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Marketing strategy

dehydrated product
Table content
Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Literature reviews

Chapter 3 Research methodology

Chapter 4 Data analysis

Chapter 5 Observation

Chapter 6 Bibliography
Chapter 1

The principle of preservation by dehydration process is to remove the moisture content
of a material to a level where micro-organism may not be able to grow and spoil it.
Dehydration of vegetables by sun-drying is the oldest known method. Now modern
techniques have been developed for dehydration of vegetables. In this process, the
dehydrated product has better flavor, color, aroma, rehydration, acceptability, etc. in
comparison to sundried dehydrated products. There are some dehydrated vegetables as
cabbage, carrot, green chili, bitter gourd, cucumber, etc. The dehydrated vegetables are
used to manufacture instant vegetable noodles, soups, snacks and fast food. Dehydrated
onion is used as condiment and flavoring agent in manufacturing of tomato ketchups,
sauces, salad, pickles, chutneys, meat sausages, masala bread and buns, breakfast foods,
Dehydrated garlic is used for aids in digestion and for absorption of food having
athelemetic and antiseptic properties and in some medicinal formulations. The latest
technique for dehydration of vegetables known as osmotic dehydration, has been
developed by Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai.


Food dehydration is the world’s oldest method of food preservation. Think

about that for a moment. It’s not as if freezers and refrigerators were readily
available during times of yore, and people needed to preserve food to get
themselves through the winter. So how did they possibly do it? For the most
part, they dried their food. Today, we live in a futuristic world of canned this,
frozen that, freeze-dried this, and irradiated something else.

Even the processes of canning food for preservation and storage is only about
two hundred years old. That’s practically brand new in the food preservation
timeline. Canning and freezing food only rose in popularity during the early
1900s, when electricity became more easily available to the masses (regardless
of their stature in life or location).

If you’re looking to get into the exciting and trendy world of food dehydration,
then you can find everything that you need to know about the process at easy- This website is a must-read for anybody interested in
starting their own food dehydration adventure. It contains detailed instructions
and recipes for dehydrating fruits, vegetables, meat, and even pet food. The site
is run by Susan Gast, a successful author behind several books about food
dehydration. She is clearly quite passionate about the topic and her enthusiasm
is infectious.

So, how did food dehydration begin? Well, centuries ago people in the Near
East preserved fruit by wrapping it in dried palm leaves and burying it in hot
sand to dry. Only a century or so ago, people in the Arctic created caches of
surplus “freeze dried” walrus meat by piling stones on top of their treasure to
keep safe from predators. Native Americans in northern parts of the United
States used smoke (dry circulating air) from a fire to dry their meats, herbs,
vegetables, and fish. To this day, locals in Peru dry potatoes by first freezing
them overnight outdoors and then trampling them the next day, while the
potatoes thawed (thus squeezing out all of the remaining water found within).
Then, they air-dried the potatoes until crisp enough to store. Almost everywhere
in the world, people have utilized some form of dehydration to save their food
from spoiling between seasons, be it hay or corn or seal meat or apples. It’s hard
to pinpoint precisely where or how the process began because food dehydration
seems to have been embraced by practically every culture worldwide!

So, why did people start drying out their food? It’s really quite simple—fresh
food was not always available. Don’t forget, there was a time before grocery
stores. Without dried foods, a nomadic lifestyle would have been impossible.
The sun and wind (or the smoke from a fire) provided the means to remove
water from grains, meat, fruits, and herbs. This allowed them to be preserved
from one season to the next. The process saved lives by filling bellies during
lean seasons or travel. However, it wasn’t easy. Successfully drying food
depended upon choosing the correct days to dry it, luck, and more than a little
ingenuity. The elements were unpredictable and the environment untameable.
For example, food that was left to dry in open fields could be gone in a flash. It
could rain, insects could infest it, or wild animals and birds could enjoy the
feast. Entire crops could be lost by accident and starvation would follow. It was
a delicate and important process, one that proved to be crucial to the survival of
countless cultures.
Over time, a variety of cultures from around the world perfected the technique
of drying wild and cultivated foods. The Greeks and Romans dried peas and
grapes successfully (you’re welcome raisin lovers!). The Persians discovered
ways to successfully preserve dates, apricots, and melons. The Chinese and
Japanese proved to be especially clever at the art of food preservation, curing
fish and sea vegetables with relative ease. Mongolian explorers, en route to
Europe, packed bundles of dried milk products to sustain them throughout the
epic journey. In Canada, early settlers learned how to dry food from the
indigenous population. They observed the practice of sun-drying food by Native
Americans in the northern regions. Soon they were able to dry wide varieties of
corn, squash, and herbs (plus buffalo meat and venison, pioneered in the west).

