Anss Jan Muhammad 1453 Assigment 6

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PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi

Department of UIIT

Interview Question and Answer
Subject: - Human Resource Management

Submitted by: Anss Jan Muhammad

Arid No: - 17-Arid-1453
Submitted to: Sir Hassan Mughal
Date: 6-27-2021

Prepare for interview (including a sequence of at least 20 general
questions studied in course) can be asked by interview panel for the job
of your field in established IT firm. Each student will present its
interview questions and answers in the class.

Whether you’re a current student looking for a part-time job or a recent
graduate seeking permanent employment, at some point you’ll almost
certainly be invited to attend a job interview. This is good news. But if
it’s your first interview for a graduate job or your first one with a
company you admire, then attending a job interview can seem more than
a little daunting.

Top Questions You Must Prepare For

 Tell us about yourself.
 Why should we hire you?
 What accomplishment are you most proud of?
 Why do you want to work in this field?
 Describe a time you disagreed with a teammate or supervisor.*
 What are your strengths?
 What are your goals?
 Why do you want this job?
 What are your interests?
 Why did you choose your major?
 Tell us about a time you failed.*
 What is a weakness of yours?
 Do you have any questions for us

"Tell me about yourself…"

One of the most common job interview questions, “tell me about
yourself” is often the interviewer’s opening gambit to quickly find out
what you’re all about.
Your answer shouldn’t be a simple recitation of your CV (which the
interviewer has hopefully at least scanned already). Instead use this as an
opportunity to make a quick pitch to sell yourself for the role,
highlighting not only your primary selling points but also your personal
approach to work and why you want to work in the industry. Briefly
outline any relevant work experience from your current role, but of
course don’t go into as much detail as you do on your CV, as you will
probably be asked to go into further detail about these roles later.
If you have done your research before the interview, chances are you
know quite a lot about the company. What interviewers are looking for
here isn’t a half hour talk about everything the company has ever done,
but to make sure you’ve looked into the company before coming to the

"Where do you see yourself in five years?"

It would surprise me if anyone truthfully knew the answer to this, but

again, this is another common interview question likely to come up. The
interviewer won’t be expecting you to be too specific with this, so don’t
feel like you have to mention the company you’re interviewing for in
your future plans. But at the same time, don’t mention working for a
What you should answer with is where you want to be in five years –
talk of your ambitions, skills you hope to have gained by then, and how
the job in question would help you work towards this. Most graduate
employers won’t look too kindly on people who talk of their company
as a stepping stone; they want to hear about your passion to develop
professionally in the position they’re hiring for, as well as your sincere
desire to further the industry with your ideas, motivation and skill.

"Why do you want to work here?"

This can be one of the trickier interview questions, especially if your

resounding motivation is just to be able to pay the bills. Here you should
remind yourself that although bill-paying is a high priority, passion and
interest in your work is even more important. Even if that passion and
interest comes from high-earning potential!
To answer this question, focus on why the job advertisement appealed to
you personally. For instance, let your interviewer know if you’re
interested in the work the company produces, the culture it offers or the
progression the role promises. If, when you were researching the
company, you found that a recent project the company was part of
particularly interested you, it might be worth mentioning this to show
you have taken an active interest in their work.

"What can you bring to this role?"

This is key, because it’s one of a few typical interview questions that
gives you a chance to really sell yourself and all your relevant skills.
Regardless of whether or not you have any professional experience in a
similar role, you can still talk about the skills you picked up during your
degree, an internship or part-time job. Try to relate these skills to the
role you are interviewing for. For example, your part time job might
have taught you how to work well in a team, as well as how to build
strong professional relationships with your colleagues and clients.
If you’ve already been offered an interview, the chances are that the
interviewer is aware of what experience you have and sees potential in
you. Provide examples of times when you’ve utilized the skills they’re
looking for in a different context. If you’re a new graduate, now’s the
chance to highlight all the ‘transferable skills’ you gained during your
degree, such as analytical ability, written and spoken communication
skills and IT mastery, to name but a few.

"What is your biggest strength?"

This question is often a stumbling block for many new graduates, simply
because they haven’t yet had the chance to develop confidence in their
professional skills. This often leads to answers that are too modest or
vague, meaning that graduate employers will have a hard time believing
you have the skills and confidence to take on the graduate job on offer.
Your answer should address a strength that is relevant to the position,
but this can be anything that makes you stand out, whether you gained
this quality at work, while travelling or at university. Think of the role in
question and provide an example of a strength that is relevant to the
position, be that multitasking, organization skills or innovative thinking.
It’s important to tread the line between humble and overconfident – too
humble and your strengths won’t be evident, too confident and you risk
sounding arrogant. To avoid either, focus on the facts of your strengths,
including specific examples of when you’ve had to use them and how
you’ve developed them.

"What is your biggest weakness?"

The scarier version of the previous question, “what is your biggest

weakness?” is another of the most typical interview questions. Rather
than seeing this question as an attempt to catch you out, see it as a
chance to address the skills and attributes you’d most like to develop and
improve in your future career. This is also the chance to address any
holes in your CV, highlighting your motivation to fill in those gaps.
A good answer will outline a weakness in your skillset (e.g. technical
ability) and then explain how you are working on this (e.g. by studying
a MOOC in beginners’ programming or building a website). If you are
honest about your weaknesses but show evidence of motivation to
improve, graduate employers will see this as strength in character,
proving you have integrity, self-awareness and ambition.

"What do you consider to be one of your biggest


Although similar to the “biggest strength” question, graduate employers

will often use this question in order to get you to provide more specific
examples of your skills. The accomplishment can be anything, from a
great student project to a personal feat of courage, but ensure that the
skills shown in this accomplishment relate to the job role in question.
To answer this question well, you’ll talk about the accomplishment
itself, what problems you had to overcome in order to succeed, what you
enjoyed about the experience, and what results you achieved.

“Tell us about a challenge you’ve faced and how you dealt

with it.”

This is a behavioral interview question that enables interviewers to see

how you react to problems that may arise. It’s a good idea to think up an
answer for this one beforehand, so it doesn’t catch you off guard in the
The challenge in question can be anything from a difficult customer in a
previous job, a problem in a group project at university or a particular
module you struggled with.
A good way to explain this is using the STAR method; explain
the situation (provide some context to the event), the task involved,
the action you took to resolve this task, and what the result was.

"Have you got any questions?"

The answer to this question is never “no”; you should always have
something to ask at the end of a job interview. A few intelligent
questions can help to show that you are serious about getting hired, as
well as demonstrating your initiative.
Although it’s helpful to jot down a few queries before the interview, it’s
likely that these may be addressed during the interview itself. If you do
pre-prepare your questions, make sure to listen carefully during the
interview so as not to ask a question that’s already been answered. If you
find that at the end of the interview all your prepared questions have
been answered, just mention to the interviewer that they’ve already
covered everything you wanted to ask.

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