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SBA-GPS Tracker

Chapter 1 Introduction

Dept. of IT,SSWP ,Solapur(2019-20) Page 1


The introduction section of your paper is more detailed. Now day’s android emerging technology for
digitalization or paper less work. In today’s life it is difficult to carry the hardcopy, There may be chances of
data loss, thief etc. To avoid this risks we have to convert this copies into digital format .Our project is based on
to solve the above problem In our project we have provided the option of scanning document , notes , cards ,
articles etc.

The scanned document or notes are stored into our mobile phone so we can easily carry the softcopy of It .We
have provided one more option, scanned document can store in docs , Pdf otherwise we can share it directly on
WhatsApp.To scan the document we have used the concept of OCR and to and to detect the words tesseract
dataset is used.

Optical character recognition or optical character reader is the electronic or mechanical conversion of images of
typed, printed text into machine-encoded text, whether from a scanned document, a photo of a document, a
scene-photo or from subtitle text superimposed on an image.Tesseract is an optical character recognition engine
for various operating systems.

It is free software, released under the Apache License. Originally developed by Hewlett-Packard as proprietary
software in the 1980s, it was released as open source in 2005 and development has been sponsored by Google
since 2006.
Chapter 2 Literature Survey

Character recognition is not a new problem but its roots can be traced back to systems before the inventions of
computers. The earliest OCR systems were not computers but mechanical devices that were able to recognize
characters, but very slow speed and low accuracy. In 1951, M. Sheppard invented a reading and robot GISMO
that can be considered as the earliest work on modern OCR. GISMO can read musical notations as well as
words on a printed page one by one. However, it can only recognize 23 characters. The machine also has the
capability to could copy a typewritten page. J. Rainbow, in 1954, devised a machine that can read uppercase
typewritten English characters, one per minute. The early OCR systems were criticized due to errors and slow
recognition speed. Hence, not much research efforts were put on the topic during 60’s and 70’s. The only
developments were done on government agencies and large corporations like banks, newspapers and airlines
Chapter 3
System Requirement

3.1 Functional Requirements

There are mainly 3 modules

 User
 Admin(Contractor)
 Driver

In this project we can see the status of Bin Level, Location of garbage tracker. User will enter the name,
password, Email this information is save in database. After registration user login the application. Then
user view driver location and time. Admin will also enter the same data that data also save in database
After registration admin login the application. after that admin can see the driver location ,add the
driver, remove driver. In the driver side driver login the application. after login the application driver
routes ,area, garbage container position can be check . also in that garbage container is full ,half or
empty this type of information is send to the admin.

3.2 Non-functional Requirements

External power supply is required.

3.3 Constraints Considerations

The following is a list constraint consideration

If the Driver does not update the vehicle bin level then user no any get updates.

Whether the mobile get switched off of the driver the admin and the user could not connect to him/her.

3.4 Technology Considerations

Android Technology (Android Studio)

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment, which is a software or application that has all the
tools that are required for the application development. They provide us with the platform to develop
apps. There are many IDEs in the market. Some of the famous IDEs used for Android app development
are Eclipse, Android Studio.

Android Studio is the official IDE for Android App Development and it is based on Intelligent IDEA.
Android studio contains all the tools which are required to build an application. It is an Intelligent IDE,
which notifies you about updates that are easily installed with a click.


WAMP is an acronym that stands for Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. It‟s a software stack which
means installing WAMP installs Apache, MySQL, and PHP on your operating system Even though you
can install them separately, they are usually bundled up, and for a good reason too. The reason behind
the popularity of WAMP is because it provides four important elements Operating System, Database
Web Server and scripting application which are required for a web hosting server. When all these four
elements are used as combined then such a usage is called as „Server Stack‟. In this (WAMP) server
stack you use „Microsoft‟ Windows as an operating system, „Apache‟ as a Web Server, MySQL to work
as a Database and you can choose one from PHP, Python.

Java: Java is Programming language as well as the platform for developing and deploying the
applications of various types. Java is Programming Language as it provides the API, Compiler and the
testing tools for developing the applications. It is a platform as it provides the Java Virtual Machine for
running the applications on different operating system.

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, which the PHP FAQ describes as a recursive acronym. PHP is an
alternative to Microsoft's Active Server Page (ASP) technology. As with ASP, the PHP script is
embedded within a Web page along with its HTML. Before the page is sent to a user that has requested
it, the Web server calls PHP to interpret and perform the operations called for in the PHP script.
Chapter 4
Problem Statement

Now days in most of the cities having this kind of Application So, for that SBA-GPS Tracker
application is helpful. The garbage in a dustbin are all overflowed and also spelled out of the dustbin.
Many people are throwing garbage on that dustbin which are already full or overflowed. Due to this
unclean of garbage bins bad smell is created and also toxic and unhygienic gases which are bad for the
environment is produced.
This feature is extremely handy for fleet garbage vehicles as it helps them keep a close eye on the
vehicles to avoid unplanned movement.