Way back in the nineteenth century United States, many housewives began to
expand the possibilities of food preservation. They started preserving fruits in
sugar, vegetables and nuts in salt, and vegetables in brine. Dried food was a
traditional alternative to fresh food, but before the age of glass canning jars and
self-sealing zinc jar lids (which were not patented until 1858), food was most
likely to be stored in stone or earthenware crocks, tin cans, and glass containers.
Sealing wax, beeswax, corks, and even putty were sometimes used to seal the
lids. So stored food didn’t exactly look as appealing or professional as what
we’re used to today. It looked more like an arts and crafts project than
commercial food.
Throughout history, dried meats and fish have provided life-sustaining protein
for people around the world. Our ancestors dried meats and kept them for years
without refrigeration (expiry dates weren’t exactly common at the time). In fact,
meats and fish were the most commonly dried foods throughout history since
they were much harder to come by. It’s ironic to consider this now, given that
fish is one of the most difficult types of food to dry due to the vast potential for
bacterial growth in the raw product. Historically, meat (like fish) was pre-
treated in a dry salt cure or a brine solution. The salt served to draw water out of
the food and turned it into a primitive form of the jerky you might buy in a gas
station. Meats and fish were also smoked for preservation, but obviously this
process didn’t allow the food to last as long as dehydration.

Many foods that we take for granted today would not be part of the world’s
cuisines were it not for vital pioneers discovering how to dry and preserve them
for extended periods of time. How different would Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and
other Asian cuisines be without dried fish, shellfish, or sea vegetables like
seaweed? It’s almost impossible to imagine what those menus would look like
without dehydration.

After centuries of experimentation, several Asian cultures discovered that many

foods had intriguing flavors and textures when dried. This created new recipes
and flavour profiles that never would have existed otherwise. For instance, the
Chinese enjoy fresh sea scallops in cooking, but even that delicacy cannot be
compared to the exquisite taste of a dried scallop. Flowers like lily buds are also
eaten fresh throughout Asia, but are more commonly consumed dried. The same
can be said for fungi, such as tree ears. Some items, such as shark’s fin and sea
slug, are more prized (and more expensive) in dried form than fresh.

Additionally, the Chinese lay claim to being the first to cure pork products like
ham, bacon, and sausage. They called it ham huo-fu or fire-dried meat. More
specifically, the word refers to any meat that is cured by having first been
soaked in a soy sauce marinade, then dried over a slow fire. Many Chinese
chefs also treat bacon in the same way. To this day, strips of cured pork belly,
dark golden in color, hang in Chinese meat markets. The flavour is
extraordinary, a true delicacy that would never be possible without the
innovation of food dehydration.

As you can see, the history of food dehydration is vast and spans many cultures.
These days, there are so many different forms of food preservation available
that dehydration can often seem like a an odd and niche practice. However,
anyone who denies themselves the joy of dehydrated food isn’t just missing out
on delicious food, they are also ignoring an important development in the
history of humanity. So, don’t shy away from food dehydration. It is after
all one of the most important methods of food preservation and preparation ever
conceived by humans.
Chapter 2
Literature reviews

Drying refers to the removal of water from a material as vapor by passing hot air. Most
of the foods contain enough moisture to permit the activity of native enzymes and
microorganisms for spoilage, and drying is necessary to reduce the water activity and
prevent microbial spoilage. Drying has been a means of preserving foods from ancient

