ICT-OL-10-THEORYNOT-ver0-8-5 Sect4

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Section 4 Computer Networks

Table of Content

a) Router and its purpose .................................................................................................................. 4-2

b) The use of WIFI and Bluetooth in networks ................................................................................ 4-2
c) How to set up a small network involving access to the Internet: ............................................... 4-2
d) Different methods of communication: .......................................................................................... 4-3
Fax ........................................................................................................................................ 4-3
E-mail .................................................................................................................................... 4-3
Bulletin boards: ..................................................................................................................... 4-4
Tele- conferencing and Video conferencing: ......................................................................... 4-4
e) Local Area Network (LAN), WLAN & Wide Area Network (WAN) ............................................ 4-5
Network: ................................................................................................................................ 4-5
Types of Network .................................................................................................................. 4-5
f) The differences between LANs, WLANs and WANs: ................................................................ 4-6
Local Area Network (LAN)..................................................................................................... 4-6
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)……………………………………………………………4-6
Wide Area Networks (WAN) .................................................................................................. 4-6
g) Network Topology: ............................................................................................................................ 4-6
h) Common Network Devices: .......................................................................................................... 4-7
i) Common network environments .................................................................................................... 4-8
j) Advantages & disadvantages of using the Internet ..................................................................... 4-9
k) Problems of data confidentiality.................................................................................................... 4-9
l) Need for encryption and authentication techniques .................................................................. 4-11
Exercise – Section 4 ........................................................................................................................ 4-12
Answers of section 4 exercise ........................................................................................................ 4-17
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a) Router and its purpose

It is a communication device that allows data to be ‘Routed’ between different
types of networks (such as LAN & WAN). Local Area Network connects computers
together (LAN), but what happens if a computer on one LAN wants to communicate with a
computer on a different LAN? How do they connect? Answer: using the 'Router'.
- Connects LANs together or a LAN to a WAN such as the Internet
- Keeps the private LAN separate from the WAN
- Any messages that are addressed for a computer not in the LAN are passed to the router

b) The use of WIFI and Bluetooth in networks

Wi-Fi is used in a Wireless LAN (WLAN).
 It allows wireless transmission of data over a distance of 10 to 20 meters with a high
transfer rate of data.
 It is useful for laptops, games consoles, televisions, printers, digital cameras and
Bluetooth is used for wireless connection over a short distance; only few meters.
 It does not use much power and transfer rate of data is low.
 It is typically used to connect battery-powered devices such as:
o Ear-piece with mobiles
o MP3 players with computers
o Wireless mouse/keyboard with computers

c) How to set up a small network involving access to the Internet:

A single computer (stand-alone computer) is useful but when it is connected to other computers it
becomes much powerful as users across a network can communicate, share data and
peripherals (hardware devices attached to computers) with other users.
Small network example such as in homes: Mixture of a wired and a wireless network

Web browser
Use of a browser:
 Short for Web browser, a software application that runs on your Internet-connected
computer used to locate and display Web pages.
 It allows you to view Web pages, as well as use other content and technologies such as
video and graphics files.
 Web browsers are not all created equal, and Web pages also will not be displayed the
same in different browsers.
All browsers will have a number of similar features to help you use the Web:
o Forward and back buttons to move between pages
o A history folder which stores details of recently visited web pages
o A stop button if a page is taking too long to load
o Favourites and bookmark options to store often visited pages
o Options to cut, copy, save and print the information viewed

ISPs (Internet Service Providers)

 There are many organisations providing users with the link to the Internet. Internet
browser software on the computer holds information for the ISP which is necessary to
connect the computer to Internet.
 ISPs allocate disk space to users for web sites and provide email accounts

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d) Different methods of communication:

