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Science Methodolo)
rwedahe scinee g pe)is ere branchus mdash anciss
hindau ck
htals naligiens leuk a gap oncamurilg voho plas hindismf.
Comslihuks he dedss aunsanskrit ktralal.) agordit
p da he mda v alhaua mda rul rually gcaking, ilk a
ohuan rdgo ceming crn hom guvnaliom do grenalion ouie slorrl
paralel' M uele lilenalise hat' ahy i erngne has ben said
b hm h ernalol toahm) hins nin o he eralan.ot
alla elermel bucause nadyknra ahun itaru vol hite. l há shorsw
6brg hadlilion and dep alachomort lo h ondion culist

Ayunreda seire lik hotskE ayslem maleine hon ohala

Phaint ebndlia 'aomu 5oo0yas
tuh ovded porn nahma oags

h e principlss na philksgey wneoh vaus man da a tenmplec

ahulu, seudliz sn ectml and iemal emironenls ho prinejpk au
drind fam sunrensal dausv maline ar hane changedl ltl Mrngh Leint
oth slyichve, oljelis andtita sie 4ppronchus t6 gaining hoaltadge, napraku-
wrtb a dup tendralandarg e senuun ldlligune ho uuirorp
She praelles
peda dfomas lle alyehlo M inldligd eorraintlav un porb

sand tomas. lalh s me iusl a lals

hu oabons, plandory hangu d h tarth, men andl othan pondl, as

dirt, aun enderas ana pindk,
w w obhliap nulaliondljes uoihi ew

-uotkes h e efut and arv ahedtadl ty awy oho animsi and

wanwimak hig i vilne, Bnipirg uall his intó dakre óh ky
daris hualhg
nAyuwwta dhu phee ll jeurnu conoideradl, de be 6canecd
ywnasnin Vidyalhe gnana
nSushrata Sarhia 1. 14

hain ndruiy atua otra baupg dhi jiilan ik apuh

choraha Sanhte 1t2
dih inpliw thu conjuksn phypinl body, sauuw, mind and su
an&reen dy aymenyt such as dhori ] Jhal pawrus ihsliey f and

Deso dhale mala mulam hi shainaun

Suskrut Sadia -15-3

lh scin yorweda. h enplgiel e ogpnizeliona kyordef ae

humt bndnt hoa buie engmd. nn(Body tunewi
ondlaa Lnparikes.} and huu Jru tenporen conpukond thus
chorckis drig dalirnu heuahes

wma dosah hmani Sama dhaa mala kripah
Sukuh Sdsa - 15. 41)

Ce he u, ohnt and hundbin e nla ond Mebs au ha

dil euiisiun and xk h ehurhl minskn irbilefard s r u opns

atjanam casa bvaskratsja bvashejanaksanumalinsy

ikarapnasamaam ca Charuke Sunkih- 30-2

alluroli dindi i he diunud

o said & Je hot:

Dhasna Ara Kama Mekra na hanogyon
Mula muunam
nChouka Sumhita t-1e
ipu fu undten á dhu katanene vila, wealhl guleinlin
and emenipeleon whul he dieau dskeyrAhm, Ma soteruy
welu end he il al
fancamahalshaeta shanin Sumayah

diáinerwoprusing bul,uuw aukuelre cnizuan er Sua

maniess AnL ega and a mind hini and rind hun prujal Tunahw
G a physial dely Crnald fam he pie fna) gratteh) ebeal
demonl Cihedr) kaghs alud Ae Rrtarrahebh.cb wkis ari fr
vama. he arkis acinet urnedh o haud on au uie gruat drul

he utau tombeie no hicke' o reguke forru hal govern and

edtomie n kualh r physil cenditen ahl he houe guruflayjis) praclirili,
(ana): inka ard Srlne); bolene belian aetie ard iula fe eshe

ahian ozkoren kah anl mel bui

atert Seulase yawda

hi mudne hich olsliegih

Jhere are dueral nsocb g syston
hem hun approachu d henlh ca
ahich negulal
deweriku he hne hurdamunkd unuierue nurgis
) Auruah miroeemi Juee. hats,
bola he maorecasnie and
oll makaalpougs
a u e s galarics ard
stars ystns
e eame
nngs puduu efecli his hru unieul
ot hurnn phyinlg
thalaxu opalirg
a kroin as JniBan.

