Socialist Republic of Vietnam Independence - Freedom - Happiness

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

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- Pursuant to the Ordinance on Economic Contracts dated September 25, 1989 of the
State Council.
 - Based on the Decree of 17 / H DBT 16 - 01-1990 of the Council of Ministers;
- Pursuant to Decree No.45/1998/ ND-CP dated 01- 07 -1998 Government regulations
Details technology transferr.
Today day . . . . . . month . . . . . . . .year . . . . . . . . In. . . ............(signature place).
We do include:
PARTY A (Assignor)
- Name of business ( or agency ) . . . . . . .. . . . .
- Address : . .
- Phone : . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Account number : .. .. ........ Opened at the bank:.......
- Representative is Mr. (Ms.) : . . : …………………… . Civil service : ...... .. .
- Paper delegated authority of : . .. . .. . ..... . .... day ........
month . . . . ...year. . . . ..........
- By. ... position : . . ....... . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . sign (if any) .

PARTY B (Assignee)
– Name of business (or agency): ..
- Address : . ...... . . . .
- Phone: ...........
- Account No: …………………… . .......... opened at banks . .... . . ... . .
- Representative is Mr. (Ms.): …………………… . ................Position:..................
- Power of attorney number: ...... ............ day ........ ......... month . .year......... . . ... . . ...
- By .... position: .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . ..... . sign (if any ) .
After the review (state a summary of the research, implementation or results
manufacturing , business ventures related to the transferred technology delivered by
the assignor) , two parties agreed set of contracts with the following content:
Article 1 : Interpretation of words
Define the terms and concepts used in the contract.  (This is very important because
the parties to the contract use different languages , so it is necessary to agree on the
understanding the concepts used by the parties in the contract ) .
Article 2 : Contents of technology to be transferred
In this clause, it is necessary to specify the name of the technology to be
transferred ; a detailed description of the features , content, level of safety,
occupational health of licensed technology delivery .
In cases where the principal supplier of machinery , equipment was attached to the
other contents of the technology, the contract must clearly state the list of machinery
and equipment including technical features, model number, country of manufacture,
year of manufacture, quality status, price .
Results can be achieved after the current transfer traffic ( on the physical amount
of product and services service quality , technical and economic norms, the
productivity, environmental and social factors ) .
Article 3: Transfer of industrial property rights
Contents of industrial property right transfer ( if any) in accordance with the law on
industrial property.
Article 4 : Rights and responsibilities
Rights and responsibilities of the parties in the implementation of technology transfer.
Article 5 : Time limit , schedule and location
Duration, advanced degrees and place the supply level of technology,
computer hook set is.
Article 6:
The content related to the training and technical assistance to ensure the
implementation of transfer delivery of technology include :
a) It can be specified in the contract or specified in the contract annex about program
content, forms , field area , the amount of school staff , transfer the assignor
and the receiving , location and duration;
b) Responsibilities of the parties in organizing training and technical support ;
c ) submit to the level , quality output , the results achieved after the training and
technical assistance ;
d) fees for training and technical support .
Article 7: Price and payment
The contract should specify the price of the technology to be transferred as well as the
currency of payment. The price of the technology to be transferred can be specified as
follows :
1. Price factory machinery and equipment is to be determined the information through
the bidding to buy shop equipment equipment or through monitoring the quality and
price .
2.Depending on the computer's advanced
in technology, internal capacitance technology, features exclusive rights
of the technology , product quality, percentage of products are
exported , effective results in economic , technical arts, social associations and parties
enter into a contract to negotiate a price for the transfer of technology .
3 . For the transfer of technology from abroad into Vietnam and transfer of
technology in the country, the price paid for the transfer of technology, including the
subjects mentioned in Article 4 of Decree No. 45/1998 / ND -CP details technology
transfer , excluding the value of attached machinery and equipment , subject to one
of the following limits :
a ) From 0 to 5 % of the net selling price of the product during the validity of the
contract , or
b) From 0 to 2 5% of profit after tax, resulting from the consumption of products
manufactured or services have applied the technology to be transferred within a
period of effective force of contract.
c) From 0 to 8% of total investment capital in case of capital contribution
equal to technology value ,
For projects operating under the Law on Foreign Investment, the value of capital
contribution by technology must not exceed 20 % of the legal capital .
4 . With regard to the transfer of technology from abroad into Vietnam Nam and
transfer of technology in the country , the price
paid for the transfer delivery of technology excluding the value of sewing
Machinery , equipment attached, can be up to 8% net selling price or to 30% of profit
after tax , or in the case of capital contribution by the value of technology to 10 % of
the total number
of funds first invested with technology Assembly full of love following request :
a ) Technology is transferred under the field of the art high (according to the list of the
Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment announced in each period) ;
b) The technology transfer has great significance for the economic development of the
society deep -lying, remote and mountainous areas and islands;
c ) Much of the product is exported (or the fees paid for the technology are high for
the product being exported).
The cost of food, accommodation , travel , salaries for trainees are trained in foreign
countries may not cover included in the percentage limits referred to in clause 3 of
Article 23 , Decree No. 45/1998 / ND-CP detailed regulations on technology transfer.
For special technologies , there is a higher level of approval for payment for
technology transfer than the parties and submit them to the Ministry of
Science , Technology and Environment for advice and direction of the Prime
Minister .
5 . Technology transfer price from Vietnam to foreign countries by the parties to the
agreement under the laws of the receiving party and facility management agency of
Vietnam State competent authorities for approval according to the detailed
instructions of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment on the level of
Payment method accounting for the transfer
of technology by the parties agreed upon according to the formula below :