Drying or dehydration is a simultaneous heat and mass transfer process. The heat
transfer provides the energy for evaporation of moisture which is then carried away by
the drying media, usually air, biological materials when dried in a thin layer may exhibit
up to three distinct periods of drying (Jason 1958; Henderson and Perry 1976)
1. Constant rate period
2. 1st falling rate period
3. 2nd falling rate period
The terms dehydration and drying are used interchangeably to describe the unit
operation in which all the water normally present in a foodstuff is removed by
evaporation or sublimation, as a result of the application of heat under controlled
condition. Any other method that lowers the water activity in a food is also considered
as a form of drying. For example, fish may be heavily salted so that moisture is drawn
out from the tissue.
Purpose of drying:

 Preservation of foods
 Decreasing the weight and bulk of the food

Drying by mechanical driers:

Mechanical driers have been classified into three basic groups (Sivasankar-2002), these

(a) By heated air

(b) By direct contact with a heated surface

(c) By the application of energy from a radiating microwave or dielectric source.

(a)In hot air driers the food is contact with a moving steam of hot air. Heat is supplied to
the product mainly by convection. Kiln driers, cabinet tray or compartment driers,
tunnel driers, conveyor driers, bin driers, fluidized bed driers, pneumatic driers, rotary
driers and spray driers use hot air for drying solid foods.

(b)In direct contact drying the food is brought into contact with a heated surface and
heat is supplied to the product mainly by conduction. Examples include drum driers,
roller driers and vacuum band driers. In such system the necessary sensible and latent
heat of evaporation is supplied to the material by conduction.

(c) Microwave and dielectric sources may be used for supplying heat by radiation to the
food for drying purpose. Infrared heating has been used for drying breadcrumbs, custard
powder, cake mixes etc. Dielectric heating has been used for drying of biscuits.

Sivasankar (2002) describes significant changes in the composition of nutrients occur

due to dehydration. Concentration of proteins, carbohydrates and minerals occur along
with some chemical changes. Fats are oxidatively degraded, accompanied with decrease
of odour or flavour. Maillard reaction is facilitated resulting in darker color and
development of new aroma substances. Vitamin levels decrease to a major extent.

The osmotic process is the immersion of foodstuffs in hypertonic solutions giving rise
to at least two simultaneous counter current flows: an important water flow out of the
food into the solution and a simultaneous transfer of solute from the solution into the
food (Salvatori et al 1999). There is also a third flow of natural solution leaking from
the food into the solution to be considered. These can be sugars organic acids minerals
salts etc and may have an effect on the organoleptic or nutritional qualities of the
dehydrated product.
The flux of water coming out of the food is much larger than the counter flux of
osmoactive substance. This is due to the fact that permeable plant tissues resist the
larger osmoactive substances from the entry, while lower molecular weight water
migrate out of the solution (Torregiani, 1993). Therefore, the weight of the food stuff
will decrease, as will the water activity up to a 50% reduction in the fresh weight of
fruits or vegetables may be brought about by osmosis. (Brennan 1994)

Shukla T.P (1991) stated that osmotic dehydration is an ancient practice in food
technology, significant recent research and development have taken place in Europe and
Japan to perfect it as a cost-effective drying unit operation, either free standing or
combined with vacuum microwave drying. Potential application extends to almost any
plant-deriver biomasses. Studies have mainly been at pilot scale. Osmotic dehydration
mainly been studies at atmospheric pressure but there are also recent studies on vacuum
osmotic dehydration (Fito 1994).

This process is one of the energy efficient means of removing moisture from a food
piece as the water does not have to go through a phase change to be released from the
product. Lerici et al (1985) stated that some of the advantage of direct osmosis in
comparison with other drying process includes minimized heat damage to color and
flavor and less discoloration of fruit by enzymic oxidative browning. Farkas and Lazar
(1969) stated that increased sugar content in the concentrated fruit produces a sweeter
flavour in the processed fruits. The reduction in acidity also makes the product taste
sweet. Taste scores reported by Hawkes and Flink (1993) verify the organoleptic
acceptability of apple slices concentrated by sucrose osmotic solutions.