is wdhich rucoguisu
eonpllk vudenl syolian Thal nlbrlaly a
2puroeda a

inkalliynce ana wridewn eus hem hesotde sorcu (eranmalm). halí


manilaki by he gruu u sdhodui, acliag lorrf e bus 2kor.

belucen ha duridual an
u r asbils nalu pentelig harmoy
halau by larga di a balance acoling l hurlau4

3 o fau eablishing and riskiniag dalanee f

m ho l enngás aih
s, rahur han fpruigon indurital tpnpbns.
)ok uognas hu niue zondlitakoal dlafouna al inauuidaok and
u nucennud difernbnuinurs
lhough urwr pueplh may 4ppar haue he banu ouloek t r b s ,
huirenugeta cenakaleno may ke vey dikuef and hoypu eedfor ey
dlerurt umudhs.
5 Hinly, h anaintgurvde plysia nulbed he madla puunig
h liane minul ud hol ndl eev mankenl boo a rmunkauiy
dnd murkerig he bublen aspuh oun heman. yurvn sesbs
heal kugankton ad derdu if mind- by conpbe anednste
uhebrus and hemey o all papli

6) baen and he dohau h edy end le

dcnas, here a n meny huatmds, huepis pnd saruas avdkl
Vbelne he ebmnk d a mink, malblen and ranlas ae
lhen vudMhnage pnd. rasyana beatnals, oby ah vrivabutan,
allos pessonal acas b inkukon
plan bruahung ond olhun praskiu ,

ancknrbeblba gpe, eh. fa,

7 yred Aklenu frr bapi. ahmrdi anu borie humu
wolin ard enth)manijoto
humn kdy as

Jhuu r u gron
buren ay hi- deas (Vala, Pia ad kiph).
realion mainknance aud abuckion bdliley Tisues as s l a s
ath gason 6 bm arih a cngae
apimilakom nd dinuiakion.
dasks whik deelu huin bas conskalen
cwbirkian dhu
cald rakuk. lnderdkndleg cnch pramó prakurlifr deiliy
hain porsornal detard neia palinn s4pbraland rudiunl
herbs, oleaning and ubuilting herapis
hli nght han

andl nutialnalt
Aoorga Nynrda

gnde has uighl abrions &uh as:

ENT & hdla Say)

Cha.), Syraskntho( edaelay svik eukudlsn g
ankayriski aublbnce reidy), B&lki tya
duley nit yirirn rgunirns okasy Mlbein)ykaureraha (ritetia)
Ranyara ( dalig vel panlie mawrus - lgjinnki) and 14jikeena (daay

ih aghrdiaiocs sptraduiau ).

ayaiksta (uikeine
Sulabye (Et Gpiha)
3. Sale (Sug
4. Vin
ayan raidy

6Uaumarabhyha (alako
. Roeyana euertio
8.lejckoner (edon
hue can le clausjiol

Gunotoco/ 1nabin diauots

Kosyona Koyatbsk
Vajikanana Salya

munles haliae weu eompud on caoh bronok makirng a lhun

nkä- diiparny qggrah and
puiltis, bu et he sanu line kupig, r

moking hie destat skuok.

endirnkir. hn tpcialktiw duelepudó
gualis odat
ho nukoen
he hon hu kherd g &ugy. prna
nehe wbed meine and
Kaa ktia, have bran ouerikd si vndh
all he ejht dhanchuw4ayavekd
upradya Hhagh dir gpuiakka
e m oe

tomgndime), encl vphages vne

Bnahabrai( huu hg copeldan
Kayn cihlhia: unks unkds, atrng Poidbya Shargn bengeh, Seadrali t

Shala dank Tushrul onkitba, 9ekinze angehe

Shlakyn knhe Sukrueda ankita, Mtigu Sunyska,hriketa

Tumunboritga Kayae bendkiá, Melsnga ingeh, anke sunkka, ehuhui sunkk

. Curaka burskil, huilk anhili Mlag asaysh
nana Chataka banthiki, eiustnela eunkibs, Basn ryshe

hado anbn ubrdk bsmhls, lhorske surhila

haraks bunskila.
n g a samgha,Kayapa baunhilk,

1. rgue
hn undarurkil urivesual srgis: *jäta, Haju e Inu
2. Ih namehabhuls

nd athi (alh).
5 heayrdebayi

6. inds

ere it'norks.

