Communication English SH601

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)l TRIBHUVAN LINIVERSITY Exarn. ;rl:,, ;:,i+;,,..,{;.:,1giijk;*g.,,l,lril .

,., -i]i;,;;';
Exam_iqation Control Division BEL, BEX, BCT
Programme Fass Marks )l
B. Aeri.
\ 2074 Ashwin Year I Fart fiI IT Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Communication English (5H601)

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
./ Attempt All questions.
'/y' Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Edit the following text. ISI

But when the war is over, the country recedes from the consciousness and it is rarely even at the
back of the mind. The question am I doing any good to the country doesn't occur to the mind;.and
€v;itr,tiie_u.rsticnliSV;[rat. la,;rriuii;gg;,_,,J.rri;tr..iC, 1i..,1y6rry.Or"jcu.rsCtrly,art]y,.r::.,,i.c,i :

patriotism rs ietter tlian none but it rs not enough

2. Read the given text and interpret its meaning.
Computers have solved many problems for us, but they create some problems too. Say, for example,
that you are writing a novel. After you are done with your first draft you decide to change your
heroine's name from Linda to Lydia. With a typewriter you would have to retype every page
containing the heroine's name, With word processing software, on a computer, you press just a few
keys and the computer takes care of all the work. But technology hasn't solved all our problems.
While many of Shakespeare's original documents survive, it takes only misplaced keystrokes to wipe
out your next masterpiece.

3. Read the following passage carefully, make notes and write a summary of it. [5+5]
The dearth of natural resources on the Australian continent is a problem with which government
officials there have long struggled. As long distance travel has become ever more important to the
national economy. Tourism represents more than 10 percent of national export earnings annually,
and in less developed regions such as the Western Territory, the percentage is much highe (.

Unfortunately, this otherwise rosy prospect has one significant cloud on the horizon" ln recent years,
there has been a move towards returning some of the land to the Aboriginal people. As Western
society and culture have flourished on Australian soil, tribal people have been forced ever farther
inland in an attempt to maintain their traditional ways of living, a desire that the government has
striven to respect.

One of the central beliefs of the Aboriginal religion is that certain naturalformations have spiritual
significance and must be treated accordingly. Strict guidelines determine who may visit.these sites
and at what times. Unfortunately, many of these sites are the very natural wonders tourists flock ts
see, lf non-Aboriginal people are forbidden to visit these natural wonders, L1rany may choose not to
vacation in a region that sorely needs the income generated by tourism.

The Australian government has dealt with this dilemma thus far by trying to support both sides. The
Aboriginal council is still trying to put an end to such use of certain sites, however, and it rem.ains to
be seen whether respect for tradition or economic desires will ultimately triumph.
4. Anslver any TWO of the following questions: [5x2]
a. Why do people make avoidable errors? And what sorts of people make them? (Straight and
Crooked Ttrinking)
b. How do modern boilers function? (Steam Boilers)
c. "studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability". Explain it. (Of Studies)

5. Choose the best answer. t0.5x101

a. The passive voice of 'l let him go' is ................,.........( He was let go/ He was let to go)

b. The passive voice of 'They saw the cat stealing the meat' is .........................(The cat was seen
stealing the meat/The cat was seen to be stealing the meat)
c. When he became rich, he threw all his old friends. {off, over)
d. The project is running financialdifficulties. {in, lnto)
e. What you think and do praiseworthy. (is, are)

f. Letter after letter been sent to her. (has, have)

g. ll I ....... to asl. you, vould ybu help mer fwas,'were) "' '
h. ,..............that happen, I will quit the job. {should, if}
i. Note down my address lest you (should forget, might forget)
j. lt .............. a week since I saw Jill. (has been, is)

6. Write the following bibliographic information first in MLA and then in APA. t4l
Name of newspaper: New York Times

Title of article: Messi ls Barcelona's Boy Genius

Name of writer: Eduardo Galeano

Section and page number: N1

Date of publication :22 May 2071

7. Assume that you have recently taken over as the secretary of a public limited company. lnformal
discussion with the senior officers reveals that the growth of the organization has been hampered
because of frequent strikes by the workers. After going through your preliminary report the
chairman has decided to call a meeting of the Board of Dlrectors to discuss the issue in depth and to
find a lasting solution to the problem. Draft a notice alor,rg with four-point agenda for the meeting. t5l

8. Suppose that you are chief engineer working on a five-year lrour engineering field, which began last
year. Write the first quarterly progress report of the project. t6I

9. lmagine that you are requested to submit a proposal for establishing a sophisticated computer
lab in one of the technical companies. Write title page, technical section and cost estimate of the
proposalthat you are going to submit. tfOl
10. Pr:epare abstract, introduction and recommendations of a report on "Damage and Loss of Life
due to Flood in Different Parts of Nepal". [10]

11. Write, in about 500 words, a research article on "Role of Engineers in Nation-building Campaign". [1O]
Level BE Full Marks 80
Examination Control Division Programme
Pass lVlrrrks )/
BCT. B.Apri.
2074 Chaitra Year / Part ilir Time 3 hrs.

S-fftfg[_-Q"***i"*ti.ln"dittt. l
owt words as far as practicable'
Candidates are required to give their answers in their
Atlempt AII questians.
The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks'
Assume suitable data if necessary.

L Edit the following text:
They fell in beside
Your leaderis my son she said and not one of the soldiers doubt it'
listen to them with
her, singing his fraises, saying how clever a-nd brave he is, and she
head proudy raisc. sttowing no surprise'

2. Read the following text carefully and interpret it so as to make the meaning clear' tsl

The third great defect of our civilization is that it does not know what to
do with its
r.rro*r"Og"l Science has given us powers ht for the Gods, yet we use them
like small
children.-For example, *" do no1 know how to manage our machines' Machines
yet he has gfo\t-n so dependent on them that they are in a fair
made to be man's servants;
men , -ott of their lives looking after and
way to become his masters. Aiready most
tbd wilh
*uitirrg upon machines. And the rnachines are veri stern masters. They must be
be kept at the right
coal, id-given petrol to drink, and oi1 to rvash with. an<i they must
them, they grow sulky
t"*p".atri*. ana if tney do not get their tneals t'hen they expect
and refuse to work, or burst raiti rage, and bloq up. and spread ruin and
destruction all
we can to keep
round them. So, rve have to wait upon them very attentively and do all that
them in good temper. Aiready rve finci it ciifficuit either to work or play without
rvhen they rule us altogether, just as we rule the
machinei and a time may come \1'111


3. Read the tbllowing passage carefully, malie notes and u'rite a swnmaxy' [5+5]

Although religion dges not inhibit the acquisition ol rvealth, although is does not hold
large fJrtunes"as evil, the tenor of its teaching, by and large, is to induce an attitude of
indifference to worldly things, things which gratify one's lower self a-nd keep one
goods of
engrossed in money-mut ing. ihe students should be made to realize that the real
lifJ are spiritual, love of things of the spirit and service of one's fellowmen. joy of an
ordered disciplined lit'e. Thesi are blessings money carnot buy. What is rvealth beiore
such things of the spirit? Of all reiigious teachers Jesus Christ has dealt more
compreheisively than any other with the problem of wealth in all its aspects. He may be
called the greatest exponlnt of the science of ivealth. With only four words "Blessed are
ye poor!,, Ir* charrg"i altogether the values *hich man attached to human existence and
iru*u1 happiness and acquisition anrl possession of wealth. Real bliss consisted, he
taught, ,roi-in riches nor in anything else which the world regarded as prc,speritv or
telicity, but in the jrry and happiness derived from being at peace rvith one's fellornrynen
through perfect love and fellowship and selfless service and sacrifice.
'Ihe,*'ord "poor" on the lips of the Master had a spiritual significance - the poor so far as
rhey were poor in spirit, humble before God, simple, God-t'earing, teachable, faithfirl- It
could surely not harle been his intention to hold up destitution and privation as a blessing
in itself. That wouiri have turned iile into a tcrrible ordeal and it would ilave been
heartless to exhorr tite poor to believe lhat money was not nccessary for one's sr.lsienance
or the joys and blessings of life. Even things of the spirit cannot be had money.
Extreme povertY is as iiable to lead to the stagnilion and impoverislunent of the soul as
excessive rvealth. Not or-rtward poverty but inrvard spirit was w'hat Jesus Christ desired
aud demanded. Every rciigion asks a man to regard his wealth as a trust. Giving in charity
for the relief of the poor and public wellare is not merely an act of compission, not
merell'' a religious duty, but also an act of sociai justice. All the gospels oi wealth are
based on the fundamental concept that none can claim an absolute oi inherent righr to
propertv. Every'one hoicls it in trust from God to promote the good mankind. All rights to
private property are subject to this primary obligation to God and man.

