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Chapter 2

Newton’s Laws of Motion
Topic Outline
• Inertia and Newton’s First Law of Motion
• Newton’s Second Law of Motion
• Applications of Newton’s Second Law
• Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Learning Outcomes
• Define the conditions of equilibrium.
• State Newton’s Laws of Motion and apply it to
physical situations.
• Describe inertia and its relationship with
• State Newton’s Third Law of Motion and
identify the action-reaction of forces.
Newton’s Laws of Motions
Newton’s Laws of Motion
• Sir Isaac Newton (1643-
• an English scientist and
mathematician famous
for his discovery of the
law of gravity
• These laws describe
how common objects
move under the
influence of forces.
Newton’s First Law of Motion
Newton’s 1st Law of Motion:
Law of Inertia
“ An object at rest will remain at rest and an
object in motion continues in motion with
the same speed and in the same direction
unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. “
Newton’s 1st Law of Motion:
Law of Inertia

Object will not accelerate by itself

Newton’s 1st Law of Motion:
Law of Inertia
• An object will “keep doing what it was
doing” unless acted on by an unbalanced

• If the object was sitting still, it will remain


• If it was moving at a constant velocity, it

will keep moving.
Newton’s 1st Law of Motion:
Law of Inertia

• It takes force to change the motion of an

Some Examples from Real Life

Two teams are playing tug of war. They are both

exerting equal force on the rope in opposite
directions. This balanced force results in no
change of motion.
Some Examples from Real Life

A soccer ball is sitting at rest. It takes an

unbalanced force of a kick to change its
Newton’s 1st Law of Motion:
Law of Inertia

• Inertia
– the tendency of an object to oppose changes in its
state of motion
– It is a property of matter

All objects have inertia.

Newton’s 1st Law of Motion:
Law of Inertia

• Mass is a measure of inertia of a body

• The more mass an object has, the more inertia
it has
(and the harder it is to change its motion).
Conditions of Equilibrium
• Static Equilibrium
• Dynamic Equilibrium

F1 F2

F1 = F2
First Condition of Equilibrium
• The net linear external force on the system
must be zero.
ΣF = 0
ΣF = Fx + Fy = 0
ΣFx = 0
ΣFy = 0

Translational Equilibrium
First Condition of Equilibrium

Static Equilibrium
First Condition of Equilibrium
Dynamic Equilibrium
Sample Problem #1
• Determine the
force being
applied on the
Given: Solution: cos 45 = TLx / TL
TLx = -TL cos 45
TLy sin 45 = TLy /TL
TLy = TL sin 45

cos 30 = TRx / TR
TRx = TR cos30
TR TRy sin 30 = TRy / TR
TRy = TR sin 30
Required: TL , TR
Equation: Tx = 0
T Ty = T= -98N
ΣFx = 0
Σfy = 0
Solution: TLx = -TL cos 45
TLy = TL sin 45
ΣFx = 0
TRx = TR cos30
ΣFx = TLx + TRx + Tx = 0
-TL cos 45 + TR cos30 + 0 = 0 TRy = TR sin 30
-TL cos 45 + TR cos30 = 0 Tx = 0
TR = TL cos 45 / cos 30 (eqn 1) Ty = T= -98N

ΣFy = 0
ΣFy = TLy + TRy + Ty = 0
TL sin 45 + TR sin 30 -98N = 0
TL sin 45 + TR sin 30 = 98N (eqn 2)

Substitute eqn 1 in 2 From eqn 1

TL sin 45 + (TL cos 45 / cos 30) sin 30 = 98N TR = TL cos 45 / cos 30
TL sin 45 + TL cos 45 tan 30 = 98N = 87.86N cos 45 /cos 30
TL (sin 45 + cos 45 tan 30) = 98N TR = 71.74M
TL = 98N / (sin 45 + cos 45 tan 30)
TL = 87.86N



F1 = F2
Second Condition of Equilibrium
• A rotating body or system can be in
equilibrium if its rate of rotation is constant
and remains unchanged by the forces acting
on it.
Second Condition of Equilibrium
• The net external torque on a system must be
Στ = 0
Στ = F∙r

Rotational Equilibrium
Second Condition of Equilibrium
Second Condition of Equilibrium
• Torque
• Moment arm/lever arm
• Fulcrum
• Axis of rotation
Second Condition of Equilibrium
• Torque – the product of the force and its
moment arm
τ = F∙r

• Moment arm – is the perpendicular distance

from the axis of rotation to the line of action
of the force
Sample Problem #2
• Find the torque created by a 10-N force acting
E60oN at a distance of 1m from the axis of
Find the torque created
by a 10-N force acting
E60oN at a distance of τ = F∙r
1m from the axis of = 10N ∙r
rotation .