Mbabhuleri thun pragrismak kitsdibal

babdak spaas a hupan de r a Aundlas ta bdpuraki11

e mobbea an kan, 1go, Grs, hnjkh anal Pihei. vi

Sund, Truk, tain, Jau and Brdl ou Ki prpriy rugeiel.

eue(yora), - ) , ni ( ) ,
Phai (Oh). Cnrjus byae
distink, ungau. hnh tnoh chnndhas a naspo athhla, n tem g
widnl a pankiulas sitats denskrnly ohaging and htinelig urdh d
lhy orual a shiakinu anami fon fhd kupu h uwanl guiegy-
oha ainple, Aipi luing ell p anul he tarh dhmud pudaminako

rpg huulorn h he ell.

h lguil wrihin he ul inbne: po dmnk negulats he
he ul. khl he ain ihmutprudominska he gaua
frvess ngueking
h yme eupid by he cll shnslig h Hna

ch he casa empkx, mallí- euuar gpnam as a human ling pr ieanag

aksa emayperds qpucs swilhn he tedy mnalh, nestitle, ablenon ei)

mgu lnelg e movnut naly musukn alber uruenus ylam) agni tenirs

bndhik(a plasma, olernj digstiejuis ;and pihtmunhtrito

Hhraratrabhutas hortpre serve as he fordskanal hue fal dagnani

huabrunt moklais á ywvek and hai swruud as a ma valadl dloy
r pysicans dat and ruat illus
Hu bndy and rnind suanuly, .

he dalihip lolaeen antamahabhuky vand beulygnr, ii pyprlw and

Helim are as folera.
lanca Mababhulas Sonsoy wpowi ns
ngans Jacula

Smund Cnuass noiaal veid in

pa kons ighsnus ord pon
dha Avdly
No diltnu Jaala

Bein tigat olos and , diphhis ano

Gnowus ihalbtion and
opmiy, and derig a
'palnniM and cordnaulém

ohen mslen frvi

Inporb gbrus
laagh &brjht
onkols omgopkins and
rhancs i d tok

husba body colot

enput"k a pugali
lorpoui ouind
Siny tp and swtal
& prgali
and cnlined zul Hlo as tuburl,
tnlhind andf"goh=
kadh Smull Hhars, in mobile, aenpre Jhcreaw fpma-
enbob ngas deolk
mab, fih, ska Jordeu nunud,tnelins
mubild Pagalie
buel Sacle
hu rue snkal
e u guras paha, Kys ana hmns

Komgomnle pt enunpishe nárel. yurwdla proridu

hain Manasa
dakchlion dserjilan prepk m h kaus
himind, hue
ychalyinl) Rubakt (ecnsahdior) lwndbsly
pyobdlegial haraeternskis au dpndbntn he ualine daminenee e
hre unoy

Trivicham halu Sautvamr &udham raasam

h pyche g u kips- nea Satn, kajas and antosn
tihde al irdurikeal hare miul annaihae, h pruuirark
guna tnirey on indhuriaal marasa grabaidë. ch eguilkkniam, he

imgura puwe o mind (ond vidoruety he lea) mainuining i t

na hallhy sak. ny dolurtbunu a hiu quikóriu) renulk a vistnd
mnlal dsordas

eta chornslrisd dyaghlaus ovrwis plauru nd cerlg b

ANe, fru hen olinn and ant Je dislurbel in any ay.oa e k
h aunas and b naponsibl pr i penaokiern kaontulg.

ejas, hma askve he gunnd, hau melin od slirubbin as i

charaskonihi. dihu, dabrus, sthe, anbrkios dnd fike - mindeérus

uuld he Same.
Jamas hanacliruady havins and ruisanu, odgroduce astsbauus
ha prens pliay nd ockilis
hu mid. Phuin, hke beobdpe
ayina, gpaly, alup nd dhurusnas ou du d
ajs tnd onas a arih hu dans, Cane unhelanrd by hn
ond nplie ngia and eygatis duins a hornalkon), iniya (kea),
mebs (dkuin d hlhainin), snlyrud), iki (anitg) baye

Jabuika nderideal on uuly nebi and gpilal i carnbay his roba

elarmined a much by keae as hai don emetdalien mrig

emu kaph in Ahuin nakkalin

ram hu hon pasin, onge, gud, gaoaN

JLolauy, powy
hneraage nd he pren diacronibibn.

