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[ research report ]


Cross-cultural Adaptation
and Validation of the Victorian
Institute of Sport Assessment-Patella
Questionnaire for French-Speaking
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Patients With Patellar Tendinopathy

Copyright © 2016 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

atellar tendinopathy is the most common kind of overuse assess subjective or complex phenomena,
injury of the knee.7 It usually occurs in sports requiring jumps such as pain, quality of life, disability,
or significant quadriceps work.17 Pathophysiological research etc.3,15
The Victorian Institute of Sport As-
focuses on exploring new therapeutic approaches.6,7 As part sessment-Patella (VISA-P) is a question-
of these studies or at clinical follow-up, rating scales are used to naire originally developed in English to
assess the symptoms and repercussions of
patellar tendinopathies and their impact
TTSTUDY DESIGN: Clinical measurement study. TTRESULTS: All members of the expert com-
on daily and physical activities.18 The max-
TTBACKGROUND: The Victorian Institute of Sport mittee agreed with the final version. On a scale
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

ranging from 0 to 100, with 100 representing an imum score of the VISA-P is 100, which
Assessment-Patella (VISA-P), originally developed
asymptomatic subject, the average  SD scores represents an asymptomatic subject. The
in English, assesses the severity of patellar tendi-
nopathy symptoms. To date, no French version of on the VISA-PF were 53  17 for the pathological theoretical minimum score is 0, corre-
the questionnaire exists. group, 99  2 for the healthy group, and 86  14 sponding to major functional impairment.
for the sports-risk group. The test-retest reliability
TTOBJECTIVES: The aim of our study was to of the VISA-PF was excellent, with good internal
Although this questionnaire has al-
translate the VISA-P into French and verify its ready been translated into different
consistency. Correlations between the VISA-PF and
psychometric properties. divergent validity of the Medical Outcomes Study languages,4,5,10-12,19,20 it has never been
TTMETHODS: The translation and cultural adapta- 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) were adapted for French-speaking patients. A
tion were performed according to international low, and the correlation coefficient values mea- French translation would be useful, be-
recommendations in 6 steps: initial translation, sured between the VISA-PF scores and converged cause French is one of the most widely
translation merging, back translation to the items of the SF-36 were higher. spoken languages, with approximately
TTCONCLUSION: The VISA-PF is understandable,
original language, use of an expert committee
to reach a prefinal version, test of the prefinal 275 million people who speak the lan-
valid, and suitable for French-speaking patients guage worldwide.
version, and expert committee appraisal of a final
with patellar tendinopathy. J Orthop Sports Phys
version. Afterward, the psychometric properties of Accordingly, in this study, the goals
Ther 2016;46(5):384-390. Epub 21 Mar 2016.
the final French version (VISA-PF) were assessed were, first, to translate and to adapt the
in 92 subjects, divided into 3 groups: pathological
TTKEY WORDS: clinimetrics, French, jumper’s
VISA-P to a valid French version, and,
subjects (n = 28), asymptomatic subjects (n = 22),
and sports-risk subjects (n = 42). knee, outcome measurement, tendon, translation second, to validate this version and assess
its psychometric properties.

Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Sports Traumatology Department, FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence, University and University Hospital of Liège, Belgium. 2Physiotherapy

Service, Department of Motility Sciences, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium. 3Department of Public Health, Epidemiology and Health Economics, University of Liège, Liège,
Belgium. The protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Liège, Belgium. The authors certify that they have no affiliations with or financial involvement in
any organization or entity with a direct financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in the article. Address correspondence to Dr Jean-François Kaux, Physical
Medicine, Rehabilitation and Sports Traumatology Department, University Hospital of Liège, Avenue de l’Hôpital, B35, 4000 Liège, Belgium. E-mail: t
Copyright ©2016 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

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METHODS viduals’ health status. The score range criminant validity); and (3) comparison of
of the questionnaire was from 0 to 100, the VISA-PF scores between the 3 groups

