Khan, Lewis, Singh - 2009 - Dynamic Customer Management and The Value of One-to-One Marketing

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Vol. 28, No. 6, November–December 2009, pp. 1063–1079

issn 0732-2399  eissn 1526-548X  09  2806  1063 doi 10.1287/mksc.1090.0497
© 2009 INFORMS

Dynamic Customer Management and

the Value of One-to-One Marketing
Romana Khan
McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78713,
Michael Lewis
Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri 63130,
Vishal Singh
Stern School of Business, New York University, New York, New York 10012,

T he concept of one-to-one marketing is intuitively appealing, but there is little research that investigates the
value of individual-level marketing relative to segment-level or mass marketing. In this paper, we investigate
the financial benefits of and computational challenges involved in one-to-one marketing. The analysis uses data
from an online grocery and drug retailer. Like many retailers, this firm uses multiple promotional instruments
including discount coupons, free shipping offers, and a loyalty program. We investigate the impact of customiz-
ing these promotions on the two most important consumer decisions: the decision to buy from the store and
expenditure. Our modeling approach accounts for two sources of heterogeneity in consumers’ responsiveness to
various marketing mix elements: cross-sectional differences across consumers and temporal differences within
consumers based on the purchase cycle. The model parameter estimates are fed into a dynamic programming
model that determines the optimal number, sequence, and timing of promotions to maximize retailer profits.
A series of policy simulations show that customizing promotions leads to a significant increase in profits relative
to the firm’s current practice of uniform promotions. However, the effectiveness of various promotions varies
because of both cross-sectional differences in consumers as well within consumer heterogeneity due to purchase
cycle factors. For instance, we find that free shipping tends to be the preferred instrument for re-acquiring
lapsed customers, whereas an across-the-board price cut (via a discount coupon) is the most effective tool
for managing the segment of most active customers. Interestingly, we find that customizing based on within-
customer temporal heterogeneity contributes more to profitability than exploiting variations across consumers.
This is important because the computational burden of implementing the dynamic optimization to account for
cross-sectional heterogeneity is far greater than accounting for temporal heterogeneity. Furthermore, targeting
promotions based only on timing rather than the nature and magnitude of the offers across consumers alleviates
the public relations risks of price discrimination. Implications for marketing managers are also discussed.
Key words: CRM; one-to-one marketing; promotions; dynamic programming; heterogeneity;
database marketing
History: Received: December 14, 2007; accepted: February 23, 2009; processed by Scott Neslin. Published
online in Articles in Advance June 19, 2009.

1. Introduction and Krishnamurthi 2004, Rust and Verhoef 2005,

Much of the promise of customer relationship man- Lewis 2005b). Although CRM systems have become
agement (CRM) is that by understanding individual- increasingly prevalent, in many cases firms have been
level behavior, firms will be able to refine and unable to convert the individual-level customer data
customize marketing tactics to increasingly fine seg- into profitable marketing policies. This creates signifi-
ments or even to individual customers (Peppers and cant uncertainty and concern about the economic ben-
Rogers 1993). The development of customer databases efits of these systems (Rigby et al. 2002).
and communication technologies (Xie and Shugan Our objective in this paper is to explore the bene-
2001) has enabled firms to move beyond uniform mar- fits to a retailer from customizing promotions based
keting policies and begin implementing customized on individual-level information. To accomplish this,
marketing strategies. This coincides with a growing we estimate a joint model of purchase incidence and
body of empirical research focused on the develop- expenditure to identify the impact of various pro-
ment of individual-level marketing policies (Zhang motion incentives on purchase decisions. Our model
Khan, Lewis, and Singh: Dynamic Customer Management and the Value of One-to-One Marketing
1064 Marketing Science 28(6), pp. 1063–1079, © 2009 INFORMS

accounts for two sources of heterogeneity in respon- different promotions can be exploited by customiz-
siveness to promotions: cross-sectional differences ing the particular promotion that a customer will
across consumers and temporal differences within receive. The temporal dimension of heterogeneity can
consumers based on the purchase cycle. The model be exploited by the timing of the promotion within
parameters are used in a dynamic programming a customer’s purchase cycle. To determine the opti-
model that determines the optimal number, sequence, mal sequence and timing of promotions, we develop a
and timing of promotions to maximize retailer profits. dynamic programming model (Lewis 2005b, Simester
We also conduct a series of policy simulations to show et al. 2006) of the firm’s promotion decision prob-
the impact on profitability from accounting for dif- lem. We then conduct a series of policy simula-
ferent sources of heterogeneity when determining the tions in which we sequentially account for additional
optimal policies. Our main contributions are quantifi- sources of heterogeneity in the dynamic optimization
cation of the benefits from customization in terms of model. This allows us to identify the marginal profits
profitability and decomposition of the marginal gains from increasing levels of customization and quantify
in profitability from accounting for different sources the gains from accounting for temporal and cross-
of consumer heterogeneity. sectional heterogeneity.
The data for our study come from an online retailer As expected, we find that customized promotions
specializing in nonperishable grocery and drugstore yield large increases in revenue and profits relative to
items. In addition to customer transaction histories, uniform promotion policies. Interestingly, the benefits
we observe the firm’s marketing promotions, which from accounting for temporal heterogeneity exceed
include discount coupons, free shipping offers, and a the increases from accounting for cross-sectional het-
reward program. Our data are well-suited to studying erogeneity. This is important because incorporating
multiple promotions policies because these promo- cross-sectional heterogeneity is far more computation-
tional instruments each provide different incentives. ally intensive because it requires that the dynamic
optimization be solved at the individual-customer
The “value” of savings with a percentage-off coupon
level. Taking this into consideration, we also investi-
is determined by the customer who can scale it by
gate the benefits of conducting the dynamic optimiza-
increasing the purchase amount while a free shipping
tion at the segment rather than individual level. We
promotion removes a fixed transaction cost (Lewis
find that this approach significantly reduces the com-
et al. 2006). In contrast, reward programs provide
putational burden while retaining significant prof-
incentives for concentrating purchases over time.
itability gains from incorporating both sources of
To identify the impact of the promotions on pur-
chase behavior, we estimate a joint model of purchase
Our paper contributes to a growing literature
incidence and expenditure. We model the household
(Zhang and Krishnamurthi 2004, Lewis 2005b) on
purchase decision using a discrete-choice framework dynamically customized promotions. Our research is
with time-varying coefficients (Gupta 1991, Wedel unique in that we use individual-level coefficients to
et al. 1995). Conditional on purchase, in-store expen- evaluate the benefits of optimizing at the level of in-
ditures are modeled using a semilog specification that dividual customers. This allows for a comparison of
has been used extensively in marketing (see Blattberg the benefits of developing true one-to-one policies
and Neslin 1990). Our modeling approach accounts relative to segment-level policies. Furthermore, our
for cross-sectional variation in responsiveness to dif- research considers multiple promotion types beyond
ferent types of promotions and within-customer tem- price discounts. This is an important distinction be-
poral heterogeneity because of purchase cycle factors. cause these promotions are structurally different and
We use a hierarchical Bayesian estimation approach offer different incentives that can alter different ele-
that allows the full set of model parameters to vary ments of consumer behavior.
across consumers as a result of both observed (e.g., More generally, our results should be of interest
demographics) and unobserved factors (Allenby and to academicians and practitioners concerned with
Rossi 1999). CRM issues. Previous research in direct marketing has
We find distinct effects of each promotion on pur- investigated models for selecting prospects (Bodapati
chase incidence and expenditures. Although each pro- and Gupta 2004, Bult and Wansbeek 1995) and mea-
motion type increases purchase incidence, the effect sured the effect of loyalty programs (Lewis 2004).
on expenditure varies and may be negative. Further- Within the larger field of CRM, we add to the opti-
more, response to the promotions is not static but mal contact literature (see Blattberg et al. 2008). The
varies with time since purchase. The heterogeneity optimal contact literature features dynamic optimiza-
in promotion response suggests that the firm can tion models that determine ideal schedules for cat-
benefit from customizing promotions at the individ- alogs (Simester et al. 2006, Bitran and Mondschein
ual level. Cross-sectional heterogeneity in response to 1996) and models that develop dynamic marketing
Khan, Lewis, and Singh: Dynamic Customer Management and the Value of One-to-One Marketing
Marketing Science 28(6), pp. 1063–1079, © 2009 INFORMS 1065