Fax (short for Facsimile) is a communication device connected to telephone lines to
send and receive copies of documents. Sender inserts the document into their fax
machine, and dials the number of the receiving machine. Sending machine scans the
document line by line basis and sends the resulting information to the receiving
machine. Receiving machine recreates the document using photocopier technology. A fax
modem is a special type of modem that allows computers to connect to telephone line to send
and receive fax directly.
o High speed compared with any posting method.
o Simple and convenient for different types of people.
o Content of faxed documents can not be hacked
o No virus threat compared to email system
o Usually accepted legally rather than email messges
o Faxed documents usually have poor quality.
o Cost is expensive when transmitting documents to international destinations.
o Less privacy as more people will be involved in fax transmission operation.
o If sent or received through computer and fax modem it takes substantial storage to store.
Email: Short for Electronic mail which is the transmission of messages over communications
networks. Send and receive messages from one user to other users using computer
Features of email
o Automatic reply to messages
o Auto forward and redirection of messages
o Facility to send copies of a message to many people
o Automatic filing and retrieval of messages
o Addresses can be stored in an address book and retrieved instantly
o Notification if message cannot be delivered
o Automatically date and time stamped
o Signatures can be attached
o Files, graphics or sound can be sent as attachments, often in compressed formats
o Web mail and mobile email can be used to receive and send messages while on the move.
To set up email you need:
o A computer
o Internet connection via a modem or terminal adaptor (ISDN) or broadband Router (ADSL).
o An account with an ISP (Internet Service Provider)
o Internet browser & Email software
Advantages of email:
o Less use of paper as mail can be read and replies without printing.
o Cost is the same to anywhere in the world.
o Very fast way to send and receive messages worldwide.
o Simple method for computer users to send a message using e-mail
o Less people is involved not like other mailing methods such as Fax many people
o High quality in presenting documents and messages.
o Different types of data (Text, pictures, Drawings, etc) can be attached to an email-message

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Disadvantages of email:
o E-mail can only be used by people who subscribe to the service.
o A user does not realize that he has new mail until he logs in.
o It is expensive to prepare a set up (i.e. computer and router)
o Other people may be able to access others’ mail (security).
o The spread of E-mail usage is a threat to the postal and office workers.
o Viruses are spread via email attachments

Advantages of using E-mail over the post:

o Less use of paper: Mail can be read and replies made without printing. A letter can be written
using a word processing and transmitted without use of paper.
o Fast delivery – messages can be received immediately after they are sent.
o The cost is usually the same to anywhere in the world.
o Different types of files can be attached to email messages.
o Uncomplicated system for computer users; if any employee in a company sends a letter by
post to another a chain of people is involved. E-mail only involves the people concerned.

Disadvantages of using E-mail over the post:

o E-mail can only be sent to people who subscribe to the service and use it regularly.
o A user does not know any mail has been received until he/she logs on.
o It is expensive to use a public network
o Widespread use of E-mail might threaten the jobs of postal and office workers.

Bulletin boards:
 It is an electronic equivalent of a notice board.
 It carries short items that may be of interest to
wide number of people.
 The users access the computer by a network or
Internet. Users of the bulletin board can leave
messages and review messages left by other
 Large bulletin boards are run by organizations
that offer comprehensive information services.

Tele- conferencing and Video conferencing:

It is an online computer system that allow people who are geographically
separated/apart to conduct a meeting/conference to discuss issues using
high speed broadband telecommunication (DSL telecommunication),
special software network, every participant can type messages using
keyboards so participants see the messages and reply, can speak and
hear using microphone and speakers so participants speak and hear
discussions and can see real time images of users who has a web cam.

What do you need for video conferencing?

1. A high-specification computer
2. A video camera or Web camera.
3. A microphone/loudspeaker
4. A high speed communication link (broadband connection)
5. Video conferencing software.
6. Codec program to convert data formats among Video Conference.

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The Advantages of video conferencing

o Meetings can take place without leaving the office/Delegates can still attend meetings even if
they are physically unable to.
o Travel costs and time taken to travel can be reduced significantly/Companies do not have to
transport their employees to a common meeting place saving travel and conference room
costs and time (cost of travel eliminated - Time saved because of non-travelling)
o Meetings can be called instantly worldwide in a short time notice.
o Each employee can contribute equally to the conference

The disadvantages of video conferencing

o May not be as productive as a discussion around a table/face to face meeting, there will always
be times when you need to be able to meet face to face.
o Confidential and original documents may need to be signed in person.
o Different time zones might hold back meetings.

