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Volume 35 JULY, 1958 No.

Separation and Determination of Mono-, Di-, and

Triglycerides in Monoglyceride Concentrates
PATRICIA QUINLIN and HERMAN J. WEISER JR., The Procter and Gamble Company,
Miami Valley Laboratories, Cincinnati, Ohio

ONOGLYCERIDE CONCENTRATESare the most com- chain length, position, and unsaturation of the fatty
M monly used emulsifier in shortenings. They
contain varying amounts of tri-, di-, and
acid group have a minor effect on the adsorption.
Thus monoglyceride having two hydroxyl groups is
monoglyceride and free glycerine, depending on the most strongly adsorbed, followed by diglyceridc,
their method of preparation and subsequent con- then by triglyceride, the least strongly adsorbed. The
centration treatment. The a-monogiyceride content of trigiyceride can be readily eluted with benzene and
the monogiyceride concentrate can be determined by diglyceride with 10% ethyl ether in benzene. Mono-
periodate oxidation methods (8), but no direct chemi- glyeeride is eluted with ethyl ether. By using 200 mL
cal procedure exists for determining total monoglyc- of these solvents, good separations between the tri-,
eride, diglyceride, and trigiyceride in the presence of di-, and monoglyceride fractions were obtained. An
each other. The giycerides may be separated from elution curve for a typical commercial product is
each other by batchwise (6) and countercurrent ex- given in Figure 1. The diglyceride and monoglyc-
tractions (4), by separation of their urea adducts (1), eride are adsorbed at the top of the column and
or by micromolecular distillation (9). Some of these remain in the upper third of the adsorbent during
methods require expensive equipment and consider- the elution of the triglyeeride. Monoglyeeride moves
able time for each determination, and others lack the to the, middle third of the column during the elution
desired accuracy. of digiyeeride.
Chromatographic methods appear to be the best Apparatus and Reagents. Chromatographic col-
approach to the separation and determination of the umns (Figure 2): available from H. S. Martin
glycerides. For very small amounts of glycerides, Company.
paper chromatographic separations have proved ~r Separatory Funnel: 250 ml., with 19/22 joint
useful for semiquantitative work (3, 7). Quantitative sealed on.
results have been obtained when column chromato- Solvents: Petroleum ether, benzene, chloroform,
graphic methods are used. Displacement chroma- and ethyl ether--reagent grade.
tographic methods (5) have been applied to model Silica Gel: Davidson Grade 923, 100-200 mesh,
mixtures of glycerides. Good results have been re- adjusted to contain 5% water. Mixing in a Patter-
ported when a reverse phase partition chromato- son-Kelly Twin Shell Blender gives a homogeneous
graphic procedure (11) is used. The latter method mixture.
is difficult to use because precise preparation of the Sample Preparation. Accurately weigh a 1.0-g.
siliconed kieselguhr absorbent and rigid conditions sample into a 50-ml. beaker. Add 15 ml. of chloro-
of temperature, sample size, and solvent flow through form to dissolve the sample. The sample may be
the column must be maintained.
BorgstrSm (2) reported a silicic acid chromato- ELUTION CURVE
graphic procedure for separating mono-, di-, and MG.
triglycerides formed during the hydrolysis of tri- GLYCERIDE

glyceride by pancreatic lipase. The present method

offers several advantages over that of BorgstrSm. 4a~:
When silica gel rather than silicic acid is used, larger
amounts of mixed glyceride can be separated with z2o;
01~ .... 10% ETHER__
small volumes of solvent. In addition, alcohol has 16 ~I IN BENZENE ~l
been eliminated from all the solvent mixtures since - - BENZENE . . . .

its presence tends to cause isomerization of the mono-

glycerides. Since t h e present method was submitted
for publication, a silica gel column chromatographic
method for the separation of nlono-, di-, triglycerides 80 Tri- Oi-- Mono-
and mineral oil was published (10).
The present investigation has shown that adsorp-
tion chromatography affords a simple method for 4O
separating quantitatively mixtures of tri-, di-, and 2(D
monoglyceride. The glycerides are adsorbed on a
silica gel column. The number of hydroxyl groups ML. OF ELUANT

in the glyceride affect the tenacity of adsorption. The FIG. 1. Elution curve of a eommereiai product.

