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James Kochalka


LlCrI-lTNINCr 11.'1 U:: g. G-P.OTUS

The obnoxiously perfect leader of the SuperF*ckers.

Handsome, blond and muscular, he's so high above the fray that

he would never even notice all the drama happening beneath him ... if he was around.

But he's lost in Dimension Zero, and kind of enjoying it,

except he can't find any tuna fish sandwiches and the television reception is terrible.

The charismatic but deeply flawed antihero, and fan favorite. Jack Krak is the motherfucker.

No one rocks harder, no one does more drugs, no one has more fun.

Jack desperately wants to be team leader and he seems to have power and especially the huge overblown ego to back it up.

But deep inside he's like a scared little boy,

and the slightest shift in plans can send him into cascading fits of panic.

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Beautiful and glamorous, everyone wants her.

She's Jack Krak's girlfriend ... but she has a heart of ice and she's deeply manipulative and conniving.

She's trying to position Jack to succeed SuperDan as team leader, and since she controls Jack. .. that means all power will ultimately rest with her.

She has to comb her gorgeous long golden hair 1000 times each morning to charge its power.

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Grotessa's foul smelling and plain looking.

She's the most normal one on the team, she's not weirdly affected, she doesn't care about trying to game the system.

Actually, she would probably quit... if she weren't secretly in love with Vortex.

Is Grotus Grotessa's pet? Or best friend? Lover?? No one's exactly sure about any of that, but they know he's a weird little stinky blob that leaves a trail of purple slime wherever he goes. He's probably the most popular with all the other members for the simple fact that his slime drippings can get you really really fucking HIGH.

He hates all his teammates, and their whole fratboy attitude.

He wears plain clothes, and has shaggy hair that hides his eyes.

He just wants everyone to leave him alone, but his time and space shifting vortex powers are in high demand.

Whenever his teamates totally screw things up, he's expected to be the Deus Ex Machina and resolve the problems. He's obsessed with caring for a miniature younger version of himself that he keeps in a Time Bottle in his bedroom.


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He'll never be leader, but he has his own fiercely loyal fan club.

He's just happy to be on the team.

He likes to party & have fun and never takes anything too seriously.

He likes to try and spy on the girls while they're naked.

He can see through Jack Krak & Princess Sunshine's plans pretty easily, but still they manage to out maneuver him most of the time.

He likes to party with Orange Lightning, but he'd really like to party with Princess Sunshine, if you know what I mean.

His main goal isn't so much to be team leader, although that would be pretty cool.

What he wants most is to get in bed with someone hot.

He keeps changing his costume, trying to come up with the sexiest outfit possible.

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Kyle makes the costumes for all the other team members.

No one is sure how he got on the team or what his power is.

Deeply religious, he's easily offended by swearing and always tries to be clean and polite.

He really really despises the filthy and disgusting Grotus.

Stumpy Lumpus is the president of the SuperF*ckers fan club,

and no one on Earth is more knowledgeable about the SuperF*ckersByzantine rules than he is.

He is the ultimate geeky fanboy.

But what he really wants ... more than anything ... is for his own powers to manifest themselves so he can destroy everyone who ever teased him. For instance, the SuperF*ckers!

Fresh faced and innocent, he's very eager to prove himself and become a member of the team.

He's deeply in love with Princess Sunshine,

and even being near the clubhouse has him a total nervous wreck.

He's always hiding around in the bushes near the club.


Another hopeful new recruit, lurking in the bushes around the clubhouse.

This one's like a mini Jack Krak ... ambitious, tough, violent, likes to party HARD.

But underneath his tough exterior, he's secretly in love with Computer Fist.

It's so secret that he doesn't even really know it himself.

Orange Lightning's fan club. They won't leave him alone.

They're like their own mini superhero team,

using devices to mimic their hero's powers as best they can.

SuperDan's sidekick.

He is also lost in Dimension Zero, but he's not invulnerable to its toxic affects like his boss is.

In his weakened state the Zero-Dimensional ultra-being named OMNIZOD takes over his body and plots the destruction of Earth.

Executive Producer: Fred Seibert

Developed by Eric Homan


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