Assignment No 1: Submitted by Ayushi Bisen ROLL NO. 1200672056

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ROLL NO. 1200672056
Ques no.1 Difference between RESEARCH and RESEARCH METHODOLOGY


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It is systematic databased • It is a systematic approach to solve
inquiry or investigation into research problem. It can be Understood as
specific problem with the a science studying how a research is
purpose of finding organized conducted.
a solution or answer to it.
• A researcher applies a • In research methodology we study about
various research methods to the logic why a particular research method
find out which research is adopted what could be the assumption
technique must be adopted to made by the researcher, why he/she
collect data and to record adopted a particular technique and all
observations. possible reasons for not adopting other
Steps involved in Process Of RESEARCH are as follows;

1. Formulation of the problem is the first and important step in the process of research.
There are two types of research problem. One which relates and states to the nature and
the other one which tends to show relationship between two variables. There are two
steps involved in formulation of the problem
• Understanding the problem thoroughly.
• And rephrasing it ,from the analytical point of view.
By discussing the problem with the colleagues and by the help of expertise one can
understand the problem . The researcher at the same time must access the available
literature about the selected problem . There are two types of literature available
• Conceptual literature that deals with the concept and theory.
The other one is Empirical literature that deals with prior studies about similar topic.
After this the Researcher the known the operational data that is available by which
he/she gets the Clear idea about the subject. The next he/she has to has to do is to
formulate the subject from analytical point view. This is the most crucial step as this
will become objective of the research
on the basis of which data will be collected or observation would be recorded during

2. Extensive Literature Survey ,in this step the Researcher has to write a synopses of the
subject in which he/she has to give a brief a summary of the subject or should say ,
“a brief summary of the formulated problem” and have to submit it to the committee or
the research board for the approval. In order to the write the briefing about the subject
the researcher has to go trough a lot resources available in library and in the public
domain giving information about the topic. In this process one source leads to another

3. Development of working Hypothesis, working hypothesis is tentative assumption made

by researcher in order draw out test its logical or empirical consequences.
This Hypothesis are very important as they provide focal point to researcher and whole
research revolve around this hypothesis. The should be very specific and limited to
pieces as it has to tested. The role of hypothesis is keep the research on the right track.
It also indicates type of data required and method to be choose for data analysis. This
hypothesis is result of all prior process done that is formulating the problem and all the
literature survey that is done by the researcher.

4. Preparing the research design, it is conceptual structure about how a research would be
conducted. It is preparation of such a model for research in which in minimal
expenditure or efforts ,time and money the researcher can access all the relevant
evidence . But how this has to be achieved depends upon the purpose of research.
Purpose of research can be classified into 4 categories



Diagnosis Experimentation

A flexible research design which provides opportunity for considering many different aspects
of a problem is considered appropriate if the purpose of the research study is that of exploration.
when the purpose happens to be an accurate description of a situation or of an association
between variables, the suitable design will be one that minimises bias and maximises the
reliability of the data collected and analysed.
A research design can be

Informal designs such as before-and-after without control, after-only with control, before-and-
after with control.
Formal designs such as completely randomized design, randomized block design, Latin square
design, simple and complex factorial designs
Out which the research chooses one for his/her research.
Following Factors are kept in mind Research Design:
• Means of obtaining information.
• Availability of skills and staff of the researcher.
• Time available for research.
• Finance available for research. explanation of the way in which selected means
of obtaining information will be organised and the reasoning leading to the
5. Determining the sample Design , It refers to that part of population which is taken into
consideration for the purpose of research. a sample design is a definite plan determined
before any data are actually collected for obtaining a sample from a given population.
Sample can be of two types


Probability Sample
With probability samples each element has Non Probability Sample
a known probability the non-probability samples do not allow
of being included in the sample the researcher to determine this probability
are based on convenience sampling,
are based on simple random sampling, judgement sampling and quota sampling
systematic sampling stratified sampling, techniques
cluster/area sampling,

