Body RED. Tee 2.37E- 1.11E-02 6.78 Next overhaul period (after C: Fairly Effective
TEE 05 48 months)
63 Saddle (inlet) RED. Tee 1.38E- 1.11E-02 1.01 Immediately A: Highly Effective
TEE 03
64 Saddle (outlet) RED. Tee 1.38E- 1.11E-02 1.01 Immediately A: Highly Effective
TEE 03
65 Weld (inlet) PIPE No. Straight 2.44E- 2.50E-02 3.70 Immediately A: Highly Effective
6 Pipe 04

Table 11
Change in risk with an increase of in-service time.
Case Case 1 (In-service time: 1 year) Case 2 (In-service time: 5 years) Case 3 (In-service time: 9 years)

Total (84 inspection locations)

consideration of the overhaul interval of 48 months. A stand-alone exhibited a very high risk of $22,273, which was almost halfway to the
software tool for RBI (Fig. 7) was constructed for the risk assessment pre-determined risk target of $50,000. Because the generic MTTF was
and equipment management of high-energy piping systems in thermal obtained using the Larson-Miller parameter, the POF and risk were
power plants. closely influenced by the applied stress occurring at the inspection
location rather than the modification factor employed in this study.
3. Case study results and discussion The plan for next inspection, which takes into account the risk target
and the scheduled cycle of preventive maintenance (or the overhaul
3.1. Risk assessment results for 1-year in-service time: case 1 interval), for the case study unit is presented in Table 10. It was
concluded that 13 of the 35 inspection locations with a risk of at least $1
Risk assessment was performed for 84 inspection locations in the required immediate inspection or inspection during the next overhaul
main steam piping system of a power plant. The results are expressed in period. It was also decided that a highly effective inspection method was
the risk matrix shown in Fig. 8. Because the service period was short, 83 required for the six inspection locations at which an immediate in­
of the 84 inspection locations were classified as POF Category 1. The spection was required.
only exception was one inlet weld in a straight pipe (no. 38). In addition,
based on the available financial consequence data, all of the inspection 3.2. Change in risk with increasing in-service time: case 2 & case 3
locations were assigned COF Grade B. The resulting risk category for all
inspection locations except one was “Medium”; the exception was Table 11 presents the results of the risk assessment for 5-year and 9-
located in the 2D box in the risk matrix and classified as “Medium High.” year in-service times in addition to the 1-year in-service time. Given that
Quantitative risk in the form of financial costs may offer a higher only the POF changes with time, it was observed that the risk for some
level of confidence compared to a qualitative risk matrix. Even though inspection locations shifted upward along the POF axis of the risk ma­
the vast majority of the inspection locations had the same risk category trix. The results were evaluated based on the assumption that inspection
in the risk matrix, their quantitative risk may vary significantly. To and maintenance were not carried out during regular operation of the
investigate this, the quantitative results of risk assessment for 35 in­ case study unit. Therefore, the risk for each inspection location increases
spection locations with a risk of $1 or more are presented in Table 9. with the POF function, which was determined using the MTTF and the
Inspection location no. 38 (an inlet weld in a straight pipe) in particular initial modification factor. In calculating the ERL for the inspection

J.S. Song et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 189 (2021) 104281

Table 12
Risk assessment results of the 35 inspection locations same as the Case 1, after 9 year operation.

locations based on inspection activities, the POF, risk, and time of next within the plant.
inspection will vary accordingly. During actual operation, the inspection The methodology differs from previous RBI approaches in the liter­
locations, where the risk increases rapidly over time, should take pri­ ature in that it consists of three major steps: (i) the use of generic MTTF,
ority in inspection planning based on the equipment management pol­ which is specified as the average life obtained from a deterministic/
icy, and their risk should be lowered. The quantitative risk assessment theoretical equation for the equipment, (ii) the use of a modification
results for the same 35 inspection locations are presented in Table 12. At factor that identifies the specific conditions that can have a major in­
5 inspection locations, the risk results were POF 5. Particularly, the in­ fluence on the POF of the equipment, and (iii) the use of inspection lo­
spection location number 38 (inlet weld of straight pipe) showed a very cations where damage to the equipment can frequently occur as sites of
high POF value close to the 100% of failure. risk evaluation for RBI.
The main steam piping system of a 1000-MW Ultra Supercritical
4. Conclusions facility in Korea was selected as a case study unit for this study. Stand-
alone RBI software was developed in compliance with the framework
In this study, a new methodology for quantitative RBI that can be for the RBI methodology, and the risk and the next inspection plan were
applied to high-energy piping operating at elevated temperatures and established based on the inputting of evaluation data into the software.
high pressures in a power plant is proposed. The proposed methodology The main conclusions are as follows:
is intended to be acceptable and understandable at an inspection level

J.S. Song et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 189 (2021) 104281

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