e) Local Area Network (LAN), WLAN & Wide Area Network (WAN)
It is a set of linked computer systems to share computer power, its peripherals and resources
such as software, printers, large disk drives, CD Rom, and databases.
Advantages of networks:
o Sharing devices (peripherals) such as printers to save money.
o Files can easily be shared between users.
o Software site licences are likely to be cheaper than buying several stand-alone licences.
o Network users can communicate by email.
o A file server is easy to back up as all the data is stored in one place.
Disadvantages of networks:
o Purchasing the network cabling and file servers can be expensive.
o Managing a large network is complicated, requires training and a network manager usually
needs to be employed.
o If the file server breaks down the files on the file server become inaccessible.
o Viruses can spread to other computers throughout a computer network.
o There is a danger of hacking, particularly with wide area networks. Security procedures are
needed to prevent such abuse.
Types of Network
Local Area Network (LAN): Is a network in which similar computer systems are situated
relatively close to each other, for example same building or cluster of buildings such as a school.
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), it behaves like a LAN but has no wires or cables, other
than wiring that connects the WLAN access points together. WLAN uses Wi-Fi (spread spectrum
radio waves or infrared signals) to enable devices to communicate with each other.
WLAN mean: all computers can access same services, e.g. printers and Internet access, from
any place the user chooses to work and new computers or devices can be added to the network
without added expense and/or inconvenience of extra cabling.
Wide Area Network (WAN): Is a network in which various computer systems are geographically
remote. Wide Area Networks make use of variety of a range of connection methods including
communication satellites. Examples: Internet is a WAN. A school network is a LAN.

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f) The differences between LANs, WLANs and WANs:

Local Area Network (LAN)
Characteristics of LAN
o Computer systems are normally microcomputers (PCs)
o Communication between computers by cable.
o To use a program user can handle it locally.
o Computer systems are situated close to each other, (a school network).
Advantages of LAN:
o All connected computers or workstations can share peripherals, hardware and software.
o Other people cannot access user’s files.
o A user can use any software on the network with the appropriate authorisation.
Disadvantages of LAN:
o If the computer server is down the entire network is idle, sharing resources is not present.
o It needs software administration and skills.
o Viruses can be easily spread over the networked computers.

Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)

It behaves like a LAN but has no wires or cables, other than wiring that connects the WLAN
access points together. WLAN uses Wi-Fi (spread spectrum radio waves or infrared signals) to
enable devices to communicate with each other.

Wide Area Networks (WAN)

Characteristics of WAN
o One or more ‘host’ computer usually provides computing power.
o Workstations vary from terminals to microcomputers, (monitors
attached to systems in WAN could be just monitors: terminals attached
to a mainframe or monitors attached to Personal Computers (PCs)
o May be nationwide or worldwide.
o Connections are at very high-speed data links.
o Computers are geographically remote
Advantages of WAN:
o All connected computers can share data files over the network, but not peripherals.
o A user can use any software on the network with the appropriate authorisation.
o Advanced system backup if the main server is down; more than one server is available).
Disadvantages of WAN:
o It needs a wide scale of software administration and skills.
o Public may access WAN so security and confidentiality of data is an issue.
g) Network Topology:
It is the physical arrangement of computers of a network. There are different network topologies: Bus,
Ring, Star and Hybrid.
Bus network; has each of the devices connected directly to a communication line, called bus, along
which signals are sent. The bus will frequently be twin cable. Each device on the network has the bus cable going
into its network interface and going out to the network interface of the next device.
Ring network; has each of the devices on the network connected to a ring (loop) communications line around which
signals are sent. Each device on the network has cable going into its network interface and going out to the network
interface of the next device. Provision has to be made for the system to continue to work if one of the devices is
switched off or fails to function properly.
Star network; has all the network devices connected to one central computer which is often used as file server. The
central node (Sometimes called hub) of the network has a separate connection to each computer or terminal on the
Hybrid network: use a combination of any two or more topologies in such a way that the resulting network does not
represent one of the standard topologies
Two common examples: star bus network and star ring network

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h) Common Network Devices:

To connect more than one computer in a network hardware devices are needed
such as:
Network Interface card (NIC): Every computer must have an interface card
which allows network cable to be plugged in to connect to the network device.

A network hub is a hardware device that connects multiple
computers in a network. (In creating a LAN) - used at the centre of a star network
It allows networked computers to share data transmission - simple and cheap device
- any message sent to the hub is broadcast to all
connected computers. Data security is thus poor

- a more intelligent hub
A switch is a component which is used within a - also used at the centre of a star network
computer network. - more expensive than a hub
- the switch inspects the address of any message it receives
A switch has a number of ports and it stores the - a message is sent only to the correct computer
addresses of all network devices that are directly or
indirectly connected to it on each port.
As a data packet comes into the switch, its destination address is examined and a
direct connection is made between the sending and receiving machines. (In creating
a LAN)

A Bridge joins two networks together
- used to join different types of network together
so as far as data is concerned it - e.g. an old ring network with a modern Ethernet network
- acts as a 'translator' so that messages can pass between networks
looks like one large network

Proxy servers:
Also called a "proxy," it is a computer system that breaks the connection
between sender and receiver. Functioning as a relay between client and
server, proxy servers help prevent an attacker from invading a private
network and are one of several tools used to build a firewall.
It acts as a buffer between a WAN (usually the internet) and a LAN. The
server passes on the service requests to the Proxy Server...
- used in a similar way to a router - connecting a LAN to the Internet
internet and then passes back the requested - allows several computers on a LAN to use a single Internet
pages. Any page retrieved from the internet is - one computer, the proxy, shares its Internet connection

stored on the server, which means that when a different computer requests the same page it is
available immediately thus considerably speeding up the browsing process.