Types of Sampling

Deliberate sampling Simple random sampling Systematic sampling

Cluster sampling and area

Stratified sampling Quota sampling

Multi-stage sampling Sequential sampling

• Deliberate Sampling , in this sampling design a particular unit of the universe
is selected for constituting a sample which represent universe. Deliberate can
be divide into two

•When population elements are selected for

convenience Sampling inclusion in the sample based on the ease of

•the researcher’s judgement isused for selecting

judgement sampling items which he considers as representative of
the population

Judgement Sampling is most frequently used in Quantitive Research where the

researcher wants to develop hypothesis rather than generalising to large

• Simple random sampling, in sampling design every each and every item in the
population has an equal chance of inclusion in the sample and each one of the
possible samples, in case of finite universe, has the same probability of being
selected. This procedure gives each item an equal probability of be in case of
infinite population, the selection of each item in a random sample is controlled
by the same probability and that successive selections are independent of one
• Systematic Sampling, in this sampling an element of Randomness is introduced
by using random number and number are picked until the desired outcome is
not realised this method is useful when there is large no. sample is available.
• Stratified sampling, when the sampling population is not homogenous then this
sampling is used this method is used to obtain representative sample.
In this method the population is divided into strata and a sample item is taken
from each strata, if the item is selected by random sampling then the procedure
is known as Stratified Random Sampling.
• Quota Sampling, during Stratified Random Sampling the cost of random
sampling for individual of every strata is more expensive hence the interviewer,
are given quota that has to be filled by individual of different strata, and the
interviewer judgement select the actual sample, this type of designing is called
Quota Sampling .Size of the quota of a stratum is proportional to the size of
population of that stratum.
Quota sampling is thus an important form of non-probability sampling. Quota
samples is moreover a judgement samples than random samples.
• Cluster sampling and area sampling, in this sampling groups of population takes
place and a cluster is chosen rather than selecting an individual a group of
individual is chosen .The sample size must often be larger than the simple
random sample to ensure the same level of accuracy because is cluster sampling
procedural potential for order bias and other sources of error is usually
accentuated. The clustering approach can, however, makethe sampling
procedure relatively easier and increase the efficiency of field , specially in the
case of personal interviews.
Area Sampling is similar to cluster sampling in this ,we divide a geographical
area into a number of smaller areas and then an area is selected at random and
all the units in this area are selected . This design useful when there is no clear
idea regarding the population, it also make possible for interviewer to conduct
field interview .
• Multi-stage sampling, it’s a further enhancement of Cluster sampling.
technique is meant for big inquiries extending to a considerably large
geographical area like an entire country. The first stage of this sampling is select
large primary sampling units that is states, then district then town and also small
families that are living there ,if random sampling is done at every stage then this
sampling design is called Multi stage random sampling design.
• Sequential sampling: This is somewhat a complex sample design where the
ultimate size of the sample is not fixed in advance but is determined according
to mathematical decisions on the basis of information yielded as survey
progresses. This design is usually adopted under acceptance sampling plan in
the context of statistical quality control.
6. Collecting the data, there are variety of ways by which researcher can collect data but
unavailability of considerable resource make significant different in research .
Following are the ways by which a researcher can collect the data;