policies in circumstances where customers are strate- Table 2(a) Marketing Mix Descriptive Statistics
gic and forward looking (Gonul and Shi 1998, Lewis
Variable Mean Std. dev. Minimum Maximum
2005a). We contribute to this literature by adopt-
ing a multiple-campaign orientation that considers Price 1.92 007 1.68 21
both cross-sectional and temporal heterogeneity in Banner ad 0.14 035 0 1
Coupon 0.21 041 0 1
response. Our work is also related to a body of work Freeship 0.07 025 0 1
focused on using customer information to target cus- Reward 0.16 0017 0.15 025
tomers (Heilman et al. 2003, Rossi et al. 1996). Our
Note. n = 56 weeks.
work adds to this literature by quantifying the value
of tracking and acting on both unobserved prefer-
Table 2(b) Marketing Mix Correlation Matrix
ence heterogeneity and observed transaction history
measures. Finally, because our purpose is to demon- Price Banner ad Coupon Freeship
strate the profitability implications for the retailer
Price 1
from customization, our work is also related to re-
Banner ad 0125 1
search focused on the linkage between marketing 0359
actions and financial outcomes (Kamakura et al. 2002, Coupon −0105 −0089 1
Rust et al. 2000, Gupta et al. 2004). 0235 0515
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Freeship 0112 −0113 −0145 1
The next section describes our data and the firm’s 0410 0406 0287
marketing tactics. Section 3 details the purchase inci- Note. Correlation coefficients, N = 56 (p = value H0  = 0).
dence and expenditure model and estimation results.
The dynamic programming model and optimization
results are discussed in §4. Section 5 concludes the purchase frequency rate are used in the purchase inci-
paper with a discussion of managerial implications, dence model to account for possible inventory and
limitations to our research, and areas for future attrition effects. The amount of previous purchase and
inquiry. time since previous purchase are also used as covari-
ates in the expenditure model.
Table 2(a) presents summary statistics of the re-
2. Customer Data and Firm tailer’s promotional activities, and Table 2(b) shows
Marketing Practices the correlations. There is no evidence of significant
For the empirical analysis, we use data provided correlation between the various marketing activities.
by an online retailer specializing in nonperishable We define price as a summary measure that cap-
grocery and drugstore items. The data set contains tures the overall price environment of the store in
records of all customer transaction histories and a given week. The price variable is the weekly log
extensive data related to the firm’s marketing poli- price of the top 100 items in terms of unit sales.
cies through the firm’s first 14 months of operation. In addition to standard short-term, item-specific dis-
Table 1 provides summary statistics of purchase be- counts, the firm used a variety of other promotional
havior for the random sample used for estimation. instruments including discount coupons, free ship-
The average order size is $58, and the typical bas- ping offers, and a loyalty-based reward program.
ket contains more than 20 items. The average inter- Each of these possess unique characteristics that may
purchase time is approximately five weeks. For the differentially influence individual consumers in terms
timing aspects of the analysis, we selected a week as of incidence and quantity decisions.
our unit of time based on the firm’s marketing prac- The first distinctive promotion involved the distri-
tices (promotional pricing, e-mail communications, bution of coupons that offered a 10% discount on a
etc.), which vary on a weekly cycle. Time duration purchase made in a specified week. These were deliv-
since last purchase, previous purchase amount, and ered by e-mail to the entire customer base rather than
targeted to specific individuals. Coupon is a binary
variable that indicates the availability of a discount
Table 1 Customer Descriptive Statistics
coupon during the week. Each coupon could be
Mean Std. dev. Minimum Maximum redeemed over a two-week period. If the coupon was
Order size ($) 582 347 4 391
redeemed in the first week, the variable takes a value
Number of orders 80 66 2 67 of zero in the following week for that household.
Interpurchase time 53 55 1 32 A coupon was available to customers for 10% of the
Baby 023 043 0 1 time horizon.
Child 062 048 0 1 The firm experimented with several different ship-
Pet 042 049 0 1
ping and handling fee policies. The base shipping
Khan, Lewis, and Singh: Dynamic Customer Management and the Value of One-to-One Marketing
1066 Marketing Science 28(6), pp. 1063–1079, © 2009 INFORMS

schedule charged $2.99 to ship an order of less than but this information is not available to us. Ideally, a
$50 of merchandise and $4.99 to ship an order of $50 promotion will shift purchases toward higher margin
or more. Freeship is an indicator variable for a free products, in which case the profitability of promotions
shipping offer during a week. The free shipping offer will be underestimated.
was available to customers for 7% of the time horizon. We also consider costs that are specific to each
The discount coupon and free shipping were nonover- promotion. The cost of the coupon promotion is the
lapping promotions offered at irregular intervals. redemption cost. The shipping cost paid by the re-
The firm also used a loyalty program that rewarded tailer to the shipper ranges between $6.57 and $9.89
customers based on cumulative expenditures over depending on the order size. The retailer subsidized
time. The loyalty program provided customers with the shipping to consumers even when there was no
500 frequent flier miles at the airline of their choice free shipping offer. For the reward offer of 500 fre-
when they spent $1,000 in a 12-month period. Subse- quent flyer miles, we assume a cost of $10 based on
quent rewards were offered when consumers reached the industry average of $0.02 cents per mile for part-
cumulative spending levels of $1,500 and $2,000. ner programs.
To capture the impact of the reward program, we cre- In addition to the promotions, the firm used weekly
ated a measure of closeness to achieving the required e-mail communications and banner advertising to
expenditure for the reward. Reward is computed as promote itself. We use information on banner adver-
1/ln(dollar expenditure required for reward). This mea- tisement activity on four major websites:,
sure is low when the goal is very far and increases as,, and The vari-
the goal approaches. The average value of this mea- able banner ad takes on values between zero and one,
sure over the observation period was 0.16, which cor- indicating whether there was a banner ad placed on
responds to an average distance from the reward goal one or more of these websites. With this information,
of $471. we do not know whether the customer was actually
The free shipping, the discount coupons, and the exposed to the banner so it enters as a control variable
loyalty rewards each possess unique characteristics. rather than a focal promotion.
The base shipping schedule includes elements of non- There are two key limitations of the data. First, we
linear pricing that may have both positive and nega- do not observe information on competitor activities.
tive effects on order-size decisions. The discrete jump This is a general problem with almost all data sets in
in the shipping fee from $2.99 to $4.99 at the $50 the CRM world. This missing information is econo-
threshold may restrain order size by penalizing orders metrically problematic to the extent that the promo-
exceeding $50. However, the base shipping fee also tional activities of competitors are correlated with the
involves a structure that provides quantity discounts. retailer’s promotion activities. This is unlikely to be
As orders grow larger past the $50 level, the per- the case in our application because the promotions
centage impact of the shipping surcharge diminishes. are offered by e-mail and the sources of competition
The free shipping offer removes these nonlinear pric- are broad. The second limitation is that we do not
ing structures. Therefore, although free shipping is observe when a customer browses the website but
expected to increase order incidence, it is not clear does not make a purchase. This is a general problem
what the overall effect will be on order size. The dis- with all such data sets including direct marketers and
count coupons provide the consumer an opportunity offline retailing. Note that our application is based on
to define the value of the promotional offer. For exam- all the information that a manager of this firm would
ple, a 10% discount translates to a savings of $10 on observe and use for decision making.
a $100 order but only $2.50 on a $25 order. This type
of promotion may therefore increase both incidence
and order amount. The loyalty program promotion 3. Purchase Incidence and
operates as a dynamic incentive scheme. By operat- Expenditure
ing as a function of cumulative expenditure, the loy-
alty program can influence behavior over an extended 3.1. Model
time horizon rather than at just a single purchase We begin with a description of our joint model of
occasion. purchase incidence and expenditures. The majority
In the empirical application, we account for the of empirical studies in marketing have used the
retailer’s costs to evaluate the profitability of the re- proportional hazard model to characterize the pur-
tailer’s actions and promotion strategies. The retailer’s chase timing decisions of households, either in con-
reported average margin across products, approxi- tinuous time (Jain and Vilcassim 1991, Chintagunta
mately 25%, is used to compute profitability based and Haldar 1998) or discrete time (Gupta 1991, Helsen
on purchase amount. Note, however, that the margin and Schmittlein 1993). For our application, a discrete-
will vary with the basket contents for each customer, time formulation is more appropriate because it allows
Khan, Lewis, and Singh: Dynamic Customer Management and the Value of One-to-One Marketing
Marketing Science 28(6), pp. 1063–1079, © 2009 INFORMS 1067

