Information System Analysis

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CHAPTER 1……………………………………………………………………………………………2




PROJECT AIM………………………………………………………………………………………..5

PROJECT OBJECTIVES…………………………………………………………………………….5

CHAPTER 2……………………………………………………………………………………………..6

CHAPTER 3……………………………………………………………………………………………..9

CHAPTER 4………………………………………………………………………………………………13

CHAPTER 5………………………………………………………………………………………………16

CHAPTER 6……………………………………………………………………………………………….23




DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM………………………………………………………..26

AIM OF THE PROJECT…………………………………………………………………………………27

OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT………………………………………………………………………28


PROJECT PLAN……………………………………………………………………………………………28

GANTT CHART…………………………………………………………………………………………….31

KEY ACTIVITIES…………………………………………………………………………………………….32



It is very important for a patient to obtain a good treatment service when coming to a
health facility, especially now that medicine is advancing so quickly. The web offers so
many advantages that can be used by medical facilities to break the limitations of time,
space, and inaccuracy in treatment, and offer better medical services. The web services
and database technology keep on growing and offer ways in which doctors can keep
relevant data about their patients and the drugs they are taking, previous illnesses,
allergies, etc. this will enable them to give a better treatment to their patients
[ CITATION Cod20 \l 1033 ].

As time goes by more and more health care units automatize not only their system
management, but also, the treatment system, the services, etc. the units who fail to
adapt to this new reality are gradually left behind.
Forever Healthy Clinic wishes to follow the current trend and digitalize their treatment
system to become a more modernized clinic and offer best quality services to attract the

Forever Healthy Clinic is a family business that has been around for 20 years. It has
been run by two generations and the business has been doing well. The treatment is
mainly done by hand. When a patient comes to the clinic, he has to buy a book where
his details are filled. The patient then moves for consultation where its temperature,
blood pressure and other necessary data is filled in the book. Based on that the patient
will be asked to do some test (urine, blood, etc,), the results are now written on the book
and shown to the doctor who finally gives the treatment .
Recently, Forever Healthy Clinic has had problems concerning the decrease in patients
and complaints from customers. The management of the clinic thinks that is due to the
1. Ineffective Record Keeping: Since everything is done manually the store book
where patient’s details are kept has become full along the years and is more and
more difficult to follow up with the treatment patient that have been at the hospital

2. Complaints of Uncompleted Treatments: because of the nature of the

database, treatment is most of the time not complete as doctors discard patients
while the feel better. Also, in other cases follow up is very difficult.
3. Mix ups with appointments: appointments are usually very difficult to keep for
the nature of the database. At times several patients will be appointed for the
same specialist at the same hour. Other times, there is no way to remind the
patients to come at the appointed time.

4. Lose of treatment books: Many patients lose their treatment books and they
come for a new one every time they get sick. This makes it difficult for doctors
and nurses to give an effective treatment. It also makes it difficult to know
whether the patient is allergic to some drugs.

5. Lack of measuring performance tool: due to the lack of measuring

performance tool forever Healthy Clinic has not been able to keep the pace with
competitors. This is because they are not able to measure the best treatments,
employee performance, and keep track of patient’s treatments. This has made of
the loyal patients to move to the competitors.


The Treatment Management System will be a web-based system Information system
that can be accessible everywhere in the world provided a smart device and internet
connection. The system shall be managed by the clinic's administration. Besides, the
system will be backed with a powerful database management system that will enable it
to keep a record of whatever input in the system and provide the required output.
Below are some of the tasks that the Treatment Management System will be able to

1. Effective Record Keeping:

The Treatment Management System will be backed up with a powerful DBMS
which will enable it to keep a patient history which include data such as
observations, test results, regimes, and a treatment plan for the patient, among
other details.

2. Patient Treatment Plan:

The system will provide a treatment for every patient and medical advice related
to the treatment is stored in the database. Furthermore, any equipment needed
to carry out the treatment will be stored in the database.