By Observation Through personal interview

Through telephonic
interview By mailing questionnaire

Through schedule

• By Observation, in this method the investigator makes his own observation

regarding the respondent without actually interviewing him/her. The
information obtained by this method is based on present, the past and future
intentions of respondent is neglected. This method is expensive and information
provided in this method is also limited.
• Through personal interview, in this method a rigid procedure is followed by the
interviewer to obtain answer to the pre-conceived set of questions. The data is
carried out in a structural way ,where the output depends largely on the abilities
of the interviewer.
• Through telephonic interview, the interviewer contact the respondent through
telephone to seek and collect information. This method is widely used in
industrial surveys in developed regions, particularly, when the survey has
to be accomplished in a very limited time.
• By mailing of questionnaires, in this method the researcher and the respondent
don’t come in each other contact. A questionnaire is mailed to the respondent
and asked to be filled within a said period of time. Before sending the
questionnaire to the respondent a pilot test of the questionnaire is done to check
weakness of questionnaires.
• Through schedules, in this method enumerator are appointed and trained. They
are provided with a schedule containing relevant question that are to be filled
by enumerator on the basis of the replies of the respondent. It depend mostly on
the capabilities of the enumerator.
The Researcher adopt one of these methods of collecting the data taking into
consideration the nature of investigation, objective and scope of the inquiry,
financial resources, available time and the desired degree of accuracy.
7. Execution of the project, it is the most crucial step of any research, the researcher must
see if the project is executed properly or not and also within the given time frame. If
the survey is to be conducted by means of structured questionnaires, data can
be readily machine-processed. In such a situation, questions as well as the possible
answers may be coded. If the data are to be collected through interviewers,
arrangements should be made for proper selection and training of the interviewers.
The training may be given with the help of instruction
manuals which explain clearly the job of the interviewers at each step.
Hence , steps should be taken to ensure that the survey
is under statistical control so that the collected information is in accordance with the pre-define
standard of accuracy. If some of the respondents do not cooperate, some suitable methods
should be designed to tackle this problem. One method of dealing with the non-response
problem is to make a list of the non-respondents and take a small sub-sample of them, and then
with the help of experts efforts should be made collect information.
8. Analysis of data, after collecting data ,for analysing the collected data is divided into
different categories and closely related operation are performed to do so . The data is
categorised by the help coding and tabulation operation after which statistical
interference is drawn. A wide data has to be condensed for further analysis .
• Coding operation is usually done at this stage through which the
categories of data are transformed into symbols that may be tabulated and
counted. Editing is done before to improve quality of data for coding.
After coding data is ready for tabulation.
• Tabulation is a part of the technical procedure wherein the classified data are
put in the form of tables.
Analysis work after tabulation is generally based on the computation of various
percentages, coefficients, etc., by applying various well defined statistical formulae.
analysis, relationships or differences supporting or conflicting with original or new
hypotheses should be subjected to tests of significance to determine with what validity
data can be said to indicate any conclusion(s). By statistical methods analysis of
collected data is done .
9. Hypothesis-testing, after analysing all the collected information ,the Researcher is in
position to test the hypothesis which he formulated earlier ,if the hypothesis which he
formulated earlier is correct or there is high contradiction Various tests, such as Chi
square test, t-test, F-test, have been developed by statisticians for the purpose. The
hypotheses may be tested through the use of one Hypothesis-testing will result in either
accepting the hypothesis or in rejecting it. If the researcher had no hypotheses to start
with, generalisations established on the basis of data may be stated as hypotheses to be
tested by subsequent researches in times to come or more of such tests, depending upon
the nature and object of research inquiry.
10. Generalisations and interpretation, if the formulated hypothesis is correct and upheld
several times then the researcher does generalisation i.e., writes theory about it ,but if
the formulated hypothesis is contradicting then researcher does interpretation i.e., he
seeks explanation from other’s theory.
11. Preparation of the report or the thesis, After research the researcher has to prepare a
report about what he has done, Report must be prepared with utmost care.
Layout of a report,
the preliminary pages; (ii) the main text,
and (iii) the end matter.
In its preliminary pages the report should carry title and date followed by
acknowledgements and foreword. Then there should be a table of contents followed by
a list of tables and list of graphs and charts, if any, given in the report.
The main text of the report should have the following parts:
(a) Introduction: It should contain a clear statement of the objective of the research and
an explanation of the methodology adopted in accomplishing the research. The scope
of the study along with various limitations should as well be stated in this part.
(b) Summary of findings: After introduction there would appear a statement of findings
and recommendations in non-technical language. If the findings are extensive, they
should be summarised.
(c) Main report: The main body of the report should be presented in logical sequence
and broken-down into readily identifiable sections.
(d) Conclusion: Towards the end of the main text, researcher should again put down
the results of his research clearly and precisely. In fact, it is the final summing up.
At the end of the report, appendices should be enlisted in respect of all technical data.
i.e., list of books, journals, reports, etc., consulted, should also be given in the end.
Index should also be given specially in a published research report.

Ques. No 3 Discuss Various types of Research.

