Insights From Socio-Hydrological Modeling To Design Sustainable Wastewater

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Agricultural Water Management 231 (2020) 105983

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Insights from socio-hydrological modeling to design sustainable wastewater T

reuse strategies for agriculture at the watershed scale
Hanseok Jeonga,b,*, Rabin Bhattaraib, Jan Adamowskic, David J. Yud,e,f,g
Department of Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, 01811, Republic of Korea
Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 61801, USA
Department of Bioresource Engineering, McGill University, 21 111 Lakeshore Road, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, QC, Canada
Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, USA
Department of Political Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, USA
Center for the Environment, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, USA
OJeong Eco-Resilience Institute, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea


Keywords: Wastewater reuse in agriculture can be a viable option to solve future freshwater shortages but may need an
Coupled human and water systems additional treatment process (Stage-II) to become a safe option. As wastewater reuse interacts with many facets
Irrigation of coupled human and water systems, the introduction of Stage-II treatment systems in wastewater reuse in
Possibility space agriculture must be understood in terms of socio-hydrology. This paper builds on a place-based socio-hydro-
logical model of a wastewater-reused watershed in South Korea and uses it to: (1) identify key parameters in
human and water systems that have a significant impact on wastewater reuse in agriculture; (2) explore the
Water reuse
impacts of changing agricultural environments by altering the key parameters; and (3) develop the possibility
space of future changes from current decision-making. Key parameters concern the characteristics of urbani-
zation, domestic water use, and greenhouse cultivation. Urbanization can reduce the demand for Stage-II irri-
gation within an urbanizing watershed by reducing irrigation areas and increasing water availability. Domestic
water use has a large impact on the economics of indirect wastewater reuse. Greenhouse cultivation influences
the demand for Stage-II irrigation, mainly by reducing water availability. Moreover, it could further affect the
demand if the communities evolved to have a greater concern for the use of groundwater resources. The pos-
sibility space shows that wastewater reuse has a strong influence on groundwater and could relieve agricultural
water deficits through the diversification of irrigation sources, and could be a more economical irrigation
practice than groundwater irrigation under changing agricultural environments.

1. Introduction (World Health Organization (WHO, 2006). Many countries have started
to develop guidelines and technologies to use treated wastewater as a
Irrigation accounts for about 70 % of global water withdrawals safe irrigation source (Paranychianakis et al., 2015). In particular, the
(Alexandratos and Bruinsma, 2012). Predicted population growth, cli- combined use of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and a re-
mate change, and resulting water scarcity pose a major threat to water clamation system (Stage-II treatment after WWTP, e.g., reverse osmosis,
for agricultural production (De Fraiture and Wichelns, 2010), and are ultraviolet disinfection) produces quality irrigation water that helps
forcing societies to look for alternative sources of irrigation water. A achieve a safe agricultural environment (Contreras et al., 2017). Re-
growing number of studies suggest that wastewater is a viable alter- lying solely on a WWTP could lead to treated water that still contains
native source of irrigation water in countries facing increased water high concentrations of salts, heavy metals, organic compounds, emer-
shortages (Grant et al., 2012; Hanjra et al., 2012). Treated wastewater ging contaminants, and nutrients (Chiou, 2008; Muñoz et al., 2009).
is being widely used as agricultural water around the world (United When this water is used over long periods of time, these may accu-
Nations World Water Assessment Programme (UNWWAP, 2017), and mulate in the soil and adversely affect crop growth (Mapanda et al.,
previous studies estimate that more than 10 % of the world’s population 2005; Tal, 2016). Therefore, a Stage-II treatment system is re-
consumes agricultural products cultivated with wastewater irrigation commended to process the water further to make it safe for irrigation

Corresponding author at: 120-1 Chungun Hall, 232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Republic of Korea.
E-mail address: (H. Jeong).
Received 29 January 2019; Received in revised form 15 November 2019; Accepted 16 December 2019
Available online 03 January 2020
0378-3774/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Jeong, et al. Agricultural Water Management 231 (2020) 105983

(Qadir et al., 2015). Past studies have monitored the impact of Stage-II lands in South Korea, mainly paddy fields (Ministry of Environment
irrigation (reclaimed wastewater irrigation following treatment with a (ME, 2012). The government has also encouraged increased wastewater
Stage-II system) on crop growth, health of the agricultural environment reuse to prepare for anticipated future freshwater shortages (Jang et al.,
and sanitation, and showed that the system can indeed lead to safe 2010). However, it has been reported that effluent from WWTPs can
wastewater reuse practices and greater sustainability (Jang et al., 2012; degrade downstream irrigation water quality in both urban and rural
Reznik et al., 2017). areas. A recent investigation found that about 25 % of the WWTPs in
Despite these benefits, determining whether a Stage-II treatment operational use adversely impact irrigation water quality downstream
system should be installed and how it should be operated is more than a through informal indirect reuse (Jeong et al., 2016a). Farmers are also
technical decision problem because of the complexity of the inter- becoming increasingly concerned that the continued use of diluted
relationships between Stage-II irrigation and related human and water treated wastewater as irrigation water produces negative impacts such
systems, rendering the consequences of decisions highly uncertain. as rice lodging (i.e., flattening). This may prompt farmers to increase
Wastewater reuse in agriculture is partly driven by environmental and the use of groundwater for irrigation, which in turn can be a major
social drivers and interacts with many facets of coupled human and concern for the government due to potential groundwater depletion
water systems (Hanjra et al., 2012). For example, changes in population (Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs (MLTM, 2011). To
can directly affect effluent discharge from a WWTP, while changes in deal with this potential problem, there have been ongoing efforts by the
climate and land use can affect agricultural water demand (Malik et al., government to move toward formal wastewater reuse and development
2015). The reuse of treated wastewater can also produce major eco- of Stage-II treatment systems for agricultural use (Jang et al., 2010; Kim
nomic benefits since it can replace the development of new freshwater et al., 2014). Co-using a Stage-II treatment system can result in a safe
resources (Yang and Abbaspour, 2007). Further, hydrological condi- agricultural environment, relieve farmers’ concerns about water
tions can alter the reuse ratio of indirect wastewater reuse (otherwise quality, as well as reduce groundwater pumping. This co-use, however,
known as the ratio of effluent discharge to total stream flow) (Jeong can significantly increase the cost of wastewater treatment and irriga-
et al., 2016b), thereby altering the actual reuse amount of treated tion, necessitating an economic assessment to support the upgrade
wastewater resulting in changes to the economics of employing the (Hanjra et al., 2015).
Stage-II treatment system. In other words, hydrological conditions can There have been many important empirical studies that discuss
change the economic feasibility and demand for Stage-II irrigation and different aspects of wastewater reuse in agriculture: crop growth (Cirelli
may change the pattern of agricultural water use, which can then in- et al., 2012; Pedrero et al., 2010), environmental impacts (Singh et al.,
fluence the hydrological conditions themselves. This suggests that de- 2012; Xu et al., 2010), health risk (Fatta-Kassinos et al., 2011; Forslund
cision-making surrounding the installation and operation of Stage-II et al., 2010), economic evaluation (Drechsel et al., 2015; Hanjra et al.,
treatment systems must consider the two-way feedback of people and 2015; Yang and Abbaspour, 2007), and the perceptions of farmers and
water in a socio-hydrological context. This paper, therefore, aims to the general public (Rutkowski et al., 2007). Nevertheless, these pre-
examine the socio-hydrological interrelationships involving Stage-II vious studies have mainly focused on broadening the understanding of
irrigation to understand which factors in human and water systems wastewater reuse in agriculture regarding the aspects mentioned above.
have a significant impact on agricultural wastewater reuse and how They rarely assess how wastewater reuse in agriculture affects the
their effects are propagated to the systems and to the Stage-II irrigation human and water systems and how changing agricultural environ-
practice. In approaching this aim, we use modeling to help elucidate the ments, in turn, affect wastewater reuse in agriculture. In addition to
key drivers that account for these interrelationships and thus help guide these studies, several modeling studies have been conducted to under-
the design of effective policies regarding agricultural wastewater reuse. stand the effects of wastewater reuse in agriculture on hydrological
Our modeling approach is motivated by socio-hydrology, the science of systems (Jeong et al., 2016b; Kim et al., 2008). However, these mod-
people and water. Humans and their actions are considered part of eling studies ignored socio-hydrological interactions. They incorporate
water cycle dynamics, and the aim is to understand the dynamics of wastewater reuse in agriculture as a factor that affects surface hy-
coupled human and water systems (Sivapalan et al., 2012). drology and water quality but do not capture the ways in which these
The term Stage-II treatment is used throughout this study to dis- hydrological aspects can also affect wastewater reuse in agriculture. On
tinguish it from the regular wastewater treatment (i.e., Stage-I treat- the other hand, Jeong and Adamowski (2016) developed a place-based
ment in this study) employed by a WWTP. A Stage-II treatment system socio-hydrological model associated with wastewater reuse in agri-
is synonymous with a reclamation system and is a decentralized on-site culture, and captured the detailed causal relationships between was-
wastewater treatment system for formal and indirect reuse (I/C case in tewater reuse-induced hydrological processes (groundwater and surface
Fig. 1). Stage-II irrigation is often described as a direct and formal form hydrology), demand and supply for irrigation waters (including Stage-II
of wastewater reuse. Wastewater reuse in agriculture is classified as irrigation water), development of irrigation facilities, the economics of
direct or indirect on the basis of whether or not treated wastewater is irrigation sources, and investment decisions. Although the study de-
diluted with freshwater (Rutkowski et al., 2007), and as formal or in- monstrated the potential for application of the developed model, there
formal on the basis of whether or not it is controlled by government are knowledge gaps about which factors in human and water systems
agencies (Hanjra et al., 2017; Scott et al., 2004) (Fig. 1). Most current have a major impact on agricultural wastewater reuse systems, how
wastewater reuse in agriculture is indirect and informal (Scott et al., they change the system-level behavior of wastewater reuse in agri-
2004), which can adversely affect crop growth and the aquatic en- culture, and how such models can be used in providing practical in-
vironment in agricultural fields (Qadir et al., 2015). This kind of reuse sights for informed decision-making.
is expected to grow with urbanization, i.e., as urbanization proceeds, it The current study contributes to bridging these gaps by building on
is expected that more effluents will be discharged into streams and the place-based socio-hydrological model of Jeong and Adamowski
downstream water quality will be degraded (Hanjra et al., 2017; Sato (2016), which was validated for the study site. We revise and analyze
et al., 2013). Stage-II treatment after a WWTP can help address these the model to identify the factors affecting a wastewater reuse scheme
problems through the use of additional customized water treatment and to understand the possibility space of the wastewater reuse systems’
processes appropriate to a specific agricultural environment. responses to changing agricultural environments. The possibility space
South Korea provides an excellent testing ground to study waste- is defined as possible outcomes of alternative decisions, also known as
water reuse in agriculture and interrelationships involving Stage-II ir- alternative futures, that provide insights about the system dynamics,
rigation because treated wastewater is already in use as an irrigation though they are not necessarily the most likely futures (Sivapalan and
water source. About 12 % of WWTPs with a treatment capacity of more Blöschl, 2015). In doing so, we generate practical insights for waste-
than 500 m3 day−1 currently supply treated wastewater to agricultural water reuse in agriculture that could help guide decision-making

