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Academic year: 2020-2021


Design and analyse different topolgies

Program: Computer Engineering

Program code: SYCO
Course name: Data Communication and Computer Networks
Course code: 22414
This is to certify that Mr./ Miss Suhani Chaudhari Roll no.24 of 4th Semester of
Diploma in Computer Engineering of Institute: MIT POLYTECHNIC Pune
(Code:0148) has completed the Micro Project satisfactory in Subject Data
Communication and Computer Networks for the academic year 2020-2021 as
prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: Pune Enrollment No: 1901480132

Date: Exam. Seat No:

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

This is to certify that Mr./ Miss Isha Saswade Roll no.63 of 4th Semester of
Diploma in Computer Engineering of Institute: MIT POLYTECHNIC Pune
(Code:0148) has completed the Micro Project satisfactory in Subject Data
Communication and Computer Networks for the academic year 2020-2021 as
prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: Pune Enrollment No: 1901480173

Date: Exam. Seat No:

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

This is to certify that Mr./ Miss Aashlesha Shedge Roll no.65 of 4th Semester of
Diploma in Computer Engineering of Institute: MIT POLYTECHNIC Pune
(Code:0148) has completed the Micro Project satisfactory in Subject Data
Communication and Computer Networks for the academic year 2020-2021 as
prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: Pune Enrollment No: 1901480175

Date: Exam. Seat No:

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

This is to certify that Mr./ Miss Riya Shinde Roll no.66 of 4th Semester of
Diploma in Computer Engineering of Institute: MIT POLYTECHNIC Pune
(Code:0148) has completed the Micro Project satisfactory in Subject Data
Communication and Computer Networks for the academic year 2020-2021 as
prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: Pune Enrollment No: 1901480176

Date: Exam. Seat No:

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Student/Group Details (if group is applicable)

Sr. Name of the group Roll Enrollment No. Seat No.

No. members/student no

1 Suhani Chaudhari 24 1901480132

2 Isha Saswade 63 1901480173
3 Aashlesha Shedge 65 1901480175
4 Riya Shinde 66 1901480176

Name of Guide: Prof. Shilpa Shitole

Index Content Pg no.

1 Micro Project Proposal

2 Rational

3 Types of Topology

4 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project

5 Course Outcomes

6 Actual Resources Used

7 Skill Development /learning outcomes

8 Application of the Project

9 Weekly progress report

10 Annexure II

Annexure –I
Micro-Project Proposal
Title of Micro-Project – Design and Analyse Different Topologies

 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project

 Physical connection of devices on network
 It is used to explain the manner in which a network is connected
 Course Outcomes Addressed
 Analyse the functioning of data communication and computer
 Configure various networking devices.

 Action Plan
S. No. Details of activity Planne Planned Name of
d Start Finish Responsible Team
date date Members
1 Discussion and finalizing of
topic Suhani Chaudhari
2 Preparation of content
Isha Saswade
3 Collecting Components Aashlesha Shedge
4 Collection of data Riya Shinde
5 Collection of data
6 Discussion and outline of
7 Formulating of content

8 Editing and proof reading of

the content
9 Compilation of report
10 Final Submission of the

 Resources Required
 Computer system - Any desktop or laptop computer with basic
 Software Package - Vlab, Google, Web browser.

 Names of Team Members with Roll Nos.

Name Roll No.
Suhani Chaudhari 24
Isha Saswade 63
Aashlesha Shedge 65
Riya Shinde 66


Micro-Project Report
Title of Micro-Project :- Design and Analyse Different Topologies
Rationale:- Topology is defined as the logical arrangement of the
nodes(computers). Network topology is used to explain the manner in which a
network is connected. Devices or nodes in a network get connected to each other
via communication links and all these links are related to each other in one way or
the other. The geometric representation of such relationship of links and nodes is
known as the topology of that network.

 Types of Network Topologies:-

1. Mesh Topology
2. Star Topology
3. Bus Topology
4. Ring Topology
5. Tree Topology
6. Hybrid Topology
Mesh Topology:- In a mesh topology every device is physically connected to
every other device with a point to point dedicated link. The mesh topology
is also called as complete topology. The mesh topology does not have the
traffic congestion problem, because dedicated lines are being used to

A fully connected mesh

network therefore has n(n-1)/2 physical
cables to connect n devices. To accommodate that many links every
device on the network must have n-1 input/output ports. So too many cables are
required to be used for mesh topology. Mesh topology needs a large number of
dedicated links. Hence it is suitable only for small networks.
 Advantages
a) The use of dedicated links guarantees that each connection can carry
its own date reliably.
b) Its provides security and privacy because every message sent travels
along a dedicated line.
c) Point to point links make fault diagnose easy.
d) MAC protocol need not to be used due to the use of dedicated links.