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i) Common network environments

Internet: Provides facility to link computers world wide, It allows fast
communication between people, transfer of data between computers, and
distribution of information.

Intranet: Is a communication system providing similar services to the

Internet but exclusively within a particular company or organisation.
 Intranet - INTernal Restricted Access NETwork
 Usually within a Local Area Network (LAN)
 Password controlled pages
 Behind a firewall
 Can set up specific information pages on Intranet systems
 Information within the school is easily accessible by all users
 Can limit the places where users can go to study
 No wasted time looking through millions of resources
 Intranet is better protected for use of emails/from viruses/from hackers
When an organisation allows access to their network through the Internet, this access is called
Extranet. It is a part that allows public access through Internet which gives the organisation an
opportunity to advertise itself or give contact details or get feedback from public using the Internet.

World Wide Web (WWW): it stores millions of web pages on web

servers. Web pages are written in a language called HTML (Hypertext
Mark-up Language). A set of web pages is called a website. Each web
page has its own unique address or URL (Uniform Resource Locator).
The URL has the format "http" and a domain (such as: "co.uk"). Most sites
have a home page that links the user to the other main areas of the site.
To connect to the Internet you need:
o A computer
o A telephone line/communication line
o A broadband ROUTER for ADSL connection that is faster than ordinary phone line and ISDN).
o A browser which is a program that allows you to view the pages on the Web.
What can you do on the Internet?
o Searching the web looking for specific information
o Transfer files to other users and receive files from them.
o Book for flights, holidays, and theatres.
o Pay bills using online banking services provided by many banks.
o Shop and buy goods from home for example; books, CDs, videos.
o Using chat rooms and instant messaging to talk to people.
o Using email services.
o Develop and publish personal web pages.
Summary of services available on the Internet:
o Email; Send messages to other Internet users.
o Search engine which helps to locate the required information.
o Teleconferencing; Communicate visually with other Internet users.
o E-commerce (Home Shopping); Buy goods and products.
o TELEBANKING (Online/E-banking) Manage banking transactions, pay bills, transfer money
between accounts.
o Web publishing; Create and administer your own websites for specialist interests, etc...
o Chat rooms/lines; Send messages on-line to other people...
o Bulletin boards; Send messages or information off-line to people...
o Broadcasting Music and video.
o Downloading Software, drivers and other files.
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j) Advantages & disadvantages of using the Internet

o Vast world-wide source of information.
o People can easily communicate with other people from anywhere else.
o People can tell the world about their problems.
o Internet can be accessed from anywhere.
o Goods can be sold through it.
o it is sometimes takes a long time to find the data because sometimes too many users are
accessing servers available on the Internet that cause servers to take longer time to respond
o Security of information is an issue; Internet connection is target to hackers so an unauthorised
access to information that may corrupt or damage files is a risk.
o Viruses are a risk that may lead to loss of important information.
o Undesirable and offensive materials can be easily spread over the Internet.
o If used from home:
 Collecting pornography (indecent materials).
 Time spent by individuals on the Internet.
 Tends to make people reclusive (isolated).

k) Problems of data confidentiality

Data is a very valuable asset and it can be corrupted, stolen, changed or lost in many different
ways which are unexpected. It is essential to secure data as far as possible and that the data can
be recovered if required. Failing to protect data can be destructive and very expensive.

Data problems:
Data might be incorrect or unsecured etc....and here comes the problems
Data privacy; describes the need of some data only to be accessed by, or disclosed to,
authorised person, Data Protection Act provides legal protection for individuals’ data privacy.
Data Security; involves the use of various methods to make sure that data is correct, is kept
confidential and is safe. Data security includes ensuring the integrity and privacy of data, as well
as preventing the loss or destruction of the data.