H. Jeong, et al. Agricultural Water Management 231 (2020) 105983

Fig. 1. Classification of wastewater reuse in agriculture in South

Korea. D, I, C, and U represent direct, indirect, formal (con-
trolled), and informal (uncontrolled) reuse, respectively. Stage-II
treatment is usually required for both direct and indirect reuse,
except when treated wastewater (i.e., water after Stage-I treat-
ment) and diluted treated wastewater already satisfy irrigation
water quality standards. Stage-II irrigation in this study refers to
an indirect and formal (I/C) wastewater reuse case and uses a
decentralized on-site Stage-II treatment system.

despite uncertainty. Our model analysis proceeds as follows. First, using diluted treated wastewater irrigation. They began to worry that con-
a sensitivity analysis, we identify a set of key parameters in social and sumers would have a negative perception of their agricultural products,
hydrological systems that have a strong influence on the future tra- not only paddy rice but all crops grown in the area, and have increas-
jectory of wastewater reuse in agriculture. Second, we explore the im- ingly asked for Stage-II treatment systems to ensure quality irrigation
pacts of changing agricultural environments on wastewater reuse in water. This demand will increase in the near future to meet their need
agriculture by altering these key parameters. Third, using Monte Carlo for quality irrigation water for safe and high-quality agricultural pro-
simulations, we investigate how current decision-making can shape the ducts.
possibility space of system dynamics in the long run. The possibility However, increasing reservoir irrigation, which currently supplies
space can provide decision-makers with practical insights that will about 68 % of the agricultural water demand for paddy fields in the
enable them to derive strategies for introducing sustainable Stage-II study area, is impossible because of a consensus to stop further devel-
irrigation. opment of agricultural reservoirs due to environmental concerns and
urbanization. Furthermore, increasing greenhouse cultivation, which
irrigates with groundwater, is causing a decline in the groundwater
2. Case study
table in the watershed, a growing concern of the government (Ministry
of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs (MLTM, 2011). To satisfy the
The Osan River watershed is located in a temperate monsoon cli-
increasing demand for quality irrigation water and the target irrigation
mate. It has an area of 98.3 km2 , a main river length of 16.5 km , a
rate of about 85 % set by the Korean government (Ministry of Land,
drainage slope of 10.2 %, and a runoff to rainfall ratio of 0.54. The
Transport and Maritime Affairs (MLTM, 2011), the development of a
average annual precipitation is approximately 1,312 mm, and the
safe irrigation source is essential. Formal indirect wastewater reuse may
average annual temperature is approximately 12 °C. The watershed has
be the best option in this area to supply safe and quality irrigation
experienced population growth and undergone rapid urbanization
water, lessen farmers’ concerns, and alleviate the problem of ground-
causing the Osan WWTP to reach its current daily capacity of 140,000
water depletion. Therefore, it is important to explore possible future
m3 (Fig. 2). The population in the drainage area of the Osan WWTP
trajectories of this watershed resulting from the evolving agricultural
increased from 138,650 in 2005 to 297,560 in 2010, and as a result,
environment to ensure that investment decisions lead to a sustainable,
urban land increased 77 % (+1463 ha), whereas agricultural land de-
formal indirect wastewater reuse.
creased 36 % (-1,252 ha). Increased population contributed to an in-
crease in water availability through effluent discharge from the ex-
panded WWTP, since domestic water is supplied from outside the 3. Materials and methods
watershed. The effluent from the Osan WWTP accounts for about 30 %
of stream flow in the Osan River during the irrigation period (Jeong 3.1. Model overview
et al., 2016b), which is the primary source of paddy irrigation from
stream water. Agricultural pumping stations along the Osan River ir- To gain practical insights for sustainable wastewater reuse, we
rigate treated wastewater diluted with stream water to the paddy fields utilize a place-based socio-hydrological model representing the inter-
downstream where reservoir irrigation water is not supplied. This type actions between human and water systems of wastewater reuse in
of informal indirect wastewater reuse can cause adverse effects on the agriculture. This model builds on a previous version by Jeong and
agricultural environment and farmers’ health. Adamowski (2016), which was developed to study wastewater reuse in
In fact, irrigation water used for paddy fields in this area did not agriculture in the Osan River watershed, and which can be classified as
meet water quality standards and had statistically higher salinity and a deterministic conceptual, semi-lumped hydrological model simulated
nutrient concentrations compared to traditional irrigation water from at a monthly time scale. The model reflects the change in land use by
an agricultural reservoir (Jeong et al., 2016c). Farmers in this area have using the infiltration ratio for the given land use type, while the wa-
reported growth disorders such as rice lodging causing yield loss, and tershed-system is regarded as a single point in space without dimen-
occasionally complained of discomfort associated with odor from the sions (Jeong and Adamowski, 2016). The current model differs from the

H. Jeong, et al. Agricultural Water Management 231 (2020) 105983

Fig. 2. Location and land use of the Osan River watershed in central South Korea. Most of the bare soil will become urban land (built-up) in this watershed in the near

previous version in two major ways: the inclusion of a water availability Monte Carlo simulations to test the model system behavior. The four
function in the demand for Stage-II irrigation and the effects of ex- main components are interrelated as follows. The hydrology component
panded greenhouses on wastewater reuse in agriculture. A more de- affects the reuse ratio and water availability, the result of which alters
tailed description of these additions is provided later in this section. the demand for Stage-II irrigation in the demand component. Demands
The model system is characterized by four main components (hy- for two types of irrigation sources (Stage-II and groundwater) in the
drology, irrigation, demand, and infrastructure), three boundary con- demand component affect the infrastructure component by changing
ditions or external drivers (climate, population, and land use), and an the need for facility development of Stage-II irrigation and groundwater
investment dimension (target irrigation rate and target Stage-II irriga- irrigation. The demand and infrastructure components constrain the
tion rate) (Fig. 3). We have combined a scenario-based approach and irrigation component governing the decisions on the irrigation amounts

Fig. 3. Essential causal relationships between

components of a place-based socio-hydro-
logical model in the study watershed. The
model consists of four main components
(black), three boundary condition components
(blue), and an investment dimension (red). The
main interactions are presented using key de-
rived variables (green) and contexts (grey) (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.).

Table 1
The major equations in the place-based socio-hydrological model applied to a wastewater reused watershed in South Korea.
Model component Equation Variables and parameters Comments and empirical evidence
H. Jeong, et al.