Bolin et al (1993) stated that after removing water from a fruit or vegetable less
refrigeration energy is required for processing and distribution and there is less shipping
weight per unit of fresh product. Lewick and Lenart (1995) also found that to remove
water at temperatures around 20-400 C a conventional drying method will need around
5MJ/Kg of energy while osmotic dehydration needs half of the amount of this energy.

Ensuring the osmotic dehydration process produces an optimum product is subject to

several variables. Lerici et al (1985) reported that the weight loss in osmosed fruit is
increased by increasing solute concentration of the osmotic solution, immersion time,
solution/food ratio, surface area of the food and by using low pressure system. They
also stated that the osmotic solution used must have a low water activity (a w) and
moreover the solute must be harmless and have good taste.
Shukla (1991) stated that the syruping adjuncts often used included glucose, sucrose,
fructose, sorbitol, propylene glycol, citric acid and minor amount of salt. It is generally
agreed that the higher the solute concentration of the solution the greater the water loss.
Pnanagiotou (1998) found that the water loss from apple at the highest levels of sucrose
concentration (50%w/w). Brennan (1994) stated that an increased in either solute
concentration or temperature will increase both the initial rate of water loss and the
maximum water loss attainable.

Typical process time requirement for 50% weight reduction with apple slices and
peaches are 4-6 hrs (Farkas and Lazar 1969). The osmotic process can be markedly
accelerated by increasing the osmotic solution temperature (Ponting et at 1966).higher
temperatures promote faster water loss through the swelling and plasticizing the cell
membranes. This allows faster diffusion within the product it has been found that water
loss mainly occurs during the first two hours of osmosis, and maximum solid gains
within first 30 minutes (Le Maguer-1988)
Contreras Smyrl (1981) as well as Lu and Brennan (1987) have also reported rapid
removal of water and uptake of solids in the early stages of osmotic process for apples.
It was also found that both the sugar solution concentration and osmotic time have the
highly significant effects on values of water loss, sugar gain, and weight reduction.

Ponting et al (1966) noted the requirement that the osmotic solute should be of pleasant
flavour (if any) as well as it should be nontoxic. Several carbohydrates have been
extensively tested as osmotic solutes. Sucrose and invert sugar were examined by
Ponting et al (1966) for their effectiveness in osmotic concentration. They found little
difference in the rate of osmotic dehydration for sucrose or invert syrup when used at
the same concentration and the same temperature. It was demonstrated that 50% of the
water of fruit pieces could be removed by mixing with dry sucrose or by immersion in
concentrated solutions (65% to 75% solids) of sucrose or invert sugars.

Pader and Richberg (1968) also described an osmotic dehydration step prior to air or
vacuum drying. They inferred that non-crystallizing sugar (such as corn syrup) were not
acceptable ; instead, they suggested the use crystallizing sugars (such as sucrose) as an
osmotic solute. They recommended a sulfite treatment instead of blanching for
prevention of browning, since structural integrity of the tissue would be maintained. (1970) described an osmotic dehydration step prior to drying. After

cutting the fruits into pieces of suitable size, the pieces were dipped in 0.25% sodium
metabisulphite solution for 10-15 min. at room temperature soaked in a 70% sugar
syrup at 500C for 3 hr and after washing, dried at 60±2 0C for 8 hr, at 736mm. vacuum
and immediately packed. They reported that the final products contained 3% moisture
and was comparable in quality to freeze dried products. Several factors such as type of
solute, concentration of solute, temperature of the osmotic solution, time of immersion,
system agitation etc. have been found by various researches to influence the rate of
osmotic dehydration.
It is possible to determine the mass transport parameters such as water loss and solids
gain by simple gravimetric measurements, if it is assumed that the solids loss from the
product to the concentrated osmotic solution is negligible (Hawkes and Flink, 1978)
Vegetables may be sulfured after blanching in a similar manner or by dipping into or
spraying with sulfite solution. Sulfuring helps maintain an attractive light color,
conserve vitamin C and perhaps vitamin A and repel insects, it also kills many of the
microorganism present.