he protocol was approved by the with 0 corresponding to extremely seri- reflected their logic (discriminant validity)
Ethics Committee of the University ous health problems and 100 reflecting (ie, analysis of variance was used to test the
of Liège, Belgium. no health problems.9 hypothesis that the average score would
differ significantly between the 3 groups).
Translation Assessment of Test-Retest Reliability If the experimental results were consistent
The final translated questionnaire was This assessment tested the stability over with those expected, the construct validity
achieved in 6 steps, according to the in- time of the results using intraclass cor- of the scale could be trusted.
ternational recommendations for cross- relation coefficients (ICCs). A single
cultural adaptation of questionnaires judge assessed each patient twice, at a Assessment of the Minimum
measuring health status1: (1) initial 30-minute interval, while the subject’s and Maximum Effects
translation from English to French; (2) status remained unchanged.14 Reliability Minimum or maximum effects (floor or
merging translations from the 2 French increases as the ICC approaches 1. It was ceiling effects, respectively) are consid-
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translated versions; (3) back translation also important to consider the 95% confi- ered present when more than 15% of par-
into the original language by a bilingual dence interval of each ICC to have a clear ticipants obtain the lowest possible score
English native speaker; (4) review by an idea of the possible variation range of the (minimum effect) or the highest possible
expert committee (1 health professional, 1 reliability value in the groups.1 score (maximum effect). Persons with
language professional, and all translators) The standard error of the measure- a minimum score or a maximum score
Copyright © 2016 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

to obtain a prefinal version of the ques- ment (SEM) was calculated using the fol- cannot obtain a lower or higher score, re-
tionnaire from the different translations lowing formula: SEM = SD × √ 1 – ICC. spectively, at retest, reducing the poten-
with semantic, idiomatic, experiential, The minimum detectable change (MDC) tial responsiveness of the questionnaire.14
and conceptual equivalence; (5) prefinal statistic based on a 95% confidence in-
version testing on a group of 10 people; terval (MDC95) was calculated: MDC95 = Data Processing
and (6) expert committee approval of the 1.96 × √2 × SEM.13 Results were expressed as means and
final version of the questionnaire. standard deviations for continuous vari-
Assessment of Internal Consistency ables and as numbers and frequencies
Participants Cronbach’s alpha coefficient may be used (percent) for qualitative variables. All
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

The participants who tested (self-admin- to assess the internal consistency of a set quantitative variables were submitted to a
istered) the French version of the VISA-P of items, scale, or subscale, correspond- Shapiro-Wilk normality test. Depending
(VISA-PF) were divided into 3 groups: (1) ing to a single clinical dimension. The aim on the result, the relationship between
a group of patients who suffered from pa- was to estimate the strength of the inter- quantitative variables was measured by
tellar tendinopathy (first episode of inju- correlations between items. The more the Pearson or Spearman correlation co-
ry), (2) a group of asymptomatic amateur items that were interconnected, the more efficient: low correlations were less than
athletes who were at high risk of devel- the alpha value increased.15 The alpha 0.3, moderate correlations were between
oping patellar tendinopathy (basketball, value ranges from 0 to 1, and internal con- 0.3 and 0.6, and strong correlations were
volleyball, and handball players), and (3) sistency increases as alpha approaches 1.1 greater than 0.6. The group means were
a group of healthy individuals who were compared using an analysis of variance
not involved in a sport that would put Assessment of the Discriminant Validity with the Tukey honest significant differ-
them at risk for patellar tendinopathy. To assess construct validity, convergent ence post hoc test. Results were consid-
The subjects had to be at least 18 years and discriminant validity were assessed. ered significant at a level of uncertainty
old, to be aware of the purpose of the We assessed the following assumptions: of 5% (P<.05).
study, and to give their informed consent (1) the scale scores were considered mod-
to participate. erately or highly correlated with the sub- RESULTS
scales of the SF-36 that measure concepts
Assessment of the Construct Validity similar to those measured by the adapted Translation

All participants in the study answered questionnaires (convergent validity); (2) he translators did not encoun-
a questionnaire on quality of life, the the scale scores were weakly correlated ter any major difficulties during the
Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short- with the SF-36 subscales of mental health, translation of the questionnaire.
Form Health Survey (SF-36),9 in order emotional role functioning, social role The back translation was very similar to
to establish correlations with other items functioning, and vitality, because those the original. When testing the prefinal
measuring various aspects of the indi- subscales assess different concepts (dis- version, none of the subjects had difficul-