Stream water dHstream (t ) (1a) Hstream (t )[106m3]: stream water volume A conceptual hydrological model based on water
= finflow (t ) + freturn (t )+feff (t ) eva (t ) fstream (t ) rec (t ) Is (t )
dt (1b) balance equations is developed to represent the
feff (t )
finflow (t )[106m3month 1]: inflow
(t ) = (1c) hydrology component.
fstream (t ) freturn (t )[106m3month 1]: return flow The return flow was calculated by using the ratio of
feff (t ) = Min { × Dd (t ), Fww (t )} feff (t )[106m3month 1]: effluent discharge agricultural return flow (see Table 2), assumed to
eva (t )[106m3month 1]: evaporation be 0.35 following the MLTM (2011).
The concept of reuse ratio was defined by Jeong
fstream (t )[106m3month 1]: stream flow
et al. (2016b).
rec (t )[106m3month 1]: groundwater recharge
Is (t )[106m3month 1]: Stage-II irrigation
(t )[ ]: reuse ratio
ω[ ]: wastewater generation ratio
Dd (t )[106m3month 1]: domestic water demand
Fww (t )[106m3]: facility capacity of a wastewater treatment plant
Soil water dHsoilwater (t ) (1d) Hsoilwater (t )[106m3]: soil water volume
= i (t ) ET (t ) finter (t ) per (t )
i (t )[106m3month 1]: infiltration
ET (t )[106m3month 1]: evapotranspiration
finter (t )[106m3month 1]: interflow
per (t )[106m3month 1]: percolation
Groundwater dHgw (t ) (1e) Hgw (t )[106m3]: groundwater volume
= per (t ) + rec (t ) fbase (t ) fgwloss (t ) Ig (t ) Igh (t )
fbase (t )[106m3month 1]: base flow
fgwloss (t )[106m3month 1]: groundwater loss flowing out of the watershed

Ig (t )[106m3month 1]: groundwater irrigation
Igh (t )[106m3month 1]: greenhouse irrigation
Agricultural water Dapa (t ) = duapa (t ) × Apa (t ) (2a) Dapa (t )[106m3month 1]: agricultural water demand for paddy fields The unit agricultural water demand for paddy
Dagh (t ) = duagh (t ) × Agh (t ) (2b) fields is computed using the net irrigation water
duapa (t )[106m3month 1ha 1]: unit agricultural water demand for paddy
requirement and irrigation efficiency (Yoo et al.,
2012). And the unit agricultural water demand for
Apa (t )[ha]: total paddy fields
greenhouse crops is calculated using an observed
Dagh (t )[106m3month 1]: agricultural water demand for greenhouse crops unit irrigation rate of a reference greenhouse crop,
duagh (t )[106m3month 1ha 1]: unit agricultural water demand for tomato, in the study area. The unit irrigation rate is
greenhouse crops about 1430 mm year−1.
Agh (t )[ha]: greenhouse area The demand for Stage-II irrigation is motivated by
Ts × Ia (t ) × e v (t )
Nasiri et al. (2013)’s study using the potential
Stage-II irrigation Ds (t ) = (2c) Ds (t )[106m3month 1]: Stage-II irrigation demand
wa (t ) demand for reclaimed wastewater for domestic
(2d) Ts [ ]: target Stage-II irrigation rate
Ia (t ) = It (t ) Ir (t ) water use.
(2e) Ia (t )[106m3month 1]: required additional irrigation water
¯ (t )
The value of w is assumed to be 1.0 due to a lack of
wa (t ) = 1 × 1 (2f)
w winitial
ev (t )[ ]: economic viability function information. The winitial was assigned after
wa (t )[ ]: water availability function simulating the model using historical weather data
c ¯(t )
( s 1)
ev (t ) = Min cg¯(t ) , 1 It (t )[106m3month 1]: target agricultural water supply (1981-2010) and initial conditions.
Ir (t )[106m3month 1]: reservoir irrigation The value of e is calibrated to be 0.13 to have the
w [ ]: community sensitivity to available water same estimate in 2040 for the cs (t ) with a previous
wstate¯ (t ) [106m3]: available water within a watershed calculated as the 10- feasibility study on the study area. Findings and
year moving average of wstate (t ) methods of economic benefits from wastewater
reuse in previous studies are used in the estimation
winitial [106m3]: initial available water within a watershed
of the Stage-II irrigation cost: fertilizer reduction
e [ ]: community sensitivity to economic viability (Jeong et al., 2014), water quality improvement
cs ¯(t ) [$10310 6m 3]: average unit cost of Stage-II irrigation (Jang et al., 2012), and acquisition of water
cg ¯(t ) [$10310 6m 3]: average unit cost of groundwater irrigation resources (Yang and Abbaspour, 2007).
(continued on next page)
Agricultural Water Management 231 (2020) 105983
Table 1 (continued)

Model component Equation Variables and parameters Comments and empirical evidence
H. Jeong, et al.

Groundwater Dg (t ) = Ia (t ) Is (t ) (2 g) Dg (t )[106m3month 1]: groundwater irrigation demand

Domestic water Dd (t ) = dd(pc ) × P (t ) (2 h) dd(pc ) [106m3person 1month 1]: per capita domestic water use
P (t )[person]: total population
Stage-II irrigation dFs (t ) (3a) Fs (t )[106m3]: facility capacity of Stage-II irrigation The process of each facility development is
= vs (t ) ds (t )
dt (3b) motivated by Nasiri et al. (2013)’s study.
[Ds (t )(1 + µs )]
vs (t )[106m3month 1]: capacity development of Stage-II irrigation
vs (t ) = Max , ds (t )
{ ts } ds (t )[106m3month 1]: depreciation of Stage-II irrigation capacity
µs [ ]: capacity reserve ratio of Stage-II irrigation capacity
ts [month]: development delay of Stage-II irrigation capacity
Groundwater dFg (t ) (3c) Fg (t )[106m3]: facility capacity of groundwater irrigation
= vg (t ) dg (t )
irrigation dt (3d)
[Dg (t )(1 + µg )]
vg (t )[106m3month 1]: capacity development of groundwater irrigation
vg (t ) = Max , dg (t )
tg dg (t )[106m3month 1]: depreciation of groundwater irrigation capacity
µg [ ]: capacity reserve ratio of groundwater irrigation capacity
tg [month]: development delay of groundwater irrigation capacity
Wastewater dFww (t ) (3e) vww (t )[106m3month 1]: capacity development of wastewater treatment
= v ww (t ) dww (t )
treatment plant dt (3f)
[ × Dd (t )(1 + µww )]
dww (t )[106m3month 1]: depreciation of wastewater treatment
vww (t ) = Max , dww (t ) µ ww [ ]: capacity reserve ratio of wastewater treatment capacity
{ tww }
tww [month]: development delay of wastewater treatment capacity
Agricultural It (t ) = Ti × Da (t ) (4a) Ti [ ]: target irrigation rate The area of the reservoir irrigated paddy fields is
water supply assumed to decrease at the same rate as the total
Reservoir Arp (t ) (4b) Arp (t )[ha]: reservoir irrigated paddy fields paddy fields area.

Ir (t ) = It (t ) ×
Apa (t ) The crop factor is assigned 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 for
Stage-II Is (t ) = Min {Ds (t ), Fs (t )} (4c) zucchini, tomato, and paprika, respectively, which
Groundwater Ig (t ) = Min {Dg (t ), Fg (t )} (4d) are representative greenhouse crops in the study
Greenhouse Igh (t ) = fcrop × Dagh (t ) (4e) fcrop [ ]: crop factor of greenhouse cultivation
Boundary conditions
Population P (t )
n (P Qi)2 (5) np (t )[person month 1]: net population change The net population change was estimated by using
= np (t ) Index of agreement (d) = 1 i= 1 i
dt n (| P' | projections from Statistics Korea (2011) until 2060
i= 1 i |Q'i |)2
in the study region.
Land use dAur (t ) (6a) Aur (t )[ha]: urban land area Based on the analysis of land use change in the
= rurpa (t ) + rurup (t ) + rurna (t )
dt (6b) study watershed, changes in land use assume that
rurpa [ha month 1]: urbanization rate of paddy field
dApa (t )
= (rurpa (t ) + rcon (t )) (6c) only agricultural (paddy field and upland) and
dt rurup [ha month 1]: urbanization rate of upland
dAup (t )
(6d) natural lands are changed into urban land, and
= rurup (t ) (6e) rurna [ha month 1]: urbanization rate of natural land greenhouse area is changed to paddy fields.
dAna (t ) rcon [ha month 1]: conversion rate of paddy field to greenhouse
= rurna (t )
dt Aup (t )[ha]: upland area
dAgh (t )
= rcon (t ) Ana (t )[ha]: natural land area
Climate cET ET0 (t ), Hsoilwater (t ) wp ET0 (t ) (7) ET (t )[106m3month 1]: evapotranspiration Downscaled future weather data, including
ET (t ) = precipitation and other items needed to estimate
Hsoilwater (t ) wp, Otherwise cET [ ]: watershed evapotranspiration coefficient
wp [106m3]: wilting point evapotranspiration, by the Korea Meteorological
n (P Qi)2
i= 1 i Administration are used and bias-collected for this
Index of agreement (d) = 1 n (| P' | ET0 (t )[106m3month 1]: reference crop evapotranspiration calculated using
i= 1 i |Q'i |)2
the FAO Penman-Monteith equation and the downscaled
The monthly value of cET is estimated from Jeong
n (P Qi)2
i= 1 i et al. (2016b)’s SWAT modeling results.
scenarioIndex of agreement (d) = 1 n (| P' |
i= 1 i |Q'i |)2

Target Stage-II Ts × Ia (t ) × e v (t ) (2c)
Ds (t ) =
irrigation rate wa (t )

Target irrigation It (t ) = Ti × Da (t ) (4a)