us to explicitly account for marketing activity in peri- several specifications of f t  that are discussed in the
ods when households do not make a purchase. We next section. Assuming it is i.i.d. standard normal,
use a discrete-choice framework with time-varying this structure implies that the probability of purchase
coefficients to capture the duration dependence in at time t conditional on last purchase t weeks ago is
the consumer’s purchase decision and promotion
effectiveness. PrDit = 1  i t  = X1it 1i f t  + X2it 2i 
In each time period, the individual decides whether
to make a purchase. Let Ui t be the utility for indi- This is the hazard rate induced by (3) and captures
vidual i from making a purchase from the store in the notion of individual-specific hazard. Although
period t. Assume that our focus is on capturing duration dependence in
the parameters, there are more general approaches to
Uit = Xit it + it t = 1

(1) modeling parameter dynamics as in Kim et al. (2005).
To model expenditure conditional on purchase inci-
Here, Xit is a vector of time-varying covariates affect- dence (Boatwright et al. 2006), we use a semi-log
ing utilities, which can include store-specific time- specification. In particular, let Eit be log expenditures
varying marketing mix variables such as price, the for individual i in time period t (which is 0 unless
presence of a discount coupon, and the shipping and Ui t > 0:

handling fee schedule, as well as customer-specific Eit = Xe it i + uit (6)
variables such as status in a loyalty program and where uit ∼ N0 vi−1  and Xe

it is a vector of covari-
demographics. We define Dit as one when Uit > 0 and ates such as basket price, availability of coupon, and
zero otherwise. shipping and handling charges. Note that it and
The model in (1) implies a model for purchase uit are uncorrelated. The coefficients in the expendi-
times. Suppose we observe a purchase duration of ture equation (like the purchase time equation) are
length t1 followed by a purchase duration of t2 . These allowed to be individual specific. Let i = i i  be
durations then have likelihood the full vector of coefficients from the purchase inci-
t +t t +t dence and expenditure equations. We assume that
PrTi1 = t1 Ti2 = t2  i1 2 Xi 1 2 
i follows a multivariate normal distribution with a
 t1 −1 
 mean vector Zi and covariance :
= PrDit = 0  Xit it  × PrDit1 = 1  Xit1 it 
i   Zi ∼ NZi  (7)
 t1 +t2 −1 

× PrDit = 0  Xit it  where Zi is a vector containing household character-
t=t1 +1 istics (such as demographics) that explain differences
× PrDi t1 +t2 = 1  Xi t1 +t2 i t1 +t2  (2) in sensitivity as a result of observed factors.
For inference, we use a hierarchical Bayesian ap-
t +t
where i1 2 is the entire time path of coefficients up proach. In particular, we use a Markov chain Monte
to T , i.e., Ti = i tTt=1 ; similarly, xt1 +t2 is the entire Carlo procedure to simulate the posterior distribution
t +t t1 +t2
path to T for the covariates xi 1 2 = xit t=1 . of the model parameters and to compute household-
We partition the vector of covariates Xit into X1it  level estimates of preferences. Bayesian procedures
with individual-specific time-varying coefficients 1it have become quite standard in the literature and, as
and X2it with individual-specific time-invariant discussed in Allenby and Rossi (1999), are well-suited
coefficients 2i : for these models, especially when one is interested
in making inference at the individual level. Next, we
Uit = X1it 1it + X2it 2i + it
(3) discuss the criterion for model selection and present
the parameter estimates.
A simple model that allows for duration dependence
and heterogeneity in the coefficients 1it is of the 3.2. Results
  3.2.1. Model Selection: In-Sample Fit and Pre-
Uit = X1it 1i f it  + X2it 2i + it (4)
dictive Performance. The function f  in Equation
where it is time since last purchase, f · is a known (4) captures the underlying duration dependence of
vector function, 1i is a matrix, and 2i is a vector the response parameters. To select the specification
of individual-specific coefficients. The function f t  for f , we consider over 20 alternative combina-
can be as flexible as needed to capture the duration tions of the vector 1  ln  2  . We allow f  to
dependence in the parameters. It is scaled across peo- be unique to the intercept, fi , and the promotion
ple using 1i , allowing us to approximate the shape of response parameters, fp . Of the 56 weeks of pur-
the household-specific hazard function. We consider chase history available, the model was estimated with
Khan, Lewis, and Singh: Dynamic Customer Management and the Value of One-to-One Marketing
1068 Marketing Science 28(6), pp. 1063–1079, © 2009 INFORMS

Table 3 In-Sample Fit while restricting fp  = 1. Based on performance

Purchase incidence
measures, specification (3), where fi  = 1  ln,
Purchase best captures the dynamics of the intercept. Mod-
Model Hit rate (%) amount
els (6)–(10) show alternative specifications of fp ,
fint   fp   MAD Overall Purchase Nonpurchase MAD ($) where fi  = 1  ln. Although we considered
(1) Base 0.25 74 16 95 14.78 many more specifications, we report the performance
(2) 1 0.40 59 44 64 26.15 of a limited set because of space considerations.
(3) 1  ln  0.27 64 54 68 16.09
(4) 1  2 0.41 58 36 66 26.20
First, we discuss the performance measures of mod-
(5) 1  ln  2 0.24 75 4 99 13.67 els (1)–(5), where the focus is on the specification of
(6) 1  ln  1 0.34 61 42 68 19.21 fi  and we restrict fp  = 1. The results in Table 3
(7) 1 ln  1ln  0.32 69 68 69 20.14 show that the in-sample performance of the base
(8) 1  ln  1  ln  0.32 66 63 67 20.65 model (1) and model (5) are best in terms of purchase
(9) 1  ln  1  2 0.23 76 9 99 13.32
(10) 1  ln  1  ln  2 0.25 75 15 95 13.81 probability and the amount of MAD as well as overall
hit rates. However, a closer examination of the results
shows that this is achieved by overpredicting nonpur-
the first 50 weeks and the remaining 6 weeks were chases. Because most of the observations are weeks in
used for predictive testing. Model selection is based which individuals make no purchases, it is possible
on the in-sample fit and predictive performance mea- to achieve high hit rates by always predicting no pur-
sures reported in Tables 3 and 4. For the purchase chases. The nonpurchase hit rate for these models is
incidence model, we compute four performance mea- over 90% but the purchase hit rate is very low. This
sures: (1) Mean absolute deviation (MAD) is com- highlights the importance of looking beyond aggre-
puted as the mean absolute value of the difference gate performance measures to assess model fit. The
between the purchase indicator vector and the pre- performance measures for the holdout data (Table 4)
dicted probability. (2) Hit rate is computed as the are similar. Model (3) has the better performance both
percentage of time that the observed choice has the in sample and in the holdout data, reflected in high
highest predicted probability (i.e., >0
5). (3) Purchase purchase (59%) and nonpurchase (62%) hit rates and
hit rate is computed as the percentage of time that the purchase probability (0.23) and purchase amount
purchase incidence is correctly predicted. (4) Nonpur- (12.62) of MAD. In models (6)–(10), we consider alter-
chase hit rate is computed as the percentage of time native specifications of fp  with fi  = 1  ln.
that nonpurchase occasions are correctly predicted. Models (9) and (10) have the lowest purchase proba-
For the purchase amount decision, we compute the bility and spend MAD and highest overall hit rates.
MAD by taking the average absolute value of the However, once again it is at the expense of the pur-
difference between actual purchase amount and pur- chase hit rate, which is very low. We select model (7)
chase amount predicted by the model. because it dominates on both purchase (68%) and
Tables 3 and 4 report the fit statistics of a selected nonpurchase (69%) hit rates and has reasonable pre-
subset of the alternative specifications considered. dictive performance in the holdout data. In what
A brief description of the specifications shown in follows, we discuss the results based on the esti-
Tables 3 and 4 follows. The baseline (1) represents the mation of model (7), where fi  = 1  ln and
most restrictive case, where we do not allow for any fp  = 1 ln.1
parameter dynamics so that fi  = fp  = 1. Mod-
3.2.2. Parameter Estimates. The estimation results
els (2)–(5) demonstrate various specifications of fi 
are shown in Table 5 for the purchase incidence model
and Table 6 for the expenditure model. The first two
Table 4 Predictive Performance in Holdout Sample columns report the estimated population mean and
Purchase incidence
standard deviations, followed by the effect of demo-
Purchase graphic variables. The standard errors are reported in
Model Hit rate (%) amount
fint   fp   MAD Overall Purchase Nonpurchase MAD ($) We first discuss general model results and then
(1) Base 0.23 79 13 93 12.33 focus on the impact of promotions. In most cases, the
(2) 1 0.44 55 43 57 28.71 demographic variables have insignificant effects in
(3) 1  ln  0.23 61 59 62 12.62
(4) 1  2 0.39 60 35 65 26.02
both equations. The overall variance in response
(5) 1  ln  2 0.17 82 1 98 8.91
(6) 1  ln  1 0.30 71 30 79 16.59 We use a common fp function across promotions. This is a lim-
(7) 1 ln  1ln  0.34 66 64 66 20.52 itation because ideally fp  would be unique to each promotion,
(8) 1  ln  1  ln  0.33 67 51 70 18.61 allowing the dynamics to vary by promotion. However, use of a
(9) 1  ln  1  2 0.18 81 1 98 9.35
common fp maintains consistency and facilitates comparison across
(10) 1  ln  1  ln  2 0.21 79 13 98 11.76
Khan, Lewis, and Singh: Dynamic Customer Management and the Value of One-to-One Marketing
Marketing Science 28(6), pp. 1063–1079, © 2009 INFORMS 1069

