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Session: 2011-2014

Submitted To: Submitted By:

PROJECT GUIDE 1110101004

Certified that the project work on “PURCHASING PATTERN AND CUSTOMER

Pratap Singh student of class BBA-III Year (A) 2011-14 under my supervision & guidance.

The present work is an addition to existing fund of knowledge.

I therefore approve the project work & wish all the best.

Faculty signature:-
OF DETTOL LIQUID HANDWASH .The main motive of project report was to enhance
my expertise and extensive knowledge I gained through my course, by applying it practically
to the market of DETTOL LIQUID HANDWASH.

The project has been completed by collecting the primary data by interviewing the various
users of Dettol liquid hand wash. Secondary data was also used as per the availability from
different sources. In all the study the aim was to find out purchasing pattern and the consumer
behavior regarding Dettol liquid hand wash.

During the project, I learnt the behaviour of consumers by applying theoretical knowledge
and concepts to the best.
Needless to say, errors and omissions are bound to occur.
Last but not the least, I am grateful to all those who happened to be a part of the successful
completion of this Project and my mind and heart for going hand in hand!

The satiation and euphoric that accompany the successful completion of the task would not
be possible without the mention of the people who made it possible. After all, success is the
epitome of hard work, severance, undeterred missionary, zeal, steadfast, determination and
most of all encouraging guidance. So, immense gratitude, I acknowledge all those whose
guidance and encouragement served as a “beacon light” and crowned my effort with success.

I sincerely thank MR.DHEERAJ GANDHI SIR for giving opportunity to associate myself
to the leading personal and healthcare company and my project titled “PURCHASING
of Reckitt Benckiser and for guiding me as well as providing me support to conduct the

This project would not have been concluded successfully within the time without my fellow
colleagues’ proper support and help.


BBA III Year (A)
Vision --------
Mission --------
Values --------
Corporate Social Responsibility --------
Research Process --------
Research Design --------
Primary Sources --------
Secondary Sources --------
Simple Random Sampling --------
Questionnaire --------

Dettol, the brand synonymous with protection from germs, had for long been voted as India’s
Most trusted brand. In September 2008, the marketing team of Dettol was reviewing the
brand’s Performance in its 75th year of existence to formulate a three-year plan. Dettol’s
growth trend had been slow but steady over the years and a number of initiatives taken in the
recent years had started yielding results.
The brand started its journey in 1933 as antiseptic liquid, but over the years, it has been
extended to a number of product categories like toilet soaps, liquid handwash, liquid
bodywash, shaving cream and plaster strips. The growth trend in the last few years had been
encouraging with shares showing an accelerated upward growth in most categories, but the
team felt share gain could be much faster. The brand team decided to further build on the
growth trajectory and set itself a visionary target - that of doubling Dettol’s overall share in
next three years in the combined market of the product categories it is present in (Antiseptic
Liquid, Bar soaps, Liquid Handwash, Bodywash).
The team knew that it had to address various challenges to achieve its ambitious target viz.
consumers saw the need for germ kill only in specific situations, resulting in irregular usage
and seasonality. The brand had to fight in a competing environment in which new variants
and re-launches were used for driving growth, it was critical to determine what & where
should be the business thrust to optimize the marketing spend and further accelerate the brand
Earlier in India liquid handwash was not popular. Though people wash hands but they do not
prefer liquid handwash. FMCG Company creates awareness for changing hand washing
habit. They try to make people health conscious in respect to washing hands. In FMCG
segment Liquid handwash is a growing product category.
The importance of personal care and hygiene brings us to our product which we have chosen
for our market research project: Liquid Hand Wash
Hand hygiene pertains to the hygiene practices related to minimizes or prevent disease and
the spreading of disease. The main purpose of washing hands is to cleanse the hands bacteria
or viruses and chemicals which can cause personal harm or disease.
Reckitt Benckiser plc. is a British multinational consumer goods company headquartered
in Slough, Berkshire. It is a major producer of health, hygiene and home products. It was
formed in 1999 by the merger of the UK-based Reckitt & Colman plc. and the Netherlands-
based Benckiser NV.

Reckitt Benckiser's brands include Dettol (the world's largest-selling antiseptic) Strepsils (the

world's largest-selling sore throat medicine), Veet (the world's largest-
selling depilatory brand), Air Wick (the world's second-largest-selling air
freshener), Calgon, Clearasil, Cillit Bang, Durex, Lysol, and Vanish. It has operations in
around 60 countries and its products are sold in almost 200 countries.

