Evaluation of Anti-Obesity and Lipid-Lowering Properties of Vaccinium Myrtillus Leaves Powder Extract in A Hamster Model

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J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol 2018; aop

Andriy L. Zagayko, Tetiana Ye. Kolisnyk*, Olena I. Chumak, Olena A. Ruban

and Oleh M. Koshovyi

Evaluation of anti-obesity and lipid-lowering

properties of Vaccinium myrtillus leaves powder
extract in a hamster model
https://doi.org/10.1515/jbcpp-2017-0161 Conclusions: The results showed that V. myrtillus leaves
Received September 19, 2017; accepted May 23, 2018 powder extract is a promising therapeutic agent for the
Abstract treatment of obesity and obesity-induced diseases.

Keywords: dyslipidemia; hamsters; herbal medicine;

Background: Vaccinium myrtillus leaves are known to be
obesity; Vaccinium myrtillus leaves.
rich in phenols and have been used in traditional medi-
cine as an antidiabetic remedy. This study evaluated the
powder extract of V. myrtillus leaves obtained with the use
of L-arginine and myo-inositol for anti-obesity and lipid- Introduction
lowering potential in hamsters.
Methods: Standard phytochemical methods were used Obesity is a major component of metabolic syndrome
to determine the total phenolic and total flavonoid con- (MS) and an important risk factor for type 2 diabetes
tents of the extract. The obesity condition was induced in mellitus (T2DM) and atherosclerosis. These pathologies
Syrian hamsters by feeding them with highly palatable fat- are strongly interrelated. Excess body weight impairs
and sugar-rich diet (40.3 kcal% fat) for 12 weeks. From the insulin sensitivity of tissue cells, which in time can result
10th week of diet feeding, the obese hamsters were treated in hyperglycemia and diabetes. Clearly, most individu-
with the powder extract of V. myrtillus leaves (15, 25 and als with insulin resistance have truncal obesity [1, 2].
35 mg/kg/day, respectively) and “Styfimol” (6.2 mg/kg/day Another feature of obesity is dyslipidemia characterized
of hydroxycitric acid) as a positive control drug. At the end by increased triacylglycerols (TAGs), decreased high-den-
of the treatment period, the biochemical parameters as sity lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels and abnormal
well as visceral fat mass were determined. low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) composition.
Results: Vaccinium myrtillus leaves powder extract at 25 In turn, obesity-induced dyslipidemia greatly contributes
and 35 mg/kg/day caused a significant reduction in body to the development of cardiovascular pathologies [3, 4].
weight gain and visceral fat mass in obese hamsters. Serum Currently, prevalence of obesity as well as diabetes
triacylglycerols, free fatty acids, total cholesterol and low- mellitus is dramatically increasing worldwide and for now
density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels were also has reached epidemic proportions. That is why there is an
significantly lower. Besides, the hamsters treated with urgent need for new strategies not only to combat obesity
powder extract at 25 and 35  mg/kg/day had the closest but also to prevent related disorders and complications.
intact value ratio of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol Along with diet and physical exercises, dietary and herbal
and LDL-C compared with positive control animals. plants are the most advantageous components of such
strategies. Plant-derived supplements are usually well tol-
erated even for long-term therapy and much less likely to
*Corresponding author: Tetiana Ye. Kolisnyk, Department of
cause serious side effects compared with synthetic drugs;
Industrial Technology of Drugs, National University of Pharmacy,
Kharkiv, Ukraine, Phone: +380682474033, +380572678852, nevertheless, they are effective due to multiple mecha-
E-mail: kolisnyktatyana@gmail.com. http://orcid.org/0000-0002- nisms of action [5, 6]. Besides, in medicinal preparations,
2682-0360 constituents of plant origin may be successfully combined
Andriy L. Zagayko and Olena I. Chumak: Department of Biological with other substances of health benefits, such as vita-
Chemistry, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
mins, amino acids, etc.
Olena A. Ruban: Department of Industrial Technology of Drugs,
National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
The effectiveness of natural products of plant origin in
Oleh M. Koshovyi: Department of Pharmacognosy, National metabolic disorders is considered to be related to phenolic
University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine compounds such as hydroxybenzoic and hydroxycinnamic