4. Ansu'er any TWO of the follorving questions. [2x5]

a) Horv can science be misused? Explain. [Use and Misuse of Science]
b) How did Monna Marinna cary out her responsibilities as an ideal citizen and as an
ideal mother? [The Mother of a Traitor]
c) Describe the contribution of Einstein to the modem scientific world?

Why did Joseph wood Krutch call grass a ,.miracle,,?
St. Peter said *all flesh is grass". Discuss.
5. write aresearch article on 'The Eflects of Airpollution in Kathmandu valley'. [10]
6. write the following bibtiographic references first in MLA and then in ApA. t4l
Name of book: computerAddiction A study of computer Dependency
Name ofpublisher: Taylor and Francis
Name of author: M^A. Shotton
City of publication: London
Year of publication: 1989
Name of country: England
7. Suppose you are the secretary of a construction Committee. The 3'd meeting of the
committee rvas conducted a few days ago. Imagine four relevant agendas undpr"p."
minutes of the meeting.
8. Write dov,,n the elements of proposal, describe briefly. t5]
9. suppose that you want to establish a new hydropower company or an iT' company
Nepal, and that you have prepared a proposal for it. Now show the following parts'of

a) Technical section
b) Management section
c) Cost estimate
10. Suppose you are the chairman of a committee formed to investigate
the access of intemet
to the students in .vour college. Write a report including title page, letter of transmittal,
abstract and recornmendation. t10]
11. Write the second monthly progress report on the project 'Construction of Micro-hydro
power plant'. invent neces,cary details. t6l
2l TRIBHUVAN LINIVERSITY Exam. New Back (2066 & Later Batch)
Examination'Control Division BEL, BEX, BCT
Programme B. Asri.
Pass MaikS 3./.

2073 Shrawan Year / Part ilI/I Time 3 hrs.

.' - Communication English (sH601)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks
Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. 'Edit the following text: : ', t5]

Arundhati Roy the famols novelist and activist who won the booker prize in 1997 for her
novel. The God of small things was born in shellong Meghalaya on november 24,1961 to
a Keralite mother and a Bengali father.

In 1984 Arundati began a brief

career in films. She played the role of a village girl in the
moule massey sahib and also wrote the screen play for the film in which Annie gives in
those ones.
Roy began writing the god of small thengs inl992and finished it in 1996.
2. Read the following text carefully and interpret it so as to make the meaning clear. t5]
Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of various forms of
comrnunication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the forrn of
oral speech. When there is a language barrier, communication is accomplished through sign
language in which motions stand for letters, words, and ideas. Tourists, the deaf, and the
mute have had to resort to this form of expression. Many of these symbols of whole words
are very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally; spelling,'however, cannot.

3. Read the following passage carefully and (i) make notes and (ii) wrile summary. [5+5]

To solve the mbst urgent health problems of developing countriei, expert have recommended tlrit
griority should be given to primary health care. This approaeh to health care, as we have seen, unphasizes
health maintenance through disease prevention and contol. Many of the developing world's deadlie* disease
fhe experts point out; can be prevented if clean water and adequate sanitation-arJprovided. Otherdisease can
be prevented by mass vaccination programs. Still other can bL controlled by effictive health education that
gives people information about ways to avoid malaria-carrying mosquitoes or aboutthe irnportance
ofnutrition, especially for pregnant women and young
"nifar"r.focus on prevention and ignore ru tnatment of
Primary heath care, as we have seen, does noi mgrely
diseal.- Another priority for poorer nations is to provide timely diagnole and basic treitment for the general
populations instead of technologically advanced and expensive treatment for a few wealthy people.-Under
international program, the governments of developing pountries are given incentives to build health
centers and train health workers. Patients receive immediate attention from doctors, nurses and"l-r,mity
healttr workers
who have to the necessary diagnostic training and equipment and have an adequate supply of drugs, These lqcal
health are much *o.e i."orible to plople wiro'need heatment than a ri* r,orpiiuir i; th;il;;;;.
If poorer countries can offer this type of health care, the health of theii general poprihtions will
improve rapidly. A number of deveioping countries have already shown that primary t'"at*, d";;gr;rgail
be successful- Cuba eliminated polio in 7972, even before the disease *ur in the Uniied-States. In
1974, the World Health prganizaiion began a program to immunize the world's "ii*inrt"d
preventable diseases during their first year of life. By 1994, the vaccinations were proted'ing
8gpercgnt of
children and the anmlal number of child deaths .had fallen by 3 million. Another WfiO p.og.f*, who'se goat
* wiqj out polio in the Arnericas, began in 1985. The goal was achieved in 1991.'In ile y*, n.uriy Z
million children in Peru were vaccinated in one week after pofio hua been diagnosed in a two-yeai-o6 boy. iihe
boy, Luis Fermin, recovered and proved to be the last case of polio in the Amiicas.

i) What was the mother's delemma and how did she solve it? (The mother of A Traitor
by maxirn Gorku)
ii) }Vhat do you me4n by a sense of proportion? (Knowledge and Wisdom)

5, C-hoose the correet ,

words from the bracket:
'' ' :.
'l'lDescribethecontributionofEinsteintotheworld?(WhatEinsteindid?) ' :[0.5xl0]
i) Neither he nor his relative turned up. (has, have)
ii) Either sugar or tea ........ suitable for the drint<. 1is, are;'
iv) She has a taste ....... music (of, for)
v) He was told not to worry........ the matter. (with, about)
vi) Itris no use ........ to eome now. He is very
busy. (to ask him, if you asked him)
vii)He was an scientist. (remiment, imminent)
viii) A fool's paradise mean ......... (to have happy dreams, live in illusions)
ix) She yelled him. (to, at) *{
x) The news false. (is, are)
6. Write the following bibliographic references first in MLA and then in APA. t4]
Name of the book: The Remains of the Day
Narne of the publisher: Faber
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1g89
Name of the author: Kazuo lshiguro

7. As the C.R (class representive) of your class, write the Notice, Agenda and Minutes ofthe
meeting: "Farewell programme for the seniors". t5I
8. Suppose you have been working on a project of your engineering
field for a few months.
Write the second monthly progress report of the work you have completed in letter
format. t6l
9. Write a brief research article on reducing Air Pollution in the Kathmandu Valley. tl0l
10. Suppose that you are interested in establishing a new software company in Kathmandu.
Write tifle page, introduction and technical section of your proposal that you are going to
submit to the Ministry of Science and Technology, Singh durbar, Kathmandu
11. Write a report on "Development of communication system" in remote areas of Nepal.
Inventneeessarydetails. .l':' tt0]
27 I BHIjVAN t jN I\/IrR Si'[Y
Examination Control Division ,*nnrax*^ I ggi-
Programmc sEl. Bir
:;' : :' " '
- ir. Agrr.
2073 Chaifra Ycar i Part III ,/ I

Subj ect: - Communication English (sH60 !)

/ Candidates are rcquifed to give thcir ansu'ers in their own r,,,p1d5 as lar as placticable.
/ ,4ttenryt A.ll questions.
"/ The./iittres in the rnargin iildic'ate Fuil lllqttl.
/ Astun'te .suitable tlata d necessar.v.

1. Edit the following toxt. tsl

' Sonne argue ihat arnerican politics has
become so polar!zed that politicisns will argue merly to gaili
power, and the subject to debate is often negligible. The vigorous dispuie over where to place a
comma in the republican platform for example was rnotivated not by any significance change ol
meaning but a desire not to show any deference of the other sirle.

2. Reaej the given tEXt and interpret its meaning. tsl

The survivai of the pulilish ing inCustry de pends u pon the existence of a pu blic who will buy the pr inted
vrord in the form of newspapers, books and nragazines Over lhe past several years, however, the
advance of electronic media, particularly CD-R0lvls, online co*)puter services, and the lnternet, has
rnade informition available to tire prlbiic electronically iryithout the need for Firinted materials. As the
availability of electronic media increases and as it is nrore easily accessible, the public has less need
for printed materials.

-i. Read the foliorving pa-ssage carefully,_ make notes and write a summary of it. [5+5]
According to usage and ccnventions which are at iast being questicned but have by no means been
overcome, the social presence of a womarr is different in kind from that of a man. A man's presence
i-r dependent upon the prornise of power which he enrbodies. lf the promise is large and credible, his

presence is strikin8. lf it is smail or incredible, he is found to have iittle preserrce. The pronrised pcwer
may be rnoral, physical, temperamental, econornic, social, and sexual-but its object is aiways exterior
to the rnan. A man's presence suggests what he is capable of doing to you or for you. His presence
rnay be fatrricated, in the sense that he pretends to be capable of what ite is not. But the preience is
alway5 19vv316 a polrver which he exercises on others.