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[ research report ]
ty understanding the questionnaire. All
members of the expert committee gave TABLE 1 Characteristics of Participants*
their approval after showing their satis-
faction with the final version (APPENDIX A).
Pathological Group (n = 28) At-Risk Group (n = 42) Healthy Group (n = 22)
Study Sample Mean  SD age, y 29.1  8.6 26.3  6.9 31  13.5
The total study sample for the valida- Sex (women) 2 (7.1) 16 (38.1) 8 (36.4)
tion of the VISA-PF was 92 subjects. Out
Right tendinopathy 12 (42.9) NA NA
of these, 28 were patients with patellar
Left tendinopathy 12 (42.9) NA NA
tendinopathy, 42 were athletes at risk
of developing the disorder, and 22 were Bilateral tendinopathy 1 (3.6) NA NA
people not suffering from this condition Abbreviation: NA, not applicable.
*Values are n (%) unless otherwise indicated.
(TABLE 1). All patients were athletes and
the most represented sport was football.
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In the sports-risk group, volleyball was

the most represented sport, followed by
TABLE 2 Results for Each Item of the VISA-PF*
basketball. In the healthy group, 27.3%
of participants were sedentary.
TABLE 2 shows the scores (mean  SD) Item Pathological Group (n = 28) At-Risk Group (n = 42) Healthy Group (n = 22)
Copyright © 2016 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

obtained for the different items of the VI- 1 5.7  3.6 8.4  2.4 10.0  0
SA-PF, and TABLE 3 shows the comparison 2 5.6  2.8 9.0  1.7 10.0  0
between the VISA-PF scores and those
3 7.2  3.1 8.8  1.9 9.9  0.2
obtained in other languages.
4 5.6  2.4 8.6  1.7 9.8  0.5

Test-Retest Reliability 5 6.4  2.6 8.4  1.8 9.6  0.8

The results obtained from the test-retest 6 6.6  3.0 8.7  1.9 9.6  0.8
reliability of the VISA-PF questionnaire 7 3.2  3.6 8.7  2.0 10.0  0
showed that the reliability was excellent, 8 12.6  7.8 25.4  5.9 30.0  0
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

with a total ICC of 0.99 (APPENDIX B, avail-

Abbreviation: VISA-PF, French version of the Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment-Patella.
able online). All the SEM and most of the *Values are mean  SD.
MDC values were below 10% (APPENDIX B).

Internal Consistency P<.001, respectively). There were signifi- Minimum and Maximum Effects
The internal consistency of the VISA-PF cantly moderate correlations between Out of the 28 subjects in the pathological
was assessed with the Cronbach alpha the VISA-PF and the SF-36 physical role group, none achieved a minimum score
coefficient, which was close to .9 (APPEN- functioning subscale (rs = 0.41, P<.05 of 0 or a maximum score of 100.
DIX C, available online). [APPENDIX D]) and the general health per-
ceptions subscale (rs = 0.52, P<.001). DISCUSSION
Construct Validity As expected, correlations between the

The SF-36 questionnaire was com- VISA-PF and the SF-36 mental health, he objective of this study was
pleted by 85 subjects (21 pathological emotional role functioning, social role to translate, adapt, and validate a
subjects, 22 healthy subjects, and 42 functioning, and vitality subscales were French version of the VISA-P, as
sports-risk subjects). As the set of vari- moderate to low (rs = 0.16, P>.05; rs = well as to assess its psychometric prop-
ables did not follow a normal distribu- 0.25, P<.05; rs = 0.29, P<.05; rs = 0.33, erties. Original to this work is that the
tion, comparisons were performed using P<.05, respectively). translation was compared with the
the Spearman correlation coefficient (rs) The analysis of variance revealed a sig- French version of the SF-369 to establish
(APPENDIX D , available online). nificant difference between the 3 groups correlations with other items measuring
The VISA-PF scores obtained were who responded to the VISA-PF. The different aspects of individuals’ health
highly correlated with the total SF-36 post hoc test revealed that the score of status.
score (rs = 0.69, P<.001) and those of the pathological group was significantly No major difficulties were encoun-
the physical functioning and bodily pain different (P<.05) from the scores of the tered during the translation process,
subscales (rs = 0.72, P<.001; rs = 0.72, healthy group and the sports-risk group. and the expert committee considered

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correlations was demonstrated by a close
Results of the VISA-P in French theoretical construct (but not complete-
and Other Languages* ly identical) between the VISA-PF and
SF-36. The objectives established at the
Pathological Group Score At-Risk Group Score Healthy Group Score beginning of the study for the construct
French version 53  17 (n = 28) 86  14 (n = 42) 99  2 (n = 22) validity of the VISA-PF appear to have
Original version (English) 55  12 (n = 14) 75  17 (n = 100) 95  8 (n = 26)
been achieved.
No pathological subject obtained a
Swedish version 48  20 (n = 17) 79  24 (n = 17) 83  13 (n = 17)
maximum score of 100 or a minimum
Italian version 44 (n = 25) ... ...
score of 0. Thus, no minimum and maxi-
Dutch version 58  19 (n = 20) 89  11 (n = 15) 95  9 (n = 18) mum effects were observed. No other VI-
German version 62  13 (n = 23) ... 95  6 (n = 52) SA-P adaptations assessed the minimum
Spanish version 56  13 (n = 40) 90  9 (n = 40) 96  2 (n = 40) and maximum effects.4,5,10-12,19,20
A limitation of the present study is
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Brazilian Portuguese version 59  18 (n = 52) ... ...

