Word 02 # 05 in Series Create A Flyer

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Office 2016 Video #05: Create Flyer In Word,

Formatting Keyboards:
a. Center Paragraph = Ctrl + E
i. Paragraph Level Formatting
b. Left Paragraph = Ctrl + L
i. Paragraph Level Formatting
c. Page Setup dialog box = Alt, P, S, P

Highlighting and Fill

a. Highlighting Color:
i. This is a Character Level Formatting
ii. This formatting adds a background color for the letters or
b. Fill Color:
i. This is a Paragraph Level Formatting
ii. This formatting adds a fill color to the whole paragraph, from
Margin to Margin.

Page Setup
a. Alt, P, S, P
b. You can change things like:
i. Margins
ii. Orientation

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Tab and Shift Tab
a. Tab = move forward
b. Shift + Tab = Move backward

Borders button can be accesses from two different places:

a. Home Ribbon Tab>Paragraph group> Borders dropdown
arrow> Borders and Shading.
b. Design Ribbon Tab> Page Background group> Page Border

a- Auto Save Time can be changed in Options dialog Box

.File >, Options> Save Tab

Spell Check
1. Keyboard Shortcut = F7.> opens Spell check Task pane
a. Purple dot underline
b. Consider a different word

Save As web site

a. Use F12 to invoke Save As, then change extension to “Web Page
Editable like another Word File
b. If you make changes, it will be reflected on the website after the
changes are saved :p

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NEW Keyboard Shortcuts:
a. Font/Character Level Formatting:
i. Change Font Size 1 point Keyboard = Ctrl + [ (down)
Ctrl + ] (up)
ii. Keyboards not in video:
1. Font Dialog Box Keyboard = Ctrl + Shift + F or Ctrl + D
2. Change Case Keyboard = Shift + F3 (changes text from
small to Capital letters)
b. Paragraph Level Alignment Center Keyboard = Ctrl + E
c. Page Layout dialog box = Alt, P, S, P
d. Tab and Shift Tab
i. Tab = move forward
ii. Shift + Tab = Move backward
e. Print dialog box AND Print Preview = Ctrl + P
f. Spell Check = F7

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