By contrast, a woman's presence expresses her own attitude to herself, and defines what can and
cannot be done to her. Her presence is manifest i n her gestures, vo ices, oni nions, expressions. clothes,
chosen surroundings, taste-incieed there is nothing she can do urhich does not contribute to her
presence. Presence for a i,vornan is so intrinsic to her perscn thai nien iend to think of it as an aimost
physical emanation, a kind of heat or smell or aura,

Tc be born a woman has been to be i:orn, within an a{lotted and confinerj space, into the keeping
men. The social presence of women lias devek:pecl as a r€sult of their ingenuity in living
under such
tutelage within such 3 limited space. But this has been at the cost of a woman's seif being split into
two. A woman must corltinually- watch hei'self. Whilst she is walking across a room or whilst she is
weeping at the death of her father, she can scarcely avoid envisaging herselflvalking or weeping.
earllest childiicod she has been taught ancl persuaded to survey herself continr.:aliy.

P,T t)
tl. Answer a ny ]-Vy'O of the follov+in g q ue:;1io ns:
a) What elements of science cail the ordinary citizen use n crder to help his society cleveiop?
(The ScienUiir Attjirr lp,
b) Write the charactcr of Dmiiri Drnitritrlr Gurcv i:-r abor.r,, tl50 worrls. (The Lady 11!111 ihe pet

c) Russell says'vrith the increase of l<nowledge ancl skill, wisdonr becornes more nccessar.y,.
Do you agree wlih him? Give'your opinions. Wisdon)
{Kno.r,,!erige and

5. Choose the best ansllver:

[0.5xi0 ]

a)Yc,r, lie and l__ _ neignLours. (arn, are)

b) Tha tearn __ . struggirrrg {or its virtor}.. {:s, .lre)

c) lt is nre who alv.rays right decisicn. {take, takes)

d) t-ie as if he were illiterate. {tali<s, i.alkeci}

e) ttad she reached airport in time, she her flight. (wouldn't miss, wouldn'i have

f) if you biry this car, you Rs. 25,00000/- o;"rly. (wil1 have to pay, have to pay)

g) There's no one here I can r:onfide {in, oni

h) The king bestcr,;ed an honour her. (to. uponi

i) The passive voice of "His conCuct shocked me" is (l vras shocked by his
conduct,/ i v;as shocked at his conducl)

j) The passive voice of "He urged the cauncii to rerluce the rates,, is
- {He urged that
the rates stiould be reduced I F1e urgcd the rates to be reduced)

6. Change the follovring citati0ns as in.Jicated in brackets;

a) l1,ex5, J. Language arrd Lin6uistics. USA: CUP,2003. {intcr.r,FiA}

b) lmarn, S.T. tsrrish UP Your Inglish. india: Bharati Bharran,2003. {into ApA)

c) Hall, Daugias. (1989). Digital circuits and systenrs. Ne*r york: Macmillan. (into N4LAi

d) \niolf, Daniel. (1995). lives of notable gay men and lesbians. New York: Chelsea Publishing. (into

7. Suppose you aIe the newly appointed chairperson of the committee of the 14th National
Technolcgical Festival 2017. ln order to nrake ttie festival highlyeffective and successful, you want to
discuss some matters rvith other rnembers of the conrrnitlee. Now write a notice along with four-point
agenda for the first meeting of the committee, fsI
Supptt35g you are senior engineer working on Electoral Supply Project, Kathmanrju, Nepal. Wriie its
first yearll, progress report that you a:-e going to submit to the project manager. prepare it in letter
format. i6j

9. Assume ihat as a irroject Developnrent Officer q,,ou have ceen asked by the National lnstitute of
Computer Education, l(athmandu, to set up d Conrmunicaticn Techn-alogy Centre at Dhobighat,
Kathmandu fcr tr-aining professionals in the use of latest techrrological aids for face-to-face and
distance corrmunicaiir:n" ld/rite a technical proposal to be subrnitted to the Director of the lnstitute.
Prepa:'e only title page, tcchnlcal section and cost estimate of your proposal. l10l

10. Therchasbeenrrinimumrainfall inu;lnie;inKathmanCuthisy,:ar Writearei)ortontheproblens

ca::sed by it to ihe'H.athmandriits. Prepare an outline of your reporl and tlien vyrite cover page,
abstract and introduction in detail. [10]
11. lVrita, in about 500 words, a research articie on "Significance of power-pornt presentation in
techi-r ica I ccrn m u nicatio n". [10]
DL Full Marks
Exarninatioxr Control Division Programnne Pass Marks

2072 Kartik Year / Part i

'munication :

English (SH6W

'l b*aiaut". are icquired iij give their tu-rswers in their own rvords as far as practicable" " !: r i 't

/ AttemPt All questions'

'/ fhefrgures in the margin indicate Full Markg
{ Assume suitable data if necessary'

1. Study the following para.graph caiefully and

edit it l5l

AgairU you have to watch at the interviewer ylen

tni she speaks to you' In some
you. warm firm grip of the'hand
inteniews, rn" irr,"*1"*rr may shake hands +vith
is necessary at the interview' Fidling
sugggsts confidence and friendiirr"rr. Eye-contlct
to put your hands on your lap' '
with your pen may suggest nervousness. So'it is bdtter
clear: l5l
2. Read the following text cafefutly and interpret it so as to make the meaning
noi to belie'ie and take fo1 granted' 4or to find talk
. Read not to contradict and'confute,
(\. i, ;;"d; some few ro be chewed and digested that is some books are to be fead
ilff'r";;;rh;;il" r"ua tot not curiously, and some to be read wholly and with
by deputy, and extracts made of them
diligence anO action. Some books also may be riad
arguments and the meaner sort of
by others, b"t;;;;;tbe only in the liss important
flashy things'
toot r, e[e airtiU"a books are like corrmon distilled waters,
3. Study the following text carefirlly and prepare
a note and convert it in-'o- a sumlnary' [5+5]

Aiwith conversadon, broadcast meitiataJkcan create eachlof these relations'

c""riltiaf-;i *""menis, w€ath€r forecasts and some other formatsadopt a style of
--r€; dr";;; but.,.* aog*t.a plformers (iu 1!e studio linked by satellits etc) -
casi in the role of
within A. U*"j"*t; ,f," irrdi"o.=. That audience is icgorditrgly
exchanges'represented in the broadcast Mernbers of the
audience-are \
";*U".*" "f
still ratifigd"ip*1" in the broadcast, nevertheless- Their presence
and involve-

ao.Uo" *i r.."prioo of media discourse ielate to one another

across'split conlexts"
different places
one place'and tirne (or period) is invoh'ed in pro{uction but many
(r";;;brtbly different times) are possible as the momeqt of reception' No pirticular
is known to or identified by broadcasters as they
communicate' Nor
audience member
even if &9y have apcess
do they know what mix of people will be watching or listening,
to g.".olir.d audierce dimograPhics (e.g, the proportion of peopli-of difgeut ages'
oriender oi class, likely to be listening or watching). ln.such.circumT*oo
p.odo."* rely .On ,f.*irt*i** of who the -likety audience will be, how members of
that audiencb may wish to be talked to, and how they wiil respond to various
cues' .

