BE Role Play Final - Tanishka Motwani

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BE Role Play


Tanishka - CEO

Priyashree - HR Manager

Raini - Sales Manager

Fatema - Manufacturing Manager

Aryan - Employee


Many organizations have faced or will face the decision to downsize their
workforce. Especially in tough economic times, companies struggle with how to
best manage their most valuable resource—their human resources—while staying
viable as a business.


(Management Meeting to discuss downsizing)

Hr.: Good morning sir, I wanted to talk about the ongoing scenario of our

CEO: Yes, my assistant informed me about the subject yesterday, it seems like a
long due discussion.

Hr.: yes sir, so since you already know about the step me and all other division
managers have discussed it thoroughly and came to a conclusion that downsizing
is the only valid and practical step right now for us to survive this pandemic.
CEO: but, don’t you think there are alternatives we can go for as well, won’
downsizing cost us a great sum as well, because we can’t merely let go people, we
have to provide them some incentives as well. We can sure reduce salary for all
and if not, that maybe can lay off bonuses for this year.

Hr.: we took all these points in account, and tried to skip this point where
downsizing is the only alternative, but we already did some incentive cuts and
reducing some more would just anger our employees.

Cutting off bonuses would reduce employee motivation which is already affected
due to the lockdown.

CEO: umm well that’s fair. Hypothetically if I agree to downsizing, what about the
employees we would be laying off, as a company we have to take care of our
employees too, because this lockdown can be both financially and mentally
hamper a person, with that this sudden lay off can affect them drastically.

Hr.: we understand your concern ma’am, we did keep this in our mind and had a
discussion about the same. We came up with giving them an impressive letter of
recommendation which would make it easier for them to find new jobs, along
with that a percentage of their current income when they are being laid off in
order to provide them with some initial stability. With that keeping them in the
prior list when we start recruiting again in the future along with one month of
extended health care after terminating their contract of employment.

CEO: what are the basis on which you would be choosing these employees?

HR: if considered this option of downsizing a notice will be mailed to the

employees and in this coming 25 days their performance along with what value
they bring to this company will be measured. we would also approach the
employees who are close to their retirement age to voluntarily resign if possible.
Family situation of an employee would also be a pint in mind, in order to prevent
any massive measure.

CEO: is there an exact number of employees to be laid off, and what departs do
you have in mind?
Hr.: in total 30 employees are to be laid off, and the names of the departments
along with individual department numbers and their reasons with graphs are
mentioned in this file. * passes the file across the table*

CEO: alright, I will have a look will take a look of this file, there might be a few
changes, we will have to send the mail by the end of the day, so please co-
ordinate with other managers as well.

*food chain (pizza chain) *


(Narrator: After a long discussion between the CEO and the HR, a notice was
issued and mailed to every employee in the company regarding the layoff that
would take place with a 20 days prior notice. This surely created a stir among the
employees and their morale but what had to be done, had to be done. This scene
showcases an informal zoom meet discussion among the employees and how
they grasp in this step taken by the company.)

Employee 1: Did you check your mail yet?

Employees 2: I have not really had time. The situation at my place is not really
easy with my parents being affected with COVID. Why, what was the mail

1: It’s a notice released by the HR department about downsizing that is going to

take place on a short notice.

2: Are you serious?! Downsizing?! The situation is that bad?

3: It certainly is but the company should really consider some other alternatives
to go with because firing employees in such a situation is a really inhumane thing
to do. After such a hustle I was finally able to land this job I have no idea what I
would do after I lose it. Being the sole breadwinner of the family, things are going
to be really difficult.
2: fortunately my situation is not that bad. I do have other earning members in
the family but if the company has decided to go with such a drastic step then
things must surely be bad out there.

1: Yes, I agree. All we can do now is hope that everything goes well.



(narrator: scene where HR contacts employee 1 for layoff)

1: Good morning sir, you'd asked for me?

HR: Yes Mr. Joey, I am sure you've heard about the downsizing action the
company has to take due to the current situation.

1: Yes sir

HR: Very well then. You have been called here regarding that. Our current
situation means we can't take responsibility to maintain the same number of
employed in the past. Since you are the senior most employee with excellent
performance and have also reached your retirement age, we humbly request you
to retire soon as laying off other employees would not really be fair. I'm very
sorry, but your position is being eliminated and we have to let you go.

1: And how would you like to explain this fairness to me?

HR: For your loyal an excellent service all these years, we would like to
compensate you by increased benefits under EPF, and retirement plans, we will
also provide some health benefit plans to you in these unprecedented times. Our
company is in full support to you and will provide very fair recommendations of
you to other companies and future job prospects.
1: I’m deeply overwhelmed because of all those flashbacks of working with this
great company, but I understand your compulsion to do this and I very well
accept the situation. I hope I am able to cope up with this loss.

HR: Joey, we are sorry to do this.

1: That’s alright sir, it was good working with you. We can keep in touch

HR: Sure.

CEO: addressing the meeting

HR: state impact on employees

Manager: ask basis of downsizing and shortlist employees (Downsizing: How Should
HR Professionals Prepare?
• Seize the opportunity to help shape the agendas and strategies of the organization with
respect to workforce issues.
• Educate executives about the effects of employment downsizing on those laid off, survivors,
the psychological contract, high-involvement workplaces, knowledge- based organizations,
long-term financial performance and communities.
• Ensure that managers are cautious in implementing downsizing strategies that can impose
such traumatic costs on employees, both on those who leave and those who stay.
• If employment downsizing is necessary, take steps now to address the unpleasant symptoms
associated with “survivors’ syndrome.” Doing so will help control stress, voluntary turnover,
drops in productivity and innovation, and other unpleasant side effects.)

HR: specify the basis and benefits/compensation provided

End Scene


Reasons for downsizing

 Voluntary layoffs. Motivate employees to volunteer to leave your organization with
incentives like outplacement and severance pay.
 Early retirement. Offer early retirement to eligible employees with financial
 Furloughs. Place employees to go on temporary, unpaid leave until financial woes
 Hiring freeze. Stop hiring for a position that is not critical for business to continue.
 Pay reduction. Reduce pay rates, fringe benefits, or work hours of willing

Selection criteria
 Seniority. 
 Employee status. 
 Performance. 
 Skills. 

Incentives or compensations

Avoid this situation


(Employees discussing the situation)


(HR and department manager conversation with employee)

It typically has nothing to do with employees’ performance. Rather, it’s a strategic business
move to cut operational costs, maximize production, and increase profit.

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