Reckitt Benckiser is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE

100 Index. It had a market capitalisation of approximately £31.6 billion as of 13 February

Type: Public limited company

Industry: Consumer goods
Founded: 1814
1938 by merger of Reckitt & Sons and J&J Colman
1999 by merger of Reckitt & Colman and Benckiser
Headquarters: Slough, Berkshire, United Kingdom
Key people: Adrian Bellamy (Chairman)
Rakesh Kapoor (CEO)
Products: Cleaning products, Consumer healthcare products, Condiments, Personal care
Revenue: £9.567 billion (2012)
Operating income: £2.435 billion (2012)
Net income: £1.833 billion (2012)
Employees: 35,900 (2012)
A key pillar of RB’s strategy is to deliver outperformance – growth ahead of the rate
prevailing in our markets –through a disproportionate focus on 19 Powerbrands in the health,
hygiene and home categories.

Representing the potent core of their total portfolio, these Powerbrands are in:-


 Durex,
 Gaviscon,
 Nurofen,
 Mucinex,
 Scholl and
 Strepsils


 Bang,
 Clearasil,
 Dettol,
 Finish,
 Harpo,
 Lysol,
 Mortein and
 Veet.


 Air Wick,
 Calgon,
 Vanish and
 Woolite.
All RB’s Powerbrands have significant potential for future growth through increased
penetration, consumption and category expansion within markets where they already have a


 North Asia
 South East Asia
 Australia & New Zealand
 Latin America


 Russia & CIS

 Middle East, North Africa & Turkey
 Sub-Saharan Africa


 North America
 Central Europe
 Northern Europe
 Southern Europe
 Western Europe
Brand Dettol
The brand Dettol was launched in India in 1933 in the Antiseptic liquid form as a treatment
for cuts and wounds. For almost the first 50 years, Dettol was present only as an antiseptic
liquid. Although it was being used in hospitals and nursing homes for first aid and
disinfectant uses like cleaning wards, washing linen, etc. Consumers were also using it for
bathing, mopping, shaving and other secondary purposes. While it started its journey as the
‘cuts and wounds’ brand in the country, over the years it had taken over the role of ‘protector
from germs’ in every situation.
Dettol Antiseptic Liquid has some strong, distinct associations-first and foremost is its
trademark smell. Who can miss the characteristic Dettol smell that has been the reassurance
to many a child’s scraped knee! Consumers recognize the smell enough to refer to a
medicinally clean room as ‘Dettol like smell’. In the book, ‘Planning of Power Advertising’,
Anand Halve mentions, “It is a safe bet that you will be able to tell the smell of Dettol liquid
on a cut with the reassuring tingling sensation which tells you it begun to work. Savlon on the
other does not have the same burning sensation, (and is) very often seen by consumers as
‘ineffective’ ”.
The second characteristic is its amber gold color. The third is the ‘clouding’ effect that
appears when it is added to water.
Dettol’s packaging is distinct in its very own way. The green & white colours are associated
with hospitals. All Dettol products have a sword on the pack, which is a symbol for fighting
germs and infection. Over the years, the clouding action and the sword have become
synonymous with the brand and have been creatively used in Dettol advertising.
Consumers see Dettol as an ‘expert’, as something which is effective and versatile and
guarantees protection from germs. It has been likened to a bodyguard who protects them from
the unclean and unhygienic outside world. The brand’s versatility stems from multiple uses of
the antiseptic liquid which offers protection in so many different forms.
Usage of the brand gives rise to many emotions in the consumers’ minds. From making them
feel safe and secure about the well-being of their family to making the mother feel that she
has done the best for her family, the brand evokes positive imageries and emotions. Thus, it is
only fitting that the brand’s tagline says - Be 100% Sure.
Over the years brand Dettol has been extended and has made its presence felt in a number of
product categories. While Antiseptic Liquid was the category where the brand was born and
where it continues to command a dominant market share of 85%, its revenue growth is
significantly driven by its presence in the other product categories of toilet soaps(or bar
soaps), Liquid handwash, Body wash, Shaving Cream and Plasters too. Each of these markets
are at varying stages of evolution, so while in one market the brand - as the leader - had the
responsibility of driving overall market growth, in other markets, the brand strategy had been
to garner share. Fundamental to all the categories was existence/creation of a consumer need
for germ protection satiated by Dettol’s trusted promise.
RB’s vision is a world where people are healthier and live better.