Mode of address in media talk is based on a sense (sometimes a stereotypical


of what type of people.might be listening or viewing and what thoie pecple want' To
' the extent that memberr of u, audience recognise some aspect'of themselves in the
the overall broadcast
approaCh adopted they allow themseives to be hddressed' by

discourse. This is the case everl if what ihey are listening to is embedded interaction
that they bverhear'between other, staged voices'
questions: [5x2]
4. Answer any two of the foilowing
Elucidate. (Of Studies)
in scientific
b)Describeindetailtheroleofcuriosity,imagination and obser.ration
$pieqtifi c Attitude)

-- tiqqs.- (Th.g- $ppqtifi

inven- l

^ ^th t
of the 20s century"' Explain
-:- (TT"t
:+ /UrL^+ Ei-.loin

c) ,,Einstein was the greatest'genius iL

'-dt)';' ': '- ''-." " '

5. Fili up +e follo3ving blanks selecting the correct words from the brackets: [0'5x10]
a) The Prime Minister, along with his cabinet members,-.'-....gone abroad'
(has been/have been)
dl fn" poet and artist .-.----.', honoured' (am' wgre)
*j f l .:........- you, I wouldn't make such remarks'
p{ of the city. (1ad visited, would have visited)
il irA t Uren there I'--... "r"ry-people
e) The passive ,oi"" oi'l love me is .....-.--'(I tove having been helped' I
love being helPed)
She is u""r'rtto*"a----.-... having spicy food-
(wit[ to)
0 sctrgo$8' (to' of)
*l m" poor boy is deprived -..r--.'-ProPer
[) r faia" whole building ...-.'.' (movg, moving)
t) Vfn* I saw her, she ".""" (was crying' cried)
;i rwish I .......-..- abetter job.@ave, had)
6. Change the followingbiblographic references as indicated
in the brackets: [a]
35(4), 605{06 (into ()
a) Nunan, D.(2001). English as global language. TESOL Quarterly
'Gass,'S (into
b) (2001). Innovations in second language research methods' London' OUP
o) WeoGky, L. Through and language. Cambridge; MIT press, 1986;(into APAILondori:
d) stgrch, N. p;;;;a;;";ti"; is ESL pair work Language Learning.
OUP,2002. (into APA)
7; Suppose you are-the-eo-ordinator of-a seminar on "Scope€f CompUter- and ElecJronics
Engineering i" N;r1"1" U" n"ia shortly in Kathmandu. Draft a notice for calling the
inspect any three
8. You have been asked by the Ministry of civil Aviation of Nepallo
you have conducted your survey'
airports of mountainous areas of Nepal Supposing that
write a leuer reporr io"*iog
on existing conditions and re-commendations' lntbnt the
lrccessax.v details.
tE prbblern of global warming in the present day wortd' [10]
! write a research article on

ilffi;G;on the construction oruiutti -"aiuGui" iout local to*'d'including t

.techniciseclion, cost estimate and abstract sections in it. t10l (
l l. There has been recurring miimatch between the demand for
electricity Td tt supply all
over the country in agriJdttral, commercial and domestic
sectors' You have been asked
Write-only the
to study the sector-wise power consumption pattern-and wrile a report' ii
lt0l I
+** ii


Examination Contrcl Division iP.og""**.
iIs-'-"1---.=EP. _@
iEtl;iex, ;;; i;;
20 t'2 Chaitra i Lrffi$__ f[Ii: _ : _- Ei.{-.]i!
Sy{ieer," ; C-omlnunlcarion F,ngiish 6H6ttt t
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own
words as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
The figpsres in the margirc indicute FutllVlqyks
Asswme suitable data if necessfrry.

1. Edit the follow,ing text:

But the Bengali lady with green who kept darting looks at
the drur-nnrer rather than on the
beautiful sitar player whispered suddenly he keeps stanng
at me Mtnakh:. or, perhaps it is t
who keep staring at him. I cant take my eyes off hirn Minakshi.

Gire the interpretation of the followlng text: r-_l

It.ismt ydy in public wayg btrt in prir,ate life equalty; tiat
sisfu is $erde& It is *eeded ir tbe choice ori"or io us
pulsued and h ercarciption fronr personatprejuaice.
Evcn an
cud ufrict u wourd benobte to irit *eraarainaurarnfi
tre pursued unwisery if .it is inherently impossiHc c?
achievcmcar- lvrany rncn in past agrs dcrouu nii, ri"o
t" a
scaruh l}rc philosophcr'E $tonc and the clixir of Ufe. No
doub[ if- rhey coilId hav:c found ilrcm, rhey woutO tavi
conltrrcd fre,u benefits upon mankhd. buras it'was, thcirlivcs
wcrc wasted.
I Srink Ere essence of rrisdorn is ernancipatiocr, as far ,,
possible, from tlrc tyranny of rhc hcrc a'd rhc nory,
wc carnor
help thc cgoisrn of or.n seascs, SiSt rnd sourd md rc,cctr
Fnnd up *irh o,r o*n bodcsasd wror. tc impc*oJ
our anorions srart uimilarry frsa qrrsetves As fuieE fcds
hyryer or discomfort, arid is ruulfec&d except by hb o*r
f!1sicat condition. Gradually wirh rhc ycars tis brima
widens and in a prroponfun as his thougtrrr aoa rcerings
less personal and less cdncerced witrrhis ownphysilcat
E t *,
!e achievqs gowing wisdom, This is of cou* a *ryoi
dcgree. No one can view *reworld with completcimpartiality;
and if anyone co,Id, he woutd r,n iliu- -ile to remain
put, it is popsiblc to rnako a continua! appeorch towards
impartiality, on tftc one hand, by [nor+{ng drings somewhat..
* time.or-space and, on-rlre o*o-tanO,-tygrrt"g
such things thcqr weiSht in oru feetings. it is this ;pprdch
lowarrls impartiatity tfut constitutcs growth in wisdom.
can wisdorn in this sesrsc be raught ? And, if it can, shourd rI,,
teaching of it be onii sf rhs aims ifeducation ? I strould answer
torlt these question in the affirmativc.

3. Read the following passage carefully, make notes and write a summary of it' [5+5]
that strange animal
A recent investigation bY scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey shows
found such occurreflces within a
behaviour might help predict earthquakes, lnvestigators
quake' Some birds screeched and flew
ten*.ilometre radius of the epicentre of a fairly recent
about wildly; dogs yelped and ran around uncontrollably'
changes several hours or even
Scientists believe that animals can perceive environmental
days before the mishap" Animals were noted as
being restless for several weeks before a
disaster, domestic animals refused to
Tashkent, uzbekistan, earthquake. An hour before the
an earthquake struck Agadir in
go indoors, and dogs howledand barked furiously' ln 1960,
were seen streaming out of
Morocco. survivors recall that stray animals, including dogs,
llamas would not eatthe
town before the earthquake. ln a safari zoo near San Francisco,
around wildly all night'
evening before a7979 quake, and they ran

noted for centuries' British

unusual animal behaviour preceding earthquakes has been
seabiidS over Concepcion' Chile' in
Admiral Robert Fitzroy reported huge flocks of screiming
and ten minutes later the town was
1835. An hour and a haif later, dogs were seen fleeing,
states of panic' horses
destroyed. Similar staries of chickens running around in apparent
the eighteenth and
trembling, and dogs barking incessantly were recorded throughout
in lndia, Yugoslavia' Peru'
nineteenth a"nauria, by survivors of earthquake destruction
tViexico, and the United States'

ln 197G, after monitoring bizarre animal behaviour, the,Chinese predicted a devastating

earthquake. Although hundreds of thousands of people were killed, the government was
able to evacuate millions of other people and thus keep the death totl at a lower level'

4. Answer any TWO of the following question: [2x5]

a. .ls it she?' 'lt is she?'What does this exchange tell us about what the people thought of
her? what did they do when they saw her? why? {The Mother of a Traitor}

b. What are the two ways in which science can help society to develop? (The Scientific Attitude)

i c. What is chain reaction? Describe it in brief. (Chain Reaaion)

5. Choose the bestanswer: [0'5x10]

a. Should you do it, I ....................'.happy' (will be, would be)

b. lf she ..............'..'.-- You, she would write an application' {was' weref
c. He hates parting.-...'."*.*..his money' {with, from)
e. The Passive Voice of 'Hear him now' is """' (Let him be heard no{He
should be heard now)
(who did help
f. The Active Voice of 'who was helped by whom?' is ...-..-.-.-............'?
whom/Who helped whom)
b' More than one student playing. {is, are}
h. The Prirne Minister and Chancello!' -..-...^..-.-"...-.' corning' {is, are)
l. !r's time you..........,,. ...'"-those trousers- {wash, washed}
1. I wish I ". meet her. {should, would}

6. Put ihe fcliowing infcrnnatlon in to APA and MLA styles of citatisn' t4l
a) Book Name : The ACS $yle Guide: A rnanual for Authors and Editors
Author's narne: Janet S. Dodd
Publishers : American Cheinica"l Scciety
Place of Putrlication: Washington. DC
Year of P,:blication: 1986

b) Joumal: ComPuter Publishing

Author: Jan V. White

Article: Colour in Context
Date of Fublication = February, 1991

Page nos = 55'57

7. Suppose you are the se'cretary of Sony Electronics Private Limited. Baluwatar,
I.,athmandu and the meeting regarding
7th the probiems of the staff of 'rhe limitecl has been
held recently. Inventing the most rilevant agenda, write minutes of the same. t5]

8. As a chief contractor earlhquake resistant housins project, unite the

of an aflbrdabie,
second quarterly progless report in memo format, invent necessary deiails' i6]
g. Write in about 500 words, a research articies on "Development of lnformation
Technology in Nepal". [10]

10. Design the title page and vrrite the Abstract, Table-of-Contents and R.ecommendation for
the pioposal tittia;'guitaing of an Auditorium" in your campu,s' [10]

"Formation of rd Student Projeet Ciui:".

ll.Irnagine that you have already prepared a report on "Environrneatal Pcllutions in Asia".
Show the Title page, Abstract, Introduction smd Recommendation sections of your report' U 0]

2I TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSIT\' - Exanr. NewBack(2066& Later atch)

Examination Control Division Programme BCT B Asri Pass Marks j 32

2071 Sharvan Year / Part III / I Time 3 hrs.

_ _ L v Qir:t ---c lrlqgr-cqllgr English (SH60l)

"/' Candidatesaiereqriiredtoigivetheir.answer.sin.theirownrvsscl5,4cfar.aspilacticable-...-.i-.-....i..
/ Attempt AII questions
'/ The fgures in the margin indicote Full Marks
/ Assume suitable data.if necessary.