Table 5 Estimation Results: Purchase Incidence Model

Variable mean Std. dev. Baby Child Pet

Intercept 0649 (0.243) 3201 (0.092) 0104 (1.07) 0972 (1.07) 0408 (0.98)
−0094 (0.133) 1657 (0.019) −0852 (0.30) 1022 (0.27) 0325 (0.28)
ln  0389 (0.094) 0968 (0.114) 0445 (0.18) −0159 (0.19) −0103 (0.16)
Price −1024 (0.149) 1342 (0.377) 0015 (0.44) 0016 (0.43) 0034 (0.39)
ln(previous spend) −0131 (0.035) 0462 (0.079) 0053 (0.10) −0344 (0.11) 0017 (0.09)
Banner ad −0084 (0.096) 0504 (0.310) 006 (0.09) 0055 (0.08) 0022 (0.08)
Coupon 0145 (0.075) 1366 (0.080) −0352 (0.58) −0958 (0.57) 0075 (0.65)
Coupon ∗ ln  −0058 (0.017) 1066 (0.235) −0191 (0.28) 029 (0.29) −004 (0.29)
Coupon ∗ Frequency 0611 (0.183) 2592 (0.653) 0966 (0.94) −0303 (1.10) −0709 (1.15)
Freeship −0288 (0.189) 1426 (0.020) −0008 (0.79) 099 (0.73) −0488 (0.81)
Freeship ∗ ln  0027 (0.011) 1260 (0.181) 0342 (0.36) −0515 (0.36) 0118 (0.35)
Freeship ∗ Frequency 1225 (0.385) 2162 (0.645) −1014 (1.42) −0165 (1.71) 1981 (1.43)
Reward 0521 (0.15) 0250 (0.019) −0283 (0.08) 0158 (0.08) −0163 (0.07)
Reward ∗ ln  0261 (0.043) 0209 (0.007) 0018 (0.03) −0029 (0.03) 0021 (0.03)
Reward ∗ Frequency 0325 (0.094) 2617 (0.734) 0106 (0.26) −0774 (0.26) −0404 (0.24)

Note. Standard errors are in parentheses.

parameters (not reported here) accounted for by the expenditure model, the coefficient on ln (0.018)
observed demographic variables ranges between 2% indicates a positive relationship between expenditure
and 7% in the purchase incidence equation and and time since previous purchase.
between 2% and 12% in the expenditure equation. All The banner advertising parameters are insignificant
of the standard deviation parameters, which capture in both the purchase incidence and expenditure equa-
the effect of unobserved sources of heterogeneity, are
tions. This finding adds to the mixed evidence on
significant and reflect that most of the heterogene-
ity across households is due to unobserved factors. the effectiveness of banner advertising (Sherman and
This finding of low explanatory power of demograph- Deighton 2001, Manchanda et al. 2006). However, we
ics is consistent with previous research (Gupta and should point out that the effect of banner advertis-
Chintagunta 1994, Rossi et al. 1996). ing is more difficult to capture in our study because
Weekly price levels affect the purchase incidence actual exposure and click throughs on banner adver-
and expenditure decision in the expected manner. tisements are not observed.
The price coefficient is negative in both the purchase- Next, we evaluate the effects of the three types
incidence −1
02 and expenditure −0
55 model so of promotions used by the retailer. The purchase
that higher prices decrease purchase incidence and incidence model is structured to measure how the
reduce expenditures. The impact of previous expen-
effects of these promotions vary with recency (time
ditures is negative and significant on both purchase
incidence −0
13 and expenditure −0
28. Because since last purchase) and frequency of purchase. The
previous expenditure enters as a log term, we can estimated coefficients can also be used to compute
interpret the parameter estimate from the expenditure the implied hazard—the probability of purchase at
model as an elasticity, so a 10% increase in expenditure time t conditional on the time elapsed since previ-
reduces the value of the next purchase by 2.8%. In the ous purchase. Figure 1 plots the baseline hazard when

Table 6 Estimation Results: Expenditure Model

Variable mean Std. dev. Baby Child Pet

Intercept 5256 (0.396) 1706 (0.896) 0416 (0.33) −0235 (0.34) −0554 (0.31)
ln  0018 (0.051) 0149 (0.022) −0044 (0.04) −0010 (0.08) 0460 (0.38)
Price −0548 (0.182) 0822 (0.228) −0149 (0.15) 0169 (0.16) 0198 (0.15)
ln(previous spend) −0280 (0.034) 0241 (0.035) 0001 (0.03) −0024 (0.03) 0017 (0.03)
Banner ad 0046 (0.040) 0284 (0.036) −0030 (0.03) 0007 (0.04) −0025 (0.03)
Coupon 0113 (0.094) 0404 (0.057) −0026 (0.04) 0099 (0.07) −0016 (0.06)
Freeship −0227 (0.136) 0495 (0.086) 0041 (0.04) −0193 (0.09) 0135 (0.08)
Reward 0006 (0.020) 0138 (0.087) 0016 (0.01) 0019 (0.01) 0029 (0.01)

Note. Standard errors are in parentheses.