Hacking; Is attempting to gain unauthorised access to computer system. This may be the
unauthorised use of a computer or simply unauthorised access to particular programs or data
stored on a computer.
Virus; is a program designed to make a computer system unreliable and to copy itself between
and within computers. The virus includes instructions to do the copying automatically, via a disk or
network. The virus may also include instructions to damage data or affect the computers
operation, such as displaying silly messages. These effects are activated when some pre-
determined condition occur (such as particular date)

Computer/Data misuse:
In common network environment there are major threats on data confidentiality and privacy.
o Hackers gain unauthorised access to networks and computers they could:
 Do changes in programs causing data inconsistency.
 Changing data during any process damaging data integrity.
 Access the personal data of individuals harming the data confidentiality.
 Copying data to be used for malicious purposes, for example using individual credit card
number and ID to pay for purchases over the net or use individual bank details to withdraw
money from their accounts (Phishing - Data Abuse).
 Copying software and use it without proper authority (Software Piracy).
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o Abuse cases within services available on the Internet;

 Email; sending message to many users that may include undesired materials, and illegal
products and services (Spam).
 Chat Rooms, persons online pretend to have identities different than what they are and use
that to deceive others.
o Viruses; Some people designing viruses and use Internet services to spread these viruses to
damage others data and computers.

Protecting data and networks

Data protection is ensuring that data is correct and is kept confidential and safe. These
concepts apply to all data, not just data which is confidential or about individual people.

Security measures should be implemented to secure data and networks:

o Taking security measures to prevent viruses attack
 Anti virus programs; should be installed and kept up-to-date on each server and
personal computers accessing the Internet to detect and prevent viruses to
cause damages on the system and data.
 Use anti virus software in the computer which checks every disk placed in the drive.
 Do not allow others to place discs in the disc drive or memory stick or floppy discs.
 Do not use the Internet without using Firewalls.
 Do not use software of unknown origin.

o Use Anti Spam programs; which prevent certain programs running on the Internet to gain
control on the local PC for example programs which cause advertisement to continue on the
local PC or get it to automatically log in specific sites. Anti spam programs are also used on
email service providers to control spam email.
o Use user name and password/pin number; Access to any server on the Internet should be
controlled by giving each user a user name and password or PIN (Personal Identification
Number) number to allow log in to the computer system.
o Encrypt Data; Data encryption is converting data in a computer system
unreadable/meaningless form (sometimes called scrambled data).
o Government acts to protect data confidentiality;
 Government enforce copyright law, this provides protection to owners of the software and other
materials (e.g. music, movies) which run on computers to be illegally copied or used.
 Data Protection Act: That is an Act sets out current requirements for the control of stored data
about individual, both in computer systems and in other forms.
The Act defines data protection principals which are given here in simplified form;
1. Data should be fairly and lawfully processed.
2. Data should be only used or disclosed for the specified notified purposes.
3. Data should be adequate, relevant, and not excessive.
4. Data should be accurate and kept up-to-date.
5. Security measures should be implemented to prevent any unauthorised access.
6. Data should not be kept any longer than is necessary.
7. The individuals have the right to view the data stored about them and have the data changed
if it is incorrect.

User id and password:

User ID (Identification/name): is unique name or code used to identify a
user to a computer system when gaining access (logging on).
Password: is a word or code known only to the user. A password is
linked to a specific user ID.

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The purpose of user ID & password:

User ID and password are used to allow users gain access to computer system.
The purpose of using ID and password:
* Restrict access to computer systems to the authorised users.
* Prevent malicious access to networks by hackers.
User should memorise password and handle it with care to avoid others to get an access to his
files or system. User should not disclose it to anyone or write it down.
Personal Identification Number (PIN) usually used in association with credit cards or any other
type of access cards using pin pad or numeric key pad.

l) Need for encryption and authentication techniques

Data should be secured so Encryption is used to secure data and keeps it confidential, the
authorised users only would have the encryption and decryption key/keys.
Encryption techniques:
* Translate the data into a secret code.
* Data is converted to a form which is unreadable
* By using codes which only the sending and receiving computers can
Encryption provides security for data by preventing it being understood, both when stored
electronically and when transmitted between computer systems.
Data Decryption; is converting the unreadable data back into an understandable form.
Authentication is the process of verifying a person's identity, while authorization is the process of
verifying that a known person has the authority to perform a certain operation.
Authentication comes before authorization. E.g. when you show proper identification to a bank
teller, you will be authenticated by bank teller, so you would be authorized to access your bank
accounts. You would not be authorized to access accounts that are not your own.
In communication authentication is: the process of attempting to verify the digital identity of the
sender of a communication such as a request to log in. (checking the validity and identity of who is
using the communication) simply use of authentication techniques to make sure that the
person/user who is really him/her not someone else using some of the following:
 User Id and password
 PIN (Personal Identification Number)
 Use of hint questions
 ID proof
The sender being authenticated may be a person using a computer, a computer itself or a
computer program.
Authentication techniques;
o Allocate password and identification number associated with access rights to each user of
computer system to be checked at login to the system.
o Use firewall to control access to computer system
o Use digital signature to ensure users are who they are.
Authentication program use user name and password to determine whether
to allow users to access the system and which part of the system they are
allowed to access.
Firewall is a technique used for authentication. Firewall; It is a computer program used to prevent
and control access to computer systems.