RB’s purpose is to make a difference by giving people innovative solutions for healthier lives
and happier homes.

As business grows, particularly in emerging markets, RB will only achieve their vision of a
world where people are healthier and live better through recognising and responding to the
social and environmental challenges our consumers face. RB will continue to focus on
minimising our impacts across the lifecycle of our products and maximising the positive
impacts we have on health and hygiene behaviour. In doing so, RB will become more
sustainable and more successful.

 Target health and hygiene Powerbrands: Continue the successful

Powerbrands strategy but increase focus and investment on higher growth,
higher margin health and hygiene brands, in addition to home.
 Target fast growing markets: Prioritise 16 Powermarkets for
disproportionate investment and growth. A significant number of these
markets are emerging markets.
 New organisation structure: Redeploy resources to increase focus on, and
investment in, emerging markets.

RB’s brands are marketed and sold in 200 markets across the world, but we know that
the vast majority of our global growth will come from a few areas. RB have identified
16 Powermarkets, in both developed and emerging countries where we have a strong
presence and ability to win.
Achievement: We don’t just aim high, we strive for outperformance.

Entrepreneurship: Daring to be different, taking calculated risks.

Partnership: Leveraging relationships for outperformance.

Ownership: Doing whatever it takes to win.

The Company reached its goal of reducing its carbon emissions per dose of product by 20%
several years ahead of plan. It has now set a further goal for 2020 of reducing this by a further
third, reducing its water impact by a third and ensuring that a third of sales comes from more
sustainable products than previously existed.

Additionally the Company has increased its support of Save the Children by 60% which has
enabled a significant expansion of their work in bringing health through hygiene to many
more vulnerable children, especially those under five years of age.

Key Issues with Potential to have Material Impacts on the Business

• Resource availability and use
• Water quantity and quality
• Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction
• Waste management
• Natural raw materials sourcing
• Operational environment, regulatory compliance
• Product (and packaging) use and disposal
• Pollution (including contaminated land)
• Energy use efficiency
• Carbon offsetting
• Product regulation
• Sustainable product innovations
• Occupational health & safety
• Human rights and labour practices
• Responsible and ethical supply chain
• Impacts of demographic change
• Transparency on products and ingredients
• Consumer behaviour change
• Talent attraction
• Employee engagement
• Charitable donations/philanthropy.


 Price
 Packaging
 Product Availability
 Usage Period
 Promotion Offers


 Quality
 Time Period
 Usage of Related and Other Products
 Reason of Usage like Recommended, Hygiene, etc.

A research process consists of stages or steps that guide the process of project from its
conception through the final analysis, recommendations and ultimate actions. The research
process provides a systematic, planned approach to the research project and ensures that all
aspects of the research project are consistent with each other. Research studies evolve
through a series of steps, each representing the answer to a key question.

It aims to understand the research methodology establishing a framework of evaluation and

revaluation of primary and secondary research. The techniques and concepts used during
primary research in order to arrive at findings; which are also dealt with and lead to a logical
deduction towards the analysis and results.

It propose to first conduct a intensive secondary research to understand the full impact and
implication of the industry, to review and critique the industry norms and reports, on which
certain issues shall be selected, which remain unanswered or liable to change, this shall be
further taken up in the next stage of exploratory research. This stage shall help to restrict and
select only the important question and issue, which inhabit growth and segmentation in the

Research design is a conceptual structure within which research was conducted. A research
design is the detailed blueprint used to guide a research study towards its objective. It is a
series of advanced decision taken together comprising a master plan or a model for
conducting the research in consonance with the research objectives. Research design is
needed because it facilitates the smooth sailing of the various research operations, thereby
making research as efficient as possible yielding maximum information with the minimum
effort, time and money.

Primary sources are original material. Information for which the writer has no personal

knowledge is not primary, although it may be used by historians in the absence of a primary
source. In the study of history as an academic discipline, a primary source (also
called original source or evidence) is an artifact, a document, a recording, or other source of
information that was created at the time under study. It serves as an original source of
information about the topic. Similar definitions are used in library science, and other areas of
relationship of projects, although different fields have somewhat different definitions. In
journalism, a primary source can be a person with direct knowledge of a situation, or a
document written by such a person.