Research can be broadly classified into following,

Descriptive VS Analytical Applied Vs Fundamental

Quantitive Vs Qualititude Conceptual Vs Empirical

Some Other
1 one-time research
2 Laboratory
3 Clinical
4 Historical
1. Descriptive Vs Analytical,
• DESCRIPTIVE research It deals with survey and fact findings .The main
purpose of this research is the describing the state of affair as it is . The
researcher has no control over the variable all he can do is to report thing as it
is . The researcher uses this research to find out the cause of the issue. Survey
method of all kind including comparative as well as correlational is applied by
researcher to collect data. It is also known as Ex post facto research.
• ANALYTICAL research , in this researcher uses facts and information that are
already available and analysis them to draw critical conclusion.
2. Applied Vs Fundamental
• APPLIED research, it deals with solving immediate problem of society ,
example business problem that occur in any organization. The applied research
is action approach of the research. central aim of applied research is to discover
a solution for some pressing practical problem,
• FUNDAMENTAL research, it deals with generalizing and formulation of
It done with pure intention of gaining know basic research is directed towards
finding information that has a broad base of applications and thus, adds to the
already existing organized body of scientific knowledgeledge .
3. Quantitive Vs Qualitative
• QUANTATIVE research, It deals with research that involves measurement
quantity or amount. It only concerned with quantitive phenomenon.
• QUALITATIVE research, it deals with quality or kind ,.
Motivational research is an important type of qualitative research, in this we
study about the human behaviour. word association tests, is a type of quantitive
research, sentence completion tests story completion tests and similar other
projective techniques. Attitude or opinion research i.e., research designed to
find out how people feel or what they think about a particular subject or
institution is also qualitative research.
4. Conceptual vs. Empirical
• CONCEPTUAL research, it refer to an abstract idea. It is generally used by
philosophers and thinkers to develop new concept empirical research relies on
experience or observation alone, often without due regard for system and theory.
It is data-based research, coming up with conclusions which are capable of
being verified by observation or experiments or to reinterpret existing ones.
• EMPIRICAL research relies on experience or observation alone, often without
due regard for system and theory. It is data-based research, coming up with
conclusions which are capable of being verified by observation or experiment
5. Some Other RESEARCHS are as follows
• one-time research or longitudinal research
• field-setting research or laboratory research
• clinical research
• Historical research
• conclusion-oriented and decision-oriented


Problems that are faced by researcher during research are called RESEARCH
PROBLEM. This problems can theoretical as well as practical and researcher
wants to overcome it in order to do his research. Following are the components
of a research problem;
• There must be group of individual who are having some problem
• There must be an objective to be achieved ,one cannot have any problem
if one has no objective to be achieved.
• There must be an alternative way achieve the objective.
• There must be some environment(s) to which the difficulty pertains.
Hence Research Problem is one which require researcher to find out best
alternative solution to achieve the objective.
B. Criteria for Good RESEARCH
Following are criteria for good research;
• A research must clearly explain the objective of research and
also concept that are used must be clearly stated and
explained .A good research must be Systematic , i.e., it must
be structured properly according to the set rules also a
research must not contain intuition and guessing to arrive at
the conclusion.
• A research must be yield an output i.e., it must be
meaningful. A research must be guided by logic rules and
logical process. Induction and deduction are two logical
process that are significantly important process included in
research .
Induction deduction
• It is the process of • is the process of reasoning
reasoning from a part to from some premise to a
the whole conclusion which follows
from that very premise

• A research must be based on findings and must be prepared

with frankness. A good research must be Empirical, i.e., it
must be based on real findings and must be based on concrete
data which provides basis for external validity to research
• A research must be replicable, a research must be helpful in
decision making.
C. Objective of Research
Following are the objective of research;
• To gain knowledge about phenomenon and to gain new insight about it
• To depict a situation clearly and precisely about individual or group .
• To determine how often a something occur
• To check the hypothesis about casual relationship between two
If one variable depends upon or is a consequence of the
other variable, it is termed as a dependent variable, and the variable that is
antecedent to the dependent variable is termed as an independent variable. For
instance, if we say that height depends upon age,
then height is a dependent variable and age is an independent variable

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