Khan, Lewis, and Singh: Dynamic Customer Management and the Value of One-to-One Marketing
1070 Marketing Science 28(6), pp. 1063–1079, © 2009 INFORMS

Figure 1 Impact of Promotions on Purchase Hazard


P (purchase in week t | weeks since previous purchase)

0.08 Freeship







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
 weeks since previous purchase

no promotion is offered and the hazard when each Also, in contrast to the coupon, the offer of free ship-
promotion type—coupon, free shipping, and rewards ping reduces expenditure by about 20% (exp(−0.227)).
program—is offered. This suggests that with the free shipping offer, con-
Coupon. Figure 1 shows that the impact of the sumers do not feel the need to order a large basket to
coupon on the purchase hazard is most dramatic justify the shipping cost. That the elimination of ship-
within eight weeks after a purchase, after which ping fees results in smaller orders suggests that the
coupon effectiveness decreases. So if a consumer has order size disincentives play a larger role relative to
recently made a purchase, the coupon serves as an
the transaction cost aspect of the shipping fee structure
effective incentive to induce repurchase but has a lim-
that dissuades small orders.
ited impact on long-term lapsed customers. The coef-
ficient on the interaction between the coupon and pur- Reward Program. To determine the impact of the
chase frequency is positive. This indicates that the reward program, we assess whether consumers accel-
positive impact of the coupon on purchase incidence erate purchasing or increase expenditures as the
is increasing with purchase frequency. For the expen- cumulative buying goal approaches. Figure 1 shows
diture equation, we find that the effect of the coupon the implied hazard when consumers are within $50 of
is positive and significant. After accounting for the reaching the reward threshold. Although the reward
discount, the coupon yields an approximately 12% program has a positive impact on the purchase hazard,
(exp(0.113)) increase in expenditure. it is relatively less effective than the other incentives.
Free Shipping Offer. Figure 1 shows that free ship- As time since previous purchase increases, the posi-
ping is not particularly effective immediately after tive impact on purchase probability diminishes but at
purchase but becomes more effective as the time since a slower rate than the effect of the coupon offer. This
previous purchase increases. In contrast, the coupon results in the reward offer being more effective than
was an effective mechanism immediately after pur- the coupon as weeks since previous purchase increase.
chase and the effectiveness decreased with time
As with the other promotions, reward program effec-
elapsed since previous purchase. The shipping and
tiveness increases with purchase frequency. The esti-
discount promotions likely trigger different responses
because their respective structures affect different mation results do not reveal a significant impact of
aspects of consumer decision making. Free shipping the reward program on purchase amount. This is
removes a transaction cost and eliminates an order not surprising because our formulation is somewhat
size penalty, whereas a 10% discount coupon improves underspecified. It may also be necessary to more fully
the attractiveness of the individual products for sale. capture the dynamics of consumer decision making
The impact of free shipping is higher among frequent because consumers can plan to achieve a reward over
shoppers, similar to the outcome for the coupon. a multiple-week period.
Khan, Lewis, and Singh: Dynamic Customer Management and the Value of One-to-One Marketing
Marketing Science 28(6), pp. 1063–1079, © 2009 INFORMS 1071

4. The Value of One-to-One consider includes four options: no promotion, free

Marketing shipping, discount coupon, and loyalty reward. The
Throughout the data collection period, the retailer fol- loyalty reward promotion is operationalized by set-
lowed a uniform promotion policy that offered the ting the reward measure to within $100 of the reward
entire customer base the same promotion at the same threshold. Although our focus is on the selection of
time. As discussed in the previous section, there is promotions, the model is adaptable to consider other
significant temporal and cross-sectional heterogene- measures such as overall pricing or customer service
ity in response to the different promotions. This level.
provides an opportunity for the retailer to improve The customer management policy, ast , is a rule
performance by customizing both the timing and type that links observable measures such as recency and
of promotion that each individual receives. In this amount of previous purchase with what, if any, pro-
section, we develop a dynamic programming model motion should be offered in a given week. The goal is
of the firm’s promotion decision problem designed to select the proper promotional action for all possible
to determine the sequence and timing of promotions combinations of previous buying levels, time since last
to maximize expected profits over some extended purchase, and previous basket size. We also include
time horizon. We conduct a series of policy simula- past promotional activity as a state variable, which al-
tions in which we sequentially account for additional lows for the formulation of policies that limit the num-
sources of heterogeneity in the dynamic optimiza- ber of promotions that a given customer may receive.
tion model. This sequence allows us to investigate the The firm’s optimization problem is to select the
marginal profits from customization and to quantify sequence of promotions that maximize profitability
the gains from accounting for temporal and cross- over a specified T period time horizon. For a represen-
sectional heterogeneity. tative customer, the solution to the dynamic optimiza-
tion problem is defined in terms of the value function
4.1. Dynamic Optimization Model denoted as V . By definition the value function is the
The first step in developing a relationship-oriented greatest feasible expected payoff from time t forward,
promotions policy is the specification of an appropri- given that the customer’s state at time t is st . The value
ate dynamic objective function. For the general case, function may be given in general equation form as
customers are classified into one of s ∈ S possible  

states according to their specific transaction history, V st  = max E #%−t ∗ "s% a% 
and the firm is assumed to be able to select marketing a% ∈A
actions or controls a from a set of feasible actions A.2
At the level of the individual customer, the value func-
Defining the single-period profit function of selecting
tion is equivalent to the maximum expected customer
action a for a customer in state s at time t as "st at ,
value based on optimal selection of marketing policies.
the single-period discount factor as #, and the length
Thus far, the objective function does not include a
of the decision horizon as T , the customer manage-
direct statement of how customers evolve over time. In
ment objective function may be written as in Equa-
Equation (10), the value function is written to make the
tion (8). This objective function is the discounted sum
relationship dynamics more explicit. In this equation
of single-period profits over a T period horizon:
Prst+1  st ast  is the probability that a customer in
  state st transitions to state st+1 given the current state

max E # ∗ "st at 
(8) st and the firm’s action at . The transition probabilities
at ∈A
t=0 are defined in terms of the purchase probability and
The customer management goal is to determine expenditure models estimated in the previous section:
the mapping of marketing policies to observed cus-

tomer behaviors to maximize Equation (8). In our V st ast  = E&"st ast ' + #%−t ∗ "s% as% 
context, this amounts to determining the functional %=t+1 s  ∈S
relationship ast  between customer state st and mar- ∗ Prs%  s%−1 as%−01 
keting promotions a. The set of actions that we
The first term on the right side in this expres-
It should be noted that our analysis focuses only on the develop- sion is the expected one-period profit from applying
ment of customized marketing policies for established customers. the selected control to a customer in a given state
The development of policies for new customers or customers with in the current time period. The expression for the
limited transaction histories presents some additional challenges.
single-period profit "s% as%  reflects the expected
In the absence of an extensive transaction history, firms may wish
to make inferences based on demographic measures and use some profit obtained from a customer in a given week. This
type of adaptive or learning-based marketing policy (see Sutton expression accounts for expected revenue and prod-
and Barto 1998). uct costs, the impact of any promotions, and the cost
Khan, Lewis, and Singh: Dynamic Customer Management and the Value of One-to-One Marketing
1072 Marketing Science 28(6), pp. 1063–1079, © 2009 INFORMS