3. Organize Appointments:
Every specialist will provided with an account in which he/she can schedule their
appointments with patients and receive notifications for every appointments
some hours before.

4. Treatment History:
At every patient’s history it will be possible to see all the past treatments the
patient has undergone. This will make follow easier and the next treatment more

5. Effectiveness Measuring Tool:

The system will issue remainders when a task in the patient treatment plan is not
done on time. Therefore, the effectiveness of the treatment will be measure
based on the data stored in the database. So that, only the most effective
regimens are used.

6. Other Additional Features:

The system performs treatment planning, treatment monitoring, hospital
monitoring, healthcare insurance billing, patient billing, research and analysis
support, supply chain management and personnel scheduling.

 Different development methods have to be compared, and the best suited for the
Treatment Management System at Forever Healthy Clinic then should be
chosen. Finally, this process has to be documented.
 A surveyor interview should be carried out to gather information from the staff at
Forever Healthy Clinic to know what they require for the future Information
System. The employees' request has to be documented and kept for further
consultation during system development.
 Different database management systems have to be compared to see the best
suitable for the IS that needs to be built. The DBMS chosen is documented for
further use.
 Also, different programming languages have to be compared and identify the
ones that will best suit the IS that has to be built. This information is then
documented and kept.
 The system is now developed using all the information gathered above.
 Then, the system needs to be tested base on the requirements stated by the
 Finally, the whole project needs to be documented.

Objectives of this project

1. Compare and document development methods most suited for the business
environment of Forever Healthy Clinic and the management of this project.
2. Gather and document user requirements from employees of Agate in order to
understand what they expect from the proposed system.

3. Compare and document Database Management Systems in order to select the

appropriate one for implementation.
4. Compare and document programming languages in in order to select the appropriate
one for implementation.
5. Develop and implement the buss booking system by coding.
6. Verify and validate user requirements by testing.
7. Prepare an initial documentation of the project
8. Review the initial documentation and prepare a final project report.


This chapter’s content is giving information about the techniques, tools, and resources
to be used in the developing the proposed system and the project as a whole. The
results of the research are shown below:
Research on .Net.JS and PHP:
PHP and .Net are two of the best server sides scripting languages in the market today.
In the following paragraph, the two will be analyzed.
1. Cost: PHP can be obtained for free all over the web. On the other hand, .Net has
a license cost attached to it, implying it is not for free. This will push the balance
towards PHP when choosing the scripting language [ CITATION Edu20 \l 1033 ].

2. Support: .Net has the capacity to support large and middle-size businesses.
Whereas, PHP supports small and medium size web solutions. In this case, both
are good solve the clinic’s problem [ CITATION Edu20 \l 1033 ].

3. Solutions: .Net focuses more on security and a large variety of functionalities as

is the latest one. Meanwhile, PHP focuses more on client facing and user
interfaces. Considering the organization in question, it is an advantage for PHP
over .Net, except that .Net is more security [ CITATION Edu20 \l 1033 ].

4. Speed: .Net has a decent speed and is very suitable for desktop applications. On
the other hand, PHP is slower and it barely runs on desktop applications.
Therefore, this is an advantage to .Net [ CITATION Edu20 \l 1033 ].

5. Customization: .Net is less prone customization. Whereas, PHP is allows

customization causes bugs. Therefore, .Net has a better coding than PHP
[ CITATION Edu20 \l 1033 ].

The most suitable one for Forever Healthy Clinic will then be PHP. The simple reasons
it is because it is for free it can support the business and focuses on user interface,
which will make it easier to use.

Research on MySQL and Oracle Databases:
MySQL and Oracle are two of the most famous Relational Database Management
Systems used in big and medium size organizations all over the world. Below are the
data found about these two RDBMS?
1. Cost: MySQL is free and open sourced. It is licensed under the GNU.
Meanwhile, Oracle is licensed for commercial purposes, but has a free edition
which is for students. MySQL will be more suitable in this case for Forever
Healthy Clinic [ CITATION Jav20 \l 1033 ].

