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Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma 10 (2019) S189eS192

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Reliability and validity of Kannada version of Victorian Institute of

Sports Assessment for patellar tendinopathy (VISA-P-K) questionnaire
Gayatri Upasana Acharya a, Ajay Kumar a, Sannasi Rajasekar a, Asir John Samuel b, *
College of Physiotherapy, Srinivas University, Mangalore, 575001, Karnataka, India
Department of Pediatric and Neonatal Physiotherapy, Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Maharishi
Markandeshwar Deemed to be University, Mullana, 133207, Haryana, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: In sporting activities, patellar tendon is commonly subjected to overuse and it influences
Received 11 December 2017 the athletes' career especially in elite basketball and volleyball players. A condition specific and self-
Accepted 16 August 2018 administrated questionnaire is required for clinical and research purpose to rate disability. The Victo-
Available online 18 August 2018
rian Institute of Sports Assessment for patellar tendinopathy (VISA-P) questionnaire is widely accepted
and a valid tool to assess pain and athletes, suffering from PT, ability to participate in sports. So, the
objective of this study is to develop and validate Kannada version of VISA-P questionnaire among
Cross cultural adaptation
Kannada speaking population athletes.
Patellar tendinopathy
Objective: To translate VISA-P questionnaire into Kannada and to study reliability and validity of Kannada
Reliability version.
Validity Methodology: Translation and cross-culture adaptation were performed according to the guidelines
followed internationally. Those are: translation, synthesis, back-translation, revision by expert commit-
tee, pretesting and appraisal by advisory committee. The psychometric properties were tested by
administering the questionnaire to 70 subjects (35 symptomatic and 35 asymptomatic). For test-retest
reliability, athletes with patellar tendinopathy were tested twice within a week and test-retest reli-
ability was assessed by Intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). The validity was tested by comparing the
VISA-P-Kannada questionnaire (VISA-P-K) against Blazina classification of patellar tendinopathy (BCPT)
using Spearman correlation coefficient.
Result: The test-retest reliability was excellent (ICC 0.97). Internal consistency was found to be good
(Cronbach's alpha ¼ 0.98). The VISA-PK showed significant correlation by comparing against Blazina and
Spearman's score (r ¼ 0.72, p < 0.01).
Conclusion: The VISA-P-K translation and adaptation processes were successful. The adapted instrument
demonstrated good psychometric properties. The VISA-P-K has proven to be reliable and valid tool and
can be used in the Kannada speaking patients with patellar tendinopathy.
© 2018

1. Introduction repetitive micro trauma which leads to inflammatory changes in

the tendon due to chronic collagen fiber degeneration.3
In sporting activities, patellar tendon is commonly subject to Both intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors contribute to patellar
overuse which is characterized by load dependent pain especially tendinopathy. Intrinsic factors like strength imbalance, improper
eccentric loading at inferior pole of patella.1 It influences the ath- posture, foot malalignment, reduced ankle dorsiflexion and lack of
letes' career especially in elite basketball and volleyball players for a flexibility. Extrinsic factor includes improper training surfaces,
prevalence rates of 31.9% and 44.6% respectively.2 Overuse causes insufficient footwear and high intensity training.4,5
To assess pain, and athletes, suffering from PT, ability to
participate in sports, various instruments had been used but none
* Corresponding author. Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Physiotherapy
of them regarded as ideal. So, VISA Patellar tendinopathy ques-
and Rehabilitation, Maharishi Markandeshwar Deemed to be University, Mullana, tionnaire was developed by a group of experts from Victorian
133207, Haryana, India. institute of sport assessment.6 VISA-P has been widely accepted
E-mail address: (A.J. Samuel).
0976-5662/© 2018
S190 G.U. Acharya et al. / Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma 10 (2019) S189eS192