of promotions. For example, if a free shipping promo- programming. There are two key reasons for impos-
tion is offered, then the firm foregoes any shipping ing constraints. First, because the model is estimated
revenues and absorbs the costs to ship the order. The on historical data, the firm may wish to avoid having
second term, involving the double summations, rep- the optimization procedure suggest policies that are
resents the sum of the discounted expected profits for far outside the range included in the historical record.
all future periods. This term includes the transition Second, the use of one-to-one marketing policies has
probabilities through the inner summation over the the potential to be controversial. For example, Coca-
potential future states s%  of the customer. The outer Cola experienced negative publicity for testing vend-
summation is over future time periods. ing machines that varied prices based on the weather
The state space for the optimization is mainly com- (Egan 2001) and came under fire in 2000
posed of the transaction history variables that are when consumers learned they were paying different
used in the customer demand model. Specifically, the prices for the same DVDs (Hamilton 2001). For our
state space st includes the customer’s time since last application, the maximum number of promotions that
purchase (recency), the amount of the last purchase, can be offered is constrained to two. Alternatively, we
the number of past purchases, the number of weeks could require that all customers receive the same num-
in the system, and cumulative spending.3 In addition, ber of promotions over the course of the optimization
the state space also includes a history of the firm’s period.
actions. In this case, we include a state variable that The dynamic optimization is a nontrivial exercise.
tracks past promotions. This state variable provides a For example, a state space with 20 levels of cumula-
means for constraining the number of promotions that tive pending, 20 levels of recency, 10 levels of previous
can be offered to a given customer. The choice model order size, and 3 levels of past promotional activity
defines the transition structure for state space. For yields 12,000 distinct states. Given an eight-week time
horizon, the marketing policy includes 96,000 map-
instance, the probability that a given customer makes
pings of promotional actions to different customer
a purchase defines the probabilities for how recency
states and times. In addition to the state space being
evolves. For example, if Prbuy  st is the probabil-
relatively large, the more significant computational
ity of purchase at time t with state space st, then the
challenge is that the development of one-to-one mar-
probability that the recency level in time t + 1 is one
keting policies requires that the optimization be solved
is Prbuy, whereas the probability that the recency
for each individual customer. A final complicating fac-
level is one greater than at time t is 1 − Prbuy.
tor in implementing the model is that several of the
There are a number of additional decisions that
transaction history variables are continuous in nature.
need to be specified to execute the optimization. First, To handle this issue, the dynamic programming model
the managerial time horizon of the objective function is solved for a subset of the points in the state space.
needs to be specified. For our purposes, we select an The value functions for other points in the state space
eight-week cycle.4 This finite horizon allows for the are computed via interpolation (Keane and Wolpin
dynamic programming problem to be solved via back- 1994). We also assume that average prices and banner
ward recursion. Second, any constraints that limit the advertising activity are constant throughout the deci-
extent to which promotional policies can vary across sion horizon.
individuals must also be specified within the dynamic
4.2. Customization Scenarios
Two elements of the state space require discretization for the
To measure the benefit from customization based on
model to be implemented. Cumulative spending and the amount different sources of heterogeneity, we conduct a series
of last purchase are by nature continuous variables. The amount of policy simulations. We consider the following four
of previous purchase is discretized by rounding to the nearest $25 scenarios:5
point. Likewise, cumulative spending is discretized to the near- 1. Baseline—no customization.
est $25.
2. Customization based on transacation history;
The eight-week horizon is intended to provide a sufficient time
accounts for temporal heterogeneity only.
horizon for the dynamic structure to be meaningful while main-
taining computational tractability. The firm typically offers a pro-
motion once every month. The eight-week horizon covers two such We do not include a scenario accounting for only cross-sectional
monthly promotion cycles and represents a reasonable period over heterogeneity. Not allowing for temporal optimization over the
which the firm can plan and manage its promotions. The eight- eight-week period meant that in each week the optimal policy was
week horizon is a balance between computational tractability and to recommend promotion to a large number of customers. Given
managerial relevance. It should also be noted that the use of finite the requirement that each customer receive a maximum of two
time horizon does potentially lead to a concentration of promo- promotions over the eight-week period (to keep the recommended
tions at certain points in time (endgame problems). An alternative policies in line with current retailer practice), dynamic optimiza-
approach would be to use a rolling time horizon in the optimiza- tion is required to determine the optimal weeks in which to pro-
tion. Lewis (2004) describes how this type of rolling time horizon mote. The case of cross-sectional heterogeneity without dynamic
could be used in the context of a loyalty program. optimization is therefore not feasible.
Khan, Lewis, and Singh: Dynamic Customer Management and the Value of One-to-One Marketing
Marketing Science 28(6), pp. 1063–1079, © 2009 INFORMS 1073

3. Customization based on transaction history and who will redeem a promotion without changing pur-
individual-level preferences; accounts for temporal chase behavior and contributing to increased prof-
and cross-sectional heterogeneity at the individual itability. Second, the optimization procedure assigns
level. the most cost-effective policy by considering the rev-
4. Customization based on transaction history and enue gains from a promotion versus the redemption
segment-level preferences; accounts for temporal and cost.
cross-sectional heterogeneity at the segment-level.
4.2.1. Baseline—No Customization. Traditional
We use a two-stage procedure to evaluate the out-
promotion practices typically involve offering the
come under each scenario. First, we solve the dynamic
same promotion to all customers in the database
programming model at the population, segment, or
simultaneously without reference to individual cus-
individual level depending on the scenario. The out-
tomer preferences or transaction history. This scenario
puts from the dynamic programming model are poli-
mirrors the firm’s current uniform promotion policy
cies that map marketing actions to customer states
and establishes a baseline relative to which the
and the associated values of these policies. Customer
benefits from customization can be measured. For
states are based on recency, previous amount, cumu-
this scenario, we evaluate all possible combinations
lative buying, and previous number of promotions.
of promotion type and timing. We use the individual-
The procedure thereby prescribes which promotional
level coefficients to run an eight-week simulation
instruments, if any, should be used for different cus-
under all nine possible combinations of the free
tomer states. For instance, in the individual-level cus-
shipping, discount coupon, and loyalty promotion
tomization, a mapping of actions to all possible states
and 28 possible combinations of timing. Expected
is generated for each individual. In the second stage,
profits were highest with a free shipping offer in week
we use the optimal policies from the first step and the
one and a discount coupon in week six. We selected
individual-level response parameters to run an eight-
this sequence as it represents the optimal outcome
week simulation for each customer. This allows us
under the retailer’s current promotion strategy. The
to evaluate the expected outcome from following the
expected eight-week revenue from the sample is
prescribed optimal policies.
$100,021, generating an expected profit of $12,987.
For each scenario, Table 7 shows the expected
The purchase incidence rate is 15.6% and average
profits and revenues, the number of purchases, pur-
expenditure is $65.89.
chase incidence rate, and the average expenditure
amount. For comparison, we also show the increase 4.2.2. Customization Based on Transaction His-
in profits relative to the baseline for each scenario. tory. Even in the absence of individual-level response
To understand how customization drives the gains in parameters, firm databases provide an opportunity
profitability across scenarios, we decompose the incre- to customize using transaction history data. This
mental profits into three sources: because of increased approach accounts for temporal heterogeneity because
purchase incidence, because of increased expenditure, the optimal policy depends on the customer’s state,
and because of reduced redemption costs. Customiza- which is determined by purchase cycle factors. It does
tion reduces redemption cost primarily in two ways. not account for cross-sectional heterogeneity because
First, it reduces the likelihood of targeting customers all customers in the same state receive the same policy.

Table 7 Dynamic Optimization Results

(3) (4)
(1) (2) Transaction history Transaction history
Baseline Transaction and individual-level and segment-level
(none) history preferences preferences

Customization based on
Profit ($) 12987 13994 14700 14406
Revenue ($) 100021 107652 112170 110039
No. of purchases 1518 1590 1685 1631
Purchase incidence (%) 15.6 16.3 17.3 16.7
Average amount ($) 65.8 67.68 66.57 67.47
Increase relative to baseline
Profit (%) 7.8 13.2 10.9
Percentage of incremental profitability due to
Incidence 61 83 68
Expenditure 37 9 24
Cost reduction 2 8 8
Khan, Lewis, and Singh: Dynamic Customer Management and the Value of One-to-One Marketing
1074 Marketing Science 28(6), pp. 1063–1079, © 2009 INFORMS