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Exercise – Section 4
Question (1)
Choose 3 of the following that make it easier for people to work from home:; [3]
TELETEXT cheap PCs MICR electronic mail
Local Area Networks bar codes fax
Question (2)
(a) What is the difference between a LAN and a WAN? [1]
(b) Which of the two (LAN and WAN) is more likely to need a modem to use it? [1]
Question (3)
State what Internet service is being described in each of the following sentences;
a) Three people typing messages to one another so all three see both messages and replies. [1]

b) One person sending a message to another person which they then find when they log in. [1]
Question (4)
Give three different tasks an electronic mail system carries out. [3]
Question (5)
Many companies around the world use electronic conferencing to communicate with their employees
around the world. (a) Describe electronic conferencing? [3]
(b) Describe the advantage and disadvantage of using electronic conferences? [4]
Question (6)
a) Name two different methods of communication that make direct use of a computer system. [2]
b) Explain how one of these methods of communication would be used. [2]
c) Compare and contrast Electronic mail with traditional post service. [4]

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Question (7)
Many medical practices and health centres now store patient information on computer files.
a) In a particular health centre, a local area network (LAN) is used, providing terminals and local printers in
each of the doctors’ rooms. Give TWO advantages of this network instead of using stand alone machines
in each doctor’ room [2]
b) It is proposed to link the network in all surgeries and health centres in the area to the main hospital
computer system to form a wide area network (WAN).
i. Name an extra device that will be needed in the surgery to allow the connection to be made. [1]
ii. What is the function of this device? [3]
c) Give an example of data which:
i. Might be transmitted from a doctor in a surgery to the hospital. [1]
II) Might be transmitted from the hospital to the doctor. [1]
d) Give TWO advantages of the WAN being available:
i. To the patient [2]
ii. To the hospital [2]
e) What extra security problems might arise when the WAN is set up? [2]
Question (8) [4]
Give THREE advantages and ONE disadvantage of existence of a world wide network such as Internet?

Question (9)
State two ways by which you can prevent a virus getting onto your computer [2]
Question (10)
State two disadvantages of having an Internet connection at home [2]

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Question (11)
The school registers its data. Describe two rules from the Data Protection Act that the school must
comply with. [2]

Question (12)
A student in a school has nearly completed his History coursework. He has done it all on
computer. Write down two ways he could use to prevent another student from copying his work.
Question (13)
Describe three ways in which computers containing personal data can be misused. [3]
For each of your answers above, explain a method for preventing it. [3]
Question (14) [4]
A school has been given some money to buy computers. It can now buy enough computers for
every student. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having laptop computers or extra
computer rooms connected to the network.
Question (15)
A school is going to buy computers to create a new IT room. They will be connected to the
existing network.
(a) Give two factors other than cost that should be taken into account when choosing suitable
computers to add to the network. [2]
(b) The purchase of new computers will cause the fileserver to be short of storage space and run
more slowly. Describe two solutions to these problems. [2]

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(c)Apart from the computer, describe one item of hardware which would be needed and explain
how it could be connected to the network.
Question (16)
Library members must type in two items of information before they can access the Internet. List
these items. [2]
Question (17)
A tennis club intends to connect to other local clubs using a Wide Area Network. Some of the
members are concerned about this plan because they are frightened that their data may be
misused. Describe three ways in which their data might be misused. [3]
Question (18)
The employees of many companies communicate through the use of electronic mail and video
conferencing. (a) What is meant by video conferencing? [3]
(b) Describe advantages & disadvantages of video conferencing when compared with Email. [3]
Question (19)
Ali and Lee work in different offices of a multi-national company. They use e-mail to send
messages to each other. (a) Describe the computer processing involved after a message has
been written on Ali’s computer and before Lee opens the e-mail. [3]
(b) Describe two advantages and two disadvantages of using electronic mail rather than using
ordinary letter post. [4]