 Disadvantages
a) Cabling cost is more.
b) Since every computer must be connected to every other computer
installation and reconfiguration is difficult.
c) The hardware required to connect each link input/output and cable is
d) It is suitable only for small networks

2. Star Topology

Star topology is a network topology, in which each individual piece

of a network is connected to a central node called as hub or switch. In star
topology all the computers are connected via cables to a central location
where they are all connected by a device called hub.

Star are used in

concentrated networks, where
the endpoints are directly reachable
from a central location; when network expansion is expected and when the greater
reliability of a star topology is needed. The telephone system also uses the star
topology. Each computer on a star network communicates with a central hub. The
hub then resends the message either to all the computers in a broadcast star
network. It will resend the message only to the destination computer in a switched
star network.

 Advantages
a) It is easy to add new computers to a star network without disturbing the
rest of the network.
b) The star network is easy to install and maintain
c) If a computer or link fails it does not bring down the whole star

 Disadvantages
a) If the central hub fails, the whole network fails to operate.
b) Many star networks require a device at the central point to rebroadcast
or switch the network traffic
c) The cabling cost is more since cables must be pulled from all computers
to the central hub.

3. Bus Topology

The bus topology is a network topology in which nodes are directly

connected to the common linear or branched half duplex link called as bus. The
bus topology is usually used when a network under consideration is small, simple
or temporary. On a typical bus network a simple cable is used without additional
electronics to amplify signal or pass it along from computer to computer. Therefore
bus is a passive topology.
 Advantages
1. The bus topology is easy to understand, install and use for small
2. The cabling cost is less as the bus topology requires a small length of
cable to connect the computers.
3. The bus topology is easy to expand by joining two cables with a BNC
barrel connector.
4. In the expansion of a bus topology repeaters can be used to boost the
signal and increase the distance.
 Disadvantages
1. Heavy network traffic slows down the bus speed. In bus topology only one
computer can transmit and other have to wait till their turn comes and there
is no co-ordination between computers for reservation of transmitting time
2. The BNC connectors used for expansion of the us attenuates the signal
3. A cable break or loose BNC connector will cause reflections and bring
down the whole network causing all network activity to stop.

4. Ring Topology:-
A ring topology is a network topology in which each node connects
exactly to two other nodes, to form a single closed pathway for signal
through each node . Data travels from node to node with each node having
an access to every packet. In a ring topology, each computer is connected to
the last one connected to the first. Rings are used in high-performance
networks where large bandwidth is necessary e.g. time sensitive features
such as video and audio.

Rings are used in high-performance networks where large

bandwidth is necessary e.g. time sensitive features such as video and audio.
Every computer is connected to the next computer in the ring and each
retransmits what it receives from the previous computer hence the ring is an
active network. The messages flow around the ring in one direction. There
is no termination because there is no end to the ring.

 Advantages
1. Every computer gets an equal access to the token.
2. There are no standing waves produced.
3. It is very easy to configure and install.
4. Ring performs better than a bus under heavy network.
5. Point to point configuration makes it easy to identify and isolate
 Disadvantages
1. Failure of one computer on the ring can affect the whole network.
2. It is difficult to trouble shoot the ring topology.
3. Adding or removing the computer in an existing ring is difficult. It
disturbs the network.
4. Communication delay is directly proportional to the number of nodes,
connected in the network.
5. Bandwidth is shared on all links between devices.
6. Ring is more difficult to configure than star.

5. Tree Topology

Tree topology is a special type of structure in which many

connected elements are arranged like the branches of a tree. A tree topology is a
variation of a star. As in a star, nodes in a tree are connected to a central hub
headend that controls the entire network. The central hub in tree is an active hub.

In this topology, there

can be only one connection
between any two nodes.
Therefore it is also called as a parent-child topology.
 Advantages
1. It allows more devices to be attached to a single hub and can therefore
increase the distance that a signal can travel between devices.
2. It allows the network to isolate and attach priorities to the
communication from different computers.
 Disadvantages
1. If the central hub fails the system breaks down.
2. The cabling cost is more.

6. Hybrid topology

Hybrid topology is the one which makes use of two or more basic
topologies. The hybrid topology which is to be used for a particular application
depends on the requirements of that application.

 Advantages
1. High reliability

2. Easy to detect fault

3. It can be expanded very easily
4. It can be used for both wired and wireless networks
 Disadvantages
1. It is difficult to design and manage
2. Its design is expensive
 Course Outcome

 Analyse the functioning of data communication and computer network.

 Configure various networking devices.