and valid tool and can be administered in various groups of athletes Initial translation of VISA-P questionnaire has been done into
suffering from patellar tendinopathy.2 Disability questionnaires are Kannada language from original English version of VISA-P. Two
subjective and to be duly filled by patient, availability and consis- bilingual individuals whose native language is Kannada had
tent use of established questionnaires in the other language can translated the VISA-P into Kannada. One of them was an Ortho-
facilitate the collection of reliable data. Articles considered for paedic surgeon by profession and another one was a physiothera-
meta-analysis, permits valid comparison of the attribute in ques- pist with sound knowledge and experience in musculoskeletal
tion between various culture and reduce the number of patients conditions.
who will have to be ruled out from the study because they are not
well versed in foreign languages.7 Currently, VISA-P questionnaire 3.2. Step 2
has been translated, adopted and validated for Swedish Italian,
Dutch and German populations.8,9 As Karnataka is one of the major Synthesis:
states in India, it is ranked 9th in terms of population. As per 2016 A meeting was conducted between the two translators in order
census, population of Karnataka was approximately 66, 076, 021. to attain a consensus on the translated VISA-P, without disrupting
Kannada is the official language of Karnataka (a state in Southern original VISA-P.
India). Till now no version of VISA-P in Kannada language is
available. The objective of this study was to develop Kannada 3.3. Step 3
version of VISA-P and its reliability and validity for the patients
with the patellar tendinopathy. For the usage of Kannda version of Back translation:
VISA- P questionnaire in clinical practice and research, cultural Back translation of preliminary VISA-P was conducted by two
adaptation and validation of the questionnaire is paramount. So, translators who were fluent in both English and Kannada. But they
simple translation of the questionnaire alone doesn't ensure its were from non-medical profession and were unaware of original
validity. validation process requires to compare translated version VISA-P.
against some gold standard questionnaire for patellar tendinop-
athy. Since there has been no more questionnaires available in 3.4. Step-4
Kannada version to measure PT symptoms and functions, VISA-P-K
can be compared against Blazina grading classification for patellar Reviewers committee:
tendinopathy. The Pre final version of the VISA-P-K was developed by both
backward and forward translators, a health care professional and a
2. Methodology linguistic professional. They would develop pre final version of
VISA-P-K emphasizing on semantic, idiomatic, experimental and
The study protocol was approved by the university research and conceptual equivalence in relation to original back translated VISA-
ethics committee and the study was done strictly in accordance P versions.
with the guidelines of Helsinki declaration, revised 2013.10 The
study conducted between September 2015 and March 2017. Before 3.5. Step 5
commencing the study, Dr Karim Khan, one of the co-developers of
the VISA-P questionnaire, was emailed to sought consent for the Pretesting:
usage of VISA-P questionnaire for translation. Various sports clubs The pre final version of questionnaire was given away to seven
and university sports clubs and recreational clubs in and around patients diagnosed with patellar tendinopathy. The interviewer
Mangalore were approached. A total of 70 athletes, 35 symptomatic reported on each respondents understanding the questionnaire
and 35 asymptomatic, were included in the study. Written items and making decision on them. As no more adaptation was
Informed consent were obtained from the athletes, after getting indicated, the pre final and final VISA-P-K would be identical. The
permission from the clubs. Athletes who fulfilled the inclusion main objective was to test whether the translated questionnaire
criteria were included in the study. The inclusion criteria for the was understandable, the vocabulary and the expression were
symptomatic group were age between 18 and 35 years, knee pain in relevant for Kannada culture.
the patellar tendon or its insertion, tenderness at patellar tendon
and positive single leg decline squat test. The inclusion criteria for 3.6. Step 6
asymptomatic group were age between 18 and 35 years, no h/o
previous knee pain since 1 year and at risk for patellar tendinop- Validation study:
athy. The exclusion criteria for symptomatic group were other Criterion validity has been demonstrated by correlation of one
conditions causing anterior knee pain like fat pad syndrome, PFPS, measure with another at the same time. In this study, the validity
signs and symptoms of knee pathologies, any knee surgery or in- was done by finding the correlation between Blazina classification
jection therapy in the past one year, and athletes consuming of patellar tendinopathy and VISA-P-K questionnaire scores. Test-
NSAIDs and analgesics. To test the reliability of the questionnaire, retest reliability was done, questionnaire was given twice within
the subjects were asked to fill the questionnaire twice at one week a week.
interval. To validate the questionnaire, the VISA-P-K was compared
against Blazina scale. 4. Data analysis

3. Cross-cultural adaptation Descriptive statistics were done by using the mean values of age,
weight, height, BMI. Demographic characteristics of the subject
To obtain cross-cultural adaptation, the following essential steps (age, weight, height, BMI) follow the normal distribution and hence
are recommended: it is reported in mean ± standard deviation. Internal consistency
was reported in terms of cronbachs a. Cronbachs a coefficient was
3.1. Step-1 calculated for item-scale correlation. It was calculated from first
and second administration of VISA-P-K. Test-retest reliability was
Initial translation to Kannada language/forward translation: tested by using the ICC(2,1). Normality of collected data was
G.U. Acharya et al. / Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma 10 (2019) S189eS192 S191

Table 1
Demographic characteristics of athletes with and without patellar tendinopathy recruited.

Demographic characteristic Athlete with Patellar tendinopathy Athlete without Patellar tendinopathy p- value

Age (Years) 18.9 ± 2.2 19.0 ± 1.1 0.94

Height (cm) 170.5 ± 7.7 171.1 ± 8.1 0.91
Weight (kg) 58.4 ± 7.1 63.6 ± 8.2 0.63
BMI (kg/m2) 20.1 ± 5.1 21.9 ± 3.6 0.42

Abbreviations: cm e centimeter; kg e kilogram; BMI e Body mass index.