1. Edit the following text to make it error free: t5l

A woman husbaad had been seriously ill but finalty the doctor announces that he would live.
What do you mean? You toid me that he couldn't last another two weeks, complained the
wife. "Wel1, I'm going to cure him after all. Surely you're glad aren't you" replied the doctor.
It puts me in kind of a trouble said the woman I've gone and sold his clothes to pay for the
( funeral.
2. Read the following text and interpret its meaning in your own language: lsl
Now mark another big difference between then natural slavery of man to niture and the
unnatural slavery of man to man. Nature is kind to her slaves il she forces you to eat and
drink, she makes eating and drinking so pleasant that when we can affect it we eat and drini<
too much. We must sleep or go mad; but then sleep is so pleasant that we have great
difficulty in getting up in the morning-
3. Read the following text carefully, make notes and write a summary. [5+5]
Colonising space could be much more difficult than we imagine. Scientilic studies
suggest that children born in space might suffer permanent nervous-systern damage
unless exposed to Earth-like gravity at key points in their development. One difficulty
could be learning how to walk. Young children born in space could have trouble walking
on Earth because their nervous systems would have developed in the low-gravity
envirohment of space. Even adults might have difficulty fully re adjusting to life Earth
alter prolonged periods of weiglrtlessness.

Scientists are just beginning to discover the imporance of gravity in the development of
life. They are already aware that it has a serious effect on cell metabolism, brain
development and DNA synthesis. For this reason pregnant women cannot go into
spoce: Studies of 18 pregnant mice launched into space carrying some 200 foetuses at
varying stages of which is a normalaspect of development, slorved down in spbce, as did
cell reproductlon. Without Bravity the space-grown brains were smaller and had fewer
nerve cells than normal mouse brains. How this would affect the functioning of the
brain in an adult animal requlres further study.

Another effect could be muscle wasting. This has already been observed in astronauts,
although there is disagreement as to whether it is linked to the effects of gravity on the
muscle cells or just the lack of muscle use. ln any case, loss of nruscle strength in space
has so far proven to be temporary and there are no confirmed reports of any long-term
illness in oeople returning from long periods in space.
^-1.- ^^ r-rL-
,'ieared in space could not figure out how to.walk properly'on Earth spinal-cor:d
-1,,^ +^ cn:nrl rnrrl

damage suffered in space. This study also showed that

newborn pups, which are born
biind, need gravity in order to learn how to hold themselves upright'
other findings
confir:m that adult subjects, including humans, can fairly easily
recover balance and
navigational abilities that have been lost in space'

Study before individuals can be sent off to colonise space'

4. Answer any two of the following question' [10]

4 How are cables constructed and used in suspension bridges? (Suspension
b) What do you mean by scientific altifude? Name some qualities of a scientist.
a Traitor)
c) How did the mother do the duties of a mother and citizen? (The mother of
5. Choose the best words to complete the following sentences' tsl
a) He knew that he had a toothache while he his teeth- (brushed, was brushing,
had brushed)

b) People dispersed as soon as they .......-- and explosion cheard, were hearing, had

c) You must respect others in order to .....,.. (respect, be respective, be respected)

d) ..................... by the police, the suspects put their hands up' (to be wamed, as warned,
having been warned)

e) The minister along u'ith his secretaries.............-.. been invited' (has, have)

0 Some furniture .........-... needed for the office. (is, are)

g) If she in your place, she would resign immediately' (was, had been, were)
h) Anlthing if the neighbors had not been there. (could happen, can happen,
could have happened)
i) I object your coming late. (to, for,.,at)
. j) That woman has to care three children. (to, for, by) .

6. Arrange the foilowing into APA and MLA styles of citations. t4l
Author's name: Nunan, D
Book name: Understanding Language Classroom
Publishing place: U.K
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Publishing date: 1989
7. As the secretary of Atul Engineering Consuitancy Services, draft a notice for its 6e
meeting along with 3 agenda. t5l
8. I imagine that you are working on suspension bridge construction project. Write the first
monthly progress report of the project in a memo format. 16l

9 Write a short researctr arricle on the importance of intemet to the engineering students. [10]
10. Imagine that you are asked to write a proposat on the construction oi a waiut :'Lurage iark
in a remote village. Write the following parts of the proposal. [10]
Abstract, statement of the problem, objectives.
I 1. Suppose you are the chiefExecutives Engineer ofa project related to the construction ofa
road i1 a remote part of Nepal and the project is to be completed very soon. Write
abstract, introduction, methodology and hnding of the reports. [10]
Futl F{*rks i 80
INSTITUTE OF ENGXi{EERNG I*:-el,-.--"*- Jt * * ---=-+ilgigl$-**-dl- --i
Examitration Control Division P"r:11::iift;i'"i lilj y'y:* i:1- i
20TL Chaitra i Fait
v"ar : ]Il U_ _ _-.__ -, rirr1g_--......--:-3_!t
s ubi ec t : -- cSgnUgiS_qlietltglill, (fflr9 l
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
Tlrcfigures in the mmgin indicate Full Murks"
Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Editthe following: t5l

Two pastors areitanding by the side of a road holding up a sign that reads' The end is
,r"* to* around now befori its too late! A passing driver yells, "you guys are nuts!" and
speed past them. From around the curve, they hear screeching tyres- then a
big splash'
dr,. of th" pastors says to the other, do you think we should just put up a sign that says
Bridge broken instead'?
study the following paragraph carefutly and interpret it in your own words: t5]
The irevention of free inquiry is unavoidable so long as the purpose of education is to
produce belief rather than thought to compel the young to hold positive opinions on
doubtful matters rather than to let them see the doubtfulness and be encouraged to
independance of mind. Education ought to foster the wish for truth, not the conviction
that some particular creed is the truth.
J. study the following text carefully, prepare notes and convert it into summary: [5+5]

One day in 2003, while on her morning walk in the park, Valavolkar felt a shape pain in
her left shoulder. The pain soon subsided and she decided to go about her chores'

But a few hours later, the waves of pain retumed when she was out walking again, this
time to see the neighbourhood dentist about a cavity. It was much than in the worse
morning. Overwhelmed with nause4 di'ziness and shoulder pain that grew more intense
with eviry step she took, she felt too weak to move. Anyhou', her husband and son being
away at work, she assumed it was spondy litis and got in touch with a family friend, an
orthopedic doctor, who insisted she see a heart specialist immediately.
At workhardt hospital soon afterwards, it became clear to the medics that she was having
a myocardial infaretion, a heart attack camed by the blockages- in Valavalkar's case of
ttree blood vessels to the heart. One of them, a key artery, had a 95 percent blockage' An
angioplasty was performed and a stent inserted to open up the blockage. Her medical care
naa Uien so swift, however, that there wzn no serious damage to the heart muscle,

Since then she hadn't been without trouble, but a cardiac rehab programe she entered in
2006 has helped her lead a nonnal life. "I feel fine now," Valvakar says, looking back'
"periodic chick ups are essential and fortunately for me, these have revealed no
problems. I am very active now I even counsel other heart patients to help them stay
,'Women have different risk factors for cardiac disease than men, but there is such little
awareness, " says Dr.Vanita Arora cardiae ilectrophysiologist and associate director at
the Max Health Care Superspeciality Hospital in New Delhi.
n. Answer any two of the folldwing questions: [5+5]
a) Point out weaknesses of steam boilers and slggest any other better option of source of
energy in context of Nepal. Tell why you think that could be the better option. (Steam
b)' ln recent years we Nepalese have seen colorful advertisements in newspapers about
multi-storiyed apartmints from different housing companies. In relation to this, talk
about the suitability of the text "Piles for Foundations."
c) Describe the various features that contribute to wisdom with refereuce to the text
"Knowledge and Wisdom".
5. Fill up the foilowing blank spaces seiecting the correct words f,rom tire l:raekets:
[0.5x 10]
a- He, along with his teachers, ..."...........".pIaying. (is, are)

b. The principal and accountant................on leave. (is,


c. lt ......................a long time since he telephoned me. (is, has been)

d. lt's high time he ......the job. (got, has got)

e. Had it not been a hot day, we .............,... a lot. (had worked, would have

f. Should rhat happen, I ....................,..the job. (should quit, willquit)

g. l'llstand ...* whatever happens. (for, by)

h. The project is running .,........financia1 difficulties. (with, into)

i. The passive voice of "r remember him teaching me argebra,, is ....-......-,...*..