Primary sources are distinguished from secondary sources which cite, comment on, or build
upon primary sources. Generally, accounts written after the fact with the benefit of hindsight
are secondary. A secondary source may also be a primary source depending on how it is
used. "Primary" and "secondary" are relative terms, with sources judged primary or
secondary according to specific historical contexts and what is being studied.

Although many documents that are primary sources remain in private hands, the usual
location for them is an archive. These can be public or private. Documents relating to one
area are usually spread over a large number of different archives. These can be distant from
the original source of the document.

History as an academic discipline is based on primary sources, as evaluated by the

community of scholars, who report their findings in books, articles and papers. Arthur
Marwick says "Primary sources are absolutely fundamental to history." Ideally, a historian
will use all available primary sources created by the people involved, at the time being
studied. In practice some sources have been destroyed, while others are not available for
research. Perhaps the only eyewitness reports of an event may be memoirs, autobiographies,
or oral interviews taken years later. Sometimes the only evidence relating to an event or
person in the distant past was written or copied decades or centuries later. Manuscripts that
are sources for classical texts can be copies of documents, or fragments of copies of
documents. This is a common problem in classical studies, where sometimes only a summary
of a book or letter has survived. Potential difficulties with primary sources have the result that
history is usually taught in schools using secondary sources.

Historians studying the modern period with the intention of publishing an academic article
prefer to go back to available primary sources and to seek new (in other words, forgotten or
lost) ones. Primary sources, whether accurate or not, offer new input into historical questions
and most modern history revolves around heavy use of archives and special collections for
the purpose of finding useful primary sources. A work on history is not likely to be taken
seriously as scholarship if it only cites secondary sources, as it does not indicate that original
research has been done.

However, primary sources – particularly those from before the 20th century – may have
hidden challenges. "Primary sources, in fact, are usually fragmentary, ambiguous and very
difficult to analyse and interpret." Obsolete meanings of familiar words and social context are
among the traps that await the newcomer to historical studies. For this reason, the
interpretation of primary texts is typically taught as part of an advanced college or
postgraduate history course, although advanced self-study or informal training is also

Strengths and weaknesses of primary sources

In many fields and contexts, such as historical writing, it is almost always advisable to use
primary sources if possible, and that "if none are available, it is only with great caution that
[the author] may proceed to make use of secondary sources." In addition, primary sources
avoid the problem inherent in secondary sources, where each new author may distort and put
their own spin on the findings of prior cited authors. However, a primary source is not
necessarily more of an authority or better than a secondary source. There can be bias and
other tactic used to twist historical information. These errors may be corrected in secondary
sources, which are often subjected to peer review, can be well documented, and are often
written by historians working in institutions where methodological accuracy is important to
the future of the author's career and reputation. Historians consider the accuracy
and objectiveness of the primary sources they are using and historians subject both primary
and secondary sources to a high level of scrutiny. A primary source such as a journal entry
(or the online version, a blog), at best, may only reflect one individual's opinion on events,
which may or may not be truthful, accurate, or complete.
Participants and eyewitnesses may misunderstand events or distort their reports (deliberately
or unconsciously) to enhance their own image or importance.


Secondary source is a document or recording that relates or discusses information originally

presented elsewhere. A secondary source contrasts with a primary source, which is an
original source of the information being discussed; a primary source can be a person with
direct knowledge of a situation, or a document created by such a person. However, as
discussed in detail in the section below on classification, deciding how to classify a source is
not always an obvious decision.

Secondary sources involve generalization, analysis, synthesis, interpretation, or evaluation of

the original information. Primary and secondary are relative terms, and some sources may be
classified as primary or secondary, depending on how it is used. An even higher level, the
tertiary source, such as an encyclopedia or dictionary, resembles a secondary source in that it
contains analysis, but attempts to provide a broad introductory overview of a topic.