“One Step Ahead To a Clean India”

4.1 Objective

1. Converting paper document into editable text format.

2. Speeding up character recongnition in document processing.

3. Embedding to different application systems.

4.2 Scope

The scope of our product Optical Character Recognition on a grid infrastructure is to provide an efficient and
enhanced software tool for the users to perform Document Image Analysis, Document processing by reading
and recognizing the characters in research,academic,governmental and business organization that are having
large pool of documented, scanned images. Irrespective of the size of documents and the type of characters in
documents, the products is recognizing them, searching them and processing them faster according to the needs
of the environment.
Chapter 5
System Architecture

Designing Goals

Once the requirement have been collected and analyzed, it is necessary to identify in details how the
system will be constructed to perform necessary task. Defining good and useful goals to design for is
vital to any design task. Without clear design goals, you are designing with no clear direction, purpose,
and intent. It is important that we understand the problem before defining a solution. Articulating the
problem helps work through what is known about the problem and where there are gaps in knowledge.

As shown in below figure the users who are registering their self is stored in the database. Once the user
have registered then they have to just login their self. The user can check the level of the bins which
were entered by the driver. Admin monitor‟s the driver‟s location.

Fig. system architecture

Fig: Working Model of SBA-GPS Tracker
Chapter 6 System Design

6.1 Screen Shots

Fig: First Page of Application Fig: Registration Page

Fig: Login Page of user

Fig: Login Page of Contractor Fig: Login Page of Driver

Fig: Admin Page

Fig: Tracking Page Fig: Logout Page
6.2 UML Diagrams
6.2.1 Sequence Diagram

A Sequence diagram is an interation diagram that shows how objects operate with one another and in
what order. It is a construct of a message sequence chart. A Sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged
in time sequence. Sequence diagram are some times called Event diagrams or Event Scenario.

A Sequence diagram is an interaction diagram from the name it is clear that the diagram deals with some
sequence which are sequence of messages flowing from the one object to another object. Interaction among the
compoemnts of a system is very important from implementation and execution perspective.

8A Sequence diagram is typically used to show object interactions in a single use case and it is eaiser to
see the order in which activities occur.

Fig: Sequence Diagram

6.2.2 Activity Diagram

Activity diagrams are graphical representations of work flows of stepwise and actions with support for
choice, iteration and concurrency, Activity diagrams are intented to model both computational and organizational
processes(i.e. workflows) Activity diarams show the overall flow of control.

An Activity diagram shows the flow from activity to activity. Activities alternately result in some action
which is made up of executable computations the result in change state of the system or return of the value.
Actions encompass calling another operation sending, a single, creating or destroying an object.
Fig: Activity Diagram
Chapter 7 System Testing

System testing of software is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the
system's compliance with its specified requirements. System testing falls within the scope of black-
box testing, and white-box testing as such, should require no knowledge of the inner design of the code
or logic.

Software is tested from two different perspectives:

1. Internal program logic is exercised using “white box” test case design techniques.
2. Software requirements are exercised using “black box” test case design techniques.

In both cases, the intent is to find the maximum number of errors with minimum amount of effort
and time. White-box testing of software is tested by predicated on close examination of procedural
detail. Logical paths through the software are tested by providing test cases that exercises specific sets of
if the expected or asserted status corresponds to the actual status.

 White Box Testing Techniques

White Box Testing (also known as Clear Box Testing, Open Box Testing, Glass Box Testing,
Transparent Box Testing, Code-Based Testing or Structural Testing) is a software testing method in
which the internal structure/design/implementation of the item being tested is known to the tester. The
tester chooses inputs to exercise paths through the code and determines the appropriate outputs.
Programming know-how and the implementation knowledge is essential. White box testing is testing
beyond the user interface and into the nitty-gritty of a system.

This method is named so because the software program, in the eyes of the tester, is like a
white/transparent box inside which one clearly sees.
What is White Box Testing?

White box testing is a testing technique that examines the program structure and derives test data
from the program logic/code. The other names of glass box testing are clear box testing, open box
testing, logic driven testing or path driven testing or structural testing. Whitebox testing is based on the
inner workings of an application and revolves around internal testing.

 Black Box Testing

Black box testing is the Software testing method which is used to test the software without
knowing the internal structure of code or program. Most likely this testing method is what most of tester
actual perform and used the majority in the practical life.

What is Black Box Testing?

Black box testing is a software testing techniques in which functionality of the software under
test (SUT) is tested without looking at the internal code structure, implementation details and knowledge
of internal paths of the software. This type of testing is based entirely on the software requirements and
In Black Box Testing we just focus on inputs and output of the software system without
bothering about internal knowledge of the software program.
7.1 Test cases
Test Cases Implemented

Test Test Case Description Expected Actual Result Test Test Data to be
Case Result Fail/Pass used

Displays Displays Displays

Welcome to Welcome to Welcome to
1 Display Mobile Screen Pass
Smart Garbage Smart Garbage Smart Garbage
Collection Collection Collection

