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Beulah UMC Worship

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W H E N W E G A T H E R F O R I N - P E R S O N W O R S H I P

As we resume in-person worship, our services and policies will be a little different than normal.
Please read this document carefully so you know what to expect. Thank you.
These policies were created based on guidance from our Conference Office and the CDC.
Our church insurance requires that we follow such policies. These guidelines are subject to change.


Register: We will not require reservations for church on Sunday mornings. We will have seating
options at both 3ft and 6ft distances.

Masks will be required in the Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, and for all children's events. Masks are
preferred for outdoor events. We have some available if you need one. Children ages 2 and under
are exempt.
Rev. Katrina and other Worship Leaders may remove theirs during worship if they are fully
vaccinated and at a safe distance from the Congregation.

When you arrive:

A hand sanitizer station will be available at the door for you to use before you enter the building.
An usher will greet you and ask how you have been feeling; if you have been sick, we kindly ask
that you return home.
If you have been exposed and have not yet received your vaccine, we ask that you return home.
Households will sit together.
We ask that you maintain social distancing, especially around those who have not yet received
their vaccine.
At this stage, the nursery will not be available.


We will still offer worship online. We plan to do this live-streamed at 11am ET, but if we encounter
difficulties, we will strive to post the video Sunday afternoon.
If you are in the high-risk category, or if you are unable to follow the church policies regarding in-
person worship, we encourage you to continue worshipping online.


Please contact us if you suspect you may have COVID-19 or if you are diagnosed within 2 weeks of
attending worship. We will do our best to keep anonymity when informing those who attended at
the same service.
Please pay attention to your email, Facebook, and text alerts in case there is a change, such as the
need to return to only online worship.
We encourage you to: (1) "Like" us on Facebook, (2) check that we have your correct email on file,
and (3) sign up for text alerts by texting "@beulahumc" to 81010. Please reach out if you need any
Beulah UMC Worship
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U P D A T E D 6 / 2 8 / 2 1
W H E N W E G A T H E R F O R I N - P E R S O N W O R S H I P


As we will offer the service live-streamed, a camera/phone will be recording; you may be visible
and/or audible.

The Order of Worship will be modified to adhere to COVID-19 precautions:

Rev. Katrina will make all announcements and share all prayer requests. If you have something
to share with the congregation, please let her know no later than Friday, if possible.
The current information shows that congregational singing offers a high infection rate therefore
we will not have congregational singing. We will have a choir who will follow the current
To reduce risk, bulletins will be offered electronically; we will have some paper copies available.
We will have containers as you exit where you can place your offering; however, we continue to
encourage you to give via our website, Facebook, or bill pay.
The service will be shorter to reduce exposure and minimize bathroom needs.
We will not have the Passing of the Peace.
We encourage fellowship after the service, outside, socially distanced, and preferably masked.
When you participate in the Lord's Prayer, etc, please speak quietly to minimize aerosol spread.


As airflow is a major consideration for decreasing the risk of contracting the virus, we have
purchased a strong exhaust fan. When we are in the Sanctuary, the door will stay open. When we
are in Fellowship Hall, the windows will be open. Therefore, if it is a cold day, it will be cold in the
building; if it is a warm day, it will be warm in the building. Please dress accordingly.

Our church will be cleaned each week by our cleaning crew. If we are notified of possible exposure,
a more in-depth cleaning will take place.

Bathrooms will be for emergencies only. We request that if you do require the bathroom, then
please follow the cleaning guidelines printed on the back of the door to make sure it is sanitized for
the next person!

If you have (a) been exposed and are not vaccinated or (b) if you have symptoms,
then please do not attend in-person worship/events for 14 days.

I truly appreciate your flexibility during this unprecedented time. I am excited that we are together in-person
again! As we continue to try new things, learn, and experiment, there will be a learning curve. Thank you for
your patience as we attempt to make the best decisions for our congregation.
See you soon!
- Rev. Katrina

Beulah UMC • (334) 745-4755 • Facebook: BeulahUMChurch •

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