Characteristics of a secondary source

A secondary source is built from primary sources. Secondary sources are not required to
provide you with a bibliography, but you should have some reason to believe that the source
is building on the foundation of prior sources rather than starting with all-new material. For
example, century-old love letters on display at a museum are primary sources; a secondary
source might analyze the contents of these letters. The fact that the analysis is based on these
letters would be evident from the description in the source, even if the paper contained no

A secondary source is significantly separated from these primary sources. A reporter's

notebook is an (unpublished) primary source, and the news story published by the reporter
based on those notes is also a primary source. This is because the sole purpose of the notes in
the notebook is to produce the news report. If a journalist later reads dozens of these primary-
source news reports and uses those articles to write a book about a major event, then this
resulting work is a secondary source. This separation is not defined by the length of time that
elapses or geographical distance.
A secondary source usually provides analysis, commentary, evaluation, context, and
interpretation. It is this act of going beyond simple description, and telling us the meaning
behind the simple facts, that makes them valuable to Wikipedia.

Reputable secondary sources are usually based on more than one primary source. High-
quality secondary sources often synthesize multiple primary sources, in due proportion to the
expert-determined quality of the primary sources. This helps us present the material in due
proportion to the sources' actual importance, rather than in due proportion to the size of the
sources' publicity budgets.



It is a description of the characteristics of that group of people from whom a course is

intended. It attempts to describe them as they are rather than as the describer would like them
to be. Also called the audience, the audience to be served by the project includes
key demographic information (i.e.; age, sex etc.).The specific population intended as
beneficiaries of a program.

The target population is the population one want to make conclude an ideal situation; the
sampling frames to matches the target population. A specific resource set that is the object or
target of investigation. The audience defined in age, background, ability, and preferences,
among other things, for which a given course of instruction is intended. The first hand
information should be collected by making the people fill the questionnaires.

I have selected the sample trough Simple random Sampling.

I have targeted 50 people for the purpose of the research. The target population influences the
sample size. The target population represents BAREILLY region.
In a simple random sample (SRS) of a given size, all such subsets of the frame are given an
equal probability. Each element of the frame thus has an equal probability of selection: the
frame is not subdivided or partitioned. Furthermore, any given pair of elements has the same
chance of selection as any other such pair (and similarly for triples, and so on). This
minimises bias and simplifies analysis of results. In particular, the variance between
individual results within the sample is a good indicator of variance in the overall population,
which makes it relatively easy to estimate the accuracy of results.

However, SRS can be vulnerable to sampling error because the randomness of the selection
may result in a sample that doesn't reflect the makeup of the population. For instance, a
simple random sample of ten people from a given country will on average produce five men
and five women, but any given trial is likely to overrepresent one sex and underrepresent the
other. Systematic and stratified techniques, discussed below, attempt to overcome this
problem by using information about the population to choose a more representative sample.

SRS may also be cumbersome and tedious when sampling from an unusually large target
population. In some cases, investigators are interested in research questions specific to
subgroups of the population. For example, researchers might be interested in examining
whether cognitive ability as a predictor of job performance is equally applicable across racial
groups. SRS cannot accommodate the needs of researchers in this situation because it does
not provide subsamples of the population. Stratified sampling, which is discussed below,
addresses this weakness of SRS.

Simple random sampling is always an EPS design (equal probability of selection), but not all
EPS designs are simple random sampling.

Methods of producing random samples

 Random number table have the desired properties no matter how chosen from the
 Mathematical algorithms for pseudo-random number generators

 Physical randomization devices such as coins, playing cards or sophisticated devices.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Random Sampling


 Can be used with large sample populations

 Avoids bias


 Can lead to poor representation of the overall parent population or area if large areas
are not hit by the random numbers generated. This is made worse if the study area is
very large
 There may be practical constraints in terms of time available and access to certain
parts of the study area.

Q1. Do you use Dettol Liquid handwash?

70% of the people uses Dettol Liquid handwash and 30% of the people refused that they do
not use the handwash.

Q2. For what purpose do you use Dettol Liquid handwash?

Through this pie chart, people can see that through sampling people use this antiseptic for
Health & Hygiene and people even use this product for the purpose of Fragnance of this
product also make people use it.

Q3. For how long have you been using Dettol Liquid Handwash?

Through this chart, we learn that recently in less than a year people have started using this
Liquid handwash barely people used it in more than 5 years but average percentage of people
used in the time before that.

Q4. Do you think Dettol Liquid Handwash provides quality products to its customer?