Woa Oculermumoy, punilg, be and ulf mbol, calans

inlaluclaal Aame muindl, fra fho puide, go ,gnron
puud n angon opsng he peruer of umdrsmdag and
Aindaa lrrtirel de sacud roks, stusdy nikaob ord blhtis
kevelin, fo slw acb, fon
oighlones and cmay.
hoberabie luhanin and spuch. la do prfn sacrul

nu pem man anl unhhilig duirs and ach ag

inkiskne, sxulertensy a adrsky u fhom
molunp bide, habud, jnnana ord
unmy. e cpaoj
o himl aelon.
Nawa u un ach Cbbkbn nlin a puza plat

Cbarwere ndligrinua nighis.

Aruap prlina, aud takdl ingere oghk.dkiy
hvinlens aek ed gurih 'Phonne u neruatión .

hundbarn Yersio ullí, allndarb and hazurus. Cpu

p , oiv ad ypis.Yrnbouu pr danuiy, aingig
musnikeu plasre à plenms, Jarknas an
hi chuci
ainikas u nebr Sirplkin, dru wy hursn i
nd oauh a kye

awraddndalgnu iá a paióy, bhaney, eruul, nug and
oaig yarene
okshaha sd depohieniy.lossu
eenie dup and irdbr .tiniualhtourns
gn ndelerant and cul
onha lnclan kalks, lrurdey, lh a niyay diprlan. blternns


hap rackimsy, rasie inrlee tuut haspl degoerkon.

Braue o cruond atikde tpndiy siltioke
kcenie dwie prpad- Cnuirs conskz. Ceuk gudnnan
Yeita avkes wihrdyorinnlen
dull paen, lrstrdlnas, zulhles nme ens aanie
h , annd abeud hurhrnerksl qushornprackial motaus paia
sohen corort b onn girkakty and lis phynalinw
hmauika nbtge liueklis
hack klallgra, forbnldeg deprilers, awimd okas

Maby sndenus, ausat pmim pad cravrdiu .borie dni

Snpatja ehdbtou, &esie idulgon nfeod kifiiny iklhecknt


Tauh fitm kaphset deye denh amakah "

htage ngha -1-11

lony arn u primy od oyerlad facbors g Ahe huonabrdy hel

oun vrbe plyéal shudirn nd furnbios erined fer narnha-
hu olemnb carna dhtekl wih nan aunes b r
biuks , aeh den sthih ih
wih oon qualiu ean be -
àa embinhön afdy hoo q h fhe
bubl hu rw
Be prdorivanu eon Lilld sáta, A, ieyha

dh nupryilh fa all ha ptpinayorl andeykrdegieal pvas uihin boly wd ruiot

at dtrnie groh nl deuy. Crey phoealdhanactriga,
pani ru he
wnkl cpaulg ad he unetienal Aindny fa hunn boing m orufou
n de e cbw.

aleas cbrial preus

uph, tn ke sidurlied nvilh dhg Juru he
Gperlig ia e dely an h uatrahulid do én, sadbieg aayma,
twers and he emgli nulotiomal spln Ahdhe ackish okebb
and he arabdain ysten, ackiuly hi ealibu phypial vdlure gan ongunen
Can ke yilrud laph-
neabin kdacen i-ls ad tara-lMdbhuks el zupod o huis buna ank
Karmm aklas
Vata(lagu and dkaul) Pta 'Mgiard J) Kapha (l ad Räkui)