Moment arm – is the perpendicular distance
from the axis of rotation to the line of action of
the force
τ = F∙r
= 10N ∙r
1m 60o
= 10N ∙ 1m sin 60o
τ = 8.66 Nm

sin 60o = r/1m

r= 1m sin 60o
τ = F∙r
Fy = F ∙ 1m
1m 60o
= 10N cos 30o ∙ 1m
τ = 8.66 Nm

cos 30o = Fy/10N

Fy= 10N cos 30o
Sample Problem #3
• A horizontal bar with negligible mass has a
length of 5ft. A 3 lb force acts vertically
upward on it 0.5ft from the right-hand end.
Another force, 2 lb, acts vertically downward
0.75ft from the other end. If the fulcrum is set
at 2ft from the right-hand end, what is the
total torque?
A horizontal bar with negligible 5ft
mass has a length of 5ft. A 3 lb
force acts vertically upward on it
0.5ft from the right-hand end. 0.75ft 0.5ft
Another force, 2 lb, acts vertically
downward 0.75ft from the other F2=2 lb
end. If the fulcrum is set at 2ft F1=3 lb
from the right-hand end, what is
the total torque? Στ = 0
τ = F∙r
Sign convention:
+ τ = counter-clockwise Στ = F1∙r1 + F2∙r2
- τ = clockwise
= (3 lb ∙ 1.5 ft) + (2 lb ∙ 2.25 ft)
= 4.5 lb∙ft + 4.5 lb∙ft
Στ = +9 lb∙ft
Στ = 9 lb∙ft, counter-clockwise
Conditions of Equilibrium
• Static Equilibrium:
a state of equilibrium in which the net
external force and torque acting on a system is
– Translational Equilibrium
– Rotational Equilibrium
Conditions of Equilibrium
• Dynamic Equilibrium:
a state of equilibrium in which the net
external force and torque on a system moving
with constant velocity are zero
– Translational Equilibrium
– Rotational Equilibrium
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion:
Law of Acceleration
“The acceleration of a body is directly
proportional to, and in the same direction as,
the net force acting on the body, and inversely
proportional to its mass.”
Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion:
Law of Acceleration

acceleration is directly proportional to magnitude of the force

Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion:
Law of Acceleration

acceleration is directly proportional to direction of the force

Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion:
Law of Acceleration

acceleration is inversely proportional to mass

Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion:
Law of Acceleration
• The acceleration of an object is directly
proportional to the net force & inversely
proportional to its mass.
a= F/ m
F = ma
• An unbalanced force causes something to
• A force can cause motion only if it is met with
an unbalanced force.
• Depends on the net force acting on the object
Balanced Versus Unbalanced

Balanced forces cause no

Balanced Versus Unbalanced

Unbalanced forces
cause acceleration.
Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion:
Law of Acceleration

ΣF = ma
Force mass acceleration
Newton (N) kg m/s2
Dyne (dyn) g cm/s2
Pound (lb) slug ft/s2
Sample Problem #3
• An elevator with a mass of 2000 kg rises with
an acceleration of 1.0 m/s2. What is the
tension in the supporting cable?
An elevator with a mass of 2000 m=2000kg
kg rises with an acceleration of a= 1 m/s2
1.0 m/s2. What is the tension in
Required: T
the supporting cable?
Equation: F=ma

ΣF = ma
T – W = ma
T = W + ma
= 2000kg (9.8m/s2 ) + 2000kg(1m/s2 )
T = 21600N
Sample Problem #4
• A 50 N applied force drags a 100-N log to the
right across a horizontal surface. What is the
acceleration of the log if the frictional force is
40.0 N and the normal force is 30N ?
A 50 N applied force drags a 100-N log to the
right across a horizontal surface. What is the
acceleration of the log if the frictional force is Given:
40.0 N and the normal force is 30N ? Fapp= 50N
W = 100N
FN = 30N
Required: a
Equation: F=ma
a= ΣF/m
= Fapp-Ff /m
= 50N-40N / 10.20kg
a= 0.98m/s2
Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion:
Law of Action-Reaction or Interaction
“For every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction. “

• When one body exerts a force on a second

body, the second body simultaneously exerts a
force equal in magnitude and opposite in
direction to that of the first body.

F1 = - F2
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion:
Law of Action-Reaction or Interaction
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion:
Law of Action-Reaction or Interaction
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion:
Law of Action-Reaction or Interaction
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion:
Law of Action-Reaction or Interaction
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion:
Law of Action-Reaction or Interaction
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion:
Law of Action-Reaction or Interaction
Describes the relationship between two forces in an
• One force is called the action force.
• The other force is called the reaction force.
• Neither force exists without the other.
• They are equal in strength and opposite in
• They occur at the same time (simultaneously).
Newton’s Laws of Motion
1. An object in motion tends to stay in motion and an
object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted
upon by an unbalanced force.

2. Force equals mass times acceleration.

(F = ma)

3. For every action there is an equal and opposite

End of Presentation

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