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1. Phần trăm người dân sử dụng Internet trên tổng số dân ở các
nước năm 1990

- In 1990, the proportion of people using Internet in US was (the) highest,

at 70% while the figure for the UK was moderately lower, at 55%. At the
same time, 40% of the total population in Australian used Internet
compared to only 10% in Viet Nam. Meanwhile, 25% Japanese citizens
used the Internet.

2. Số người dùng xe ô tô tại Việt Nam năm 2000 theo nhóm tuổi

- In 2000, the number of Vietnamese people who were in the 30-40 age
group using cars was highest, at approximately 2.5 million while the
figure for 40-50 – year- old people was slightly lower, about 2.2 million.
At the same time, there were over 1.2 and 1 million individuals who aged
over 50 and under 30 used cars to travel respectively.

3. Lượng nước sạch được tiêu dùng tại các thành phố lớn ( dự
đoán cho năm 2030)

- In 2030, the amount of fresh water consumed is predicted to be highest at

2700 m3 in Berlin while the figure for Paris is half of that of Berlin, only
about 1200 m3. At the same time, people in LonDon and Newyork are
expected to consume 2400m3 and 2100m3 clean water respectively.

4. Lượng pizza được sản xuất tại các nước năm 2005

- In 2005, the amount of pizza produced in China was highest, at 5,500

grams while the figure for the UK was significantly lower, just only at
1000 grams. At the same time, there were 3100 grams pizza produced in
Australia and 2,500 grams made in the US.

5. Phần trăm dân số ở Việt Nam năm 2000

- In 2000, the proportion of Vietnamese people who were in 20-40 age

group was highest, at 50% of the total Vietnam population while the
figure for 40-60-years-old people was significantly lower, at about 25%.
Meanwhile, people aged less than 20 and more than 60 years old
accounted for only 15% and 10% of the total population respectively.

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