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2      Zagayko et al.: Anti-obesity and lipid-lowering properties of Vaccinium myrtillus leaves powder extract

acids, flavonoids, stilbenes and others [7, 8]. One of the Hard gelatin capsules of “Styfimol” (Kyiv Vitamin Factory,
most known examples of plant source for weight loss Ukraine) intended for excess weight treatment were used as a posi-
tive control drug in animal testing. The composition of active ingre-
nutraceuticals and preparations is Garcinia cambo-
dients per capsule was as follows: 100  mg of G. cambogia extract
gia. The major biologically active component present in (equivalent to 50 mg of HCA), 0.1 mg of chrome picolinate, 50 mg of
G. cambogia fruits – hydroxycitric acid (HCA) – was found L-tyrosin, 15 mg of L-carnitine and 0.037 mg of iodine (in the form of
to be effective in decreasing appetite, inhibiting fat syn- brown seaweed dry extract) [22].
thesis, lowering serum TAG level and reducing body
weight [9, 10]. Another promising source of plant phenols Plant material and extract preparation
is the bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) leaf, which has a long
history of use in folk medicine as an anti­diabetic remedy. Herbal material consisting of dry V. myrtillus leaves with stem parts
For now, hypoglycemic and lipid-lowering properties of was purchased from an herbalist at a local market of Kharkiv, Ukraine,
extracts of V. myrtillus leaves are confirmed in different in September 2016 and identified by a qualified botanist of the Depart-
experimental models [11–13]. ment of Pharmacognosy, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv,
Ukraine. Dry leaves of V. myrtillus were separated from stem parts and
As it is known, herbal preparations such as dry extracts
powdered to particle size of 1–2 mm. Powdered leaves were extracted
are highly hygroscopic and prone to caking. Thereby,
at room temperature by triple maceration with 50% (v/v) ethanol
appropriate solid carrier substrates (e.g. maltodextrin, cel- [plant material to total solvent ratio was 1:10 (w/v)]. The resulting
lulose, lactose) and/or anticaking agents may be added to extracts were combined, allowed to settle for 24  h and filtered. The
native extracts to obtain powder extracts with improved filtrate was evaporated to dryness using a rotary vacuum evaporator
flowability [14]. Recently, such preparation method for by adding the mixture of L-arginine and myo-inositol in the amount
equal to the dry residue of the crude liquid extract [European Phar-
V. myrtillus leaves powder extract (VMLPE) has been devel-
macopeia (Ph.Eur.) 2.8.16 [23]], wherein L-arginine was taken in three
oped under the supervision of Dr. O. Koshovyi (Depart- equimolar amount to the total phenolic content (TPC) expressed as
ment of Pharmacognosy, National University of Pharmacy, pyrogallol. The obtained powder extract was stored at 4 °C until use.
Kharkiv, Ukraine) [15]. This method proposes the use of
L-arginine and myo-inositol as carriers of health benefits
Total phenolic content
in MS and T2DM treatments. L-arginine was chosen as a
donor of nitric oxide – an endogenous vasodilator that
The TPC in the crude liquid extract and powder extract was deter-
plays an important role in the prevention of endothelial mined with Folin-Ciocalteu reagent according to Ph.Eur. 2.8.14 [23].
dysfunction [16]. Besides, L-arginine stimulates lipolysis Briefly, 2  mL of sample (250-fold diluted solution of the crude liq-
in adipocytes and promotes oxidation of long-chain fatty uid extract or 0.25  mg/mL solution of powder extract) or standard
acids in insulin-sensitive tissues [17]. On the other hand, (0.025 mg/mL solution of pyrogallol) was mixed with 1 mL of Folin-
Ciocalteu reagent and 10 mL of water and then adjusted to 25.0 mL
L-arginine is also described to increase solubility of poorly
with a 290  mg/mL solution of sodium carbonate. The mixture was
soluble aromatic compounds [18]. Myo-inositol was chosen
incubated for 30 min, and absorbance was measured at 760 nm by
because of its insulin mimetic properties [19, 20]. As a a UV-Vis spectrophotometer Carry 100 (Agilent Technologies Inc.,
result, in animal testing, VMLPE obtained by this method Santa-Clara, CA, USA). All determinations were performed in trip-
had shown better hypoglycemic and insulin-sensitizing licate, and TPC was expressed as milligrams of pyrogallol equiva-
activities compared to those of native extract [15, 21]. Thus, lent (PE) per milliliter of crude liquid extract or per gram of powder
extract dry weight.
as obesity and dyslipidemia are very common conditions
in MS and T2DM, the aim of the present work was to evalu-
ate in vivo the anti-obesity and lipid-lowering potential of Total flavonoid content
VMLPE containing L-arginine and myo-inositol.
Total flavonoid content (TFC) in the powder extract was determined
by using a colorimetric aluminum chloride method as follows: 5 mL
of sample [5  mg/mL powder extract solution in 50% (v/v) ethanol]
Materials and methods or 1  mL of standard [5  mg/mL rutin solution in 50% (v/v) ethanol]
was mixed with 5 mL of 50% (v/v) ethanol and 5 mL of 2% aluminum
chloride solution in 50% (v/v) ethanol. After 10 min, 1 mL of 3% ace-
Chemicals and drugs
tic acid was added, and the mixture was adjusted to 25 mL with 50%
(v/v) ethanol. The mixture was maintained at room temperature for
L-arginine was purchased from Kyowa Hakko Co. Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan). 30 min, and then absorbance was measured at 410 nm by a UV-Vis
Myo-inositol, Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, sodium carbonate, aluminum spectrophotometer Carry 100 (Agilent Technologies Inc., Santa-
chloride hexahydrate and analytical standard pyrogallol were pur- Clara, CA, USA). All determinations were performed in triplicate, and
chased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). USP reference stand- TFC was expressed as milligrams of rutin equivalent (RE) per gram of
ard rutin trihydrate (Sigma-Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany) was used. powder extract dry weight.

