Module V - Neleco2

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Claudine Padillon

Module V

Activity 1: Quiz Multiple Choice: Choose the Best Answer. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. The nurse is teaching a 69-year-old female with congestive heart failure about self-management

of her disease. Which of the following would be considered appropriate to teach this patient?

A. maintain healthy weight, limit sodium intake, exercise regularly, take meds as ordered

B. lose 20 pounds, weigh daily at home, report weight gains of more than 1 pound to the physician

C. see the doctor weekly, take meds as ordered, limit sodium intake

D. keep blood pressure at 160/90, eat a diet low in fats, exercise twice per week.

2. Nursing interventions to prevent pressure ulcers include all of the following except:

A. use lift devices for transferring or moving patient in bed

B. assess each patient for risk

C. turn all patients every two hours

D. use pressure relieving devices for patients at risk

3. One nursing strategy to use when striving to make persons comfortable in the hospital setting in

relation to their dietary habits is:

A. assure them that the hospital food is nutritious

B. insist that they eat at least 80% of all meals

C. provide nutritious snacks

D. provide foods that are culturally familiar

4. The nurse is assigned to a patient in home care who is an 89-year-old, woman widowed and

living alone. Before even making the first visit, which of the following might the nurse expect, based

on her knowledge?

A. the patient will be cared for by relatives in a middle-class neighborhood

B. the patient may have fewer financial resources and have a number of health


C. the patient is likely to be healthy and financially secure

D. the patient is most likely able to pay for all her medications without difficulty.

5.Which of the following should the nurse include in his teaching about hypertension to a group of

male seniors at the community wellness center?

A. hypertension is less prevalent among people of color

B. vitamin D deficiency is thought to be a factor in hypertension

C. hypertension may be caused by overexposure to the sun

D. persons with hypertension are at lower risk for heart attack and stroke

6. Which of the following common site for development of pressure ulcers?

A. Buttocks over gluteus maximus

B. Back over scapula

C. Skin folds of groin

D. chest over the sternum

7. When the goal is to maintain a moist wound environment, the most appropriate treatment for a

pressure ulcer would be.

A. Wet-to-dry dressing

B. Enzymatic ointments

C. Gelfoam packing

D. Hydrocolloid wafers

8. Which of the following is a priority for the nurse to assess when evaluating the hydration of an 87-

year-old client?

A. Height and weight

B. Previous 24-hour intake

C. Skin turgor on the back of the hand

D. Blood pressure

9. An older adult asks the nurse why a daily bath is necessary. The nurse should respond that daily


A. stimulates circulation, provides relaxation & mobilizes joints

B. adds hydration & prevents dry skin.

C. including combing & brushing of the hair helps to remove excess oil from the scalp.

D. is necessary to comply with agency policy

10. It aims to prevent a disease or adverse event, most commonly are delivered in public health

programs or physician’s offices.

A. Primary Prevention

B. Secondary Prevention

C. Tertiary Prevention

D. Primary care

11.It involves screening for early detection of a disease or condition that is asymptomatic: ______.

A. Primary Prevention

B. Secondary Prevention

C. Tertiary Prevention

D. Primary care

12. It is an early detection & appropriate treatment improve the chance of cure or slow the

progression of a disease: ________.

A. Primary Prevention

B. Secondary Prevention

C. Tertiary Prevention

D. Primary care
13. It focuses on prevention of negative consequences of existing clinical disease, is especially

applicable to the older population because of chronic disease: _____.

A. Primary Prevention

B. Secondary Prevention

C. Tertiary Prevention

D. Primary care

14. Which of the following are thought to contribute to healthy aging?

A. doing for others and maintaining interests

B. engaging in isolated activities

C. avoiding connection with religious institutions

D. pushing oneself into new situations

15. Nutrition counseling is thought to be important for older adults because of which factors?

A. older adults are more vulnerable to obesity than other age groups

B. older adults are more vulnerable to malnutrition than other age groups

C. eating and drinking habits are linked to several leading causes of death

D. all of the above

16. Which of the following foods should the nurse encourage the older client to eat 5 – 13 servings

of per day?

A. grains

B. meat/eggs

C. dairy

D. fruits/vegetables
17. The nurse would follow all of the following guidelines when doing nutritional counseling with an

older female except:

A. limit alcohol to 1 drink per day

B. limit water intake to 1000 cc per day

C. limit fat and cholesterol

D. ensure adequate calcium and vitamin D intake

18. One nursing strategy to use when striving to make persons comfortable in the hospital setting in

relation to their dietary habits is:

A. assure them that the hospital food is nutritious

B. insist that they eat at least 80% of all meals

C. provide nutritious snacks

D. provide foods that are culturally familiar

19. Which of the following should the nurse include in the instructions given to an older adult

about self-care & hygiene to achieve a positive outcome?

A. A detailed description of the procedures

B. A written description of the outcomes

C. A description of the care center’s routines

D. An article on the importance of hygiene.

20.The nurse evaluates which factor as a priority that will adversely affect mobility & self-care

in the older adult?

A. weakness

B. level of consciousness

C. disease

D. family assistance
21. Ms. Czarina is terminally ill and unable to speak for herself. Her daughter has been asked

to decide whether to have intravenous (IV) fluids started for Ms. Czarina. The nurse

encourages the daughter to make the choice that the daughter believes she can be most

comfortable with. This nurse is applying which ethical philosophy?

A. Utilitarian

B. Egoistic

C. Relativistic

D. Naturalistic

Activity 2: Read and understand the following short essays. Give a brief and specific answer to

what is being asked for. Write your answer at the space provided for limit your answer from 3 -5

sentences only base on the rubrics given. Thank you.

1. What is your responsibility as a nurse when a client refuses a specific treatment based on

spiritual or cultural belief systems? Support your answer.

 Patients' personal beliefs may be fundamental to their sense of well-being and could help them
to cope with pain or other negative aspects of illness or treatment. They may also lead patients
to ask for procedures which others may not feel are in their best clinical interests, or to refuse
treatment which is.

2. Which one of the ethical principles do you think is most important? Support your answer.

 Non-maleficence tells you to ‘do no harm’ either intentionally or unintentionally to your clients,
for instance, not abandoning a client who is in need of your services.

3. What are the possible reasons for the older adult malnutrition?

 Normal age-related changes

 Illness
 Impairment in ability to eat
 Dementia
 Medications
 Restricted diets

4. What are the ways to prevent pressure ulcers on older adults? What are the possible vitamins

and minerals needed for the elderly?

 Get Seniors Moving. ...

 Check the Skin for Signs of Developing Pressure Sores Often
 Use Specialty Bedding or Materials to Reduce Pressure
 Keep the Skin Dry and Clean
 Encourage Seniors to Maintain a Healthy Diet
 Manage Chronic Health Conditions Effectively
 Create an Incentive-Based Program for Senior Caregivers


 Calcium and Vitamin D. Older adults need more calcium and vitamin D to help maintain bone
 Vitamin B12
 Dietary Fiber
 Potassium

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