It is consistent with standard direct marketing tech- the profitability increase. Relative to the previous sce-
niques, which use recency, frequency, and monetary nario, the amount accounted for by purchase inci-
measures to classify customers and assign promotion dence increases to 83% from 61%, and the amount
policy. accounted for by expenditure decreases to 9% from
In the first stage, we solve the dynamic program- 37%. Overall, the effect of customization is to increase
ming model using the population-level parameters. profitability. An observation across scenarios is that
This gives us a single set of policies that map customer finer levels of customization increase profitability pri-
states to recommended marketing actions. Note that marily by driving purchase incidence rather than
although the dynamic optimization is implemented increasing expenditure amount. The contribution from
at the population level, the recommended policies for purchase incidence becomes increasingly important as
each week vary across individuals depending on their the level of customization increases, accounting for
state. In the second stage, we use the individual-level over 80% of the incremental profits under individual-
response parameters to run eight-week simulations for level customization.
each individual. Given the competitive landscape in most retail-
With customization based on transaction history ing sectors, the gains from customized promotions
only, profitability increases to $13,994. The 7.8% relative to the baseline are quite significant. How-
increase relative to the baseline represents the margi- ever, implementation of this approach is complicated.
nal effect of accounting for temporal heterogeneity. Estimation of individual-level parameters for a large
Purchase incidence increases to 16.3% and the average customer database poses an implementation concern.
purchase amount increases from $65.89 to $67.68. The Although it is possible to recover these parameters
decomposition of the increase in profitability shows using customer demographics and the population-
that it is driven primarily by purchase incidence, level parameters estimated from a subsample of the
61%. Increased expenditure accounts for 37% and cost database, these estimates will not be as accurate
reduction accounts for only 2% of the profitability because customer characteristics account for only a
increase. small portion of the variation in individual-level
4.2.3. Customization Based on Transaction His- parameters. More importantly, the dynamic optimiza-
tory and Individual-Level Preferences. The avail- tion technique used to develop the promotion policy
ability of individual-level parameters provides an is fairly complex and computationally burdensome
opportunity to account for both cross-sectional and when implemented at the individual level. In environ-
temporal heterogeneity in response. For this sce- ments with even moderately complex state spaces or
nario, we solve the dynamic programming model for for firms with millions of customers, the development
each customer using the individual-level parameters. of true individual-level policies is unlikely to be fea-
This yields individual-specific mappings between sible. For these reasons, we next consider the returns
customer states and optimal promotion policies. The to the retailer from customizing promotional policies
second stage is the same as in the previous scenario at a segment rather than individual level.
in which we conduct the eight-week simulation. Now 4.2.4. Customization Based on Transaction His-
the recommended policies are both individual and tory and Segment-Level Preferences. For this sce-
state specific. nario, we use a k-means clustering algorithm to
With individual-level customization, profitability segment the customers into four groups. Note that
increases to $14,700, which is a 13.2% increase relative this clustering is based on individual-level response
to the baseline. Relative to the previous scenario in parameters as well as transaction measures and thus
which only temporal heterogeneity was accounted for, incorporates both temporal and cross-sectional dimen-
the marginal effect of accounting for cross-sectional sions of customer heterogeneity. The main computa-
heterogeneity is 5.4%. It is interesting that this effect tional advantage of this scenario is that the dynamic
is significantly less than the 7.8% marginal effect of programming model is implemented at a segment-
accounting for temporal heterogeneity. It indicates level rather than individual level. The second stage is
that more than half of the benefits from individual- the same as before except now the recommended poli-
level customization can be captured by accounting for cies depend on the customer segment and customer
temporal purchase cycle factors. state.
Purchase incidence increases to 17.3% and the With segment-level customization, the profitability
average expenditure is $66.57, which is lower but increase relative to the baseline is 11%. The marginal
not significantly different than in the previous sce- impact on profitability of moving from individual-
nario. This policy increases profitability by inducing to segment-level customization is a decrease of 2.3%.
purchases that would not have been made other- Although not insignificant, this loss is relatively small
wise rather than increasing purchase amount. This in magnitude. Although individual-level customiza-
observation is reflected in a shift of the sources of tion yields the highest overall gain in profitability,
Khan, Lewis, and Singh: Dynamic Customer Management and the Value of One-to-One Marketing
Marketing Science 28(6), pp. 1063–1079, © 2009 INFORMS 1075

the value of the 2% improvement over segment-level Figure 2 Probability of Promotion, Conditional on Time Since
customization must be traded off against the effort Previous Purchase and Number of Promotions
needed to develop individual-level policies. It should 0.7
be noted that the segment-level optimization is still Two promotions
0.6 One promotion
based on individual-level information. Customers are

Probability of promotion
clustered based on similarity in their individual-level 0.5
parameters and transaction history measures. For this 0.4
reason, the profitability loss from segment-level cus-
tomization is not very large. 0.3

4.3. Type and Sequence of Promotions
The preceding results reveal the potential benefits of 0.1
exploiting individual-level heterogeneity and transac- 0
tion history data to set policy. In addition to estimates 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

of profitability, our research also yields marketing pol- Recency (weeks since previous purchase)
icy recommendations that provide a contribution to
the limited literature focused on multiple promotions. two promotions, promotions are prescribed at a much
In this section, we highlight how customers differ in higher rate between two and four weeks after a pur-
terms of the optimal number, type, and sequence of chase. Customers receiving only one promotion are
promotions offered. The policies discussed in this sec- responsive to promotions but only after a longer lag
tion are based on the individual-level optimization since previous purchase. This illustrates that for some
results, i.e., scenario 3 in §4.2. customers, it is more profitable to offer a promotion
The complexity of the state space makes the report- later rather than earlier in the purchase cycle.
ing of the complete policies infeasible. The out- Next, we comment on the sequence and type of
putted policies do not provide a predetermined promotions offered. For customers who receive one
multiple-week promotion policy. The policies are de- promotion, the most frequent promotion is free ship-
veloped using an underlying model that captures the ping, offered to 68% of customers. The coupon is
probabilistic nature of customer behavior. Therefore, offered to 27% customers and the loyalty reward to
the outputted policies are mappings of (marketing) 6% of the customers. Table 8 shows the sequence of
actions to (customer) states that would be used by con- promotions for the 16% of customers who receive
tinuously updating the customer’s current state each two promotions. The most prevalent promotion is the
week and then retrieving the associated action. Our sequence of two free shipping offers, which is offered
reporting strategy is to therefore illustrate the policies to 46% of this group. The sequence of two discount
by reporting summary results from the individual- coupons is offered to 29% of customers. The interest-
level policies. We also relate these policies to recency, ing finding here is that for the majority of customers,
frequency, monetary (RFM) measures to illustrate how it is optimal to offer the same promotion twice rather
the recommended policies tend to vary across cus- than offer a mix of promotions. The coupon and free
tomers with different transaction history profiles. shipping combination is offered to 19% of customers.
First we comment on the number of promotions The sequence of free shipping followed by the coupon
offered to customers. Overall, 57% of customers re- offers a strategy for reacquiring lapsed customers.
ceive no promotion, 27% receive one promotion, and Free shipping is targeted to customers with a longer
16% receive two promotions. Given that standard time since previous purchase, followed by the dis-
practice is to offer promotions universally, the per- count coupon as this group also has a lower average
centage of people who receive no promotion is fairly basket size. Overall, the loyalty reward was offered
high. However, when one considers the vast differ- infrequently. This may be because the reward does
ences across the customer base, the number is not not reflect an immediate monetary savings. Interest-
surprising. ingly, none of the customers who received this as their
A key difference between customers who receive
one versus two promotions is in the timing of pro-
Table 8 Type and Sequence of Recommended Promotions
motions. The differences are illustrated in Figure 2,
which plots the probability of receiving a promo- Second promotion (%)
tion conditional on time since previous purchase for
First promotion Freeship Coupon Reward
one-promotion and two-promotion customers. For
one-promotion customers, the likelihood of receiving Freeship 46 15 4
a promotion is higher after four weeks have elapsed Coupon 4 29 2
Reward 0 0 0
since the previous purchase. For customers receiving
Khan, Lewis, and Singh: Dynamic Customer Management and the Value of One-to-One Marketing
1076 Marketing Science 28(6), pp. 1063–1079, © 2009 INFORMS

Figure 3 Probability of Promotion Type Conditional on Previous Table 9 Validation of Customized Promotion Policies
Actual policy: Actual policy:
80 Discount coupon No promotion
Probability of promotion type (%)

70 Free shipping (b) (d)
60 (a) Profit per (c) Profit per
Percentage of customer Percentage of customer
Policy recommendation customers ($) customers ($)
(1) No promotion 85 1.68 86 3.14
(2) Discount coupon 5 3.90 5 2.29
20 (3) Free shipping 10 2.13 9 2.57