Rerugh Shasp
diguid Sliny

thunishrot he swn bnd Susna kobu chue in seygundulyaner
hpiol nbrial puonikl"y adlgutl ford malril.
ala prerids coturimunlsand sakurakén and.amnahus btoa
hoe groulu chrily in tomplrirn, oeuihy mwcks and soai die
mwdla oburghus boely and nnihu muda fat), fat gio niu
tcbiou malevis, auut and frmnus dud nourihw aelhi fJere
hi aypnhe bady end wrusd pmarnoud; prerida funchon, sdhungh,
menichs sumen and glb yp benaj semunprorid nleun, ebvbary plonmas,
Phyxonl sthuglh, eshibylin andl io muan f nguerlultin sad

own h muns eneertoniabond giaslh uhil applig Me Le

w a mnd

Kauauid )Pala 1- eenind fonho aliyald sord, id ouriha sash aud


drnly nwrihu she'torh kine, bul ponis ptypienlalang

ond oes bhe tody.
Muwch Bses, man funsdleno òk ponh shnfh ard s g r
muda dhalu
denuet efudgr hisu, inudig tuptr. hovridi s poknd
pralubion 1J h lonu and ob bubinko he lod.
Wh EAala nguoviy d tne leus, nclhudby darllag . Meunighu he rayaon
dypolv'mata haki.
naija habiLnslay ulvandaud lere Maot sui, muinfunelicov j
spuejs anneke

ice h dholy ogporl and doie unaey an cndh e, afelag rm can

lhuna all ehev. noenenbreunde uhi mamielaks plad

ake rnd dy he hu donks

hun oke tpuss inesbnas à
olhabs. hne perièdd
ay inbalanue in

henype Con dakr h tmud y dhe ehek gaen 4 ms

kapha bnphn
Mala Mubsa akrkovedadye ap ca

Maks anehe wnins uue puduss s er ana h ohaliy produul

he nal digulin and mdabeldm proyw, hu grinoy mels
wung Parin puu ], Mata| dlone) and Sra snl]. jarved
nknad cordilor den, chulig ond mobs i
cloly dalo sher nly a

h snal ilaeru While rnolh and selt ou akrked in doye vislatie, he

Suidu nmo emwrkd nk hucu, leass dhe kedy ha ieilny gps
dunde en guhoifuli 'mabilh and nalon dits
u. y aboyny

aaantlre, ruijalin
n ohaa. emay aleguit rie le dhau
ahma, brmbss
skaralzd srlnits, akrvrhris, r painú kak,
e l l as slamut ukus ard ribL brue.

aba driol Me durig i raroe birlgial pnss aihi hurran

fuiks u alershl inlë he ysln. he entisu eylin /ily, astbras bhlb

onearutr] abe postrià analiearin, rgutukiy Tha fauil
i r bu rd ak maislsinilg brerl prusun. y nbehanu inuaurd
deraud a t , nay ruulk a biny sono prinary osukin oi,
pain an hdbles dora
Sdai dhe erd prinoy moay end tvceurs sa eah psehut rheruiy
he gobué mda dhal Eliminela rry shi perus, itenkl dag
brlsna a chonab rupuib
Lngcnakir ael hilps rypulali Te uhebahti
hour aw s d szta sun o
buaging u sual skin sorfpa ou

and fero'ef auel daks phue a shurrie itry kael

entel Ta frnskie aknu
le skin inhken, ihia Jbivny 'obannn unslio, bn huil
mlskelkimn, gmi urpo ad hi ehugw
Ae bidteyinl pu al gretn
fon he
dody and mind
pod, ehles baonfreskem, aninlhkom4
k ligolin and slboplin xpwrinas.e nfpn
onl murdal ond emckinal
uy pnpkiw ad chagu in h ay ardmiad
demial inbadiou
R dugans

htrandlr agoi a
nand pii ou cely tmnebd. hhl balh au

ujgn balra, dean

y dalryiy
y a
denash anad u

delbrminig Me maeki poceus h
doed likrborus
he ski auns ebstan
Anu o u i k n jes i in bedy h r apu
pn ayevela
Mrmash andh dgsie engynu v
r-xuatrg kydeedhloroc auid
dupdbnam anl Ai snoll inlskis. f din
j s serda nb sömah, om may exprinu pain, drobl
i a lon ond epaily upind, k r
rlakion dd.
havraus endgau guiry

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