Create new Create new Create new

2 Display Login Page account if they account if they Pass account if they
are new. are new. are new.

Enter mandatory Enter mandatory
details if a person details if a person
details if a
is a user or is a user or
3 Click on Create one person is a user Pass
Admin choose as Admin choose as
or Admin
per their per their
choose as per
authority. authority.
their authority.
Enter email And
password if a Enter email And Enter email And
person has password if a password if a
already person has person has
4 Click on Login Pass
registered then already already registered
login as per registered then then login as per
his/her login as per his/her authority.
authority. his/her authority.
Displays options Displays options
options Track
Track Garbage, Track Garbage,
Garbage, Add
5 Admin Page Add Driver, Pass Add Driver,
Driver, Manage
Manage Driver Manage Driver
Driver and
and logout. and logout.
Displays the
Displays the Displays the
location i.e.
location i.e. From location i.e. From
From and To
Click on Track and To which and To which
which written Pass
6 Garbage written by driver written by driver
by driver and
and view the and view the
view the details
details of drivers. details of drivers.
of drivers.
The admin can The admin can The admin can
7 Click on Add Driver Pass
add the drivers. add the drivers. add the drivers.

Displays update
Displays update Displays update
and delete
Click on Manage and delete button and delete button
8 button select as Pass
driver select as per select as per
per admin
admin choice. admin choice.

Displays logout Displays logout Displays logout

button if admin button if admin button if admin
9 Click on logout Pass
want to logout want to logout he want to logout he
he can logout can logout can logout

Displays option Displays option Displays option

10 User Page Logout and Logout and track Pass Logout and track
track garbage. garbage. garbage.

User can view

User can view the User can view the
the location of
location of location of
11 Click on track garbage garbage vehicles Pass garbage vehicles
vehicles by
by entering user‟s by entering user‟s
entering user‟s
address. address.

Displays logout Displays logout Displays logout

button if user button if user button if user
12 Click on logout Pass
want to logout want to logout he want to logout he
he can logout can logout can logout

Enters location
Enters location Enters location
from and to
13 Driver Page from and to With Pass from and to With
With garbage
garbage level. garbage level.

Displays logout Displays logout Displays logout

button if driver button if driver button if driver
14 Click on logout Pass
want to logout want to logout he want to logout he
he can logout can logout can logout
Displays update
Displays update Displays update
and delete
Click on Manage and delete button and delete button
8 button select as Pass
driver select as per select as per
per admin
admin choice. admin choice.

Displays logout Displays logout Displays logout

button if admin button if admin button if admin
9 Click on logout Pass
want to logout want to logout he want to logout he
he can logout can logout can logout

Displays option Displays option Displays option

10 User Page Logout and Logout and track Pass Logout and track
track garbage. garbage. garbage.

User can view

User can view the User can view the
the location of
location of location of
11 Click on track garbage garbage vehicles Pass garbage vehicles
vehicles by
by entering user‟s by entering user‟s
entering user‟s
address. address.

Displays logout Displays logout Displays logout

button if user button if user button if user
12 Click on logout Pass
want to logout want to logout he want to logout he
he can logout can logout can logout

Enters location
Enters location Enters location
from and to
13 Driver Page from and to With Pass from and to With
With garbage
garbage level. garbage level.

Displays logout Displays logout Displays logout

button if driver button if driver button if driver
14 Click on logout Pass
want to logout want to logout he want to logout he
he can logout can logout can logout
Chapter 8 Conclusion

Finally this project is implemented for society to track the location of garbage vehicle and level
bin and Admin take continuously updates of the driver. The technologies which are used in the
proposed system are designed in such a way that operators and citizens both will find it user friendly to
monitor the garbage information of various places. This Concept based on software project which used
is the one that will be great service to the world and make it a better place to live in.
Chapter 9 Appendix

1. P. Sukholthaman, K. Shirahada, Proceedings of PICMET '14 Conference: Portland International Center

for Management of Engineering and Technology; Infrastructure and Service Integration, (2014)

2. C. K.M. Lee, T. Wu, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management,
798 (2014)

3. A.F. Thompson, A.H. Afolayan, E.O. Ibidunmoye, Information Science, Computing and
Telecommunications, 206 (2013)

4. M.A. Hannan, M. Arebey, R.A. Begum, H. Basri, Waste Manage., 32, 2229 (2012)

5. M.A.A.Mamun, M.A. Hannan, A. Husain, H. Basri, IEEE Sensors Journal, 15, 561 (2015)

6. H. Krikke, I.L. Blanc, M. van Krieken, H. Fleuren, Int. J. Prod. Econ., 111, 209 (2008)

7. O. M. Johansson, Waste Manage., 26, 875 (2006)

9. Tavares G., Zsigraiova Z., Semiao V., Carvalho M. G., “Optimisation of MSW collection routes
for minimum fuel consumption using 3D GIS modeling”, Journal of Waste Management, vol. 29
(3), pp. 1176-1185, March, 2009.

10. Benjamin A. M., Beasley J. E., “Metaheuristics for the waste collection vehicle routing
problem with time windows, driver rest period and multiple disposal facilities”, Journal of
Computers & Operations Research, vol. 37 (12), pp. 2270-2280, December, 2010.

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