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Dallman 1

Dallman Anahi

Professor Kalas

ECE 250

September 28, 2019

Activity Plan


Student will be able to count at least to number 5 by demonstrating one to one correspondence using
objects (rubber ducks).


Rubber ducks (0-6)

Fishing Poles (2)


We have read the book 10 little rubber ducks by Eric Carle during circle time, but only read up to
number 6. We have spent all week teaching them numbers and most student are able to distinguish up
to the number 6


Introduce the rubber ducks, give the children 3 rubber ducks each and give a minute to get familiarized

Start to explain remember the book we read 10 little rubber ducks they need to find a way home to
mama rubber duck, so we are going to help the rubber ducks’ find their home by fishing them out of the
ocean (clear container).
Dallman 2

Mama Duck calls out the number rubber duck and you (student) help fish them out “quack, quack
duckie number 5 come home please” let the student fish the rubber duck out its ok if they don’t fish out
the correct number encourage and smoothly address it “does this rubber duck looks like the number I’m
holding that momma duck is asking to come home” If its not let keep on trying to find the duck momma
duck is looking for.

Let the student try at least 2 times

Each time they can fish out the duck put in basket

Ask each student to count how many rubber ducks where they were able to save (its ok if they were not
able to save all)

Repeat until all 5 rubber ducks are safe (can add 6 or higher to challenge higher learner student)

DAP support:

“They understand that numbers words refer to quantity” pg. 139

Open ended questions for children:

What number do you think momma duck is going to call next?

How many duckies does momma duck have?

What would happen if momma duck does not find her duckies?

What are the lost duckies thinking of?

What are the duckies feeling being away from mommy duck?

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