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Nura : Hey, I know exactly where I’m going for my part-time job. Häagen-Dazs.

That’s cool right? It’s only because I can get free ice-creams and discounts. Have
you chosen a place yet?

SyaSya : Not really. Hey, are you sure that we were going to do part-time jobs?

Nura : Yes. Why?

SyaSya : I’m afraid that I can’t balance my time studying and working.

Nura : Oh… that’s alright. You know that there are many ways that you can do
to overcome these problems?

SyaSya : I’m all ears.

Nura : Well, sometimes it’s inevitable that there will be times that your work and
study schedule clash. So, for you to avoid this, you must let your co-workers and
manager know of your unavailability well in advance.

SyaSya : Alright. I’m pretty sure that study is more important than work. I can’t
miss any class just to attend work, right? It can’t be fair for everybody who have to
attend class while I’m out there. I also don’t want to catch up all the lectures by
spending my time in the library after all the tiredness that I’ve been through. Well,
probably I would just jump onto the bed and take a good nap.

Nura : Ohh.. relax. But also, it’s nice because we can take a short gateway
from our stressful, student life. Okay, next. You can create a schedule and follow it.
You must strictly follow it, no excuses. Otherwise, you’ll be doomed.

SyaSya : Wait, what?!

Nura : Haha. I’m just kidding. But yeah you must follow the schedule. Do you
even know what the schedules are for?

SyaSya : Umm… to figure out our priorities and the amount of time needed to get
things done?

Nura : Exactly. But first, you must know how to do the schedule. It must be
filled with class times, work times, study times, due dates and other obligations. This
way, you can determine your free time.
SyaSya : Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. I can do that but what if I got
stressed out and can’t concentrate doing both study and work? I don’t want to
burden off my mind that leads me to do bad things.

Nura : Studying and working at the same time surely can be stressful, but there
are many ways that you can do to manage stress. For example, we can take a brisk
walk and getting some fresh air around the campus when you’re free.

SyaSya : Hmm… you’re right. I won’t let the stress took over me. It is very
important for me to stay focused, centred and productive. Oh, I just remembered that
we have counselling centre in our campus. Or I can just simply talk to you since
you’re my friend.

Nura : Yeah sure. I’m no counsellor but I’ll try my best to help you my dear.
Next thing is it’s important for you to not leave things to the last minute.

Syasya : I also have heard about this before which is we can’t expect to perform
our best when we stay up all night studying or finishing an assignment last minute.

Nura : Yeah, you got it. By this way, you’ll reduce your stress levels, and you’ll
continue to perform well in your job and studies. Hey, have you heard of task
management apps? These apps help student manage their study time. I think it’s
very cool and actually I just downloaded the app like a week ago and it really helps
me by blocking any distraction from any social media such as Instagram and Twitter

Syasya : Wow! I’m definitely going to download those kinds of apps by tonight. It’s
free to download, right

Nura : Okay. Thirdly, you must focus on your goal and reward yourself. Always
keep in mind why you chose to work while studying.

Syasya : Sometimes I think that is a weird idea. Rewarding myself hahaha. But
from that I can realize my effort in a positive way even though it is in a small

Nura : Yes! Okay, the last thing that I know is that you should stay healthy.
Eating nutritious food, exercising, and getting enough of sleep. It will increase your
focus and decision-making skills.
Syasya : Good decision! It seems that you are well prepared in this part. Thank
you so much because you have shared all of this to me. I am sure that I will be better
after this.

Nura : Awh.. my pleasure. Don’t worry about a thing. If you have any trouble
just inform me and I shall do the outmost.

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