warmed a few minutes on the steam plate if neces- the 5-rain. evaporation procedure. Subtract the tare
sary to bring about dissolution. It should be cooled weight fronl the total weight. Calculate the percent-
to room temperature before adding to the column. age of glyceride as follows:
Column Preparation. Assemble the apparatus as grams triglyceride • 100
shown in Figure 2 except that the dropping funnel % triglyeeride =
sample weight
is not attached. Cover 30 g. Of hydrated silica gel
contained in a 150-ml. beaker with petroleum ether. % diglyceride = grams diglyceride • ]00
Stir the mixture with a glass rod to expel air bub- sample weight
bles. Add the slurry to the column. Rinse all of the grams monoglyceride • 100
% monoglyceride --
silica gel into the column with additional increments sample weight
of petroleum ether and wash down the side o f the
column with the same solvent. W h e n the solvent level Results and Discussion
falls to 2 era. above the top of the silica gel, add the
sample slowly so that channels are not formed. Rinse A simulated monog]yceride concentrate was made
the beaker with 5 ml. of choloroform, and add to the up by mixing k n o w n weights of tripalmitin, diste-
column when the level falls to 2 era. above the ad- arin, monopalmitin, and glycerine. The results are
sorbent. The columns should never be allowed to summarized in Table I.
become dry on top. The stopcock at the bottom of
the column is adjusted so that 1.5-2 ml. of effluent TABLE I
are collected per minute. This rate is maintained Mono-, Di-, and Triglyceride in Known Mixtures
throughout the procedure. Averge
I Calcu-
lated II Wt. % found Aver-
from cal-
t % age eulated
Tripalmi~in...........__ .......... I1 ~ . - ~ I 14~4,14.7, 14.9 I 14.7 J 0.4
Distearin ......................... I 45.1 I 45.2, 45,2, 45.5 I 45.3 0.2
Monopalmitin .................. 37.8 ' 37.5, 37.4, 36.7 I 37.2 0.6
Glyeerine ......................... I 2.0 I ....
-- 250 ML.

-- TEFLON STOPCOCK Infrared spectra of the individual glycerides be-

fore and after separation on the silica gel were
-- li 19/22 JOINT identical.
To test the reproducibility of the method, commer-
]-P 19MM. I.D. cial monoglyceride concentrates were chromatograph-
290 MM. ically separated. The data obtained for these samples
together with the glyceride distribution of some con-
centrates containing different levels of mono-, di-, and
l SILICA GEL triglyceride are included in Table II.


FRITTED DISC Mono-, Di-, and Triglyceride in Production Samples
~ I G . 2. Chromatographic apparatus. % found 12.4, 1 3 s 12.8, 13.f 2.8 18.2 4.4 11.6
12.4, 13.C 12.6, 12.~ 3.7 11.7
Av. 12.7 12.8
Av. deviation 0.3 0.2
from mean
Elution of Tri-, Di-, and Monoglyceride. Attach
the dropping funnel to the column, and add 200 ml. % found 47.4, 47.3 45.7, 45.5 28.9 41.8 34.6 43.3
of benzene. Begin collecting the effluent in a 250-ml. 47.4, 47.3
46.3, 45.(]
28.8 43.3
tared Soxhlet. After all the benzene has been added Av. deviation 0.1 0.3
from mean
and the solvent head is at the 2-cm. level above the
adsorbent, add 200 ml. of 10% ethyl ether in benzene Monoglyceride
% ;found 35.0, 36.1 38.3, 37.5 52.2 36.9 56.4 42.1
( V / V ) . Change receivers to a tared 250-ml. Soxhlet 35.2, 35.1 37.6 52.8 42.0
Av. 35.4 37.8
for collecting diglyceride. When all of the diglyc- Av. deviation 0.4 0.3
eride eluant has been added and the solvent is at the from mean
2-em. level above the silica, add 200 ml. of ethyl ether
for elution of monoglyceride. W h e n the ether is The reproducibility of the method is good. Al-
added, the column m a y go dry if the pressure in. though the commercial samples contain variations in
the column is not released. This is done by lift- fatty acid chain length and degree of unsaturation,
ing the connection at the top of the column and the separation between the mono-, di-, and triglye-
allowing the solvent to flow in from the funnel. eride fractions was sharp. No detectable differences
Change receivers and collect the monoglyceride in were obtained w h e n various lots of adsorbent and sol-
a t a r e d 250-ml. Soxhlet. vent were used. The total glyceride content of the
Gravimetric Determination of the Separated Glyc- monoglyeeride concentrates determined ranged from
erides. Evaporate the eluates on a steam bath under 85-97%; the difference was the amount of free glyc-
a stream of nitrogen or clean, dry air. A l l o w the erine present in each receipt. Free glycerine remains
Soxhlets to stand on the table top for 15 rain. before strongly adsorbed on the column.
weighing. P u t the sample under the nitrogen jets The method can be used as a routine procedure.
for 5 min., and weigh again after 15 rain. If the Eight hours of elapsed time are required to complete
two weights do not agree within 0.002 g., repeat a single analysis, and at least six determinations can