Agricultural Water Management 231 (2020) 105983

H. Jeong, et al. Agricultural Water Management 231 (2020) 105983

of Stage-II irrigation and groundwater irrigation. The irrigation com- sources (i.e., groundwater) which can be more economical than Stage-II
ponent affects the hydrology component by consuming water through treated water. This is an important consideration because Stage-II ir-
irrigation practices. Changing irrigation capacity in the irrigation rigation can be uneconomical compared to other irrigation practices
component, at the same time, alters the required additional irrigation over short periods, but can become more economical in the long run.
water, which influences the demands for two types of irrigation sources We also included greenhouse cultivation in land use change as an
in the demand component. A WWTP in the infrastructure component emerging trend of agricultural practice in the study area (see Equation
creates effluent discharge, which changes the stream water volume in 6e in Table 1). Greenhouse cultivation competes for quality irrigation
the hydrology component. The three external drivers shape changing water and reduces paddy fields, a prominent consumer of Stage-II ir-
boundary conditions. The climate component plays a role as an input rigation. In addition, greenhouse cultivation has expanded and evolved
for the hydrology component and also affects the agricultural water to consume more quality irrigation water in South Korea to produce
demand in the demand component. The population component changes crops with a higher market price, such as tomatoes and paprika. South
the domestic water demand, which creates the development demand Korea’s land area for greenhouse cultivation doubled from 1990
for a WWTP in the infrastructure component. The land use component (44,613 ha) to 2015 (90,468 ha), and the study area is one of the largest
affects the hydrology component by changing the infiltration rate and greenhouse cultivation complexes in South Korea. Including the land
alters the agricultural water demand by changing the agricultural land use change due to greenhouse cultivation helps to develop an informed
area. Target irrigation rate and target Stage-II irrigation rate in the understanding from which an agricultural wastewater reuse scheme can
investment dimension limit the agricultural water supply in the irri- be expanded to a larger scale (e.g., regional and national). The inclusion
gation component and the demand for Stage-II irrigation in the demand of greenhouse cultivation in the model meant that the agricultural
component, respectively. The major equations of the model are pre- water demand for greenhouse crops had to be factored (see Equation 2b
sented in Table 1. Further details on the model structure pertaining to in Table 1) into the demand component and the greenhouse irrigation
all its equations are provided in the Supplementary Material. (see Equation 4e in Table 1) into the irrigation component.
In this socio-hydrological modeling exercise, we tried to balance
tradeoffs between generality, realism, and precision, as argued by Troy 3.2. Sensitivity analysis
et al. (2015) and aimed at providing practical insights for informed
decision-making in the watershed. We, therefore, included detailed A modified deterministic approach was used to examine system
modeling processes for the infrastructure and irrigation components, behavior sensitivity to each model parameter to determine the most
which define the capacity of irrigation facility and irrigation amount, influential factors in the design of an agricultural wastewater reuse
respectively. By doing this, the model can provide more realistic esti- scheme in the study area. This approach included relative sensitivity
mates for the economic analysis of irrigation sources and changes in the (Sr ), a sensitivity index (SI ) and a general sensitivity degree index (S ),
hydrology component. On the other hand, this has allowed the model to which considers nonlinear characteristics of system behavior and
have a more detailed and complex structure and use scientifically overall system performance for the entire simulation period (Cho and
verified outcomes on wastewater reuse in agriculture. For example, Mostaghimi, 2009; Hamby, 1994; Wei et al., 2012). Table 2 shows
only the economic benefits of wastewater reuse in agriculture found detailed descriptions of the parameters evaluated as more than “slightly
from previous studies were used to model the economic processes as- sensitive” to at least one system in the sensitivity analysis. Even though
sociated with Stage-II irrigation. These benefits include a reduction in social and hydrological systems of wastewater reuse in agriculture are
fertilization (Jeong et al., 2014), water quality improvement (Jang coupled in our study, we separated them by borrowing from traditional
et al., 2012), and water resource acquisition (Yang and Abbaspour, concepts used in both domains. The hydrological system represents the
2007). In addition, the economics function includes community sensi- hydrology component and the social system represents the demand,
tivity to the economic viability in the demand for Stage-II irrigation to irrigation, and infrastructure components as shown in Fig. 3. The un-
reflect a community trying to consider benefits that are difficult to certainty parameters of population growth rate (δ) and per capita do-
quantify (Drechsel et al., 2015). Also, a scenario-based approach was mestic water use (ζ) were added to the model to more easily demon-
used for the investment dimension rather than modeling it to have a strate their uncertainties.
state variable with an accumulation process and a tipping point, thus Changes in input parameters resulting in model output variation can
allowing for surprise and uncertainty in the systems. By doing so, we be described by the relative sensitivity. To take into account the non-
were able to generate practical insights to determine the appropriate linear behavior of model input parameters, relative sensitivity was
level of formal wastewater reuse in the watershed. Table 1 includes the calculated at six different levels: +50, +25, +10, -10, -25, and -50 %.
additional rationale and comments explaining how previous studies on From these six relative sensitivities, a sensitivity index was calculated to
wastewater reuse have contributed to this model. determine the overall relative sensitivity of the output variables.
In this new version of the place-based socio-hydrological model, we Furthermore, the degree of sensitivity of an input parameter to the
have revised the demand for Stage-II irrigation that couples hydro- output variables, known as the general sensitivity degree index, was
logical and social systems underpinning wastewater reuse in agri- calculated to evaluate the impacts that specific parameters may have on
culture. We newly included a water availability function and a modified the target system (Wei et al., 2012). Stream flow, interflow, and base
economic function in the demand as presented in Table 1 (Equation 2c). flow for the hydrological system (hydrology component: Equations 16,
Due to the importance of water availability in an irrigated watershed 17, and 18); and demand for Stage-II irrigation (demand component:
(Elshafei et al., 2014), water availability in the watershed can affect the Equation 2c), facility capacity of Stage-II irrigation (infrastructure
demand for Stage-II irrigation from an increase in effluent discharge component: Equation 3a), and groundwater irrigation (irrigation com-
and extreme hydrological conditions (e.g., drought) in the long run. The ponent: Equation 4d) for the social system were selected as target
water availability function (see Equation 2e in Table 1) consists of variables to represent each component and system. The relative sensi-
available water, calculated as ten-year moving averages of the sums of tivity, sensitivity index, and general sensitivity degree index are ex-
stream water volume and groundwater volume as well as community pressed by:
sensitivity to water availability ( w ). For the economic function, the
O / Ob
formulation was changed to include community sensitivity ( e ) to the Sr =
P / Pb (8)
economic viability of wastewater reuse in agriculture (see Equation 2f
in Table 1). With these changes, more flexible economic gradients on where Sr is relative sensitivity, O is change in the output, Ob is base
wastewater reuse can be considered. The new formulation also helps output, P is a change in the parameter value, and Pb is the base
maintain Stage-II irrigation for a certain period under other irrigation parameter value.

H. Jeong, et al. Agricultural Water Management 231 (2020) 105983

Table 2
Selected parameters evaluated to be more than “slightly sensitive” to at least one system in the sensitivity analysis.
Parameters Description Relevant equation Initial Range of
value values

Ti [ ] Target irrigation rate It (t ) = Ti × Da (t ) (4a) 0.85 0.72-1.00

Ts [ ] Target Stage-II irrigation rate Ds (t ) =
Ts × Ia (t ) × e v (t ) (2c) 0.50 0.25-0.75
wa (t )

w [ ] Community sensitivity to ¯ (t )
wstate (2e) 1.0 0.5-1.5
wa (t ) = 1 w × 1
available water winitial

