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SWE1010 Digital Image Processing

3 0 0 4 4
Pre-Req MAT1011
 To introduce the pr inciples of image processing.
 To develop student ’s knowledge from basic image processing techniques to
advanced image proces sing and analysis systems.
 To understand the theory of image processing with emphasis on the ar eas of
restoration, enhancement, segmentation, compression and their applications.
Expected Outcome :
At the end of the course students should able to
 Apply the knowledge of image processing to solve the r eal wor ld pr oblems.
 Design a component or a product by applying all the r elevant standards and
with r ealistic constraints
 Design an automated s ystem to analyze and interpret data.
Module Topics SLO
Digital Image Fundamentals :
Introduction, Digital Image Fundamentals, image acquisition
1 and display using digital devices - Human visual perception, 5 1
properties -Image s ampling and quantization - Basic relationship
between pixels.
Image Enhancement :
Image enhancement in the spatial domain : basic grey level
transformation, Histogram Processing -Enhancement us ing
arithmetic/Logic oper ations -Spatial filtering: smoothing and
2 sharpening. Image enhancement in the frequency domain: 7 5
Introduction to two -dimensional transforms - Discrete Fourier
Transform, Discrete Cosine Transform, Discrete Wavelet
Transform - smoothing frequency domain filtering -sharpening
frequency domain f ilter ing.
Image Restoration :
Noise Models -Restoration in the pr esence of Nois e only -
3 5 1
spatial filtering -per iodic nois e reduction by frequency domain
Image Segmentation: Detection of discontinuities, Edge
4 Linking and Boundary Detection, Thresholding M ethods, 6 6
Region Or iented Methods.
Image Compression:
Lossless Image Compression - The Concept of entropy and
Huffman coding; Run -length coding for grey images,Lossy
5 7 1
Image Compression – Predictive coding, tr ansform coding –
JPEG compression standard, Wavelet -bas ed image compression
Representation and Description:
Chain codes, Polygonal approximation, Signature Boundar y
6 Segments, Skeltons , Boundary Des criptors, Regional 6 14
Descriptors, R elational Descriptors, Pr incipal components for
Description, R elational Descriptors.
Morphological and Color Image Processing :Dilation and
Erosion-Opening and Closing -Hit or Miss Transformation -
7 6 14
Basic morphological algorithms .Color Image
processing: Light and color, color formation, Colour models,
Histogram of a color I mage, Color image filtering, Gamma
correction and s egmentation of color imag e.
8 Applications of Image Processing in industry. 3 2,17
Total Lecture Hours 45

Text Book
1. R.C. Gonzalez & R.E. Woods,“Digital Image Processing” , Pearson Education,
Third Edition,2013.
Reference Books
1. S. Jayaraman, S. Esakkirazan & T.Veerakumar “ Digital Image Processing”, Tata Mcgraw-Hill First
Edition 2009.
2. A. K. Jain, “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing," Pearson Education (Asia) Pte. Ltd./Prentice
Hall of India, 2004.
3. Jhon C Ross, “ The Image Processing Hand Book”, CRC Press 5th Edition,2006
4. B. Chanda and D. Dutta Majum dar “Digital Image Processing and Analysis” ,
PHI, 2011.
Compiled byProf.M.Prabukumar
Date of Approval by the Academic Council on: 18.3.201 6

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