(l remember
being taught algebra/l remember to being taught algebra
by him.)

j. The passive voice of "l saw him crossing the road" is ...-.-........... (He was seen
crossing the road by me/He was seen to be crossing the road.)

6. convert the following ApA style into MLA and MLA into ApA: t4l
a) santos, Richard. "Tax break?" The New Republic. i2 July. l99g:24-4a
b) scotto, P.censorship, Reading and Interpretation. liot i) studies in American
Obtuscation 6l-70.
c) Fetler, Jane. "critical people cause office Fireworks', (2010,
June 4). The providence
Journal, P.Al.
d) Prepare in text citation for:
W*g, P. (1999, July) Fund Watch. Money, pp.4g-54.
7' Assurne that you have been appointed secretary of a committee comprising management,
staff and workers representatives to advise the company to produce
containing information about conditions of service, rules- and
a handbook
regulations of fring"
benefits and other related matters. Write a notice to call a
meetin-g to discus, ;il;;
8. Suppose you are the chief consultant of Road Expansi6n project
being launched in
capital city Kathmandu. write the second quarrerly '^' the
i";il;;;i;.- -"
lrogress reiort t6l
9' Write a brief research article on advancements made in the last decade
in yor.r field of
10' Most cornmunities do not have a place for scientists and citizens to meet to discuss
important issues. You have a way to meet the needs of citizens
who lack access to
scientific expertise
!x brinsins together scientists and non scientists to identify, discuss
and resolve issues of public concem" Therefore as a matchmaker
for groups and resources
rwite a proposal. Include an introduction stating the problem and
its .igniii"*"". Discuss
the proposed outcome and include a time table.
I l' Imagine that Govemment of Nepal has formed a committee under your
chairmanship for
the purpose of studying the effect of noise pollution in the industriAfr"oi"*t
f" N"p"l-
frepare only the title page, abstract, table of contents and recommendations sections of
the report that you are going to submit shortly. Il0l


zt .
' :.._...,.111,..1
,. .a,
uNrvERsrry ,.,.:..1,... . l,
Examination Control Division
2070 Ashad

$$ e-9
!_._ _9_esr t1-1i9?_t I or E! e_\i:! ! ty_o_g u
'.: "' / Candidates are required to give their answers in their own.vqgrds,.as,.fa!,as practioabJe.
./ Aucmpr All quesrions
,/ The.figures in the margin indicate Fult Marks.
'/ A.y.yume suitable data i"f necessary.

l. Edit the following text do as to make it free from errors.

It was then that my brother-in-law spoke to me. I m well aware of the hardships faced by
these kashmiri vendors he said as i looked at him stiil confused. they eat in morning then
spend the rest of the day roaming around the city on foot hungry and thirsty. When i saw
them i wanted to offer them food. But they have their pride. They would never accept
any'thing unless i pretended to be interested in their wares and made the offer of the food
look incidental.
2. Read the following text and interpret its meaning on your own: isl
Read not to contradict and confute, not to beiicve and take for granted not to find talk and
discourse, but to weigh and consider. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed
and some few to be chewed and digested. that is some books,are to be read only in parts,
others to be read but not curiously and some to read wholly and with diliqence and action.
Some books also may be read by deputy and extracts made of them by others, but that
would be only in the less important arguments and the meaner sort of books else distilled
books are like common distilled waters flashy things.
3- Read the following text carefuily make notes and rvrite a summary of it. [5+s ]

t What is a rlemocratic goverrunent to do in a country u,here people are steeped in

ignorance and superstition, where there is opposition or rcsistance to even mild retonns
from vested interests is society? It can be said that if the government is to go by consent
or consensus it rtuiil not be able to do anything. Could the government ever get the conseut
or consensus of the people for abolition ol untouchability? But has untouchability been
really abolished? Frankly speaking, ever now the code of manu is in operation, the large
part ofcode thus prepared.
No law, perhaps, can come into lull operation unless it is acceptable to the peopie. And it
is not necessary to say that acceptability can not come without conviction. The
goverrrment had been taking measure after measure to change the social-economic
structure to remove disparities, social and economic. Not that ail the measure have gone
in vain. Feudalism has been abolished; cates ol unir.crsities, legislatures, government
service etc. have been thrown open to all castes and communities, exploitation of the
weaker section of the pcople has been considerabiy reduced.
But there has been no change in the outlook of the people. Politicians and administrators
:;liil behar,'e like ler-rdal lords: corrr-rption, favouritism and nepotism have not shown any
sign oiabatement; faith is caste system and all that lt mav stand tor has not r,veakened. In
one u'ord, independence, democracy etc have not shattcred the age-old beliefs and
conviction. No wonder thc blind is leading the blind.
\ -


. -a. .- -.^.

a) What is the difference between knowledge and wisdorn? [Knowledgc and wisdom]
b) Describe the importance of English f,or engineering with reference to your texts in
)inglish. [What Einstein Did]
c) Why did the mother killher son? [The mother of a traitor]
5. Choose the correct words from the brackets: t5l
l;-i,r.:;.jil-'i:'.::1,,.i- . -i .--,t. -.:,
a) Eithdr you or I .............. Supposed to do it. (are, am)
b) The teacher said that are mortal. (we, they)
c) l'ime and tide ................. for none. (wait, waits)
d) He as well as his comrades .........-... out. (is,are)
e) She walked as if she a lot (drank, had drunk)

0 Look .............. your health. (to, up)

g) She cannot part .............. her jewels. (from, with)
h) I feel the room .............. (move, to move)
i) The government .................. decided to increase the salary of their civil servants.
(have, has)
j) ,!
He died . .............T.B. last year. (with, of)
6. Transform the following bibliographic reference as indicated in the brackets. t4]
a) Perkin, H.C. (1975). Air pollution. Mc Graw Hill: New Delhi. (into MLA)
b) Hall, Dauglas. (i989). Digital Circuits and Systems. Macmillan: Newyork. (into MLA)
c) Lawrence, T.E. Revolt in the Desert. New York: George H. Dorian, 1927 (rnto APA)
d) Nadell, Judith, et al. Thb Macmillan Writer. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1997. (into
7. As a secretary of your college union, wiiie the minutes of a recentiy conducted fifth
meeting inventing five agenda .-_ @'

8. Suppose you have been working on tweive month project. Write the second monthly
progress report in a letter format. t6]
g. trmagine that you are requested to submit a proposal for establishing a sophisticated
comouter lab in one of the technicai companies. Write the background, technical section,
cost estimate and title page of the proposal that you are going to submit. Also give on
outline of the remaining parts. [10]
10. Write a short research articie in about 500 u,ords on the effect of air pollution on the local
relidenls in your
: lown: [10]
11. You are asked to prepare a final report of a project of your engineering field. Write only
the foilowing parts: Title page, abstract andrecommendation. Also, give the outlineof the
report. [10]
Level BE
Full Marks I
; :

lrassrua.rc. ,,it7'

Examination Control Division -

i'*.o*."-*" -- i-iBE?,Bu:#,
i-=- ---=-.---i-.';.
-- -- -' 'i
'' jI
2070Chaitrt lYear/Part itltrt iTi*e ilhrs. i

/. i-':r;
/ Attempt All questioru.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary. '
1. tdit the text giyen below: tsl
up. and the day came Whenr/lre'had:.f*lgavertg
fm:liqa to study at an
advance institute. Always my father was there to guide me. Today, l'm quite a iuccessfirl pianist,
but qy fatherdgeg{.tgt.stap Saying praqtice more. God,smiles and the perfection just glitters
when.prartise touches the top. I now know much than ever that ceaseless effort is the key of

2.''Bead the foilowing text carefuliy and interpret it so as to make the meaning clear;

The reason..why this book has been speciplly prepared to make it enjoyable reading for people
towhorn{ngli5h isa second orforeign language isthatan English writer neverthinks of avolding
unusual words, so that the learner, trying to read the book in its origina.l form, has to turn
frq{uentlyto the dictionary and so loses much of the pleaSure that the book ought to give.
3. 'Study the following teK carefully- Prepare its note and convert it into summary.