a . Putting the entire value of technology transferred into the capital contribution in
investment projects.
b . Pay seasonally as a percentage of profit after tax or a percentage of net sales.
c . Pay in one or more times in cash or goods consistent with the progress of
technology transfer laws and regulations of Vietnam on payment in goods. Lump-sum
value is determined based on Article 23 of Decree No 4 5 /1 99 8 / ND-
CP provided the detailed information about technology transfer.
d . The parties may combine payment methods, in the following cases:
Where the technology is transferred include different content in the contract must
specify the part payment for each content delivery , the price paid for the transfer
of traffic rights basis ownership of industry;
In the course of contract performance , when a content or
a number of contract contents are not performed , the receiving party has the right to
request adjustment of the payment .
Article 8: Commitment of the parties on contract performance security
In this clause, the following must be fulfilled:
a) The assignor commits to strictly comply with the provided technical information;
b ) The receiving party commits to comply with the technical information of the
principal ;
c) On the basis that the assignor strictly implements the instructions of the
assignor , the assignor is obliged to ensure the technology transfer to achieve the
following results:
. - Achieve goals threads out of commodities and services which meet the quality
criteria as specified in the contract;
- Technology to achieve the economic - technical criteria, the consumption indicators
of raw materials, fuel and supplies specified in the contract;
- Technology to ensure compliance with regulations of law on environment,
occupational safety and hygiene .
d) The commitment of the parties to ensure that no errors occur in the
transfer of technology and use of the results after the end of the validity period of the
Article 9: Warranty and time limited warranty .
- The assignor is responsible warranty content delivery technologies, including
for factory machinery , equipment (if the machinery , instrumentation
inside delivery supply ) within due. the parties agree in the contract ;
- Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the warranty period is the effective contract
period ;
- During the warranty period, if the consignee strictly complies with the instructions
of the deliverer, the goods, services or technology cannot be remedied at the cost
of the deliverer .
Article 10: Obligations to cooperate and exchange information of the parties.
Article 11 : Supplementing, amending, canceling or terminating the contract
The parties may stipulate conditions for amending, supplementing, canceling or
terminating the contract, based on the provisions of law.
1. A technology transfer contract may be supplemented, modified or partially
canceled upon mutual agreement of the parties.
For where gossip g must be approved in accordance with Article 32 of Decree
No 4 5/  1998 /  ND-CP providing detailed regulations on technology
transfer , adding , editing change , replacement or
1 of a technology transfer contract takes effect only when it has been approved by the
contract-approving agency with an additional approval decision.
2. A technology transfer contract is terminated in the following cases:
a ) The contract of all time limit specified in the contract;
b ) The contract terminated before the time limit agreed in writing copies between the
c ) There are force majeure circumstances and the parties agree to terminate the
d ) Contracts were agencies concerned State has a competent management of
technology transfer canceled , suspended due to violation of the law;
e ) Cancel the contract with effect force the legal rules
under the agreement in writing copies between the parties if no damage is caused to
the interests of the State and society, the parties must take responsibility for the
damage caused to the third party concerned by the cancellation abandon the contract.
For a contract to be approved, the canceled leave the party must have
the responsibility to inform the agency has approved the contract.
g ) When a party admitted breach of contract or the conclusion of the State
agencies have jurisdiction as breach of contract, the breaching party may unilaterally
suspend the implementation of such contracts .
Article 12: The term of the contract
  - Duration of the contract agreement by the parties on demand and technological
content to be transferred, but the maximum term not exceeding 7 years from the date
the contract comes into force . In the case of being authorized by a competent State
agency, the contract term may be longer than seven years but not exceeding 10
years. The parties may stipulate conditions relating to the parties in modifying
the validity period or terminating the contract .
Article 13 : The scope and level of assurance secret secret for with the transferred
The assignor commit the secret to the technology transfer has not been
disclosed, and is committed to not divulge
the secret secret of the technology transfer assigned to third parties .
Article 14: Responsibilities of each party in the performance of the contract
The technology receiving party and the technology assignor are obliged to perform
the agreement on the rights and obligations of each party specified in the contract, if
they violate the provisions on violations identified in the contract.
Other responsibilities of each party are required by law to be strictly observed by the
Article 15 : Settlement of disputes
Disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved by negotiation, in the spirit of
cooperation to limit common loss . If disputes cannot be resolved by negotiation then
proposed settlement body.
Article 16 :
Contract is made in 8 copies in English Vietnam (in the case of the water outside to
participate in the 4 villages were established by languages water outside through use .
Usually choosing a foreign language is because the parties agree) , copies have the
same value. In case of a conflict about different interpretations arising from
differences in language, use the standard known as Vietnam . (There may agree to use
a foreign language as a standard , if we have specialized in mastering the language as
the contract) . Each party keeps four copies (two copies in Vietnamese, two copies
in . . . . , with equal validity.
This contract is effective from... . ..... to the effective date of the contract. ( The
effective date of the contract is the date agreed upon by the parties; the date the
contract is approved; or the date the contract is registered at the Ministry of Science,
Technology and Environment).
If the contract contains content about assignor property object technology, the need
to record clear part that takes effect from the date of registration at the State drop- m
rights as prescribed by law for the establishment industrial property.
Depending on the subject of technology transfer, the parties may agree to include in
the contract - the contract terms, if any, that are not contrary to the provisions of the
State and Vietnamese law .
Representative of the assignor Representative of the assignee
 (Signed and sealed)  (Signed and sealed)

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