 Resources Required

 Computer system - Any desktop or laptop computer with basic

 Software Package - Google, Web browser

 Skills developed/ Learning outcome of this Micro-project

 Discipline knowledge: Apply Data Communication and Computer Network

knowledge to solve the board-based Data Communication and Computer
Network related programs.
 Experiment and practice: Plan to perform experiment and practices to use
results to solve the board-based Data Communication and Computer
Network related programs.
 Engineering tools: Apply relevant Data Communication and Computer
Network technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.

 Applications of the Micro-Project

 It is used to show the relationship between spatial features or objects.
 It is used to create datasets with better quality control and greater data
 The ease of adding a new device (user) in an existing network.

Weekly Progress Report

Week Details of activity Name of
Responsible Team
1st Discussion and finalizing of topic

2nd Preparation of content

3rd Collecting Components

4th Collection of data

Suhani Chaudhari
5 Collection of data
Isha Saswade
Aashlesha Shege
6th Discussion and outline of data
7th Formulating of content Riya Shinde

8th Editing and proof reading of the

9 Compilation of report

10th Final Submission of the micro poject

Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project
Academic Year: 2020-21 Name of the Faculty: Prof. Shilpa Shitole
Course: Data Communication & Course code: 22414 Semester: 4th
Communication Network

Title of the project: Analyse and Design different topologies

Cos addressed by Micro Project:

 Analyse the functioning of data communication and computer
 Configure various networking devices..

Major learning outcomes achieved by students by doing the project

 Practical outcome:
 Design different types of topology
 Unit outcomes in Cognitive domain:
 Handle networking devices carefully
 Outcomes in Affective domain:
 Follow ethical practices.
 Follow safety practices.
Marks out of 6 Marks out of
for 4for
Roll No Student Name performance / performance Total out of
group activity in oral/ 10
(D5 Col.8) presentation
(D5 Col.9)
24 Suhani

Suhani Chaudhari Prof. Shilpa Shitole

(Name of the student) (Name and Signature of faculty)
Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project
Academic Year: 2020-21 Name of the Faculty: Prof. Shilpa Shitole
Course: Data Communication & Course code: 22414 Semester: 4th
Communication Network

Title of the project: Analyse and Design different topologies

Cos addressed by Micro Project:

 Analyse the functioning of data communication and computer
 Configure various networking devices..

Major learning outcomes achieved by students by doing the project

 Practical outcome:
 Design different types of topology
 Unit outcomes in Cognitive domain:
 Handle networking devices carefully
 Outcomes in Affective domain:
 Follow ethical practices.
 Follow safety practices.
Marks out of 6 Marks out of
for 4for
Roll No Student performance / performance Total out of
Name group activity in oral/ 10
(D5 Col.8) presentation
(D5 Col.9)
63 Isha Saswade

Isha Saswade Prof. Shilpa Shitole

(Name of the student) (Name and Signature of faculty)
Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project
Academic Year: 2020-21 Name of the Faculty: Prof. Shilpa Shitole
Course: Data Communication & Course code: 22414 Semester: 4th
Communication Network

Title of the project: Analyse and Design different topologies

Cos addressed by Micro Project:

 Analyse the functioning of data communication and computer
 Configure various networking devices..

Major learning outcomes achieved by students by doing the project

 Practical outcome:
 Design different types of topology
 Unit outcomes in Cognitive domain:
 Handle networking devices carefully
 Outcomes in Affective domain:
 Follow ethical practices.
 Follow safety practices.
Marks out of 6 Marks out of
for 4for
Roll No Student Name performance / performance Total out of
group activity in oral/ 10
(D5 Col.8) presentation
(D5 Col.9)
65 Aashlesha

Aashlesha Shedge Prof. Shilpa Shitole

(Name of the student) (Name and Signature of faculty)
Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project
Academic Year: 2020-21 Name of the Faculty: Prof. Shilpa Shitole
Course: Data Communication & Course code: 22414 Semester: 4th
Communication Network

Title of the project: Analyse and Design different topologies

Cos addressed by Micro Project:

 Analyse the functioning of data communication and computer
 Configure various networking devices..

Major learning outcomes achieved by students by doing the project

 Practical outcome:
 Design different types of topology
 Unit outcomes in Cognitive domain:
 Handle networking devices carefully
 Outcomes in Affective domain:
 Follow ethical practices.
 Follow safety practices.
Marks out of 6 Marks out of
for 4for
Roll No Student performance / performance Total out of
Name group activity in oral/ 10
(D5 Col.8) presentation
(D5 Col.9)
66 Riya Shinde

Riya Shinde Prof. Shilpa Shitole

(Name of the student) (Name and Signature of faculty)

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