The users of Dettol liquid handwash tells that they get quality product and only 23% of the
users told that they think the quality is not upto the expectations.
Q5. Are you satisfied with Dettol Liquid Handwash?

Most of the users are satisfied with the product and some number of users are not satisfied
with the product due to different reasons.

Q6. What
changes have
you felt in your
Hygiene after
using this

After using the

different users
found different
changes in their health. Some thinks that this handwash prevents germs easily and some
thinks the handwash made no changes in their Health.
Q7. What changes you would like to see in Dettol Liquid Handwash?

Consumers would like to see different changes in the Handwash. The users want more range
may be different for different age group and they want price to be reasonable and better and
attractive packaging.

Q8. Would you continue to buy Dettol Liquid Handwash even if there is increased to
say 10% - 15% in price?

The users are so satisfied that 60% of the users will continue to buy the product even if the
prices rises with time but still there are 40% of the people who preferred to discontinue
buying the product.
Q9. If ‘NO’ then which product will you buy?

According to the previous question, the people who will not buy the product would prefer
Lifebuoy liquid handwash with most percentage and Pears with other different options.

Q10. What do you think who is the biggest competitor of Dettol Liquid Handwash?

Most of the users think that Lifebuoy is the biggest competitor of the product ‘LIFEBUOY
Q11. Will you recommend Dettol Liquid Handwash to others?

The users are so satisfied that they want to recommend the product to the people they know.

Q12. Do you find the product easily in the market?

The product users says that the product is easily available to them but some users deny this
Q13. What influence you most to buy Dettol Liquid Handwash?

Advertisement and Family influenced most of the users to buy Dettol Liquid Handwash and
even friends have some influence to use the product.

Q14. Are you satisfied with offers and promotion given by the company?

Most of the people are satisfied with the offers and promotion strategies but still there are
people who are unsatisfied with them.
Q15. From where do you buy Dettol Liquid Handwash?

The Dettol Liquid Handwash users generally buy the product from medical store and general
store as they are easy available shops from where the users can buy.

Q16. Do you use

any other product of Dettol?

The people even trust on the other products of Dettol. The users even use the Dettol Bar
Soap which helps them from protecting themselves from Diseases.
Q17. Do you use any other product of Reckitt Benckiser?

This shows that different users have different choices and buy different products of Reckitt
Benckiser which makes the company to be good skincare and healthcare choice of the

 70% of the people uses Dettol Liquid Handwash and 30% of the people refused that
they do not use the Liquid Handwash.
 Through this study it can be seen that sampled people use this antiseptic Liquid
Handwash for Health & Hygiene and people even use this product for the purpose of
Fragnance and recommendation of this product also make people use it. People use
this Liquid Handwash for preventing or kill Germs.
 Through this study, we learn that recently in less than a year people have started using
this antiseptic Liquid Handwash and barely people used it in more than 5 years but
average percentage of people used in the time before that.
 The 77% users of Dettol Liquid Handwash tells that they get quality product and only
23% of the users told that they think the quality is not upto the expectations.
 Most of the users are satisfied with the product and some number of users are not
satisfied with the product due to different reasons.
 After using the Liquid Handwash, different users found different changes in their
Health. Some thinks that this Liquid Handwash kills germs easily and some thinks the
Liquid Handwash made no changes in their Health.
 Consumers would like to see different changes in the Liquid Handwash. The users
want more range may be for different age group and they want price to be reasonable
and better and attractive packaging.
 The users are so satisfied that 60% of the users will continue to buy the product even
if the prices rises with time but still there are 40% of the people who are not ready to
buy the product.
 According to the study, the people who will not buy the product would prefer
Lifebuoy with most percentage and pears with other different options.
 Most of the users think that Lifebuoy is the biggest competitor for the product
 The users are so satisfied that they want to recommend the product to the people they
 The product users says that the product is easily available to them but some users
deny this fact.
 Advertisement and Family influenced most of the users to buy Dettol Liquid
Handwash and even friends have some influence to use the product.
 Most of the people are satisfied with the offers and promotion strategies but still there
are people who are unsatisfied with them.
 The Dettol Liquid Handwash users generally buy the product from medical store and
general store as they are easy available shops from where the users can buy.
 The people even trust on the other products of Dettol or Reckitt Benckiser. The users
even use the Dettol Bar Soap mostly which helps them from protecting themselves
from the Diseases.
 Thus it shows that different users have different choices and buy different products of
Reckitt Benckiser which makes the company to be a good skincare and healthcare
choice of the customers.