2. Scalability: MySQL is used in small and big businesses. On the other hand,
Oracle is used for very large scale deployments. In this case MySQL will be more
suitable for the clinic which is a big business, but doesn’t need a very large scale
deployment [ CITATION Jav20 \l 1033 ].

3. Security: MySQL is less secured as it requires only requires username and

password to login. Whereas, Oracle requires both username, password, and
profile validation to access the database. That brings an advantage for Oracle as
it is more secure [ CITATION Jav20 \l 1033 ].

4. Character: MySQL supports only CHAR and VARCHAR characters. While,

Oracle supports CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, and NVACRCHAR2. That is
advantage to oracle as database as it can hold a larger variety of data types
[ CITATION Jav20 \l 1033 ].

5. Null: MySQL can support a null value. On the other hand, Oracle can’t support
the null value. That is an advantage to MySQL as there will be some data that
will not be compulsory for users to enter when designing the database [ CITATION
Jav20 \l 1033 ].

Research on SSADM and SSM System Analysis and Design Methodologies:
A methodology offers a structure to follow when working on a project, and makes the
analysis and design more manageable. There are several types of system
methodologies. But the research for Forever Healthy Clinic will be based on the main
ones, which are SSADM and SSM approaches. The following paragraph explains it:
1. Resources: with SSADM a Requirement Catalog is used as resource. On the
other hand, the SSM derive resources from root definition. Activities are related
to resources in conceptual models.

2. Business Issues: for business issues in the SSADM Data Flow Diagrams and
Entity Life History are used. Meanwhile, in SSM different perceptions of
conceptual models are combined to specify business options.

3. User Involvement: using SSADM information about the system is gathered at

the beginning from users. Then, the products are reviewed at the end of each
stage. Whereas, with SSM information is gathered about the problem situation,
activities are chosen to construct a census primary model, and finally, a debate is
made to make required changes.

4. System acceptability and Usability: using SSDAM the user is involve in the
system development, a prototype is used, and a study is carried out about the
impact of the system on the staff. Whereas, while using SSM the achievement of
the user requirement helps user to accept the system and make it usable.

5. Employee Values: SSADM doesn’t support employee values. Whereas, in SSM

the employee values are documented in the Analysis two. There one can find the
users’ norms, roles, and values.


In this section of the report, a research will be conducted to establish functional

requirements from the users and the current system. This will be done by analyzing the
entire organization.
To make this analysis Forever Healthy Clinic, the following techniques were used to get
the information:
1. Focus Groups: a focus group is the representation of a group of people that are
going to be the users or clients of a system to get some feedback from them.
This feedback is used to get information about needs/opportunities, problems to
identify requirements, etc [ CITATION tut20 \l 1033 ].

2. Survey/Questionnaire: the survey proposes users to choose from various

options (“agree strongly”, “agree…), or having open ended question in which they
can freely answer. This is a good technique to be used in a clinic where there is
not enough time to interview every staff [ CITATION tut20 \l 1033 ].

3. Observation: just by observing, the System Analyst can identify process flow,
pain point, and improvement opportunities. The observation must be active, as it
is based on getting more understanding on the current system.

After gathering all the above information, the functional requirement of Forever Healthy
Clinic was collected. The information is shown below:
1. Functionality to manage user details i.e. add, delete and update: the system
will have accounts for the users to login, and a super account for the
administrator. This account will control the other accounts.

2. Functionality to manage user and client’s data i.e. add, edit and update: the
admin will be able to manage the information in other accounts. The admin can
also add, delete, and update if necessary.

3. Functionality to search for treatments: Specialist with accounts should be able

to research for new updated treatments in particular diseases suffered by
patients. .

4. Functionality to Change Credentials: for security reasons, users should be
able to change their usernames and passwords as often as they think necessary.
This is to avoid unauthorized users to access the system.

