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Blended learning has confined the surviving generation of the students to the new normal
setup of learning Due to the existing COVID-19 pandemic, and we know enough from existing
research that the study habits of students have been greatly affected may it be negative or
positive. Thereby, in our study we will aim to find out the effects and impact of new normal
learning to the studies of the students specifically senior high school of JONES RURAL

This chapter provides the review and related literature to the current study of the
researchers. These allow the researchers to have a meticulous and rigorous findings of their

As expressed by Cahapay (2020) all sectors worldwide, including education, have been
devastated by the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic. As we approach the new normal in the post-
COVID-19 era, there is a need to consider education new in the light of emerging opportunities
and challenges.

However, it is noted that learner satisfaction with a learning management system can be
an antecedent factor for blended learning effectiveness. Goyal and Tambe (2015) noted that
learners showed an appreciation to Moodle’s contribution in their learning. They showed
positivity with it as it improved their understanding of course material (Ahmad & Al-Khanjari,
2011). The study by Goyal and Tambe (2015) used descriptive statistics to indicate improved
learning by use of uploaded syllabus and session plans on Moodle. Improved learning is also
noted through sharing study material, submitting assignments and using the calendar. Learners in
the study found Moodle to be an effective educational tool.

Over the years, educators have implemented a variety of instructional practices that can
increase student learning and can keep their students engaged. In recent years, blended learning
practices have become increasingly adapted in classrooms, particularly in core content areas to
help close the achievement gap. Education reforms at the national and state levels have sought to
address disparities in student achievement, specifically in the area of math. In addition to an
increase in more rigorous standards, there is also pressure to increase math achievement, given
its relevance for becoming productive in the 21st century workforce. (Bryant, Fazal, 2019)

According to the study of Kagambe, et al., (2017), A t-test was carried out to establish the
performance of male and female learners in the blended learning set up. This was aimed at
finding out if male and female learners do perform equally well in blended learning given their
different roles and responsibilities in society. It was found that male learners performed slightly
better (M = 62.5) than their female counterparts (M = 61.1). An independent t-test revealed that
the difference between the performances was not statistically significant (t = 1.569, df = 228, p = 
0.05, one tailed). The magnitude of the differences in the means is small with effect size (d = 
0.18). A one way between subjects ANOVA was conducted on the performance of different age
groups to establish the performance of learners of young and middle aged age groups (20–30,
young & and 31–39, middle aged). This revealed a significant difference in performance
(F(1,236 = 8.498, p < .001).

In the current study of the research, they will aim to identify the significant differences in
performance of male and female in blended learning setup.

Furthermore, according to Daniel (2020) the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the lives
of the students in different ways, depending not only on their level and course of study but also
on the point they have reached in their programs. Those coming to the end of one phase of their
education and moving on to another, such as those transitioning from school to tertiary
education, or from tertiary education to employment, face particular challenges.


Kagambe, Kintu, and Chang Zhu. “Blended learning effectiveness: the relationship between
student characteristics, design features and outcomes.” International Journal of Educational
Technology in Higher Education, 2017.

Melanie and Fazal Minas. “Blended Learning in Middle School Math: The Question of
Effectiveness” Journal of Online Learning Research, vol. 5, no. 1, 2019.
Daniel, S. J(2020). Education and the covid-19 pandemic. Prospects.

Michael B. Cahapay (2020). Rethinking education in the new normal post covid-19 era: a
curriculum studies perspective.
/341827574_rethinking_education_in _the_new_normal_post-covid-
19_era_a_curriculum_studies_perspective.XMA Header ImageEducation and the COVID-19

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