the 30-minute interval between tests to
Korean version 68  16 (n = 23) ... 93  9 (n = 5)
assess test-retest reliability. Whether the
Abbreviation: VISA-P, Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment-Patella.
*Values are mean  SD.
measures would remain stable after a lon-
ger, more clinically relevant period, such
as 1 week, is not known. While the ICC
Copyright © 2016 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

the final French version of the VISA-P the other translated versions, as well as provides an estimate of error in group
equivalent to the original English ver- the original version of the VISA-P, were comparisons, it does not give useful in-
sion. Other adaptations of the VISA-P slightly lower (0.74-0.97).4,5,10-12,19,20 In- formation regarding the magnitude of er-
have followed a translation process simi- ternal consistency confirmed that the ror in the scores obtained from individual
lar to the one described in this study and items were not redundant. In addition, patients. This could be improved by the
have also attained satisfactory linguistic the scores of different items were highly inclusion of SEM95 and MDC95, which are
equivalence.4,10-12,19,20 correlated with the total score of the VI- likely to be biased downward due to the
A significant difference was observed SA-PF. The alpha coefficient measured short follow-up period and are reported
between the 3 groups in VISA-PF scores. in this study was slightly higher than to reflect uncertainty. It appears that an
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Subjects in the pathological group scored that of the other translations, which SEM variability of lower than 10% (as in
significantly lower than the other 2 ranged from .71 to .88.4,5,10-12,19,20 our series) may be considered appropri-
groups on all questions. This confirms the Interestingly, when comparing the ate for clinical purposes.2 However, one
hypothesis developed at the beginning of results obtained for each item for each must apply caution when interpreting
the study and is also consistent with the group, item 3 seems to be the least dis- the MDC values reported in this inves-
VISA-P translation results carried out in criminant (TABLE 2). Indeed, scores in the tigation, because they are not indicative
other countries.4,5,10-12,19,20 The scores ob- 3 groups showed greater variance for the of clinically meaningful change; thus,
tained in previous studies were similar to other 7 items. the minimal clinically important differ-
those of the VISA-PF (TABLE 3). Spearman correlation coefficients of ence would be necessary to determine
Concerning the test-retest reliability, the subscales of the physical health com- this.8,16 In our results, most of the MDC
based on the methodology of the Italian ponent of the SF-36 were higher than values were below 10%, attesting that the
adaptations of the VISA-P, the choice of those of the mental health component. French version of the VISA-P is appropri-
30 minutes was made for practical rea- The mental health subscale correlation ate for clinical use. Furthermore, to assess
sons and to avoid change in the status was not the only statistically significant the presence or absence of the minimum
of the subjects.11 However, the time in- value observed. The discriminant valid- and maximum effects, a greater number
terval chosen could have been longer to ity demonstrated for the mental health of subjects could have been taken into ac-
avoid a recall effect when responding for component was weakly correlated with count. Finally, the aim of this study was
the second time to the questionnaire. the VISA-PF. The total score of the VI- not to assess the severity of symptoms
The reliability would perhaps be lower SA-PF was strongly correlated with that but to obtain a reliable French version
with a longer interval between tests. of the SF-36, as well as with the physical of the VISA-P. Nevertheless, the test-
The ICC calculated for this time inter- functioning and bodily pain subscales. retest evaluation provided here confirms
val set an excellent test-retest reliability Moreover, these correlations were sig- that the assessment of symptom severity
coefficient because the ICC was higher nificant, which confirmed the conver- is just as reproducible as in the original
than 0.91. The test-retest reliabilities of gent validity. The presence of moderate version.18

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[ research report ]
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1. Combien de minutes pouvez-vous rester assis sans douleur?

