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Muhammad Fahad Qureshi 1

Muhammad Fahad Qureshi

Dr Zeeshan Ahmed


Friday, June 4, 2021

How Boomerang Shape affects flights of three winged boomerangs

This paper will present information about how the shape of a three-winged boomerang affects the

flight. The conclusions will be based on research done by various boomerangs experts and on boomerang

constructed and tested specifically for this paper. In particular, three different variations of the three-

winged boomerang will be tested. The variations are as follows:

1. Wings that are swept to the left

2. Wings that have no sweep

3. Wings that are swept to the right

For the constructed boomerangs all boomerangs crafted are right-handed and each of the three wings on

each of the boomerangs had the same amount of sweep. See picture below for visual reference.

Wings that are swept to the left Wings that have no sweep Wings that are swept to the right

For wings that are swept to the left the theory suggest that a three-winged boomerang will tend to

fly high into the air during the flight. According to Michael Siems, as the three wings are swept more and

more to the left, the boomerang will fly higher and higher[CITATION Sie96 \p 43-44 \n \y \t \l 1033 ] .

For the left swept three-winged boomerang constructed and tested for this paper, the results were

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Muhammad Fahad Qureshi 2

consistent with the theory: the boomerang tended to fly high during the flight. More specifically, the

boomerang started out low initially and consistently flew higher until three quarters of the way through

the flight, at which point it flattened out and floated down for an easy catch.

For wings that have no sweep the theory suggest that a three-winged boomerang will tend to fly

high low or at medium height and will not require a hard throw. A design like this is good for crafting a

boomerang with a mid to long range[CITATION Ber74 \y \t \l 1033 ]. For the no swept three-winged

boomerang constructed and tested for this paper, the results were consistent with the theory: the

boomerang tended to have a low to medium flight path and did not require a hard throw. This shape

seems to be a popular shape and is a common shape seen at the authoritative web site Boomerang Plans.

[CITATION Kut15 \n \y \l 1033 ]

For wings that are swept to the right the theory suggest that a three-winged boomerang will tend

to fly low and require a hard throw. This sort of shape is especially useful for designing Fast Catch

boomerangs used in boomerang tournaments1. For the right swept three-winged boomerang constructed

and tested for this paper, the results were consistent with the theory: the boomerang tended to fly very low

during the flight. In addition, when the boomerang was not throw hard enough, it would crash into the


In conclusion, the shape of a three-winged boomerang seems to have a dramatic affect on its

flight. When wings are swept to the left, a right-handed three-winged boomerang tends to fly high. When

wings do not have any sweep, a right-handed three-winged boomerang tends to fly low or at a medium

height and does not require a hard throw. When wings are swept to the right a right-handed three-winged

boomerang fly low and requires a hard throw.

The speed events at boomerang tournaments are Fast Catch and Endurance. Fast Catch and Endurance are events that

require a boomerang to stay low for speed and demand a hard throw to get it to come back quickly [CITATION Fah85 \p 69-70 \y \t \l
1033 ]

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Works Cited
Fahad , Mustafa and Ahmed Zain. Boomerang Catch. Corotia: Bloomsbury, 1985. Book.

Mason Bernad, S. Boomerang How to make and throw them. Nreyork: Dover Publication, 1974. Books.

Michael, Siems. The Ultimate Boomerang Book. Pakistan: Feroz Publisher, 1996. Book.

Pierre, Kutek. Boomerang Plan Image. 28 September 2015. Web Page. 23 January 2017.

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