5. Functionality that will produce a treatment plan: a treatment plan is needed

to make sure patients recover 100%. The functionality should facilitate follow up
on the patient.

6. Functionality to place Notices: the administrator of the system should be able

to place notices for the users whenever it is necessary. For example, if a new
treatment has been updated or removed.

7. Functionality to measure treatment efficacy: there should be a way to see the

best treatments that work 100% sure. This should help the clinic to sort out the
best treatments given.

10 | P a g e
Below are some non-functional requirements:
1. System Security: only authorized users should be able to login to the system,
this includes nurses, doctors and administrative staff.

2. System Reliability: the system must run without disruptions. It has to be

available 24/7 without crashing.

3. Friendly Interface: the system should be usable. The staff using the system
should feel comfortable with the system.

4. System maintainability: the system must be updatable and upgradable. This

will be done as new challenges that should be addressed keep rising.

5. System Backup: the system should be able to back up its data periodically,
either manually or automatically.

6. System performance: the system should respond as fast as possible to what

the input demands without unnecessary delay.

7. Interoperability: the system should be able to be run in other platforms without

any major concerns.

8. Database expandability: as the clinic grows, the system should be able to

support the increasing number data from personnel, patients, etc.

After the identification of the functional and non-functional requirements, there is a need
of drawing a use case diagram. Its function is to show the relationship between the
system to be created, its functions, and the users. Below is the diagram:

11 | P a g e

Add user

Delete user

Update user

Add treatment

Update Treatment

Delete Treatment

View treatment plan


View patient History

Search treatment


12 | P a g e

This section of the report entails the structural and behavioral representations of the
proposed system. The structural representations depict the relationship amongst the
structures such as entities and classes that exists within the database whereas the
behavioral representations depict how the system will handle certain business
processes and logics.
The ERD was used to present the relationships, cardinalities and participation
constraints that exist amongst entities. Based on the ERD, the physical design of the
database of the system will be made possible. The diagram of the ERD is shown below:

Doctors 1 1 Treatment

0….* _record 0…*





13 | P a g e
A class diagram was modeled to hold the classes of objects and the relationships
amongst them. The class diagram also ensured that each object class was represented
with their respective attributes and operations. The class diagram can be seen below:

Doctors Treatment
ID: int ID: int
DoctorName: varchar Symptoms: varchar
UserName: varchar Description: varchar
Email: varchar 1 Treatment: varchar
MobileNumer: varchar RecordedDate: time
Address: varchar UpdatedDate: time
Specialization: varchar
Password: varchar
Has Treatment details
ViewPatientHistory() 1 0…*

Patient_Treatment_Record ID: int
ID: int 0…* AdminName:
1 varchar
Name: varchar UserName: varchar
DoctorName: varchar MobileNumber: varchar
Consultations: varchar Email: varchar
SymptomsName: varchar UserName: varchar
Symptoms: varchar Password: varchar
Treatment: varchar AdminRegDate: time
StartDate: time
Finishdate: time Adduser()
RecordedDate: time UpdateUser()
Activity Flow Diagram: ViewTreatmentPlan()

ID: int
SymptomDescription: varchar
14 | P a g e
CreationDate: Time
Describes Symptoms Visits Patient

Checks Symptoms

Send for analysis

Patient Positive Patient negative

Check Treatment Issue discharge

Plan advice

Operation Medicine

Schedule for Prescribe medicine

Sign for the
operation operation



This section of the report shows the documentation of how the proposed system was
physically modeled using the PHP programming language. It also entails the software
implementation method that was adapted to roll over the system into the environment of
Forever Healthy Clinic.