Fraizer et. al demonstrated that pretreatment of foods to be dried are important in their
effect on the microbial population. Pretreatments may include selection and sorting of
fruits and vegetables, washing, peeling, subdividing or slicing, alkali dipping, blanching
or scalding and sulfuring.

Heat applied during a drying process causes a reduction in total numbers of

microorganisms, but the effectiveness varies with the kinds and numbers of organisms
originally present and the drying process the employed. Usually all yeasts and most
bacteria are destroyed, but spores of bacteria and molds commonly survive, as do
vegetative cells of a few spices of heat-resistant bacteria. Improper conditions during
drying may even permit the growth of microorganisms.

The numbers of microorganisms on most fresh fruits range from comparatively few too
many, depending on pretreatments, and on most dried fruits they vary from a few
hundred per gram of fruit to thousands; in whole fruits they are mostly on the outer
surface. Spores of bacteria and molds are likely to be the most numerous. When part of
the fruit has supported growth and sporulation of mold before or after drying, mold
spores may be present in large numbers.
to our all round experience staff and management working together to produce products
with expertise, which directly benefiting to our customers, expertise like right quality
choice of raw material at lowest market, customization from seeds to shipping and many
others that pays back that worth for customers.
Management belongs from enthusiastic and innovative farms family gives more back
force and choice of right time and right crop, which collectively make our procurement
best out of market availability, our professional team is capable to assure the quality of
production, and years of experience helping to indulge into more innovation that need of
tomorrow’s world.

Chapter 3
Research methodology
Why Powder and Granules Form of Dehydrated Vegetables is More Popular?
FMI has projected that powder and granules form of dehydrated vegetables to holds
little more than 50% market share in 2021 and it is expected to grow at a CAGR of
around 7.5% over forecast period. Due to the increasing demand among consumers for
powdered dehydrated vegetables, this segment will continue registering high demand.

Why are Food Manufacturers Considered Leading End User?

Food manufacturers are forecast to account for 74% of the global market in the year
2021 and it is expected showcase impressive growth through the forecast period. This is
due to increasing use of dehydrated vegetables in different food products such as snacks
and savory products, infant foods, soups, smoothies, salads, dressings & sauces, and
others is increasing.
Food manufacturers and food service segments are anticipated to grow significantly
over the course of the forecast period.

Why Vacuum Drying is Widely Used for Processing of Dehydrated Vegetables?

Among various dehydration technologies, vacuum drying technique is more commonly
used, as it not only enhances the shelf life of the vegetables but also offers improved
quality of dried vegetable than normal dryers. Due to advancement in technology and
introduction of new techniques for dehydration of food products, dehydrated vegetables
manufacturers are using these popular techniques to improve shelf life of dried
dehydrated vegetables.

Increasing focus on eliminating the risk of contamination and improving storability has
resulted in incorporation of these latest techniques in processing of fresh products.
Vacuum drying technique is expected to account for 25% of market in year 2021.

Which Dehydrated Vegetables is highly Sought-after?

Beans are expected to account for leading share in terms of product in 2021. This is due
to the increasing consumption of beans in packaged foods and in household sector, this
segment will continue witnessing high growth through the forecast period. Beans are a
great source of protein and vitamins, hence growing health consciousness among
consumers at a global level will result in higher consumption of dehydrated beans.

Also, increasingly busy lifestyle of millennial is promoting consumption of dehydrated

vegetables including beans. Besides this, the demand for potato, peas, among others will
continue rising through 2031.

What is More Preferred Distribution Channel for Dehydrated Vegetables?

According to FMI, more than 80% of consumers prefer direct channels of distribution.
Sales via indirect channels also are likely to surge, especially on account of the rising
store based sales. Against this backdrop, the increasing number of supermarkets/
hypermarkets, convenience stores, and other retailing windows will aid the expansion
within the indirect channels segment. Besides this, FMI has forecast the sales via online
channels to showcase positive growth. With an increasing number of producers
expanding their online presence, this channel will showcase the potential of emerging at
fore in the near future.