0 min 100 min
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Points ______
2. Ressentez-vous des douleurs lorsque vous descendez les escaliers (avec un cycle de marche normal)?
Douleur Pas de
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extrême douleur
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Points ______
3. Ressentez-vous des douleurs au genou lors de son extension active sans appui?
Douleur Pas de
Copyright © 2016 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

extrême douleur
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Points ______
4. Ressentez-vous des douleurs lorsque vous êtes debout pieds joints, et que vous vous laissez aller en avant pour vous réceptionner
avec la jambe douloureuse (fente avant genou en charge)?
Douleur Pas de
extrême douleur
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Points ______
5. Présentez-vous des difficultés lors de squats?
Incapable Aucun
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Points ______
6. Présentez-vous des douleurs pendant ou immédiatement après avoir réalisé 10 sautillements unipodaux (sur une jambe)?
extrême/ Pas de
incapable douleur
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Points ______
7. Pratiquez-vous actuellement un sport ou une autre activité physique?
0 Pas du tout
4 Entraînement/compétition modifié
7 Entraînement/compétition complet mais à un niveau différent (inférieur) de celui qui a vu les symptômes apparaître
10 Entraînement/compétition à un niveau identique ou supérieur de celui qui a vu les symptômes apparaître
Points ______

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[ research report ]

8. Complétez uniquement A, B ou C pour cette question:

• Si vous ne ressentez aucune douleur pendant la pratique sportive, veuillez compléter uniquement la 8A.
• Si vous ressentez une douleur pendant la pratique sportive mais qu'elle ne vous empêche pas de poursuivre celles-ci,
veuillez compléter uniquement la 8B.
• Si vous ressentez une douleur qui vous empêche de poursuivre l'activité sportive, veuillez compléter uniquement la 8C.

8A. Si vous ne ressentez aucune douleur pendant la pratique sportive, combien de temps pouvez-vous vous entraîner/jouer?
0 min 0-5 min 6-10 min 11-15 min >15 min

0 7 14 21 30
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Points ______
8B. Si vous ressentez de la douleur pendant la pratique sportive mais qu'elle ne vous empêche pas de poursuivre celle-ci, combien
de temps pouvez-vous vous entraîner/jouer?
0 min 0-5 min 6-10 min 11-15 min >15 min
Copyright © 2016 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

0 4 10 14 20
Points ______
8C. Si vous ressentez une douleur qui vous empêche de poursuivre l'activité sportive, combien de temps pouvez-vous vous
0 min 0-5 min 6-10 min 11-15 min >15 min

0 2 5 7 10
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Points ______

Total ______ / 100

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Wilcoxon Signed-
Item Rank Test ICC* SEM MDC95 SEM, % MDC, %
1 1.00 0.99 (0.997, 0.999) 0.129 0.358 1.62 4.50
2 0.63 0.99 (0.995, 0.998) 0.149 0.413 1.80 5.00
3 0.63 0.99 (0.994, 0.997) 0.149 0.413 1.74 4.81
4 1.00 0.98 (0.972, 0.988) 0.325 0.901 4.05 11.2
Downloaded from at on January 20, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

5 1.00 0.95 (0.926, 0.967) 0.506 1.401 6.24 17.3

6 0.13 0.98 (0.976, 0.989) 0.298 0.826 3.61 10.0
7 1.00 0.99 (0.994, 0.997) 0.224 0.620 3.01 8.34
8 1.00 0.99 (0.996, 0.998) 0.447 1.240 1.96 5.44
Total score 0.62 0.99 (0.996, 0.999) 0.522 1.446 0.657 1.82
Copyright © 2016 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Abbreviations: ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; MDC, minimal detectable change; SEM, standard error of the measurement; VISA-PF, French
version of the Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment-Patella.
*Values in parentheses are 95% confidence interval.

Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®


Correlation With
Item the Total Score Cronbach Alpha
1 0.65 .89
2 0.77 .88
3 0.60 .90
4 0.81 .88
5 0.61 .89
6 0.66 .89
7 0.62 .90
8 0.79 .88
Abbreviation: VISA-PF, French version of the Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment-Patella.

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 46 | number 5 | may 2016 | A1

46-05 Kaux.indd 1 4/20/2016 7:29:26 PM

[ research report ]

SF-36 Subscale rs
Physical functioning 0.72*
Physical role functioning 0.41†
Bodily pain 0.72*
General health perceptions 0.52*
Mental health 0.16
Downloaded from at on January 20, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

Emotional role functioning 0.25†

Social role functioning 0.29†
Vitality 0.33†
SF-36 total score 0.69*
Copyright © 2016 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

 bbreviations: SF-36, Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form

Health Survey; VISA-PF, French version of the Victorian Institute of Sport

Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

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