0 low an approach similar to that used by Zhang and

Amnt < $50 $50 < Amnt < $100 Amnt > $100 Krishnamurthi (2004). During the period of the hold-
Previous basket size out data, the firm offered one promotion—a discount
coupon valid for two weeks—to all customers in the
first promotion was selected for a second promotion, database. We use the results from the individual-level
reflecting the fact that this segment is very responsive dynamic optimization to determine the optimal rec-
to the reward incentive but not to the discount or free ommended promotion policy. In Table 9, column a,
shipping offers. we divide customers into groups based on the policy
The primary difference between customers who recommendation: (1) no promotion to 85%, (2) dis-
receive the free shipping versus the coupon offer is count coupon to 5%, and (3) free shipping to 10% of
in the typical basket size. Figure 3 illustrates the rela- customers. Note that the actual policy during these
tionship between promotion type and previous order two weeks was a discount coupon for all customers,
size. It shows the probability of each promotion type so the recommended policy matched the actual policy
being offered for three ranges of order size. For rela- only for group (2).
tively small previous orders, the discount coupon is In Table 9, column b, we report the actual per cus-
the most frequently advocated promotion. However, tomer profit from each group. Customers for whom
as the order size increases, there is a shift toward the discount coupon was the recommended policy
offering the free shipping promotion. This is driven yielded the highest per-customer profit of $3.90. In
by the cost to the firm of each type of promotion rela- contrast, per-customer profits are lowest ($1.68) when
tive to the marginal impact of the promotion on pur- the recommended policy is “no promotion” but the
chase behavior. For the discount coupon, consumers customers are offered the discount coupon. Offering
can scale the value of the promotion by purchasing a a discount coupon when free shipping was the opti-
larger quantity. The marginal effect of the coupon is mal policy also yields reduced average profit ($2.25).
higher for small basket shoppers. Although large bas- Validation of the policy recommendations comes from
ket shoppers are also very responsive to the coupon noting that per-customer profits are highest for the
in terms of purchase incidence, they are not selected group whose policy recommendation matches actual
for the discount coupon because the marginal impact practice.
on their purchase expenditure is significantly lower We repeat the validation exercise during a period
and the cost of promotion is higher to the firm. Large of no promotional activity. In Table 9, column c, we
basket consumers generally use the discount coupon report the percentage of customers who were recom-
to subsidize their current level of purchase. The opti- mended each policy: (1) no promotion to 86%, (2) dis-
mal promotion therefore tends to be a free shipping count coupon to 5%, and (3) free shipping to 9% of
offer for large basket customers. The advocacy of the customers. In column d, we report the per-customer
free shipping promotion to larger basket buyers may profit of each group. The per-customer profit for cus-
be particularly effective as it removes a transaction fee tomers where the optimal policy matched actual prac-
that increases as basket size grows. From the firm’s tice (“No promotion”) was highest at $3.14. Where the
perspective, free shipping for large-value customers optimal policy was to offer a promotion, average prof-
is preferred over the discount coupon as the cost of itability was significantly lower ($2.29 for discount
the promotion has an upper limit set by the shipper’s coupon-recommended customers and $2.57 for free
fixed cost schedule to the retailer. shipping-recommended customers). The result that
per-customer profits are higher when the actual firm
4.4. Validation of the Dynamic policy matches the recommended policy offers vali-
Optimization Policies dation for the proposed customization approach.
To provide validation of the promotion policies rec- Beyond validation of dynamic programming-based
ommended by the dynamic optimization, we fol- policies, this exercise also provides some further
Khan, Lewis, and Singh: Dynamic Customer Management and the Value of One-to-One Marketing
Marketing Science 28(6), pp. 1063–1079, © 2009 INFORMS 1077

insights. We find that offering a promotion when taking the recommended policies to customers poses
none is needed significantly reduces per-customer further practical concerns. The shift from uniform to
profit. In Table 9, row 1, the policy recommenda- customized promotions adds decisions regarding the
tion is no promotion. Per-customer profits are $3.14 details of the promotions, followed by issues related
when the firm does not offer a promotion, but prof- to the design and physical delivery of the promotion
its fall to $1.68 when these customers are offered the offer. Here, online stores also have an advantage, par-
discount coupon. In row 2, the policy recommenda- ticularly in the delivery of the promotion and the ease
tion is discount coupon. When this policy is imple- with which the promotion can be linked back to the
mented, per-customer profits are $3.90, but profits fall retailer’s website.
to $2.29 when customers who should receive a dis- It is also worth noting that although extensive cus-
count coupon receive no promotion. This shows that tomer databases are increasingly available, we under-
not offering the discount coupon when it is needed stand that currently relatively few organizations have
reduces customer profits. On the other hand, when the internal skills necessary to formulate the type of
the recommended policy in row 3 is free shipping, statistical models we use. Therefore, the linkage of
offering no promotion yields higher profits ($2.57) RFM categories to promotional instruments may pro-
than offering the incorrect promotion ($2.13). This is vide useful guidance to marketing managers. By map-
important because it illustrates that offering no pro- ping the various promotional instruments to differ-
motion is better than offering the wrong promotion. ent RFM profiles, we are able to comment on which
type of promotion is generally appropriate for dif-
5. Discussion ferent categories of customers. This analysis is also
In this paper, we have examined consumer response of interest because the different promotional types
to a variety of distinct promotional instruments. We provide different types of incentives. There are sev-
find that the use of customized promotions yields eral customer management issues that may be better
increases in revenue and profitability, which are understood by studying which promotions are advo-
maximized when both individual preferences and cated for customers with different transaction histo-
purchase cycle information are used for guiding mar- ries. For instance, firms may wish to know whether
keting tactics. The results and the accompanying promotions should attempt to change or reinforce pre-
techniques should be of significant interest to both vious patterns of purchasing or what type of promo-
traditional and online grocery industry practitioners. tion is more useful for reacquiring lapsed customers
The grocery industry is currently struggling with a (Thomas et al. 2004). For example, our results sug-
changing competitive dynamic that has led to store gest that the removal of shipping charges that act as
closings and reduced profitability. Much of this car- a required transaction fee is a more effective reac-
nage is the result of Wal-Mart’s entry into the grocery quisition promotion than a coupon that provides a
business. The current conventional wisdom is that 10% discount on items purchased. This type of find-
traditional grocers need to exploit information from ing suggests a need for future research into why the
frequent shopper programs to counteract Wal-Mart’s removal of the transaction fee is more effective in
advantages in terms of costs (Singh et al. 2006). For reacquiring customers than the straight discount.
example, Tesco, the leading British retailer, has used A strength of the research is its consideration of
its customer-level data to thwart Wal-Mart by design- distinct types of promotional instruments, but the
ing customized promotion offers (Rohwedder 2006). data impose several limitations. We are not able to
Our research demonstrates how a grocery retailer can study variations in the value of each promotion.
leverage individual-level transaction data to poten- Future researchers may wish to examine the bene-
tially increase profits via customized marketing. fits of customizing not only types of promotions but
However, it is important to acknowledge the costs also the value of promotional instruments (Zhang and
associated with implementing such a policy, includ- Krishnamurthi 2004, Lewis 2005b). As the loyalty pro-
ing warehousing and maintenance of a customer gram was ongoing, the firm did not actually offer the
database. The degree of expertise and the amount of loyalty award as a limited duration promotion, which
data needed increases with the level of customiza- is likely to evoke a different response from what we
tion. For example, to implement customization based were able to capture here. Further research is needed
on transaction history requires that the firm only to more accurately assess the response to reward pro-
track purchase history. To implement customization motions. Another limitation of the data is that actual
using individual-level preferences also requires track- exposure to promotions is not observed, which may
ing exposure and response to various marketing activ- result in an underestimate of promotion effectiveness.
ities. These data are more easily collected and finely A possible approach to correcting this is to include
tracked in an online rather than retail store envi- a model of promotion awareness conditional on pro-
ronment. Once these systems have been established, motion availability (Erdem et al. 1999).
Khan, Lewis, and Singh: Dynamic Customer Management and the Value of One-to-One Marketing
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