[ ] Uncertainty of population np (t ) = × rg × P (t ) (11) 1.0 0.5-1.5

growth rate rg : population growth rate
[ ] Uncertainty of per capita Dd (t ) = × dd(pc ) × P (t ) (12) 1.0 0.5-1.5
domestic water demand
furbp [ha month 1] Urbanization factor of paddy rurpa (t ) = furpa × np (t ) (13) 0.006 0.003-0.009
fcon [ha month 1] Conversion factor of paddy field rcon (t ) = fcon × np (t ) (6e) 0.0005 0.00025-
to greenhouse 0.00075
fcrop [ ] Crop factor of greenhouse Igh (t ) = fcrop × Dagh (t ) (4e) 1.0 0.5-1.5
cs(c ) [$10310 6m 3] Unit capital cost of Stage-II Cs (t ) = cs(c ) × Fs (t ) + cs(o) × Is (t ) bfarm (t ) bsocial (t ) (14) 180 90-270
irrigation capacity
Cs (t ) : Stage-II irrigation cost
cs(o) [$10310 6m 3] Unit operation cost of Stage-II 140 70-210
bfarm (t ) : farm benefits from Stage-II irrigation
bsocial (t ) : social benefits from Stage-II irrigation
cg(o) [$10310 6m 3] Unit operation cost of Cg (t ) = cg(c ) × Fg (t ) + cg(o) × Ig (t ) (15) 90 45-135
groundwater irrigation
Cg (t ) : groundwater irrigation cost
cg(c ) : unit capital cost of groundwater irrigation
cstream [month 1] Coefficient of stream flow fstream (t ) = cstream × Hstream (t ) (16) 0.98 0.49-1.00
cint [month 1] Coefficient of interflow finter (t ) = cint × (Hsoilwater (t ) fc ) (17) 0.2 0.1-0.3
cbase [month 1] Coefficient of baseflow fbase (t ) = c base × Hgw (t ) (18) 0.55 0.275-0.825
ceva [month 1] Coefficient of evaporation eva (t ) = ceva × Hstream (t ) (19) 0.030 0.015-0.045
cper [month 1] Coefficient of percolation per (t ) = cper × (Hsoilwater (t ) fc ) (20) 0.10 0.05-0.15
fc [106m3] Field capacity 5.0 2.5-7.5
crec [month 1] Coefficient of groundwater rec (t ) = crec × Hstream (t ) (21) 0.10 0.05-0.15
cgwloss [month 1] Coefficient of groundwater that fgwloss (t ) = cgwloss × Hgw (t ) (22) 0.05 0.025-0.075
flows out of the watershed
sc [106m3] Storage capacity i (t ) = Min {rinf (t ) × Pre (t ), sc Hsoilwater (t )} (23) 20 10-30
rinf (t ) : ratio of infiltration to precipitation
Pre (t ) : precipitation
wp [106m3] Wilting point cET ET0 (t ), Hsoilwater (t ) wp ET0 (t ) (7) 2.0 1.0-3.0
ET (t ) =
Hsoilwater (t ) wp, Otherwise
rinfur [ ] Infiltration ratio of urban land (r infur × Aur (t )) + (rinfpa × Apa (t )) + (r infup × Aup (t )) + (rinfgh × Agh (t )) + (r infna × Ana (t )) (24) 0.36 0.18-0.54
rinf (t ) =
rinfpa [ ] Infiltration ratio of paddy field Aur (t ) + Apa (t ) + Aup (t ) + Agh (t ) + Ana (t ) 0.40 0.20-0.60
rinfup [ ] Infiltration ratio of upland rinfgh : infiltration ratio of greenhouse 0.49 0.245-0.735
rinfna [ ] Infiltration ratio of natural land 0.62 0.31-0.93
rref [ ] Ratio of agricultural return flow Freturn (t ) = rref × (Ir (t ) + Is (t ) + Ig (t ) + Igh (t )) (25) 0.35 0.175-0.525

interactions of socio-hydrological systems, we use a scenario-based

SI = Sr (i )
n i=1 (9) approach for the investment dimension rather than modeling it as a
delayed response to socio-hydrological systems. This approach was
where SI is the sensitivity index, n is the number of levels of parameter chosen not only because of the complexity of the policy dimension
changes for Sr , and Sr (i ) is the relative sensitivity of level i . (Gober and Wheater, 2015), but also to provide practical insights to
determine the appropriate level of wastewater reuse. Five simulation
1 scenarios were designed to assess the impacts of urbanization, domestic
S= |SIi|
N i=1 (10) water use and greenhouse cultivation (Table 3). Ten simulation sce-
narios were constructed to demonstrate the impacts of wastewater
where S is the general sensitivity degree index, N is the number of reuse in agriculture on social and hydrological systems using target
variables, and SIi is the sensitivity index of variable i . irrigation rate (T) and target Stage-II irrigation rate (S), which de-
The sensitivity of the tested parameter is determined from the termines the target amount of Stage-II irrigation (Table 3). The Korean
classifications for relative sensitivity used by Storm et al. (1988), Jesiek government aims to irrigate 84.3 % of paddy fields through irrigation
and Wolfe (2005), and Song et al. (2016): insensitive (S < |0.01|), facilities by 2020 (Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs
slightly sensitive (|0.01| S < |0.10|), moderately sensitive (MLTM, 2011). Therefore, a target irrigation rate of 85 % was used as a
(|0.10| S < |1.00|), sensitive (|1.00| S < |2.00|), and extremely sensi- baseline scenario of agricultural water supply, and a target irrigation
tive (S |2.00|). rate of 90 % was used for future long-term water resources planning. A
target Stage-II irrigation rate of 50 % was used as a baseline scenario,
3.3. Simulation scenarios and a range of 0–100% was tested to find the appropriate rate of
wastewater reuse. The baseline scenario (T85S50), for example, in-
To understand the different consequences of the complex dicates that decision makers aimed to supply 85 % of the agricultural

H. Jeong, et al. Agricultural Water Management 231 (2020) 105983

Table 3
Simulation scenarios to understand the impacts of changing agricultural environments and wastewater reuse in agriculture on socio-hydrological systems in the study
Scenario Description

Urbanization Baseline Baseline scenario with initial conditions of a population growth rate 1.5 times larger than nearby cities and assuming an analyzed
(P1.5 U1.0) urbanization rate, which has an urbanization factor of 0.006 ha person−1, from paddy field to urban land in the study watershed.
P1.5 U0.5 P and U represent the population growth rate and the urbanization factor from the paddy field to urban land, respectively. P1.0, P1.5, and
P1.5 U1.5 P2.0 indicate a scenario with the same, 1.5 times faster, and 2 times faster population growth rate compared to nearby cities, respectively.
P1.0 U1.0 U0.5, U1.0, and U1.5 assume 0.5 times lower (0.003 ha person−1), the same (0.006 ha person−1), and 1.5 times higher urbanization rate
P2.0 U1.0 (0.009 ha person−1) compared to the baseline scenario, respectively.
Domestic water use Baseline Baseline scenario with initial conditions of a population growth rate of 1.5 times faster than nearby cities and assuming an estimated per
(P1.5 W1.0) capita domestic water use of 295 L person−1 day-1.
P1.5 W0.8 P and W represent the population growth rate and the per capita domestic water use, respectively. P1.0, P1.5, and P2.0 indicate a
P1.5 W1.2 scenario with the same, 1.5 times faster, and 2 times faster population growth rate compared to nearby cities, respectively. W0.8, W1.0,
P1.0 W1.0 and W1.2 assume 0.8 times lower (236 L person−1 day-1), the same (295 L person−1 day-1), and 1.2 times higher estimated per capita
P2.0 W1.0 domestic water use (354 L person−1 day-1) compared to the baseline scenario, respectively.
Greenhouse cultivation Baseline Baseline scenario with initial conditions having a crop factor of 1.0 (tomato) and assuming an analyzed conversion factor of paddy field
(C1.0 G0.5) to greenhouse of 0.0005 ha person−1.
C1.0 G1.0 C and G represent the crop factor and the conversion factor from paddy field to greenhouse, respectively. C0.5, C1.0, and C1.5 indicate a
C1.0 G2.0 scenario with a crop factor of 0.5 (zucchini), 1.0 (tomato), and 1.5 (paprika), respectively. G0.5, G1.0, and G2.0 assume a scenario with
C0.5 G0.5 the conversion factor of 0.0005 ha person−1, 0.001 ha person−1, and 0.002 ha person−1, respectively.
C1.5 G0.5
Wastewater reuse Baseline Baseline scenario with initial conditions targeting to supply 85 % of the agricultural water demand for paddy fields and 50 % of the
(T85 S50) required additional irrigation water to meet the target irrigation rate to be sourced from Stage-II irrigation.
T85 S00 T and S represent the target irrigation rate and the target Stage-II irrigation rate, respectively. T85 and T90 indicate a scenario aiming to
T85 S25 supply 85 and 90 % of the agricultural water demand, respectively. S00, S25, S50, S75, and S100 indicate a scenario aiming to supply 0,
T85 S75 25, 50, 75, and 100 % of the required additional irrigation water to accomplish the target irrigation rate from Stage-II irrigation.
T85 S100
T90 S00
T90 S25
T90 S50
T90 S75
T90 S100