Authenticated | kolisnyktatyana@gmail.com author's copy

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Zagayko et al.: Anti-obesity and lipid-lowering properties of Vaccinium myrtillus leaves powder extract      3

Experimental animals LDL-C levels were determined using HDL-C and LDL-C kits (Leadman,

Sixty male 6-week-old Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus)

weighing 70–90 g were used for this study. Animals were kept in the Statistical analysis
vivarium of the Central Research Laboratory, National University of
Pharmacy (Kharkiv, Ukraine), according to the Guide for the Care and
Statistical analysis was carried out by the variation-statistical
Use of Laboratory Animals of the National Research Council (National
method using non-parametric analysis (Mann-Whitney U-test) with
Academies, USA, 8th edition, 2011). All experiments were conducted
Statisticа 7.0 (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA) and Microsoft Excel 2007
in accordance with the European Community Council Directive of
software (Microsoft Corporation, Seattle, WA, USA). Results are pre-
24 November 1986 (86/609/EEC).
sented as mean value ± SD. Significant levels were defined at p < 0.05.

Induction of obesity and experimental design

Experimental obesity in hamsters was induced by highly palatable
fat- and sugar-rich (HPFS) diet for 12  weeks [24]. Animals received
about 29 g of fat and 33 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of diet, while the Phenolic constituents and carrier
energy value of fat was 40.3%. In addition, each animal consumed in ­composition of VMLPE
the diet at least 1 g of free fructose per 100 g of body weight (b.w.) per
day, which not only contributed to the disruption of glucose utiliza-
The TPC of the crude liquid extract was 5.44 ± 0.07  mg
tion but also caused voluntary hyperphagia [25, 26]. Animals of the
intact control (IC) group were kept for 12  weeks on a standard bal-
PE/mL and the dry residue was 27.88 ± 0.10 mg/mL. Based
anced diet for hamsters. on that, calculations of the quantity of L-arginine and
From the 10th week of the diet, the animals were randomly myo-inositol were done as described above. Thus, the con-
divided into six groups (n = 10). Group I included IC hamsters who tents of L-arginine and myo-inositol were 40.41 and 9.59%,
were fed with standard balanced diet; group II included obese con- respectively, of the dry weight of the powder extract
trol (OC) hamsters who were fed with HPFS diet; groups III, IV and
obtained. The TPC and TFC for the powder extract were
V included obese hamsters treated with VMLPE at different doses
(15, 25 and 35 mg/kg b.w., respectively) and group VI included obese 99.29 ± 1.21 mg PE/g and 19.28 ± 0.15 mg RE/g, respectively.
hamsters treated with “Styfimol” at a dose of 25 mg/kg b.w., which
corresponds to 6.2  mg/kg b.w. of HCA (animal equivalent doses
were calculated based on the average daily therapeutic doses for Effect of VMLPE on body weight
humans and interspecies difference in mass and body surface area
[27]). Treating agents were dispersed in 1 mL of distilled water and
administered intragastrically using a special probe once a day during
No significant differences were observed in the initial
3 weeks. Animals of the IC and OC groups received 1 mL of distilled body weight of the experimental animals (data not
water in order to reproduce equal experimental conditions instead of shown). After 12 weeks of diet feeding, HPFS diet hamsters
treating agents. After the start of treatment, the diet of all experimen- presented a significant increase in body weight compared
tal groups remained unchanged. The body weight of each hamster with the IC group. However, the administration of VMLPE
was measured once a week on an empty stomach.
at doses of 25 and 35 mg/kg b.w. resulted in a body weight
After the 12th week, the animals were sacrificed by decapitation
under chloralose-urethane anesthesia, and blood samples were col- reduction of 4% for both groups, while the treatment with
lected to determine the serum lipid profile. Visceral fat was dissected “Styfimol” was the most effective and reduced the body
and weighed directly. weight by 6% compared with the OC group (p < 0.05). The
treatment with VMLPE at a dose of 15 mg/kg b.w. did not
show any effect on body weight gain (Table 1).
Biochemical assays

