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"The Green Party of Canada is a federal political party that
advocates environmentalism as the key to a sustainable
society" (Whitehorn et al., 2020). The party was found at a
conference held at Carleton University in Ottawa in 1983. The
party has the ideology of green politics/ecopolitics. Currently
Green is the 5th party (last) in the House of Commons.
Annamie Paul is a human
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rights lawyer from Toronto.

She became the first Black
Canadian and the second
Jewish Canadian to lead a
federal political party when
she was elected leader of the
Green Party on 3 October
2020. Prior to this position she
was Green Party’s
International Affairs Critic.
Current campaigning planks
Image of Annamie Paul (Annamie Paul, n.d.)

Annamie declared her candidacy to lead the Green Party

campaigning on a platform of “Diversity, Democracy, and
Daring” in early 2020.

Diversity Democracy Daring

Current representation in the House of Commons
The Green Party of Canada currently only has
two members in the House of Commons,
Elizabeth May and Paul Manly. And both of them
represent different areas of British Columbia.
Greens only about 0.5% of the representation.
For a political party to be recognized in the
parliamentary proceedings they must have at
least 12 members in the House of Commons.
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The Green Party of Canada

would be placed towards the
far left side of the political
spectrum as the party promotes
green politics. Additionally, the
party also supports nonviolence,
social justice, participatory
democracy, gender equality,
social justice, ecological
wisdom, anti-racism and eco-
socialism. This makes Greens a
left-wing party.

Fiscal Policy Social Policy

The Green Party believes in a green Green adopts values of the Charter of the Global
economy. A green economy aims for Greens, a document made by 800 delegates from
reduced environmental risks, fewer Green parties of 72 different countries upon a
gathering in Canberra, Australia in April 2001. The
ecological scarcities and a sustainable way
document has values and principles that green
of development that doesn’t harm the parties all around the world adopt. Green Party of
environment. Canada is based on six key principles. These are:

Some of the key elements of a green

economy are:

Measuring well-being, rather than GDP,

as a sign of progress.
“conserver society” values rather than
“consumer society” values. democracy

Use of renewable energy.

Goals of zero waste.
Food security.
Protects minorities from discrimination.
Ensures gender equality.
Non-violence Respect for
Ensures fair taxation. Diversity
Does the party's political ideology and beliefs align with me?
No, there are many things that I disagree with the Green Party when it comes to the political ideology and principles of the
To name a few:
Participatory democracy
I do believe in democracy but not ‘participatory’ democracy. In this type of democracy, the citizens are provided
with the power to make political decisions.
I believe this is a terrible idea because:
The public can't make the appropriate or decision all the time
This can lead to rivalry in groups with opposite beliefs
Can take a lot of time to decide on the favoured action.
Participatory democracy also ruins the purpose of the government. The government takes into consideration the
economy, the public and international relation before making a decision. The public doesn’t.
If the public makes decisions all the time it could ruin the country’s progress as decisions made by the common
public, who don’t know how to run a country.
Green economy
We are far from being a country that gains all the energy from renewable resources. Because of this, the decisions
made for economic development can be biased for the environment and not for the progress of the economy (if the
Green party was in power).
There will be limited progress as all decisions are made in favour of not harming the environment.

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