be r u n simultaneously by one analyst. Sufficient only a d j u s t m e n t of its water content before use.
quantities of the separated glycerides are obtained so Mixtures of both s a t u r a t e d and u n s a t u r a t e d glye-
that characterization b y chemical analysis can be erides and those having different f a t t y acid chain
made. The method is applicable to mixtures contain- length have been separated. K n o w n mixtures have
ing mono-, di-, and trig]ycerides and glycerine. also been analyzed. F o r a known mixture containing
15% tripalmitin, 45% distearin, and 38% monopal-
Summary mitin the average deviations f r o m the calculated val-
ues were 0.4%, 0.2%, and 0.6%, respectively.
Monoglyeeride concentrates are quantitatively sep-
arated into mono-, di-, and triglyeeride components REFERENCES
on silica gel columns by an adsorption chromato- I. Aylward, F., and Wood, n. n. s., Nature, 177, 146 (1956).
graphic technique. The separated glycerides are de- 2. Borgst,'6m, D., Aeta PhysioL Scand., 3o, 2 3 1 - 2 3 9 (1~54).
3. Deickert, J. W., a n d Reiser, Raymond, J. Am. Oil Chemists' Soc.,
termined gravimetrically. The adsorption on silica 33, 1 2 3 - 1 2 6 ( 1 9 5 6 ) .
4. Dutton, It. 5., J. Am. Oil Chemists' Soc., 32, 6 5 2 - 6 5 9 ( 1 9 5 5 ) .
gel is dependent on the n u m b e r of h y d r o x y l groups 5. Hamilton, 5. G., a n d ttolman, R. T., 5. Am. Chem. Soc., 76,
in the molecule, and the influence of u n s a t u r a t i o n and 4 1 0 7 - 0 9 (1954).
6. Kuhrt, N. tI., Welch, Eileen A., E a s t m a n :Kodak Co., U. S.
chain length is minimized. Combinations of benzene P a t e n t 2,727,913 ( 1 9 5 5 ) .
7. Mangold, H. K., Lamp, B. G., a n d Sehlenk, It., J. Am. Chem.
and ethyl ether are used for elution, thus preventing Soe., 77, 6070 ( 1 9 5 5 ) .
isomerization, which frequently results when polar 8. Pohle, W. D., a n d Mehlenbacher, V. C., J. Am. Oil Chemists' Soc.,
27, 5 4 - 5 6 ( 1 9 5 0 ) .
solvents such as alcohols are used. 9. Privett, O. S., Ann. Rep. of the Hormel Inst., 1 9 5 5 - 1 9 5 6 .
10. Ravin, L. J., Meyer, R. J., and Higuchi, T., J. Am. Oil Chemists'
The procedure for the chromatographic separation Sot., 34, 2 6 1 - 2 6 3 ( 1 9 5 7 ) .
is simple and straightforward. The equipment used 11. Savary, P., a n d Desnuelle, P., Bull. Soc. Chem. France, 7-8,
936-940 (1954).
is easily obtainable. The silica gel adsorbent requires [ R e c e i v e d M a y 21, 1 9 5 7 ]