We are.l.vell at('u.Iirtte.d'wi:ttr'the fact that men aod worn€n are dljfetgn,llir teffnsof appear.ance.
What mdny'peopte do not realize is that they,ar6 also different in communication technique-
$eneraliy speaking, men and women fall into two categories when dealing wittico-mmunic;titri
techniques. When men talk, it is for giving rn@dion. This informative speaking is " report
tatK. " Report:talk" is iJefined as " pubtic-speaking". Women on the other hand, use " tl.ljglt"
to communicate." Smalt talk'l is a conversation which is usually considered to be short and
Ttris.communication technique of wornen is !' rapport-ta{k". " Rapport-talk" in'
iords is ",private speaking".

Without.beingawarethatwe are sup_posed to be different, men ai,d women are at odds with
each other. The reason why.we becorne a{}gry or frustrated with the opposite sex is because we
have forgotten this:fagt. They warlt their oBposites to "want whatthey want " and " feel what
they feLl". This very attitude makes , prth l.r lilqppgttl*gl1al{ glqventl thern to.tate the
necessarytime to communicate loving about their differences.
'Meo mirlqt(sg{$;*..$[C,.rEenito think,,$ommunicate, arti*'react the Way'riien do:.''+6ifrdtt
mistakenly,expect men to feel, communicate and respond the way women do. Ihat is the time
when unnecessary friction and conflict occur.

lndividuals should be aware that you could use different styles of conversation to fit the
information that ycu are trying to present. You shoutd also neverassume that the opposite sex
is going to understand what you are trying to say. You should never criticize others. who
comqvn(3fe-differently than you. Men and women are ruthless about criticizing the opposite

!t is, nevg{.t,qo'1ate:to incr.ease the love in your life. You only need to learn a new way. Whether
you qffi9 therapy or notlif,yo+,,yr.aJ!Lt[.have more fulfilling relationship with the opposite
*#t essential to learn new a nd healthy ways of relatingiffid tommunicating, I



4- Answer any two of thd fsllcwiflg qqeslions:

. a. " Even the best technicians should also be good citizens." Do you agree? lf yes, why?

b. How do rnodern boilers function? (Steam Boilers )

c. Wtlat is th.e central theme of " Gvil Peace "? ( Civil Peace )

5. Choose6he colrect words from the brackets and fill in the blanks: [0.sxi0]
a) Look Your health (to, uP)
b) I feel the room ..-...-......(move, to move)
c) If I you, I would not do it. (be, were)

d) I heard him ....-.......... . Narayan Gopal's song (singing, sing)

,: e) She carmot part .....-........ her jewels (from, with)

0 He died......... T.B last year. (with, of;
g) She walked as if she.......-'. a lot, (drank, had drunk)

h) He as well as his comrades ..-......... out (is, are)

i) The teacher said that are mortal (we, they)

j) You aione can relieve me ............ this anxiety (from, of)

6. Ctrange the following bibliographic references as indicated in the brackets: t4l

a. Jones, Leo. ( 1998 ). Cambridge Advanced English. CUP: New Delhi' ( into MLA )

b. Sasikumar, J. and Gunshekhar, P. Spectrum. Orient Longrnan: New Delhi, 1977. (into APA )
c. Leech, G. and Svartvik, J. A Communicative Grammar of English. ELBS: England, 1975' (into

d. euirk, Randolph and Greenbaum, Sidney. ( 1973 I A University Grammar of English. ELBS:
England. ( into MLA )

7. Write minutes of a recently conducted meeting regardilg save the Bagmati fuver. t5]

8. Suppose'you have recently visited a publishing frrm. Write a trip report about your
observarions. t6l
9. Write a proposal on {he establishment of "Drinking water scheme of your local VCD/town)
including only Abstrac! lntroduction and Methodology. [10]

10. Write a brief research article on the irnportance of forest conservation in Nepal. [i0l
1 1. Assume that you are asked to prepare a final report ofa power house construction project.
Write only the following, Titl" page, Abstract and Recommendation. [10]
tr{ INSIl'f( l't l: Otr t :NCTNEERINC [,evel BE
rl Full Marks 80
E_Lamination Co nt rol f)ivision Programme BEi-. BEX,
Fass Marl<s ?1
BCT. B.Asri
2069 Chaitra Year l{art iII / I Time 3 hrs.

S-ylject- __
Cg_nlmunigarion English 6H60I)
"/ Candidates are required to give their ans'uvers in their own YvvruJ
" words as
aJ far
rdr d5
as practicable.
'/ Artempt Al[ ques.titlns.

'/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

'""'1' "r , .,,' ,.,i .i :..' -?r-:f-Fr!-
I. After taking notes, write a summary of the foliowing passage in about one third
words of the original.
of the
::i* ji::
o^l]ry introduction of the stream rolomorive abou! r 30 years ago, there,was
increases in the size and weight of trains. This riecessitated
irgin"r"oigreater anJ

lblin2 against the 50lb/in2 pressure of -Stevensol,r

excess of 300 lb/in',
o, demandforincreasedsteamcanacitvismefhwinc.o,oinof},a'.i+^^f+L^L^.;!.YY
steam capacity is met by increasing rhe size of the
r. IH;;";;.
boiler. rw wc v gl ;h;
jn size by-the dimension and load capacity, of
,o;?,::,:3.:::T- l::::.:1"::,*ur,timited
it works on It is theie&re ;;;";;;;ffi;;; ffi;t#ilTl;;,;
surface Ll*
within the boiler.
There are two fire-boxes inside the boiler, an inner
one and an outer one, which extend a long
way forward' The inner fire-box is linked by tubes to the
fire-plate at the front of the boiler.
Practicaliy the whole of the heating surface, rvhich
includes these fire-tubes, is surrounded by
water' A high rate of evaporation in the boiler is essential,
quantities of steam which are required. For
in order to generate the large
this purpose a powerful draught of, air is biown
over the fire' The steam which is evolved is passed
thro,rgh u super-heatJ., *ni.n;;#;;
temperature and makes it as dry as possible.
Rapid at ihe heating surface tends to
make the steam wet- The use of wet steam necessitates "uupo.utio.,
cylinder' Super-heating the steam enables to requisite
excessiveiy high or;;;;"; il;
power to obtaineJ with considerably
lower prcssures.
The superheated passed to the steam-chest
which is attached to the cylinder. From
the steam-chest it is introduced into the cyrinder
at the appropriate momqnts through ports.
These ports are opened and closed by slide ,rulu.q
locomotive crankshaft. The steam is admitted
*hi";";;;;;#;; * rotation of the
under pressure to one side of the cyiinder, and
ririves the piston forwards. The inlet port is then
ciosed, and a second charge of steam is
admifted at the other side of the cylinder to irr.-pirr"n in the reverse direction. The
exhaust steam from the grst charge is driven
out into the atmosphere through a blast pipe.
This is done in order to lncrease-the draught over the
fire. The reciprocating action of the
piston is changed into a rotational movement
of the wheels by a connecting rod and crank.
2' Itead the lollowing text carefully and interpret it so as to make
the meaning clear:
A Rritish suruey found that 44 percent of the firms, which started 15l

initial faiiure a,d 22 pcrcent abandoned them altogether, to use robots, met with
technologicai knorvhow and skills at because ol' inaclequate
all plant ievels.
3. Answer any t\\,o of the follou,ing que stions brie fly.
[s x2]
i) Descnbe the contribution ol Einstcin to the morjern scientific
world? (w,hat Eirrstein
ii) why do the ordinary non-teclmical people find the words ,oxygen, ancl ,intelligence,
confusing? (Straight and crookecl thinking) ,, I .-
iii) Is E'nglish language necassirv fbran engineering
student in Nepal?.lustily it.

4. Edit the lirllowing passage which-cintains a gooci many

,, . .Qq$li.l igbs r411s1ly. {n.q]S ,or hq..zaq{qs one {{9. irr.etrig-y3Qly lq1.t,t9,g 1ob.9tics Tfqs spet
welders press opcretor-s, spray painGrs clcaners, machine loaders grinding and polislrirrg
lnachine operators is cndangered species.