water demand for paddy fields and that 50 % of the required additional possible trajectories. Future climate data of the Representative Con-
irrigation water used to meet the target irrigation rate is sourced from centration Pathway 8.5 (RCP 8.5) scenario was acquired from the
Stage-II irrigation. Korean Meteorological Administration and bias-corrected for the study
Following Sivapalan and Blöschl (2015), for the place-based socio- area using the method of Alcamo et al. (1997).
hydrological models to generate possible future and associated prob-
abilities, a Monte Carlo simulation was employed to simulate possibility 4. Results
spaces to see the impacts of wastewater reuse in agriculture considering
the changing agricultural environments. Uncertainty of population In this section, we first identify the key parameters that are im-
growth rate ( ) , uncertainty of per capita domestic water demand (ζ), portant for developing an agricultural wastewater reuse scheme
urbanization factor of paddy field (furbp ) , conversion factor of paddy through sensitivity analysis (Fig. 4). Second, we investigate the impacts
field to greenhouse (fcon ) , and crop factor of greenhouse cultivation of changing agricultural environments (Figs. 5–7), which the key
(fcrop ) , were used to simulate the impacts of changing agricultural en- parameters bring about, on socio-hydrological systems of wastewater
vironments and to construct scenarios with the Monte Carlo simulation. reuse in agriculture. Third, we explore the possibility space (Figs. 8–11)
Each parameter is assumed to have a uniform distribution. A range of ζ to provide decision-makers with practical insights in designing sus-
(0.8–1.2) was determined based on statistics from nearby cities for per tainable wastewater reuse strategies given the changing agricultural
capita domestic water use ranging from 257 to 451 L person−1 day−1 environments using a Monte Carlo simulation.
(Ministry of Environment, ME, 2016) and the dewatering of economic
growth (Rock, 2000). The per capita domestic water use in the study
4.1. Sensitivity analysis
watershed is 295 L person−1 day−1. The upper and lower bounds of the
possible future per capita domestic water use were lower than for
Parameters evaluated as more than “slightly sensitive” to at least
nearby cities at 236 and 354 L person−1 day−1, respectively. A range of
one system are presented in Fig. 4. Soil characteristics (SC , FC ),
fcrop (0.5–1.5) was determined from the agricultural water consumption
parameters representing runoff processes (cstream, cint , cper , cgre ), and
of the popular greenhouse crops grown in the study area, namely,
land cover (rinfn, rinfur ) were “moderately sensitive” and had a large
zucchini (0.5), tomato (1.0) and paprika (1.5). Unit irrigation rate for
impact on the hydrological system. In addition to hydrological factors
zucchini, tomato, and paprika in this area is 810, 1430, and 2,230 mm
well known for their impacts on the hydrological response (Chen et al.,
year−1, respectively. A range of δ (1.0–2.0) was selected after studying
2013), social factors related to the investment dimension, domestic
the steeper increasing rate of population growth in the study area
water use and a regional farming characteristic had a large impact on
compared to the rate provided by Statistics Korea (SK, 2011) for the
the hydrological system: target irrigation rate (Ti ), per capita domestic
study area and surrounding cities. Ranges of furbp (0.003-0.009) and fcon
water demand (ζ), and crop coefficient of greenhouse cultivation ( fcrop )
(0.0005-0.002) were determined by analyzing land use maps produced
were all rated as “moderately sensitive” (Fig. 4a).
between 2007 and 2009. For fcon , the upper and lower bounds of the
As expected, human activities significantly impacted the social
possible future conversion factor were heightened compared to the
system. The parameters related to the investment dimension, target
baseline rate (0.005) to reflect the current rapid expansion of green-
irrigation rate and target Stage-II irrigation rate, were the most sensi-
house cultivation in the study area. A total of 200 simulations were
tive in the system and were evaluated as “extremely sensitive” and
generated for each scenario projected for 50 years (2011–2060) to show
“moderately sensitive”, respectively (Fig. 4b). The economics of

H. Jeong, et al. Agricultural Water Management 231 (2020) 105983

irrigation practices (Cs(o) ), uncertainties of domestic water use and po- wastewater reuse would increase as the population increases. However,
pulation change (ζ, δ), and land use change ( furbp ) were “moderately at the urban watershed scale, urbanization may reduce the demand for
sensitive” and significantly impacted the social system. The coefficient Stage-II irrigation as it accompanies a decrease in agricultural land
of stream flow (cstream ) was evaluated as “moderately sensitive” on the reducing agricultural water demand (Fig. 5). Nevertheless, it requires a
social system (Fig. 4b). This is because stream flow in the watershed can Stage-II treatment system for a safe agricultural environment. In the
significantly alter the demand and the economics of Stage-II irrigation three urbanization scenarios (P1.5U1.5; P1.5U1.0 (baseline);
by directly affecting the stream water and groundwater volumes, and P1.5U0.5), paddy field area decreased to about 1,080, 1,310 and
reuse ratio. 1,530 ha, respectively. To satisfy the target irrigation and Stage-II irri-
The results from the sensitivity analysis presented the key para- gation rates, the simulated average annual agricultural water demand
meters affecting the model and showed the importance of considering for the three scenarios ranged from 15.83 to 20.98 million m3, a dif-
uncertainty arising from changing agricultural environments when ference that contributes to 27.9 % of the baseline agricultural water
designing an agricultural wastewater reuse scheme, which was directly demand (18.41 million m3), while the simulated average annual de-
represented by the investment dimension (Ti , Ts ) in this study. Changes mand for Stage-II irrigation ranged from 1.25 to 1.65 million m3, a
to the agricultural environment in the study watershed can be attrib- difference that contributes to 27.5 % of the baseline agricultural water
uted to urbanization, domestic water use and greenhouse cultivation as demand (1.45 million m3). Increased domestic water use from urbani-
they can be represented by the key parameters, δ and furbp , ζ and δ, and zation could also partially contribute to reduced demand for Stage-II
fcrop and fcon , respectively. They varied on a relatively short-time scale irrigation by increasing water availability in the watershed (Fig. 5c).
and had large uncertainties. The impacts of changing agricultural en- The demand for Stage-II irrigation in the P2.0U1.0 scenario was similar
vironments are explored in the following section and parameter un- to that of P1.5U1.5, while the agricultural water demand in the
certainty is employed to construct the Monte Carlo simulations to see P2.0U1.0 scenario was larger than that of P1.5U1.5. Simulation results
the possibility space of changes in the socio-hydrological systems that showed that reducing agricultural land had a much larger and sub-
investment decisions could cause. Although hydrological characteristics stantial impact on wastewater reuse in agriculture than urban popula-
can have a large influence on socio-hydrological systems in this wa- tion growth.
tershed, they are topographic parameters that vary over a very long- It is important to note that this is a result of a case study where the
time scale, and were calibrated to properly reproduce the hydrological domestic water is supplied from outside the watershed. The increased
processes in the watershed. Parameters related to the economics of population from urbanization does not consume water from the wa-
Stage-II irrigation are left as initial values in the following sections since tershed, but only produces more effluent to the watershed, which in-
they reflect the current level of technology. creases the water availability. Therefore, the relationship between ur-
banization and the demand for Stage-II irrigation at the watershed scale
4.2. The impacts of changing agricultural environments may be different from other regions. Furthermore, the demand for
Stage-II irrigation will increase nationwide since population growth and
4.2.1. Urbanization economic development, which increase quality water use (Vörösmarty
The study watershed has undergone significant urbanization invol- et al., 2000), are expected in South Korea. The increased demand for
ving population growth and land use change. Generally, this has led to quality water necessitates securing alternative water sources like
greater demand for food and consequently agricultural water, which treated wastewater, which plays a role as an exogenous factor to the
may potentially raise the demand for agricultural wastewater reuse. In watershed that raises the demand.
the investment dimension, therefore, demand for agricultural

Fig. 4. Sensitivity to changes in socio-hydrological parameters in (a) the hydrological system and (b) the social system. The hydrological system is composed of the
hydrology component and the social system constitutes the demand, infrastructure, and irrigation components. Stream flow, interflow and base flow for the hy-
drological system (hydrology component) and demand for Stage-II irrigation (demand component) and facility capacity of Stage-II irrigation (infrastructure com-
ponent), and groundwater irrigation (irrigation component) for the social system are used as target variables to represent each component and system.

H. Jeong, et al. Agricultural Water Management 231 (2020) 105983

4.2.2. Domestic water use 4.2.3. Greenhouse cultivation

As the urban population consumes more domestic water, stream Greenhouse cultivation, which is an emerging agricultural oppor-
flow in the urbanized watershed will increase (Fig. 6a). The simulated tunity due to its high profitability, is one of the largest consumers of
monthly average stream flow for the three per capita domestic water groundwater in South Korea and is rapidly expanding in the study
use scenarios (P1.5W0.8; P1.5W1.0 (baseline); P1.5W1.2) ranged from watershed. Simulation results from greenhouse cultivation scenarios
9.04 to 10.55 million m3, a difference that constitutes about 15.4 % of showed that changes in crop type and rapid expansion of greenhouse
the baseline stream flow (9.81 million m3), while that for the three cultivation could have a substantial impact on the hydrological system
population growth scenarios (P1.0W1.0; P1.5W1.0; P2.0W1.0) ranged (Fig. 7). The simulated monthly average groundwater volumes ac-
from 9.59 to 10.04 million m3, a difference that constitutes about 4.5 % cording to greenhouse cultivation scenarios (C1.0G0.5, C1.0G1.0,
of the baseline stream flow. Although increased stream flow might re- C1.0G2.0) ranged from 1.18 to 1.63 million m3, a difference that con-
duce Stage-II irrigation due to a decrease in demand for Stage-II irri- stitutes about 31 % of the baseline (C1.0G0.5) groundwater volume
gation from greater water availability, the actual reuse amount of (1.40 million m3). Planting a more water-consuming crop in the
treated wastewater increased as per capita domestic water use in- greenhouse had a large impact on the groundwater volume as shown by
creased (Fig. 6). For example, the simulated monthly average reuse C1.5G0.5 (paprika), which had the same estimation of future green-
amount of treated wastewater increased from 0.49 to 0.54 million m3 as house area as the baseline (C1.0G0.5 (tomato)), which was estimated at
per capita domestic water use increased from 236 (P1.5W0.8) to 354 L 1.18 million m3, similar to that of C1.0G2.0 (tomato). On the other
person−1 day-1 (P1.5W1.2). Meanwhile, simulated monthly average hand, greenhouse cultivation had a relatively small impact on waste-
Stage-II irrigation decreased from 1.39 to 1.23 million m3. Fig. 6d shows water reuse in agriculture, even if it could significantly change
the importance of per capita domestic water use to determine the reuse groundwater volume affecting the demand for Stage-II irrigation and
ratio and the economics of Stage-II irrigation; a high reuse ratio can reduce the paddy field area (Fig. 7). This is because the groundwater
contribute to economically viable Stage-II irrigation. The monthly volume in the study area represents only 12 % of the total available
average cost of Stage-II irrigation for P1.5W1.0 (baseline), P1.5W0.8, water volume (i.e., sum of stream water and groundwater volume) that
P1.5W1.2, P1.0W1.0 and P2.0W1.0 scenarios were 121, 139, 105, 127, the watershed can produce. The estimated average annual demands for
and 115 US dollars per thousand m3, respectively, for the simulation Stage-II irrigation ranged from 1.38 to 1.48 million m3, a difference that
period. All scenarios showed lower irrigation cost for Stage-II irrigation constitutes about 7 % of the baseline demand (1.45 million m3). The
than for groundwater irrigation cost as the monthly average cost of decrease in the paddy field area due to greenhouse expansion had a
groundwater irrigation for baseline, P1.5W0.8, P1.5W1.2, P1.0W1.0 larger impact than groundwater consumption by greenhouse cultiva-
and P2.0W1.0 scenarios were 207, 207, 208, 208, and 206 US dollars tion on wastewater reuse in agriculture. If the community in the wa-
per thousand m3, respectively. A difference in the monthly average cost tershed evolves towards a society sensitive to water availability, par-
of Stage-II irrigation in the three per capita domestic water use sce- ticularly groundwater availability, then the impacts of greenhouse
narios was bigger than that in the three population growth scenarios as cultivation would rise.
they ranged -12.9∼15.5 % and -5.0∼5.1 % from the baseline scenario,