An Instrument for Measuring the Hardness of Fats and Waxes

N. V. LOVEGREN, W. A. GUICE, and R. O. FEUGE, Southern Regional
Research Laboratory, :~ New Orleans, Louisiana

PARENTLY a really satisfactory method of meas- obtained an impression, the dianleter of which is equal
uring the hardness of fats has heretofore not to a fraction of that of the steel ball. Sometimes the
been described in the literature. The needle impression is so slight that it is barely visible to the
and cone penetrometers, together with their various naked eye. Under such slight deformation of the test
modifications, are suitable for measuring the consist- surface the results tend to be removed f r o m the realm
ency of plastic, senti-solid fats but are not suitable of empiricism and placed on a more or less funda-
for measuring the hardness of solid or substantially mental basis. The hardness units tend to be related
solid fats. I n s t r u m e n t s which do measure hardness to well-defined physical properties. I t has been dem-
are commercially available but leave something to be onstrated (2), both theoretically and experimentally,
desired when used on products like cocoa butter and that when a ball of given diameter under a given force
confectionery fats. penetrates an elastic, isotropie material, the depth of
The Shore D u r o m e t e r is currently in wide use to indentation is determined solely b y the elastic modulus
measure the hardness of wax-like products. I t con- of the material, provided the strain is small. While
sists essentially of a frustoconical indentor, a spring solid fats and waxes are not elastic, isotropie materi-
to force the indentor into the test sample, and a scale- als, they would be expected to behave to some degree
and-pointer a r r a n g e m e n t to indicate the depth of the like such materials.
indentation. Among the undesirable features of this There appears to be no published evaluation of the
instrument are the variation of load with depth of adaptation of the Brinell test to determining the
indentation, the use of a fatigue-susceptible spring hardness of solid or substantially solid fats. Ravieh
to supply the load, an a r b i t r a r y some (0-100), and a and Volnova (1) used one adaptation of the test to
limited range. The latter results in readings of 100 measure the hardness of mixtures of tripalmitin and
for different samples of quite h a r d materials, whieh tristearin but did not report all of the conditions
obviously do not have the same hardness. u n d e r which their tests were made. Also they were
A survey of other instruments and procedures not concerned with the effect of operating procedures
which might be used with h a r d fats and waxes indi- on the hardness values. Von Rosenberg (2) described
cated that a modified Brinell hardness test would be a test procedure for determining the hardness of
most likely to meet all requirements. The Brinell test waxes which embodied some of the principles of the
(A.S.T.M. Method E 10-54 T) has been used for m a n y Brinell test. He devised an i n s t r u m e n t for forcing
years to determine the hardness of metallic materials. a plunger, which measured 5 mm. in diameter and
Confectionery fats, which m a y consist of 75% or more had been ground to a hemispherical point, into the
of hard crystals at room temperature, and completely test sample; the force was such that the depth of
solid fats and waxes have a n u m b e r of properties in penetration was usually less than 0.5 mm. W i t h the
common with metal crystals. load on t h e plunger the penetration was measured in
Tests of the Brinell types consist of pressing a per- 0.001-ram. units. Then the load was removed, and the
fectly round ball onto the test surface until there is penetration was again measured. F r o m these vahles
1 Presented at the 31st Fall Meeting of the American Oil Chemists' the elastic and p e r m a n e n t deformations were calcu-
Society, Cincinnati, 0., September 3 0 - O c t o b e r 2, 1957. lated, and the latter was then used to calculate a
2 From w o r k supported in p a r t by f u n d s from t h e Q u a r t e r m a s t e r
Food and Container Institute for the Armed Forces, Chicago, Ill. hardness index.
a One of the laboratories of the Southern Utilization a n d Development
Division, A g r i c u l t u r a l Research Service, U. S. D e p a r t m e n t of Agriculture. The present r e p o r t will be concerned with the

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