15 | P a g e
The sample code below is one that ensures that a user is able to manage the details of
the Treatment Management System.
The code first authenticates the user credentials by running the details against the ones
in the user database. If the credentials are correct then, a session is established for the
user. The codes then allows the user to search for a patient’s history, search for a
treatment, check symptoms, etc. If there is any error, the system will display an error
message. Furthermore, a user can change his username and password for security

$sql ="SELECT ID FROM doctors WHERE UserName=:username and
$query-> bindParam(':username', $username, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$query-> bindParam(':password', $password, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$query-> execute();
if($query->rowCount() > 0)
foreach ($results as $result) {

16 | P a g e
echo "<script type='text/javascript'> document.location ='dashboard.php'; </script>";
} else{
echo "<script>alert('Invalid Details');</script>";


if (strlen($_SESSION['ptmsid']==0)) {
} else {

Change Password:

17 | P a g e
$sql ="SELECT Email FROM doctors WHERE Email=:email and
$query= $dbh -> prepare($sql);
$query-> bindParam(':email', $email, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$query-> bindParam(':mobile', $mobile, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$query-> execute();
$results = $query -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
if($query -> rowCount() > 0)
$con="update tbladmin set Password=:newpassword where Email=:email and
$chngpwd1 = $dbh->prepare($con);
$chngpwd1-> bindParam(':email', $email, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$chngpwd1-> bindParam(':mobile', $mobile, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$chngpwd1-> bindParam(':newpassword', $newpassword, PDO::PARAM_STR);
echo "<script>alert('Your Password succesfully changed');</script>";
else {
echo "<script>alert('Email id or Mobile no is invalid');</script>";

18 | P a g e

echo '<script>alert("Logout Successfully");window.location = "index.php"; </script>';



System changeover refers to the actions taken to integrate the new Treatment
Management System in the Clinic. Changeover has several techniques which include:
direct changeover, parallel changeover, pilot changeover, and phase changeover. The
method used at Forever Healthy Clinic was the direct changeover. This is because,
system failure will not be a great issue, and also, there was no previous electronic
system concerning treatment. Therefore, the direct changeover was considered the best
in this case.


A test plan was done to make sure the system was working smoothly in all the
departments of the Clinic.
001 Login To ensure that Users and The system
the admin and admin should could only be
users can login only be able to access with the

19 | P a g e
to the system. login with the right
correct credentials.
002 Search The make sure User should be As expected
Treatment users can able to find the users can
search for treatment from access
treatment. the symptoms. treatments
from the
003 Change To verify Users should Of course
passwords. whether users be able to users were
can change change their able to change
their passwords or their
passwords. create a new passwords, as
one, if the old well as
is forgotten. creating new
004 Admin power To verify The admin The admin
whether the should be able account was
admin could to add, update able to create
control other and delete new new ones,
users, and users. delete, and
update, delete, update them.
or add new
055 Search Patient To confirm The system Actually, the
wheather a should be able system could
patient can be to search for a search for
located from patient from patients from
his name. the ID or their IDs or
name. names.


20 | P a g e
The image above represents the system’s homepage. From this page both admin and
users can login to their accounts. Also, it is possible for them to search for a treatment.

The image shows the admin site. From here the admin can control all the notices, view
the patient’s history, manage accounts, search for treatments and patients, etc. his side
has absolute control of the system.

21 | P a g e
The above image shows the users’ side. Where they can carry out all the operations
they need with the patients.

The above picture shows the search option which allows the users to search the
information they need.

The above feature shows the credential requirements before login.

22 | P a g e

In this section the system developed is evaluated against the user requirements. The
requirements can be functional and non-functional. Also, this sections contains the
conclusion of the final work.

Evaluation of Primary Functional Requirements:

This evaluations were done to verify if the functional requirements were met:
1. User data Management: the completed system indeed allows the admin to add,
update, delete and search for user information. Therefore, total admin control has
been achieved.

2. Treatment Data Management: the admin is able to search, update, delete and
add any new treatments that are effective. So, the total control on the treatment
data has been achieved.