established by Shapiro wilk test. As the data doesn't follow the interval period between administering the questionnaire. However,
normal distribution. Spearman rank correlation was used to find the limitation of the study was that test-retest was done on
the validity of Kannada version of VISA-PK with gold standard asymptomatic subjects.12
Blazina classification of patellar tendinopathy (BCPT). For all the On the other hand, the test-retest reliability of Greek version of
statistical analysis, the level of significance was set at p < 0.05. VISA questionnaire was good despite being fifteen to seventeen
days interval period (ICC ¼ 0.818, p < 0.001; CI-95%) and internal
5. Results consistency was a ¼ 0.785 to 0.784. Concurrent validity showed
high level of association between VISA-P-GR and Blazina classifi-
The Demographic characteristics of athletes recruited with and cation (r ¼ 0.839, p < 0.001).13
without patellar tendinopathy were displayed in Table 1. There In the sample configuration, we did not include individuals who
exists no significance difference between the athletes. Internal had undergone knee surgery or in the surgical waiting list, as in
consistency and test-retest reliability of VISA-P-K questionnaire other studies. Similar to previous studies, we also decided to take
was elaborated in Table 2. The validity VISA-P-K with Blazina longer time interval, i.e. 1 week or more to avoid participants from
classification of patellar tendinopathy (BCPT) was tabulated in recalling their response to the questionnaire. None of the athletes,
Table 3. suffering from PT, had undergone any kind of treatment during the
study period. So, the change in symptom response could be
excluded in one week study period otherwise medications could
6. Discussion
have influenced the test results.
As we didn't find any other questionnaire in Kannada language
Authors of this study assert that the English version of VISA-P
to compare with VISA-P-K for criterion validity, we used Blazina
questionnaire is successfully adapted to a Kannada version. In Pre-
scale to test it against VISA-P-K questionnaire. Blazina scale grades
vious studies, test-retest reliability of the German version of VISA-P
the patellar tendinopathy signs and symptoms into 4 grades and it's
was excellent and it was tested twice within a week for athletes with
the only grading system available for patellar tendinopathy.14
Patellar tendinopathy and asymptomatic group (ICC ¼ 0.88, 0.87;
For question number 4, an adapted translation of the term
p < 0.001) and concurrent validity was perfect.6 In Swedish version,
“weight-bearing lunge,” was done as there is no literal translation
the test-retest showed good reliability and it was significant
for the term in Kannada language. Differences in opinion were
(ICC ¼ 0.97,p < 0.001).8 In Korean version, the test-retest showed
found out between the translators for this question. Hence, we
good reliability and it was significant (ICC ¼ 0.96,p < 0.001).11 In this
consulted various athletes and other professionals to find common
study, VISA-P-K questionnaire was administered twice within a
term and accepted by everyone. Eventually, we adopted a similar
week for athletes with PT and asymptomatic group and the results
term which was understandable by athletes. It was found that the
were excellent (ICC ¼ 0.97 and 0.96; p < 0.001). Criterion validity
items of VISA-P-K were equivalent to those in the original version,
was done by comparing Blazina with VISA-P test. It showed signifi-
as established by the bilingual and clinical experts involved in the
cant correlation with spearman's score rho (r ¼ 0.42), p ¼ 0.01 it was
almost perfect.
We have found limitation of this study that athletes suffering
In Dutch version, the test-retest showed satisfactory reliability
from patellar tendinopathy had not undergone Doppler ultrasound
which was slightly lower as compared to German, Swedish and
or MRI investigations for further confirmation of patellar tendin-
Korean. The reason for lower reliability was attributed to 2.5 week
opathy. Instead, we were solely dependent on clinical examination
findings. Nevertheless, The VISA-P-K questionnaire demonstrated
Table 2 to be highly acceptable, easily understood and self-administrable.
Internal consistency and test-retest reliability of Kannada version of Victorian The results of this study showed that functional status question-
Institute of Sports Assessment for patellar tendinopathy (VISA-P-K) questionnaire. naire could be translated into other languages without affecting the
Individuals Cronbach's a Intrarater reliability psychometric properties of the original English version. This
questionnaire will be useful for both researchers and clinicians to
Symptomatic 0.99 0.97 (0.95e0.98)
Asymptomatic 0.98 0.96 (0.94e0.98) measure outcomes in clinical evaluations and research in Kannada
speaking patients.
Note: Internal consistency is expressed in terms of cronbach's alpha (a); Test-retest
reliability is expressed as intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC).

7. Conclusion
Table 3
Validity of Victorian Institute of Sports Assessment for patellar tendinopathy (VISA-
P-K) questionnaire.
The VISA-P-K was cross-culturally adapted and validated for use
in Kannada-speaking populations. The psychometric properties of
VISA-P-K Spearman's rho (r) p-value
the VISA-P-K were as good as to those of the original English
BCPT 0.72 <0.001 version, so, the VISA-P-K can be recommended for assessing
Note: Kannada version of Victorian Institute of Sports Assessment for patellar ten- symptoms, function and ability to play sport in Kannada -speaking
dinopathy e VISA-P-K; Blazina classification of patellar tendinopathy (BCPT). patients with patellar tendinopathy.
S192 G.U. Acharya et al. / Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma 10 (2019) S189eS192

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