5. Choose the corrcct worcls from the brackets: t0 5xl0l

a) The minister, along witl-r his relatives ... gone to Japan. (hasihave)

b) Neither of us .............. going to attend the programme. (is/are)

d) You alone can relieve rne .................... this anxiety. (from, ol)

0 I remember to the salarjuna Museum by ,ry father. (to be taken, being taken)
g) Unless you will be punished. (lonet pay, pay)
h) If i you, i would not do it. (be, were)
i) She was made ............ cloths. (wash, to wash)
j) I heard him ............... Narayan Gopal's song. (singing, sing)
6. Change the following bibliographic references fiom APA style into MIA: t4l
a) Ellis, R.(1996). How culturally appropriate is the communicative approach? EIT
Journal, 50 (3)
b) Goodson, I. (2001). The principled professional. Prospects, xxx (2), 18i-188.
c) Hughes, A. (1989). Testing for language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University

d) Nunan, D. (1989). Understanding language classroom. IJ.K: Prentice Hali.

l. Suppose you are the Manager of a project related to micro hydro-power production piant
- Iaunchcd in one of the remote viilages in Nepal and your project is going to terminate
soon as the work has already been accomplished. Write abstract, introduction,
methodology and findings of your report giving just the outline of the remaining parts. r10t
8. Suppose you are the secretary of a social organization in your town and the seventh
meeting of the Executive body has been conducted recently. Write the minutes inventing
necessary agendf and details. tsl
9. Assume that you are'requested the write a proposai on establishing engineering collage in
Kathmandu. Write the following parts with the outline of your proposal: Abstract,
statement of problem "and procedure. [10]
10. Write a brief research article on importance of computers for the cievelopment of Nepal [10]
ll.lmagine that a project related to the construction of a iab of your engineering field is
going on in a Iocal gove rnrnent offlce. Write the first monthiy progress report on the sanre
pruJUUr d ltlclilu ILl
1t1 lul 1.11dltr. Iv]

&t i{L.,/Aii Lli{n-g R 3 i l'y


Ihi STI TI-;TE C F Ei.I..]Ii'ii ERIIJ C DL. ff'uEE!{s . .,80 -:
BEi," BFX,
S;ra rualnatiom C *u-.;ircri trllision F:-'ag:'a::rme iliT F. A ori Pass Msiks-
fii /'II
iuoti s- ri3!:rE Yesr i 'D:lr-t SI/ Tirne 3 hrs.

Swbjet:: - Con::li:llca:tcn trrqlisir {Sii 6#I)

CanCiiares are requirsd tc give their a:,:-',,'els i:': t:-ieir oi^'n -woids as fai as practical:i:.
Attentpt 44 quesiions.
The figires i;e the rtarsin indicate Feil DiS*;
A-csitt'nc -<uitchic Caia ii ne:essary'.

l Afier taking notes. '',-viit-r a- suilrnaryr oiin: :-clio'+ii:ig passage. Is+s]
=p!i ar.:l s:r=l:us$cn h the q'hnder af

ia e;;cit#al to sef;uie
*$;,"*e dr
iite:nd *mbi:sdcc .-nghe, *r: i;'; e-i a:r r3:ytr::s must'se tr.a=ugfJ;u
mrxec; ani fi=t:*, it mr*t b* n tr: c"-tt ricecric;:e fcr ali ruurc-i::g c+a-
clidoaF cnf tfte engiae. T*nis is eestr=;ijsh*d l-'y m.e*.l:s oi a de'rice eaLSed a
cerbusetrior. In this earburettc.-, a ss*:c of air hlcma orer a jet raixes iai-
'nately w:th a spray oi pae'ol d-rawx cut ci i-,-. Tfoe j':t is rneertcr* intc a choke
Gr yee.turi ia the intqke ffiefffeid, aad i-l aupplied er'.i petro? at atmospheric
Duri:rg ile eucdca stroke ef tii.e plsioe, *,:\e pressule rn lhe L'ii*l.e ;can:icid
is 'oeialy aurosphcric, and ak is indu::C 'iough t'ie );&h: and orei *e j+:.
As tl,ele es c Jwther &op * Eressr:le lt tl:,c venhdr-) tu\e press'u:e dif;e;a:ce
prod.:iceC is large enough to eirass pe:i:rl :-i= cut cf the jet and atcm.ise it. Tne
iwel cf the petroi in the jet is kqpt coisaani b;.' t.he firat aaC -eeCle rajve L: the
fioat c-s*'-rber, which acts eB a resersoii for th.e fue!. Abo're *'e veaf,rri Sere is
a throrttre relve ryeraee<? by the acceierairr peial whiqh ocniscie *e aac.,:lt
ci r*hr.::re Bdssided tc rhe eyiinri::.
Fiowever, 16is 5inrF,[e forft of aLgleiet *:buie:tcr *iii n+t g:ve corect
r-;rixture stiength fcr al-i eagin* ap*d:. Ths cilef riifficuirr eee*i:B*;ef;ed is
ti:et, at high nxur:ag epeada, [he a"ro,::,t uf ;-t::'si takea uB at the.!ei \riii in-
cr€sge fa-ster Uhan tlre rrcreEse in arr-fcs. ?herefoie a ccbu:r,i.lor eet to gire
csr:eci =3:E1li?"s at lcrs epeed wiil g:ve a pi;gr.-eiveili nci:er rrjx*se * il-,r
s*e ed i*,creases" To ecmpssseie fcl ;lis, r, er;s-{i j+ is fe<l i:rn r
vreiL rre:: to ihe a-tmc*phere end euppiie€ r;i*: !:*3*i *;::i t!:e foat chaaeb.r:i.
C*'*L-g t* ti"e fa$ th.d tk*s ce*gnzsc#xg lei u 3argu i!:ru: the z:ceis je..", !t .ean
s,:ppiv cetroi. at a quicirer rete d1E:'. *s rd:r -i:t "oriL ti:e weli iq e:nptli:d. .4-s
:nt sceag is iacre38sd- sno:.e sr:* rccr: ci t:.-: ?et:=;i iee 1rire#. is crra",sr: f:c=
u': i:ia:;s- Jlr" t'E'!,
"q ;13
ec-pe1,t?:i:: je: ---.:.::tz s:;>i3' c::,:i i,i i1',1r-:i pci-];: :: "-i-a
p;:s tb:,ugh the small cc:npersat+r **frez:.c ti:e €:at :i,:rr;:b*.
Lrcte; p:obl-.m to b; s+lreC:: =ae +i:-ai-i.;. i-,::,icr;: +t'"a.;:::-:
ricL flu:'ttre reqtrised for staitiilg, ti:,: th::{e ri!-rsi be al*:,-+sl ciE'*.:i. /is ti;,.e
t!; r-,2!ccii-v'* th* ve4t iat* in C:: i::,:.,ri. :..::'*E,ii:r:t r.'r'::.;i :a d:a.;.= cu: :r
tle ;et. This diffic,rlry is overelme i.." :!e p::-::::cll ci sa :ile. _:*t *: Er,.<l! :i
rhr intake ;na.n:fold neai the ti:rorti,: .'aii:. Ti::= i,': .+:-i cJ;; f.-clion v.'5e .:
i,,:. i:i;;:,,i. :e nearlv iic:etj, "'#l:e:i i - :; ,.::,:. i',--.'-,.:.i:; : -,:,:,'... ;'::--: -::::i:. '
.-....,-:--...,:.-*,-.r'-:+q\..r.-:i.-:-^r+.-,,..-- ..-,-
fi] H; ilT#fr1":T-"' ".-- ' det",,rirra to.rerr rhe
*'- n.uth.
"*' (is, are) 1i
c) .rhe teacher r",l'ff1=;; r'jil]',(T., i.) j

ci) I was i:rteresr.a ..-..-.. (ifr', *.'.)

-. il;; ;oi[] d;, F*,
? IIe helped me more ,il h;_..___l: J" ?a,n: 1--r_--:.
(helps, heiped)
? He is iusen;- . the ciass. ,o"-'l]'

j) [li{is::*:l :.:'iti}}j'$[krl"
I feel the room ........-...... (move,
to move)
ai,,ha roub,e rhu4 r,ua eo,)

4-r'.:r reaciing the

*" ;ollowing
f-" parau'apfu coi-npa]e
Nepal. and cc:irast rhe poiiution
cf a clty in
rre means of transportation also aCded tsl
grea;ly.ic dr ald noise
pollur "1
EXn.*:,lXi;l_#:f,,"."**I;$;.h smorie that rire in rhe inciu l-

thing of past. l-ire noise




, Athens: l-ne t-,. lof Georgiap,

Notable Ga)' Men anc
il'n-tltti "f Lesbiaru. Neu yo:.^-. ;;.,-^^
500 words on the effect of
I t,he

wttle ,n:
rei:ru:ss of a ;:::::11 con;uctei fifth

spsciic fielci of i

rspoi-L inciuding the -

it is gcing on. -t\.,-ite the secor,d

t6l /)


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