3. Patient data Management: the admin and the staff can access a patient’s
history and treatment plan to see how well the patient is doing. The patient can
view his own history and treatment plan in other to follow it to the latter.
Therefore, total patient data management is a success.

Evaluation of Primary Non-Functional Requirements:

The system was evaluated on the following to make sure it mate the primary non-
functional requirements:
1. Usability: the system was observed to be very user friendly. The staff could
easily adapt to it without any assistance. Also, patients could use it to verify their
data and treatment plans without too much effort.

2. Reliability: the staff and the admin found the finished system very reliable to
provide the treatments, speed search, easy patient follow up, and other more
conveniences. Therefore, the system was quite reliable for the clinic staff.

3. Security: the system provided security to the users as they could only login with
their username and a strong password. The system reminds them to change
their passwords every moth, and the system demands the password any time the
screen comes from sleep.

23 | P a g e
4. Performance: the system performance was found to be good, without any
delays. The loading is quite fast when searching, and the reminders always come
on time.

5. Interoperability: the system was tested in various Operative System such as

Windows, MAC OS, Linux, etc. and was able to function with the same speed
and clearance. This made users and clients happier as they did not have to
change their OS or laptops.

The Treatment Management System has addressed the problems expose by the
Forever Healthy Clinic. It has improve the quality and efficacy of the treatments, and
has ease research and follow up. This will go a long way to bring more clients on board
and increase benefits to the clinic. It will also help reduce sickness in society by giving
out effective treatments that cure patients complete.
The tools and techniques employed to develop and implement the Treatment
Management System were the best options. PHP by ensured seamless integration and
communication of the system to the database. The MySQL DBMS ensured that data
kept by the database was entirely secure by using username and passwords to protect
that data.
SSM helped to ensure the system was going to be user friendly and easy to implement.
Therefore, the Treatment Management System is a success.

24 | P a g e

In the last decade the emerging technologies in Information and Communication
technologies lead to very big advances in services for community, especially
healthcare sector.
In the last decade the emerging technologies in Information and Communication
technologies lead to very big advances in services for community, especially
healthcare sector.
In the last decade the emerging technologies in Information and Communication
technologies lead to very big advances in services for community, especially
healthcare sector.
In the last decade the emerging technologies in Information and Communication
technologies lead to very big advances in services for community, especially
healthcare sector.
In recent years the emerging technologies in communication have enabled a great
development in the health care sector [ CITATION Zai13 \l 1033 ].
Forever Healthy clinic is using a manual treatment system that works as follows: Since
a patient gets to the clinic is received by the receptionist. Who sells a clinical book to the
patient where he/she can fill personal details, and sent to the assigned department.
Then, his can complaint of his pains and the complaints are noted together with his
temperature, weight, etc. and sent for analysis if necessary.
The physician then recommends and asks the patient to come back if necessary for
checkup. This process continues until the patient is discharged from the clinic or dies
[ CITATION Zai13 \l 1033 ].

Recently, Forever Healthy Clinic has had problems concerning the decrease in patients
and complaints from customers. The management of the clinic thinks that is due to the
6. Ineffective Record Keeping: Since everything is done manually the store book
where patient’s details are kept has become full along the years and is more and
more difficult to follow up with the treatment patient that have been at the hospital

25 | P a g e
7. Complaints of Uncompleted Treatments: because of the nature of the
database, treatment is most of the time not complete as doctors discard patients
while the feel better. Also, in other cases follow up is very difficult.

8. Mix ups with appointments: appointments are usually very difficult to keep for
the nature of the database. At times several patients will be appointed for the
same specialist at the same hour. Other times, there is no way to remind the
patients to come at the appointed time.

9. Lose of treatment books: Many patients lose their treatment books and they
come for a new one every time they get sick. This makes it difficult for doctors
and nurses to give an effective treatment. It also makes it difficult to know
whether the patient is allergic to some drugs.