The level of important diagnostic and pathogenic markers for obe-

sity-induced lipid metabolism disorders, including free fatty acids
Effect of VMLPE on visceral fat mass
(FFAs), TAGs, HDL-C (α-cholesterol), LDL-C (β-cholesterol) and total
cholesterol (TC), was determined in the animal serum. Determina- A twofold increase (p < 0.05) in the visceral fat mass was
tions were carried out using the commercially available kits. FFA observed for the OC group as compared with the IC group
level was measured by the reaction with diethyl dithiocarbamate (Table 1). The obese hamsters treated with 15 mg/kg b.w.
using an assay kit (Felicit diagnostic, Ukraine). TAG level was deter-
of VMLPE did not show any significant visceral fat mass
mined using a glycerol oxidase assay kit (Kone, Finland). HDL-C and
LDL-C were separated by turbidimetric method, and the levels of cho- change (slightly decreased) as compared with the OC
lesterol fractions were determined. TC level was measured using a group. However, the administration of VMLPE at doses
cholesterol oxidase assay kit (Lachema, Czech Republic). HDL-C and of 25 and 35  mg/kg b.w. decreased visceral fat mass by

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4      Zagayko et al.: Anti-obesity and lipid-lowering properties of Vaccinium myrtillus leaves powder extract

Table 1: Effect of VMLPE on body weight and visceral fat mass.

Treatment groupsa Body weight, g Visceral fat mass (at the end of
12th week)
9th week (before the treatment) 12th week (at the end of the treatment)

Intact control 109.20 ± 2.49 114.90 ± 2.13 6.5 ± 0.4

Obese control 133.80 ± 3.80b 152.10 ± 3.33b 13.5 ± 0.9b
VMLPE, 15 mg/kg b.w. 135.20 ± 4.00b 153.10 ± 3.62c 12.8 ± 0.6c
VMLPE, 25 mg/kg b.w. 134.10 ± 4.38b 145.90 ± 2.64b,c 10.5 ± 0.6b,c
VMLPE, 35 mg/kg b.w. 133.50 ± 3.40b 146.20 ± 2.89b,c 10.4 ± 0.4b,c
Positive control with “Styfimol” 132.90 ± 3.43b 143.10 ± 2.64b 9.0 ± 0.3b

VMLPE, Vaccinium myrtillus leaves powder extract. an = 10 per group; values are expressed as mean ± SD. bp < 0.05 compared with intact
control animals. cp < 0.05 compared with positive control animals.

approximately 3 g per 100 g of body weight. The best result and TC level was observed to decrease by 18.1%, primar-
in visceral fat mass reduction was demonstrated by the ily due to a nearly 1.5-fold (p < 0.05) decrease in LDL-C.
positive control drug “Styfimol”: the visceral fat mass was Administration of 35 mg/kg b.w. of VMLPE to obese ham-
reduced by 4.5 g per 100 g of animal body weight. sters tended to be the most noticeably normalizing serum
lipid profile among all treated groups, and the percent-
age of HDL-C and LDL-C was the closest to intact values
Effect of VMLPE on serum lipid profile (Figure 2). Treatment with “Styfimol” normalized serum
TAGs to the intact levels (p < 0.05) and reduced serum FFA
HPFS diet during the 12  weeks resulted in a persistent level by 43.6%. However, the effect of “Styfimol” on the
hyperlipidemia in obese hamsters. Specifically, 1.57-fold, reduction of TC and LDL-C, as well as on the normaliza-
2.36-fold, 1.55-fold and 2.41-fold (p < 0.05) increases were tion of the HDL-C and LDL-C ratio, was slight (but statisti-
observed for TAGs, FFAs, TC and LDL-C, respectively, cally significant, p < 0.05) and similar to VMLPE at a dose
in untreated obese hamsters (Figure 1). Treatment with of 15 mg/kg b.w.
15  mg/kg b.w. of VMLPE did not lead to a significant
decrease of serum TAGs and FFAs levels compared to
the OC group, but resulted in a slight decrease in TC con- Discussion
centration (by 9.3%), both due to HDL-C and LDL-C. On
the other hand, treatment with 25  mg/kg b.w. of VMLPE In the present study, the anti-obesity and lipid-lower-
reduced TAGs and FFAs by 21.3 and 19.6%, respectively, ing properties of VMLPE obtained with the addition of