The product manufacturers should consider attractive advertising to attract the customers so
that the customers who are not using the product should start using it as there is increasing
trend of nature based products among customers.
At the same time, antiseptic product producers should also consider the reasons, which
motivate the customers to buy the liquid handwash as they are concerned with hand germs
issues. However, the inclusion of cosmetic aspects in their products would be more effective
for the organization to increase their customer base and to achieve a sustainable growth.
Going ahead, it will be important to develop research and development capabilities to further
customize products for Indian customers create greater awareness among the burgeoning
middle class and ensure effective distribution reach to service them.

There are people who think that Dettol is not giving good quality products so RB needs to
improve its quality so that it can capture much larger share of the market.

RB must get wider range of product according to the skin texture, age group which will make
people buy the product more as now-a-days people believe more in buying of products
according to their age & skin texture.

Some percentage of people using Dettol Liquid Handwash think that prices of the product is
high enough so no more rising of the prices will make them continue to buy the product.

“Powerbrand products which legally mimic the labels to established brands narrow down the
scope of skin products in rural and semi-urban markets so the brand should come up with
something new, different and very creative.

People buying the product thinks that Dettol liquis handwash is not available in all small and
big stores so the product should to be transported in all small and big areas so people do not
have to buy any other substitute in case of non-availability.

The Healthcare care market is at a primary stage in India. With the change in life styles,
increase in disposable incomes, greater product choice and availability, people are becoming
more alert about personal health grooming so the company must work hard to achieve its goal
to become the no.1 organisation so they need to focus more on customers rather than thinking
of profits as there is still large segment of population that is still not approached.
RB should be so creative and different naturally so that people would think of only one
product as a Handwash and the other products with so much of chemicals should not be in the
minds of the consumers as the Dettol takes our best care.

The secondary data has been collected from the following websites:-


Q1. Do you use Dettol’s Liquid Handwash ?

a) Yes
b) No

Q2. For what purpose do you use Dettol Liquid Handwash ?

a)   Recommended
b)  Health and Hygeine
c)   Fragnance
d)   Antiseptic

Q3. For how long have you been using Dettol Liquid Handwash ?
a) Less than a year
b) More than a year
c) Less than 5 years
d) More than 5 years

Q4. Do you think Dettol Liquid Handwash provides quality products to its customer?

Q5. Are you satisfied with Dettol Liquid Handwash?

a) Yes
b) No

Q6. What changes have you felt in your Health after using this Handwash?
a) Better Health
b) Less Diseases
c) More Hygiene
d) No change

Q7. What changes you would like to see in Dettol Liquid Handwash?
a) More range
b) Better packaging
c) Reasonable price
d) Any other

Q8. Would you continue to buy Dettol Liquid Handwash even if there is increased to say 10% -
15% in price?
a) Yes
b) No

Q9. If ‘NO’ then which product will you buy?

a) Lifebuoy
b) Pears
c) Savlon
d) Any other

Q10. What do you think who is the biggest competitor of Dettol Liquid Handwash?
a) Lifebuoy liquid handwash
b) Pears Liquid Handwash
c) Savlon Liquid Handwash
d) Any other

Q11. Will you recommend Dettol Liquid Handwash to others?

a) Yes
b) No

Q12. Do you find the product easily in the market?

a) Yes
b) No

Q13. What influence you most to buy Dettol Liquid Handwash ?

a) Advertisement
b) Friends
c) Family
d) Self-Confidence

Q14. Are you satisfied with offers and promotion given by the company?
a) Yes
b) No

Q15. From where do you buy Dettol Liquid Handwash ?

a) Organized Retail Store
b) Medical Store
c) General Store
d) Any other

Q16. Do you use any other product of Dettol?

a) Bar Soap
b) Antiseptic Liquid
c) Shaving Cream

Q17. Do you use any other product of Reckitt Benckiser?

a)      Fair and Handsome
b)      Vasocare Petroleum Jelly
c)      Vasocare Lip Balm
d)      Sona Chandi Chwanprash
e)      Malai Kesar Cold
f)       Dettol Liquid Handwash Powder
g)      Zandu Navratna
h)      Navratna Hair Oil
i)        Any Other

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