Fig. 5. The impacts of urbanization on socio-hydrological systems of agricultural wastewater reuse: (a) paddy field area, (b) annual agricultural water demand, (c)
water availability, and (d) demand for Stage-II irrigation in the study watershed.

H. Jeong, et al. Agricultural Water Management 231 (2020) 105983

Fig. 6. The impacts of domestic water use on socio-hydrological systems of agricultural wastewater reuse: (a) monthly mean stream flow, (b) annual Stage-II
irrigation, (c) annual actual reuse amount, and (d) monthly average cost of Stage-II irrigation in the study watershed.

Fig. 7. The impacts of greenhouse cultivation on socio-hydrological systems of agricultural wastewater reuse: (a) greenhouse area, (b) monthly average groundwater
volume, (c) water availability, and (d) demand for Stage-II irrigation in the study watershed.

4.3. The possibility space the watershed, in which stream flow is several times higher during the
irrigation period than the normal flow (Jeong et al., 2016b). This mi-
4.3.1. Hydrology tigates the impact of Stage-II irrigation on the stream water and causes
Indirect wastewater reuse directly affected stream flow by con- the volume of stream flow to be significantly larger than that of intake
suming irrigation water from the stream that received the treated ef- volume. Simulation results showed that irrigating predominantly with
fluent. Monthly mean stream flow for T85S00, T85S25, T85S50 groundwater led to locally unsustainable use of groundwater, while
(baseline), T85S75, and T85S100 scenarios for the simulation period Stage-II irrigation could contribute to sustainable groundwater use
were estimated to range from 9.73 to 9.79 million m3 (Fig. 8), a dif- (Fig. 8). Simulated monthly mean groundwater volumes of T85S00,
ference that constitutes about 0.6 % of the baseline stream flow (9.76 T85S25, T85S50 (baseline), T85S75, and T85S100 ranged from 1.20 to
million m3), and indicates that indirect wastewater reuse had little in- 1.43 million m3, a difference that constitutes about 18 % of the baseline
fluence on stream flow. This is due to the seasonality of stream flow in groundwater volume (1.31 million m3), for the simulation period. The

H. Jeong, et al. Agricultural Water Management 231 (2020) 105983

Fig. 8. Possibility spaces of the monthly mean stream flow and the monthly mean groundwater volume according to the level of agricultural wastewater reuse for the
simulation period (2011–2060). Graph filled with dark and light grey represent 68 % and 100 % of the entire Monte Carlo simulation results from each scenario. Red
and black lines indicate the simulation results of the baseline and each scenario with initial conditions without considering parameter uncertainties (For inter-
pretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).

results of these scenarios showed that an additional source of irrigation respectively, for the simulation period. The uncertainties implicit in
water should be made available to prevent groundwater exploitation if coupled human and water systems had a large impact on the demand as
the government wants to meet its target irrigation rate of about 85 %. the target Stage-II irrigation rate increased (Fig. 9). A large uncertainty
For scenarios with lower target Stage-II irrigation rates, T85S00, in the demand occurred when the annual demand exceeded that of the
T85S25, T90S00, and T90S25, the groundwater volume dropped con- baseline scenario. This was mainly caused by uncertainty in agricultural
tinuously, and in some cases showed a negative value indicating that water demand depending on land use change and partially caused by
groundwater usage surpassed capacity in the study watershed. There- water availability related to domestic water use. The demands tended
fore, for the government target irrigation rate to be reached, developing to decrease until the 2020s, when agricultural land continually declined
a Stage-II irrigation facility to supply more than 50 % of the required due to urban expansion, and the decline increased as the target Stage-II
additional irrigation water is recommended to maintain a sustainable irrigation rate rose. A conservative approach for the design of a Stage-II
groundwater volume and ensure quality irrigation water in the future. irrigation facility is needed to avoid excessive development, especially
for scenarios T85S75, T85S100, T90S75, and T90S100.

4.3.2. Demand for wastewater reuse

The demand for Stage-II irrigation reflected the target irrigation rate 4.3.3. Irrigation facility
and target Stage-II irrigation rate (Fig. 9). Estimates for the average Facilities capable of irrigating with groundwater and Stage-II water
annual demands of T85S00, T85S25, T85S50 (baseline), T85S75, and were needed to meet the required agricultural water supply. The two
T85S100 scenarios were 0.00, 0.73, 1.44, 2.15, and 2.85 million m3, irrigation capacities had a complementary relationship that ensured an

Fig. 9. Possibility spaces of the annual demand for Stage-II irrigation according to the level of agricultural wastewater reuse for the simulation period (2011–2060).
Graphs filled with dark and light grey represent 68 % and 100 % of the entire Monte Carlo simulation results from each scenario. Red and black lines indicate the
simulation results of the baseline and each scenario with initial conditions without considering parameter uncertainties (For interpretation of the references to colour
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).

H. Jeong, et al. Agricultural Water Management 231 (2020) 105983

Fig. 10. Possibility spaces of the monthly capacity of groundwater irrigation (GI) and Stage-II irrigation (SI) facilities, and the total net present irrigation cost
according to the level of agricultural wastewater reuse for the simulation period (2011–2060). Graphs filled with dark and light grey represent 68 % and 100 % of the
entire Monte Carlo simulation results from each scenario. Red and black lines indicate the simulation result of the baseline and each scenario with initial conditions
without considering parameter uncertainties (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this

adequate supply of the required additional irrigation water. Estimated agricultural wastewater reuse practice (i.e., T85S00 and T90S00) in the
required monthly facility capacities for groundwater irrigation were watershed. Therefore, implementing 100 % of Stage-II irrigation for the
0.55, 0.42, 0.29, 0.16, and 0.11 million m3 for T85S00, T85S25, T85S50 additional irrigation would be the most economically favorable option
(baseline), T85S75, and T85S100, respectively (Fig. 10). For Stage-II for this watershed.
irrigation, the estimated required monthly facility capacities were 0.00,
0.20, 0.39, 0.59, and 0.78 million m3 for the same scenarios, respec- 4.3.4. Irrigation amount
tively (Fig. 10). Considering the simulation results for groundwater Estimates for the annual average amount of groundwater irrigation
volume, the facility capacities of T85S50, T85S75 and T85S100 for for the simulation period were 1.80, 1.42, 1.03, 0.64, and 0.20 million
Stage-II irrigation indicated an appropriate development capacity for m3 for the T85S00, T85S25, T85S50 (baseline), T85S75 and T85S100
the wastewater reuse scheme in this watershed to sustain and increase scenarios, respectively (Fig. 11). The amounts drastically decreased as
groundwater volume and enable downstream groundwater irrigation of Stage-II irrigation increased, and for the T85S100 scenario, existing
greenhouse cultivation. Furthermore, in the long run, simulation results groundwater irrigation facilities in the watershed were sufficient. Es-
of total net present irrigation cost showed that increasing the Stage-II timated average annual amounts of Stage-II irrigation were 0.00, 0.65,
irrigation facility capacity would not always result in an increase in 1.29, 1.92, and 2.55 million m3 for T85S00, T85S25, T85S50, T85S75,
irrigation costs, even though it could increase the uncertainty in the and T85S100, respectively (Fig. 11). As Stage-II irrigation increased,
economics of Stage-II irrigation (Fig. 10). The estimated net present the agricultural water deficit, which refers to the shortage of agri-
irrigation costs to supply the target irrigation rate of T85S00, T85S25, cultural water compared to the target irrigation rate, was reduced. The
T85S50, T85S75, and T85S100 scenarios were 5.79, 5.87, 5.94, 5.99, estimated average annual agricultural water deficits of the T85S00,
and 5.69 million US dollars in 2060, respectively. Even for scenarios T85S25, T85S50, T85S75, and T85S100 scenarios were 1.22, 0.95,
targeting 100 % of Stage-II irrigation water for the required additional 0.68, 0.43, and 0.25 million m3, respectively, for the simulation period.
irrigation water (T85S100, T90S100), the estimated net present irri- In the T85S00 scenario, the estimated deficit was about five times
gation costs were found to be less expensive than not implementing an larger than the deficit of the T85S100 scenario. For scenarios targeting

H. Jeong, et al. Agricultural Water Management 231 (2020) 105983

Fig. 11. Possibility spaces of the annual groundwater irrigation, the annual Stage-II irrigation, and the annual agricultural water deficits according to the level of
agricultural wastewater reuse for the simulation period (2011–2060). Graphs filled with dark and light grey represent 68 % and 100 % of the entire Monte Carlo
simulation results from each scenario. Red and black lines indicate the simulation results of the baseline and each scenario with initial conditions without considering
parameter uncertainties (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).

