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Punctuality vs Procrastination

Punctuality is considered to be the noblest of virtues. It is the mark of civilized and

cultured people. It is the habit of doing things in correct time. ‘A stitch in time saves nine’, so says an
English proverb. Doing things in time, thus, saves us from unnecessary troubles. That is exactly what
punctuality is synonymous to. Whereas, the adage procrastination ‘is the thief of time’ should ring a
bell for everyone. Time is an essential aspect of life for every human being. Time once lost, is lost
forever. If unfortunate, one will never acquire opportunities again and maybe lucky, one will attain
better chances in life, but the same opportunity that one obtains in that particular moment will be
lost forever.

One of the great values of punctuality is that it gives discipline to life. We have to get
up in time. We have to do things at the appointed time. All these entails certain amount of sacrifice.
It dispels laziness and removes our ‘take-it-easy- attitude’. A disciplined person always gets
recognition and social acceptance. He is wanted and appreciated. Therefore, punctuality can make
us socially acceptable people. Another significant merit of punctuality is that it provides ample time
to do our work correctly and properly. Doing things hurriedly or haphazardly can have disastrous
consequences. When we do things in time there is every chance that they end up as fine works.

In fact, a punctual man, however busy or

engaged, finds time for more work still. On the contrary, an unpunctual man, or a man who
procrastinates far from doing much, cannot finish his normal duties even. So the virtue of
punctuality makes all our activities and works good and satisfactory, if not perfect and excellent.
Besides, it teaches us the habit of doing things correctly and in proper time.

The virtue of punctuality is said to be the key to success. Looking at the great world
leaders who have achieved fame and success, punctuality was their hallmark. They kept their
promises. Punctuality is a virtue that is appreciated by all. Washington once took his secretary to
task for being late. The secretary laid the blame upon his watch. Washington reported: “Then, Sir
either you must get a new watch or I must get a new secretary.” People like them are ideals whom
we should follow in earnest.
Usually, our time elapses because we
are either late or we postpone doing things. The more we delay or procrastinate, the more we tend
to lose out on many things of life. After all, time is money. Time is treasure that is insoluble – a
mystery we must set out to figure. By procrastinating, we are rescheduling the things in our lives
that shouldn’t necessarily be overlooked. Time lost, is a loss forever and it can’t be retrieved. 
Therefore the proverb ‘procrastination is the thief of time’ is one adage whose words are effective
and truthful in real life.

If one is punctual and do things on time or before time, one becomes a respected
member of society. The ability to remain consistent with one’s choices is a proficiency that
necessitates a lot of will-power. Not procrastinating requires prodigious values, self-discipline and
vigorous determination to do a task on hand at once. One who does not procrastinate will be more
successful in life emotionally, physically and mentally.

An example of the proverb “procrastination is the thief of time” in modern day

society would be: An employee who reports to work on time and does not adjourn doing things will
have an enhanced chance of being promoted than the ones who does procrastinate.  Life offers us
many opportunities and we must seize them before they disappear into the midst of lost
opportunities. Procrastination is our enemy as it is the stealer of time. By procrastinating, we are
letting time slip past our very eyes and doing nothing about it.

When individuals are not punctual or procrastinate, they cause a lot of

inconvenience to others. People have to wait for them and waste their valuable time. Want of
punctuality reveals want of culture and is discourteous to the person we fail. Unpunctuality invites
trouble and worry. History is full of cases which show that lack of punctuality has caused defeat, loss
of kingdom and golden opportunities. It is said that Napoleon lost the battle of Waterloo in 1815
because one of his generals came late. Many people lose good opportunities of job or promotion
when they reach late for appointment.

Despite being the “thief of time”, the benefit of procrastination can well be
expressed through the line, “when in doubt, wait it out.” By procrastinating, people are able to
maximize the resting period and little free time that they either have or create by putting something
else off. Sometimes it is far more beneficial to one’s health if one stops working for the time being
and simply reflects. So, long as one is able to complete the task at some later date, there is no
reason not to wait and do so.

To conclude with, procrastination is the thief of time because it steals away the
beauty of what time brings us. Time is a rigid conception of life for humans, something that is
immune to our system. Dilatory events in our lives do not benefit anyone or anything. The thief of
time is most definitely procrastination. Whereas, All of us are not born with the virtue of punctuality.
We have to cultivate it painstakingly. Only constant vigil and practice can implant this virtue. It calls
for great deal of sacrifice. It calls for courage to root out laziness and the ‘take-it-easy-attitude’. It
demands a disciplined life. That is why; very few individuals have the virtue of punctuality. But, know
it for certain that it is the surest way to success.


 I am really grateful to my English Professor for advising me and introducing the project
to me in an easy way to understand which has helped me complete my project easily and effectively
on time.

I am obliged to my Professor for giving me an opportunity to work on this project

which has provided valuable information about Punctuality vs Procrastination.

Thank you

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