Which is More Preferred Nature of Dehydrated Vegetables?

While conventional sources continue to reign the market, FMI has projected the demand
in organic category to rise at a considerably high rate. According to the report, organic
segment will exhibit above 8% CAGR between 2021 and 2031. The increasing focus on
free-from, non-GMO, and other labelling will enable growth in the organic segment.

Competitive Landscape
Companies operating in dehydrated vegetables market are adoption strategies that will
help them expand their footprint worldwide. Companies are focusing on the expansion
of production plants to reach an increasing number of customer. For instance:
o In July 2016, Harmony House Foods, Inc., leading dehydrated vegetables
producing U.S. Based Company has expanded its dried vegetables facility by adding
32,000 sq. ft. of production space in the Franklin, New Carolina.
o Silva International, Inc. which is one of leading producer dehydrated vegetables
is focused on expanding dehydrated food facilities in the U.S. It has opened various
warehouses and production sites in last five years. In 2017, company finalized a plan
to expand its warehouse capacities by building another warehouse at its Illinois site.
The expansion in its warehouse capacities is going to add 150,000 sq. ft. of
additional warehouse space. In May 2018, Silva International, Inc. opened a new
warehouse and production site in Illinois to expand its business.
Along with increasing production facilities companies are focusing on launching
innovative products in market in different forms by using innovative technologies to
boost dehydrated vegetables Market.
o For instance in 2017, dehydrated vegetables key manufacturing company
Nature S.A. introduced a range of cold-processed 100% fruit & vegetable powders.
These are processed using a 100% spray drying technique of dehydration at a low
temperature. This is likely to deliver a better flavor, color, and nutrition.
o In February 2015, R. J. Van Drunen & Sons, Inc leading manufacturer of
dehydrated vegetables launched its new product, freeze-dried shallots, which can be
used in many recipes.
Some of the leading companies operating in dehydrated vegetables market are:
 Fresno Cooperative Raisin Growers Inc.,
 Olam International,
 Dole Food Company,
 Naturex S.A.,
 Symrise AG,
 Mercer Foods, LLC.
 Chengde Shenli Food Co., Ltd.,
 Vkc Nuts Private Limited,
 Viva Bella Orchards Inc.
 Kiantama,
 Sun-Maid Growers Of California,
 Sunshine Raisin Corporation,
 Traina Dried Vegetable Inc.,
 Lion Raisins Inc.,
 Jab Dried Fruit Products (Pty) Ltd
 Bergin Fruit Company Inc.
 Traina Dried Fruit Inc.,
 Greek Dried Fruits S.A.,
 Montagu Dried Fruit And Nuts (Pty) Ltd,
 Sun Valley Raisins Inc. A California Corporation,
 Raisin Champion International,
 Geobres Nemean Currants and Sultana Raisins S.A.,
 Ningxia Yuxiang Bio Food Engineering Co., Ltd.,
 Montagu Dried Vegetable And Nuts (Pty) Ltd,
 Chengde Shenli Food Co., Ltd.

Market Segmentation
Product Type
 Carrot
 Onions
 Potatoes
 Broccoli
 Beans
 Peas
 Cabbage
 Mushrooms
 Tomatoes
 Minced & Chopped
 Powder & Granules
 Flakes
 Slice & Cubes
 Others
 Organic
 Conventional
End Use
 Food Manufacturers
o Snacks & Savory Products 
o Infant Foods
o Soups
o Salads, Dressings & Sauces
o Others
 Food Service
 Retail
Drying Method
 Air Drying
 Spray Drying
 Freeze Drying
 Drum Drying
 Vacuum Drying
 Others
Distribution Channel
 Direct
 Indirect
o Store Based Retailing
o Hypermarkets/Supermarkets
o Convenience Stores
o Traditional Grocery Retailers
o Food & Drink Specialty Stores
o Online Retail
 North America
 Latin America
 Europe
 East Asia
 South Asia
 Oceania
 India
 China
 Singapore
Chapter 4
Data analysis
Data observation

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