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18/05/2021 A comparison of milk kefir and water kefir: Physical, chemical, microbiological and functional properties - ScienceDirect

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Trends in Food Science & Technology

Volume 113, July 2021, Pages 42-53

A comparison of milk kefir and water kefir: Physical, chemical,

microbiological and functional properties
Zeynep B. Guzel-Seydim a , Çağlar Gökırmaklı a, Annel K. Greene b

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• Milk kefir and water kefir grains are two unique probiotic starter cultures.

• Kefir grains were naturally formed via the symbiotic relationships of inherent

• Beverages prepared from these grains are wholly unique among probiotic

• Each kefir product has significant health promoting properties.

• Water kefir has great potential as a probiotic product for those who are allergic to
dairy ingredients as well as to vegans. 1/3
18/05/2021 A comparison of milk kefir and water kefir: Physical, chemical, microbiological and functional properties - ScienceDirect


Milk kefir (MK) and water kefir (WK) are traditionally produced from different unique
probiotic-containing semi-soft particles known as milk kefir grains and water kefir grains.
There is significant confusion between these kefir grains, even in peer-reviewed scientific
publications. Even though both grains have some similarities, they have significant differences
in structure, microbial content, and impact on the finished beverage product.

Scope and approach

This review compares the two probiotic kefir grains and examines the similarities and
differences in these two grains and the products made from them. Microbiological, chemical,
and functional properties for two grains are examined.

Key findings and conclusions

The two different fermented beverages produced from these grains have different physical
and chemical characteristics and different microbiological composition. MK and WK also
have different functional properties. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the consumption of
natural probiotic-containing foods was suggested as beneficial for improving gut health and,
consequently, overall health. MK and WK contain broad spectra of probiotic microorganisms,
which may help improve overall health and immunity. Consequently, MK and WK may help
protect against COVID-19 and especially in the elderly. While milk kefir provides significant
amounts of protein as well as probiotics and prebiotics, water kefir can be a significant
probiotic and prebiotic source for vegans and people who are allergic to dairy products. Both
of these grains are important for their potential health benefits.

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Milk kefir grains; Water kefir grains; Microbiology; Health; COVID-19

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18/05/2021 A comparison of milk kefir and water kefir: Physical, chemical, microbiological and functional properties - ScienceDirect

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