100 % of Stage-II irrigation water for the required additional irrigation decision-makers to make informed choices on the design of sustainable
water (T85S100, T90S100), the deficit lasted only until the 2010s and wastewater reuse strategies in South Korea and beyond.
occurred only under severe drought conditions after that (Fig. 11). This Based on our model analysis, we identified a set of key parameters
indicated that the target irrigation rate could be achieved faster and be that cause significant uncertainties in the model system dynamics. We
more stable by increasing the amount of Stage-II irrigation. The results explored the influences of these key parameters on the agricultural
also show that a stable supply of agricultural water could be achieved wastewater reuse system. The identified key parameters concern the
through the diversification of irrigation water sources. characteristics of urbanization, domestic water use, and changes in
agricultural practices. The model simulation provided key insights;
5. Discussion and conclusions first, our results show that urbanization can reduce the demand for
Stage-II irrigation within an urbanizing watershed. Accelerated urba-
Wastewater reuse in agriculture is becoming inevitable worldwide nization has been known to increase informal indirect reuse (Trinh
due to increasing levels of urbanization on the supply or opportunity et al., 2013), and wastewater reuse due to intensified water competition
side, and the worsening of freshwater shortages. Facing these chal- (United Nations World Water Assessment Programme (UNWWAP,
lenges, South Korea and its government have adopted the policy of 2017). Our results, however, show that urbanization with land use
encouraging the use of advanced (Stage-II) water treatment systems for change and population growth can reduce the area under agricultural
safe wastewater reuse in agriculture. This initiative is driven by coupled cultivation, as well as increase water availability from increased ef-
human and water systems dynamics. Dynamic elements of the systems, fluent discharge within an urbanizing watershed. Thus, these two fac-
such as demand for irrigation water, agricultural practices, and surface tors may contribute to an overall decrease in the demand for Stage-II
and groundwater hydrology, are complex, and their coupling makes irrigation. This result suggests that careful consideration of future land
decision-making difficult. Our study is based on an extension of the use changes is required when considering the development of Stage-II
place-based socio-hydrological model of Jeong and Adamowski (2016) irrigation facilities within an urbanized area.
to investigate the possibility space for future trajectories of system Second, our model results show that domestic water use in urban
dynamics. We use the model to develop knowledge that can help areas can have a significant effect on the economics of wastewater reuse

H. Jeong, et al. Agricultural Water Management 231 (2020) 105983

in agriculture. An increase in domestic water use led to an increase in very rarely when sufficient Stage-II irrigation is available. Second,
the actual reuse amount of wastewater through indirect reuse by in- Stage-II irrigation could be an economically viable option for indirect
creasing the proportion of treated wastewater in irrigation water. This wastewater reuse when targeting paddy rice cultivation. The possibility
enhanced the economics of Stage-II irrigation. Compared with urbani- spaces show that Stage-II irrigation that uses a decentralized advanced
zation and associated population growth, changes in the pattern of treatment system can guide informal indirect reuse as an economically
domestic water use (i.e., per capita domestic water use) may have a sound agricultural practice. This suggests that there is room for im-
greater effect on the economics of Stage-II irrigation. This is because the provement in wastewater reuse in agriculture, even in countries with
amount of treated wastewater consumed by Stage-II irrigation can de- well-maintained wastewater treatment facilities and relatively rich
crease if the per capita domestic water use decreases even though the surface water resources. Overall, our observations show that Stage-II
population is increasing. This result suggests that Stage-II irrigation in irrigation may help achieve the Sustainable Development Goal of better
countries or regions with higher domestic water consumption per capita managing water to sustain people and the environment through im-
can be more economically viable for indirect wastewater reuse. It also provements in the sustainable use and development of water resources
indicates that changes in per capita domestic water use may be more and wastewater management (Malik et al., 2015) under changing
important in planning Stage-II irrigation than the increase or decrease agricultural environments related to urbanization and climate varia-
in population. bility.
Third, the influences of changes in agricultural practices on waste- Few socio-hydrological models have been used to design an actual
water reuse can vary depending on the sensitivity of the community to water policy; rather the models have so far mainly focused on the un-
water availability and the regional hydrological conditions. Greenhouse derstanding of human behaviors to flood dynamics and tradeoffs in
cultivation, an emerging agricultural practice in the study area and water use (Chen et al., 2016; Di Baldassarre et al., 2013; Kandasamy
which mostly consumes groundwater, influenced the demand for Stage- et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2015; Yu et al., 2017). On the other hand, this
II irrigation mainly by reducing water availability from streams and study demonstrates how socio-hydrological models can be useful in
groundwater. The expansion of the greenhouse area and the choice of designing a wastewater reuse scheme, an important component in
cultivated crops could pose a major threat to the groundwater resources water cycle dynamics that can significantly alter the hydrological re-
of the watershed. Since groundwater volume is much smaller than gime (Srinivasan et al., 2017; Jeong et al., 2016b). Nevertheless,
stream water volume in this case, the impact of greenhouse cultivation models are opinions embedded in mathematics (O’Neil, 2016), and our
on overall water availability was small and consequently had little ef- model is based on experiences with our study site in South Korea. For
fect on wastewater reuse in agriculture. However, the influence of these reasons, this study has several limitations. For example, the re-
greenhouse cultivation on wastewater reuse in agriculture could be presentation of the investment dimension was simplified, and as a re-
greater if the community in the watershed evolves to have a greater sult, a scenario-based approach was needed to explore the possible ef-
concern for water availability. This result suggests that in areas where fects of different investment decisions. As such, we could not explore
there is a lack of water or a high level of awareness of water avail- the dynamics of social awareness and acceptance of wastewater reuse.
ability, changes in agricultural practices that consume a lot of water Our model also relies on overly detailed relationships between human
could be an important factor in wastewater reuse. and water systems with respect to wastewater reuse. This resulted in
We also explored the possibility space of future trajectories of relatively restricted dynamics in the interactions between system
system dynamics that result from different investment choices. The components. In a future study, a more stylized model building on our
scenario where 100 % of the required additional irrigation water was work could be developed to gain more general insights regarding social
supplied through Stage-II irrigation (T85S100) appeared to be the best response to changing agricultural environments. This additional step
option to meet the target irrigation rate set by the government for this would build off the understanding of wastewater reuse issues presented
particular watershed. The T85S100 scenario preserved 270,000 m3 in this study and would also prove worthwhile for guiding future water
more groundwater per month on average (which is about 20 % of the reuse schemes.
monthly average groundwater volume that the study watershed can
produce) than the scenario not using Stage-II irrigation (T85S00). Declaration of Competing Interest
Moreover, the T85S100 scenario achieved the target irrigation rate in a
shorter period of time and was more stable than other scenarios because The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
it was consistently able to meet the target irrigation rate except during interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
severe drought conditions. Ultimately, the estimated facility capacity of ence the work reported in this paper.
Stage-II irrigation for scenario T85S100 was about 780,000 m3 per
month, about 29 % of the annual average demand for Stage-II irrigation
in this scenario. It may not be economical, however, to develop Stage-II Acknowledgments
irrigation facilities to the full estimated capacity in the scenarios, due to
implicit uncertainties involved in urbanization. The estimated net We appreciate Professor Murugesu Sivapalan’s very useful com-
present irrigation cost for the T85S100 scenario was also found to be ments and guidance in this work. This work was supported by the Korea
less expensive than that of T85S00. Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology in Food,
The findings regarding the possibility spaces have a few implica- Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (IPET) through the Agri-Bio industry
tions for wastewater reuse in agriculture. First, Stage-II irrigation can Technology Development Program, funded by the Ministry of
diversify irrigation water sources and relieve agricultural water deficits. Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) (grant number 111061-
This reduces the chance of depleting water resources. Projected possi- 3). This work was also partially supported by the USDA National
bility spaces show that Stage-II irrigation can preserve groundwater Institute of Food and Agriculture, Hatch project ILLU-741-379. All as-
volume in the study watershed. This result is in line with the study sociated data used in the model simulation, such as bias-corrected
conducted by Murray and Ray (2010), which showed that wastewater precipitation, estimated unit agricultural water demand, population
reuse could conserve millions of tons of water in local rivers each year. growth rate, are included in Supplementary Material.
The diversification of irrigation water sources can also enhance the
resilience of agricultural systems to reliably produce agricultural pro- Appendix A. Supplementary data
ducts under global change. Despite the large inter-annual variations in
the possibility space of hydrology, demand, and irrigation components, Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
mostly due to future climate change, agricultural water deficit occurs online version, at doi:

H. Jeong, et al. Agricultural Water Management 231 (2020) 105983

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