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A son is beneath a private obligation to take care of his aged father. he's conjointly under an identical obligation to
maintain his aged mother, and he is guaranteed to maintain her, whether or not or not he has inheritable property from
his father.16 within the case of Rafiuddin v. Saleha Khatoon17, the court control that the mother will claim maintenance
from any of her sons, even if her husband is alive. eleven Section 2(d) of the upkeep and Welfare of oldsters and
Senior voters Act, 2007 twelve Sec 3(20) of General Clauses Act, 1897 thirteen Sec 3(57) of General Clauses Act,
1897 fourteen THAKUR RM, Philosophy of Maintenance associated Welfare of oldsters and Senior voters Act, 2007 in
India: an appraisal. Int J Advan Res Technol. 2012;1(4):47–52. 15PEARSON KC, Re-thinking filial support laws during
a time of health care cutbacks–effect of Pennsylvania’s recodification of colonial-era poor laws. PA Bar Assoc Q.
2005;76:162–70. sixteen Subbarayana v. Subbakka (1885) eight Mad 236; Satyanarayanamurthy v. RamSubbamma
AIR 1964 AP 105. seventeen Rafiuddin S/O Quazi Zainul Abedin v. Smt. Saleha Khatoon D/O Yaqub Ali 2007 (109)
Bom L R 2059 A son is beneath associate obligation to take care of his aged father. he's conjointly under an identical
obligation to maintain his aged mother. STEP MOTHER: A stepchild is under no personal obligation to maintain his
stepmother; however if he inherits his father’s estate, he is guaranteed to maintain her out of the estate, she being an
individual whom his father was lawfully bound to maintain as his wife.18A step-mother has no right to assert
maintenance from her step-son.19 within the case of Kirtikant D. Vadodaria v. State of Gujarat and another20, Supreme
Court control that a unfruitful step-mother might claim maintenance from her step-son provided she is widow or her
husband, if living, is additionally incapable of supporting and maintaining her. it's declared by Manu that the aged
mother and father, the chaste better half and an baby child should be maintained even by doing 100 misdeeds.21
eighteen Tibeto-Burman language Daya v. Nath, (1885) nine Bom 279; Narbadabai v. Mahadev (1881) five bom 99;
Judemma v. Varadareddi (1948) ILR Mad 803. nineteen Ramabai v. Dinesh (1976) Mah LJ 565. twenty 1996 (4) SCC
479. twenty one Roshan Lal v. Barkat Ram Bhalla 1957 SCC on-line P&H 127. CHAPTER 3.0- PERSON prone to give
MAINTENANCE within the case of Savitribai v. Luximibai22, the court control that A Hindu is beneath a legal obligation
to take care of his wife, his minor sons, his unwed female offsprings, associated his aged folks, whether or not he
possess any property or not. the duty to maintain these relations is personal in character and arises from the terribly
existence of the relation between the parties. each son and daughter are prone to maintain aged or infirm parents as
well as unfruitful stepparent is she is unable to maintain herself.23 The aged parents, a virtuous wife, and an baby child
should be maintained even by doing a hundred misdeeds.24 within the case of Dr. Mrs. Vijaya Manohar Arbat v.
Kashirao Rajaram Sawai & Ors25, Supreme Court control that the female offspring is additionally prone to par
maintenance to her parents. Supreme Court explicit “Before ordering maintenance in favour of a father or a mother
against their married daughter, the court should be glad that the daughter has sufficient suggests that of her own
severally of the means or financial gain of her husband, which the daddy or the mother, because the case might be, is
unable to take care of himself or herself.” within the case of Chanmuniya v. Virendra Kumar Singh Kushwaha26, the
Honourable Apex Court has confirmed that maintaining the wife, children and fogeys may be a live of social justice to
stop homelessness associated destitution. within the case of Pandurang Bhaurao dabhade v. Baburao Baburao
Dabhade and another27 supreme court explicit “having thought-about the provisions of section 125(1)28, it's clear to
US that they are doing not ponder that the duty to take care of an aged, infirm parent who is unable to maintain himself
or herself will be enforced as long as it is preceded by the fulfillment of the parental obligation to maintain and convey
up the youngsters during the childhood of the children.” twenty two Savitribai v. Luximibai (1878) 2 Bom 573, pp. 597-
98. twenty three Kirtikant D. Vadodaria v. State of Gujarat (1996) four SCC 479. twenty four Manu cited in Mitakshara.
Page 2
twenty five AIR one987 SC 1100. twenty six (2011) 1 SCC 141. twenty seven 1980 CriLJ 256: 1980 (82) BOMLR 116.
twenty eight Sec one hundred twenty five (1) of CrPC, 1973. within the case of Tibeto-Burman language Kanku v. Bai
Jadav29, the court control that a widow who inherits property from her deceased husband is guaranteed to maintain her
female parent out of the property as her deceased husband was bound to maintain his mother legally A son is beneath
a private obligation to take care of his aged father and aged mother no matter the very fact he has inheritable property
from his father or not.30 CHAPTER 3.1- QUANTUM OF MAINTENANCE In Ekradeshwari v. Homeshwar31, the council
discovered that maintenance depends upon a gathering along of all the facts of the situation, the quantity of the free
estate, the past lifetime of the married parties and therefore the families, a survey of the conditions and requirements
and rights of the members, on an inexpensive read of amendment of circumstances presumably needed within the
future, regard being had to the dimensions and therefore the model of living, and to the age, habits, needs and
sophistication of lifetime of the parties. In short, it's out of a good class of circumstances, little in themselves, that a
secure and cheap induction is to be created by the court of law in incoming at a hard and fast sum. within the case of
Srinivas Krishna Rao Kango v. Narain Devji Kango32

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