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3.1 Introduction

The methodology is one of the tasks that have to be done to complete this project.
It outlined why a particular methodology in order is chosen to solve problems and
secondly how the plan to collect and analysis data. This chapter will cover the details
explanation of methodology that is being used to make this project working as in our
plan and complete it. Many ways methodology from this field mainly generated into
journal for other to take advantages and improve as upcoming studies. The method is
use to achieve the objective of project that will accomplish a perfect and good result.
The frameworks that have been used are firstly, having a brainstorming to come up a
best idea for the project. Then, making a flowchart process of project to plan works
smoothly and finish in time. Next, making a Gantt chart is a must since it is a timeline
that is used as a project management tool to illustrate how the project will run. So that
the individual tasks, their duration and the sequencing of these tasks can be view.
From that, the period of times that it takes to finish this task can be managed. Then,
analysis theories from static is applied to design the project by using software
SolidWorks 2019 to construct drawing of model in 3D figure. After that, report
writing can be made in order to record all the task that have been done other than
communicate information which has been compiled as a result of research and
analysis of data and of issues. Lastly, the project is completed on time without delay.
3.2 Brainstorming

Portable Door Stopper


Water Dispenser Recycling Machine

Machine For Aluminium Cans

Figure: Recycling Machine For Aluminium Cans

Figure: Portable Door Stopper Figure: Water Dispenser Machine

3.3 Flow Chart

A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents an algorithm, workflow or

process. The flowchart shows the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by
connecting the boxes with arrows. This diagrammatic representation illustrates a
solution model to a given problem. Flowcharts are used in different fields for the
analysis, design, documentation or management of a method or system. The Flow
Chart for the laying and explanation of the key activities in the sense of this project
starts by characterizing the topic of the analysis until the presentation of the project.

Start Submit report

oStart writing reportesk

Brainstorm Idea Fusion 360t

fSubmit idea proposal to ofExplore the application

lecturer of mechanic machine
concept in the prototype
and its calculation

Research about Portable Create the prototype

Door Stopper

fSketching out the

technical drawing of
prototype using
SolidWorks 2019d

Figure: Flow chart

Figure 3.3 shows the flow chart of the portable door stopper prototype, the
portable door stopper was started in this flow chart by brainstorm some idea and
select the idea for the project which is the portable door stopper. After that, submit the
idea proposal to lecturer for the confirmation of the prototype. Next, doing some
research about the portable door stopper and sketching out the technical drawing of
prototype using SolidWorks 2019. Then, start proceed to create the prototype after
sketching and explore the application of mechanic machine concept in the prototype
and its calculation.

3.4 Gantt Chart

A Gantt Chart is a form of bar chart showing a schedule for a project. The map
lists the functions to be done on the vertical axis, and the horizontal axis with the time
intervals. The horizontal bar width in the graph shows how long each activity lasts.
Gantt charts show the start and end dates for the terminal elements and summary
elements of a project. Terminal elements and overview elements shape the project's
layout of job breakdowns. Modern Gantt charts also display the relationships between
activities depending on (i.e., preceding network). Using percentcomplete shadings and
a vertical "TODAY" line as seen here, Gantt charts can be used to display current
schedule status.

During week 9 of the semester the task was given for this project. A title was
written for the next week and a model base on the topic of mechanics of machine was
selected. Week 10 was the place where the mission was split into four community
members on what part to do. Project sketching had also been undertaken to see how
would the prototype structure be. According to the schedule, the project was expected
to be completed during the week 11 but with too little time to do, the actual
construction was in week 12 and week 13 due to the delay in week 11. At the same
two next week the analysis, calculation and report writing were done. Lastly, at week
15 compiled and submitted the report. This run of Gantt chart are shown in the table
Task Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Planning Project

Task Distribution

Minutes meeting


Build Project


Report Writing



Table: Gantt Chart

3.5 Planning

Planning is the way to find the tasks required to attain a desired target. It includes,
for example, the development and maintenance of an arrangement, mental viewpoints
which require applied skills. There are also two or three measures to determine the
potential of someone to make admirable arrangements. Task to build or install the
component for portable door stopper for early planning. The project model had to
have a mechanical feature which is that the friction have been determined.

3.5.1 Data Collection

Data collection was a stage that require to collect a data for project resources and
requirement to succeed. The example of the data was literature studies and the all
material that needed.

i. Research about project

Some research has been done using many ways to find the solutions on how to
complete this project. Finding the actual structure of portable door stopper as
reference and take the design to calculate frictional force that acting between
the portable door stopper and the door is a part of research about project. All
the information and result are from reading and internet.

ii. Internet
In the data collection, the data were also collected on the internet by reviewing
and reading all the papers or journals that have been published, such as all
about the gear requirements, what it takes to make the gear work properly and
material that fits you.

iii. Reading
In reading method, Mechanics of Machine note is being used as this project
reference to find any solutions about frictional force calculation and formula
especially on how to calculate the frictional force that acting between the
portable door stopper and the door. By reading, more information is added in
order to help in understanding the application of mechanic of machine in real

3.6 Design Process

Figure: SolidWorks Software

After the ideas have been accepted, the structure of working process and progress
have been made in order to plan for better result. Firstly, the design of portable door
stopper is been seek as a reference to find what type of material that used to build the
door stopper. After that, the design is being sketch and draw it in SolidWorks 2019
software in 3D to complete this project. For the sketching process, there are many
benefits if the right procedure is followed such as the dimension during build the
prototype is already decide, the shape of prototype also already decide, the scope
project could be decided and the other benefits.

3.7 Part Selection

The choice of part to fabricate this project is very important aspect because it will
determine the rigid of the product and sustainability of the product.
i. Ruler
Ruler was chosen as the body part of the product because it can maintain the
sustainability of the structure for a long time. Besides, the shape of it is more
suitable for the construction of the body part of product.

Figure: Ruler

ii. Hot glue gun

Hot glue gun was chosen to be used in this project because it can rapid drying
and curing the bonded materials. It also can used to bond the heavy materials
on the body part such as nuts.

Figure: Hot glue gun

iii. UHU Super glue

UHU Super glue also have the same function as the hot glue gun but it can
used to bonding the small materials that are used for the construction of the
product. It is also easy to handle at any different angle.
Figure: UHU Super glue

iv. Round flit-glider

Round flit-glider was used to lower down the impact between the door stopper
and the wall when open the door. It is also have the small shape that is suitable
for attach on the product.

Figure: Round flit-glider

v. Chopstick
Chopstick was used as the stopper of the product. It has suitable length and
size that is suitable to be the stopper and it also have lightweight that can
maintain the balance of the product.
Figure: Chopstick

vi. Steel Jointer

Steel jointer was used to connecting the body part of the product. Besides, it
also have heavy weight that can help for balancing the product.

Figure: Steel Jointer

vii. Cape screw and nut M5

Cape screw and nut M5 was used to helps for extra support and it is adjustable
depending on the variety of door widths. It was also the component that used
for determine the application of mechanics machine concept that have been
developed in the portable door stopper.
Figure: Cape screw and nut M5

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