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Question (20)
Name each type of network [3]

C Bus
A Star B Ring

Question (21)
Discuss the needs of encryption including one of encryption techniques used in common network
environment. [4]
Question (22)
Discuss the needs of authentication and state three techniques used in authentication on common
network environment like Internet. [4]
Blank lines

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Answers of section 4 exercise

Question (1)
Choose 3 of the following that make it easier for people to work from home:; [3]

TeleText cheap PCs MICR electronic mail

Local area networks bar codes fax

Question (2)
LAN works on one site within a limited area where WAN operates using external communication within a
very large geographical scale. [1]
(b) WAN [1]
Question (3)
a) Electronic conferencing [1]
b) E-mail [1]
Question (4) [3]
o Allows users to read their messages.
o Allows users to send their messages.
o Stores messages in the appropriate mailboxes.
o Allows a user to search his/her mailbox to see what is in it.
Question (5)
(a) Electronic conferencing: It is a system that allows a group of people to have a discussion or a
debate without being together in the same location using:
o terminals,
o telephone lines,
o communication device,
o And maybe web cameras. [3]
b) The advantages of using electronic conferences: [2]
o Allow people staying at different places to have discussion without the need to travel.
The disadvantages of using electronic conferences:
o It needs special equipment and programs to operate.
Question (6)
a) 1. Electronic mail 2. Fax via computer [2]
b) Explain how one of these methods of communication would be used.
Electronic mail needs a computer with a Router, communication line, and software. It can be used by:
o Creating a document to be sent
o Run the communication program, dial the appropriate phone number for communication and log on.
o Select E-mail and select send.
o Send the document log off. [2]
c) Advantages of using E-mail over the post: [4]
o Less use of paper:
o Mail can be read and replies made without printing.
o A letter can be written using a word processing and transmitted directly without use of paper.
o Fast delivery – messages can be received immediately after they are sent.
o The cost is usually the same to anywhere in the world.
o Simple method for computer users; if any employee in a company sends a letter by post to another
one a chain of people is involved. But E-mail only involves the computer system and the people
Disadvantages of using E-mail over the post:
o E-mail can only be sent to people who subscribe to the service and use it regularly.
o A user does not know any mail has been received until he/she logs on.
o It is expensive to use a public network
o Widespread use of E-mail might threaten the jobs of postal and office workers.
Question (7)
a) All connected computers or workstations can share peripherals.
Other people cannot access user’s files.
A user can use any software on the network with the appropriate authorization. [2]