10. Lack of measuring performance tool: due to the lack of measuring

performance tool forever Healthy Clinic has not been able to keep the pace with
competitors. This is because they are not able to measure the best treatments,
employee performance, and keep track of patient’s treatments. This has made of
the loyal patients to move to the competitors.

To address all these challenges that Forever Healthy Clinic is facing, its management
has decided that a Treatment Management System is necessary at the Clinic. The
stated system will enable the staff and management to do the following:
 The system will manage have a database that will keep all the data about a
patient’s treatment like observations, diagnoses, test results, etc.
 The system will provide a platform for treatment plan for every patient.
 The system will provide a platform for doctors’ appointments with patients.
 Solve the treatment book problem.
 Measure the effectiveness of treatments.
By solving the above-stated problem and many more, Forever Healthy Clinic will
become a reference for excellent health care service in the whole world.


26 | P a g e
The Treatment Management System will be a web-based system Information system
that can be accessible everywhere in the world provided a smart device and internet
connection. The system shall be managed by the clinic's administration. Besides, the
system will be backed with a powerful database management system that will enable it
to keep a record of whatever input in the system and provide the required output.
Below are some of the tasks that the Treatment Management System will be able to

7. Effective Record Keeping:

The Treatment Management System will be backed up with a powerful DBMS
which will enable it to keep a patient history which include data such as
observations, test results, regimes, and a treatment plan for the patient, among
other details.

8. Patient Treatment Plan:

The system will provide a treatment for every patient and medical advice related
to the treatment is stored in the database. Furthermore, any equipment needed
to carry out the treatment will be stored in the database.

9. Effective Treatment Search:

The system provides the specialist with the latest treatments in any sickness
suffered by patients. This enables to evaluate the alternatives and choose the
best one in a record time.

10. Treatment History:

At every patient’s history it will be possible to see all the past treatments the
patient has undergone. This will make follow easier and the next treatment more

11. Effectiveness Measuring Tool:

The system will issue remainders when a task in the patient treatment plan is not
done on time. Therefore, the effectiveness of the treatment will be measure
based on the data stored in the database. So that, only the most effective
regimens are used.

12. Other Additional Features:

27 | P a g e
The system performs treatment planning, treatment monitoring, hospital
monitoring, healthcare insurance billing, patient billing, research and analysis
support, supply chain management and personnel scheduling.


1. Investigate and document the business operations of Forever Healthy Clinic in
order to understand the lapses in their current operations so as to develop the
most appropriate Treatment Management System and fix the current crisis.

2. Research and document similar treatment systems that have been successfully
implemented by other clinics. This will help as a point of reference to develop the
most suitable system for Forever Healthy Clinic.


 Different development methods have to be compared, and the best suited for the
Treatment Management System at Forever Healthy Clinic then should be
chosen. Finally, this process has to be documented.
 A surveyor interview should be carried out to gather information from the staff at
Forever Healthy Clinic to know what they require for the future Information
System. The employees' request has to be documented and kept for further
consultation during system development.
 Different database management systems have to be compared to see the best
suitable for the IS that needs to be built. The DBMS chosen is documented for
further use.
 Also, different programming languages have to be compared and identify the
ones that will best suit the IS that has to be built. This information is then
documented and kept.
 The system is now developed using all the information gathered above.
 Then, the system needs to be tested base on the requirements stated by the
 Finally, the whole project needs to be documented.


28 | P a g e
Below are some of the characteristics that the Treatment Management System will be
able to exhibit:
 The system will be web web-based and everyone will have access to it through
its URL after Hosting.
 The system will provide an interface in which employees can log in by providing
their personal information like username and password that will be provided by
the admin.
 The administrator or General Manager will have an especial user account, in
which he will be able to oversee other accounts in the system and make any
necessary changes in the account settings.
 The system will have a backup DBMS in which data updates will be made, all
records kept and information retrieves when necessary.
 The Treatment Management System will come a long way to be used in all
departments and all staff of the clinic like reception, administration, experts, etc.