Figure 1: Effect of VMLPE on serum TAGs, FFAs, TC, HDL-C and LDL-C levels in intact and obese hamsters.
Values are mean ± SD with n = 10. p < 0.05 compared with OC animals.

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Zagayko et al.: Anti-obesity and lipid-lowering properties of Vaccinium myrtillus leaves powder extract      5

Figure 2: The percentage of HDL-C and LDL-C in the serum of intact and obese hamsters.

L-arginine and myo-inositol were evaluated on a hamster receive a constant hypercaloric HPFS diet. This approach
model of HPFS diet-induced obesity. As it was demon- allows screening test samples for pharmacological activ-
strated by other researches, experimental models of ity. However, in clinical practice, non-pharmacological
obesity induced by high-calorie diets rich in fat and car- treatment for obesity, such as diet and physical exercises,
bohydrates result in a significant body weight gain in along with these therapeutic agents can greatly potentiate
rodents [28], and the addition of palatable components the effectiveness of the latter.
(in this case, fructose) to animal diet can cause volun- One of the key factors for the development of obesity-
tary hyperphagia, which leads to a more relevant obesity related diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular
model than standard purified diets with high fat content diseases, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and generalized
[26]. Such diets have shown relevance as realistic models vascular arteriosclerosis, is visceral fat accumulation.
of human obesity [24, 28]. Besides, in hamsters, unlike The amount of visceral adipose tissue in obese individu-
mice and rats, high-fat diets generally do not cause dia- als directly linked to dyslipidemic disorders and insulin
betes mellitus on the background of obesity (although resistance [29, 30]. In the present experiment, HPFS diet
impaired glucose tolerance and hyperinsulinemia occur). feeding caused a significant increase in visceral adipose
Therefore, such a choice of experimental animals allows tissue mass, which did not reduce to normal levels under
assessing the effect of test samples directly on obesity, the treatment. However, the results obtained in this test
uncomplicated by other pathologies caused by similar ali- correlated with the effect of treating agents against weight
mentary models. gain. That is, the lowest effect was observed in animals
In the current experiment, the development of obesity treated with 15  mg/kg b.w. The groups received 25 and
in male hamsters was not affected by pharmacological 35  mg/kg b.w. VMLPE showed a mild but marked reduc-
agents during the 9 weeks. At this time, the body weight tion of visceral fat mass.
of animals with induced pathology significantly differed We further investigated the serum lipid profiles in
from that of IC animals, while the mean body weight of all obese hamsters. Alterations in lipid fraction levels are
HPFS diet animals was similar and almost did not differ one of the major biochemical markers for diseases whose
between the obese groups before treatment. pathogenesis is associated with lipid metabolism. In the
We first examined the anti-obesity properties of initial stages of isolated visceral obesity, dyslipidemia
VMLPE. It was found to be ineffective at a dose of 15 mg/kg manifests itself much earlier than the forced fat accu-
b.w., while doses of 25 and 35 mg/kg b.w. possess a mild mulation in the subcutaneous tissue, and improving the
anti-obesity effect, which was practically at the same serum lipid profile in patients with obesity may indicate
level for both of them. However, it should be empha- regression of the disease even before body weight loss
sized that none of the treated groups, including the posi- occurs. Among all lab rodent models, Syrian hamster
tive control, restored the body weight to IC levels, but lipid metabolism is the closest to human; in addition, the
showed only the slowdown of weight gain. First of all, lipid metabolism of this species is susceptible to exces-
this is because during the treatment animals continued to sive intake of edible fats, which is the basis of the chosen

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6      Zagayko et al.: Anti-obesity and lipid-lowering properties of Vaccinium myrtillus leaves powder extract

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