Below are some of the features that the Treatment Management System cannot have:
 Payments will not be done through the system. The Treatment Management
System is not built for sale purposes. Therefore, patients will not use the platform
to make payments. Nevertheless, the Clinic will provide another channel for
digital payments.
 The system will not be able to back up the data automatically. Therefore, the
admin will set a backup schedule which he will follow with much care.

Aim Description Start Date Final Date Expectations
To research Several system 1st July 2020 3rd July 2020 The complete
about methods development research about
of methodologies the system
development. have to be development
analyzed and methodologies
one of them and the choice.
justification for
the choice.
Information Methods used 4th July 2020 5th July 2020 The
about users to get users' documented
requirements opinions, their user

29 | P a g e
opinions, and requirements
the ones together with
considered. the method
used to get the
DBMS Several 6th July 2020 7th July 2020 The research
research DBMSs are on the DBMSs
analyzed, and should be
the best documented.
suitable is
chose to back
up the system.
Programing Different 8th July 2020 9th July 2020 A documented
languages programming report of the
Research languages will programming
be analyzed language
and the best investigation. It
suitable for the should include
system to be the one
developed chosen.
shall be
Coding and The 10th July 2020 20th July 2020 The system
test. development of should be
the Treatment ready. If not
Management fully ready
System takes mistakes
place. After the should be
coding, the corrected.
system is
tested to see
how it works
and if there are
errors to
Implementation The system is 21st July 2020 25th July 2020 Complete
and backup now fully system
installed, and installation.
the backup
reminder set
Initial project It contains the 26th July 2020 30th July 2020 Submit the
report beginning of initial project
the project report.

30 | P a g e
Final project It carries the 31st July 2020 7th August Submission of
report final project 2020 the final
report project.


31 | P a g e

1. Development Methodologies Research:

During this process, research will be carried out through the internet,
academic books, etc. to find the best development methodology for the
Treatment Management System. Once done, the process will be documented
for later use.

2. User Recommendation:
During this exercise, the staff of Forever Healthy Clinic will be allowed to
make requirements on how they want the system to work. This exercise can
be done through questionnaires, surveys, interviews, etc. finally, when the
exercise is completed the process has to be documented.

3. DBMS Research:

32 | P a g e
Research has to be made about the type of DBMS that is going to be used to
back up the website. The DBMS will help to save, delete, retrieve, and collect
data. After completing the exercise, it has to be documented.

4. Programming Language Research:

Another activity to carry out is to choose a suitable programming language.
There are several of them; C++, JavaScript, HTML, PHP, FORTRAN, Pascal,
etc. among them the best one to use to build the system has to be chosen
and documented.

5. Coding and Testing:

This activity involves the actual development of the system using the chosen
methodology, user recommendation, appropriate DBMS, and the suitable
programming language. This process takes a longer time (Critical path). After
which the system will be tested in parts of the clinic to see how effectively it
works, and if there is any need for changes to be made.

6. Implementation and backup:

At this stage, the system is completely installed in all the Clinics. Provision is
made for backup and most importantly the staff is trained on how to use the
new IS. Several methods can be used to train the staff such as guide book,
face to face lessons, or virtual classes like tutorials. After the training, a report
is documented for the management.

7. Initial Project:
In this process the first part of the project is documented which contains the
aims, the requirements, the difficulties faced by the clinic, etc. all this is
documented into a report given which serves a summary.

8. Final Project:
This process involves documenting the whole work from the beginning to the
end. This should involve all steps taken in all stages with the required
graphical representations for better understanding. This will be used as a tool
to revise whenever there is a need to improve the system.

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 Bibliography
 Educba. (2020, July 15). educba. Retrieved from
 JavaTpoint. (2020, July 15). JavaTpoint. Retrieved from
 point, t. (2020, Juy 16). tutorial point. Retrieved from
 shoppy, C. (2020, July 15). Code Shoppy. Retrieved from

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