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b) It is proposed to link the network in all surgeries and health centres in the area to the main hospital
computer system to form a wide area network (WAN).
Router [1]
If a computer user is using a Router to access a public network the Router: [3]
- Connects LANs together or a LAN to a WAN such as the Internet
- Keeps the private LAN separate from the WAN
- Any messages that are addressed for a computer not in the LAN are passed to the router
c) i. Medical record of a patient is being admitted to the hospital. [1]
ii. Results of Lab and other medical tests [1]
d) i. To the patient [2]
o Medical tests results are received more quickly.
o The hospital knows the patient’s medical history
ii. To the hospital [2]
o Staff time is saved by not having to write same information many times.
o Better utilization of resources, e.g. inpatient beds, Radiology rooms…etc. due to the
availability of on time information and better booking planning.
o Saving on postage costs and time through better communication over email.
e) Confidential information is available from more places
o Possibility of hacking.
o Possibility of accidental corruption of data. [2]
Question (8) Give THREE advantages and ONE disadvantage of existence of a world wide network such
as Internet? [4]
o Vast world-wide source of information.
o People can easily meet people from anywhere else.
o People can tell the world about their problems.
o Internet can be accessed from anywhere.
o Goods can be sold through it.
o it sometimes takes a long time to find the data because sometimes too many users are accessing
the servers available on the Internet that might cause the servers to take longer time to respond
(i.e. There are sometimes too many users for the number of servers available.)
o Data security and confidentiality is an issue.
Question (9) State two ways by which you can prevent a virus getting onto your computer
o Use a virus scanner/install antivirus program.
o Software in the computer which checks every disk placed in the drive.
o Do not allow others to place discs in the disc drive.
o Do not allow the use of floppy discs.
o Do not use the Internet without using Firewalls.
o Do not use software of unknown origin. [2]
Question (10) State two disadvantages of having an Internet connection at home. [2]
o Larger telephone bill.
o Collecting pornography.
o Disputes over who can use it.
o Time spent by individuals on the Internet.
o Tends to make people reclusive.
Question (11)
The school registers its data. Describe two rules from the Data Protection Act that the school must
comply with. [2]
Two from:
o Information shall be obtained fairly.
o Information shall be obtained lawfully.
o Data should be kept securely
o Data held only for one or more specified and lawful purpose
o Data shall not be used for anything other than that purpose
o Data shall not be disclosed for anything other than that purpose
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o Data held for any purpose shall be adequate in relation to that purpose
o Data held for any purpose shall be relevant in relation to that purpose
o Data held for any purpose shall not be excessive in relation to that purpose
o Data shall be accurate/correct/valid and up-to-date
o Data shall not be kept for longer than necessary
Question (12)
A student in a school has nearly completed his History coursework. He has done it all on
computer. Write down two ways he could use to prevent another student from copying his work.
o Student may save the work on a secure network area
o Student may use files password
o Student may save the work on removable storage media such as floppy disc or CD
o Student may encrypt the work.
Question (13)
Describe three ways in which computers containing personal data can be misused. [3]
o Hackers may read/obtain the data and pass it on
o Hackers may delete the data
o Hackers may amend/alter the data
For each of your answers above, explain a method for preventing it. [3]
o Data can be encrypted
o Usernames and passwords can be used
o Do not connect the computers to unsecured network
o Use of physical security such as locks on computer room doors
Question (14) [4]
A school has been given some money to buy computers. It can now buy enough computers for
every student. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having laptop computers or extra
computer rooms connected to the network.
Advantage: - Laptops can be transported from classroom to another.
- When the network is down we cannot use the network computers, we can use
the laptops.
- We can store personal data on laptops.
- Can use laptops outside the classroom in Science/Geography
Disadvantage: - Cannot share resources on laptops
- Print work is difficult
- Can not access work that have been saved in other lessons
- Laptops are more expensive than network stations.
- It is difficult to use keyboards and mouse on laptops.
- Laptops need recharging from time to time.
- Battery life limits outdoor usage.
Question (15) A school is going to buy computers to create a new IT room. They will be
connected to the existing network.
(a) Give two factors other than cost that should be taken into account when choosing suitable
computers to add to the network. [2]
o Compatibility with existing system
o Speed of processing and power needed
o Amount of Interface network cards needed
o Amount of hard disc space needed
o Reliability of the new equipment
(b) The purchase of new computers will cause the fileserver to be short of storage space and run
more slowly. Describe two solutions to these problems. [2]
o Will cause reduction in server speed
o Will fill up server hard disc / no room to save work

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o Buy extra internal memory for server
o Buy another hard disc for server
o Buy another server to act as a slave
(C) Apart from the computer, describe one item of hardware which would be needed and explain
how it could be connected to the network.
Printer / scanner connected to a computer locally and driver installed on a computer and
configured to be shared, if network card is present, connected directly to a network point and
driver installed on a server, configured to be shared
Question (16)
Library members must type in two items of information before they can access the Internet. List
these items. [2]
1) user identification / membership number
2) password
Question (17)
A tennis club intends to connect to other local clubs using a Wide Area Network. Some of the
members are concerned about this plan because they are frightened that their data may be
misused. Describe three ways in which their data might be misused. [3]
1 Their data can be seen and passed on or spread
2 Their data can be changed/amended/altered/deleted
3 Their data can be theft and inappropriately used by others.
Question (18)
Employees of many companies communicate through use of Email and video conferencing.
(a) What is meant by video conferencing? [3]
o Employees are connected to an on-line system at the same time using computers (1)
o Members contribute to the conversation by typing their text that appears (1)
o on everyone else's screen (1)
o Real time images of the people in the conference who has a web camera may appear on the
screen like a TV picture (1)
o This type of connection needs communication software at both ends to make the conferencing
work (1)
o Use of communication lines, microphones, speakers and video/web cameras (1)
(b) Describe advantages & disadvantages of video conferencing when compared with E-mail [3]
o In Video conferencing more than two people can participate and response immediately and
they can see each other that leads to visual demonstration and body language can be
o E-mail costs less as video conferencing setup costs a lot
o Time zones may become a difficulty with synchronise video conference timing
o Video conferencing is like real meeting that needs a lot of preparation work to gather people in
one event but using e-mail needs less preparation work
Question (19) Ali and Lee work in different offices of a multi-national company. They use e-mail to
send messages to each other. (a) Describe the computer processing involved after a message
has been written on Ali’s computer and before Lee opens the e-mail. [3]
Message is transmitted to senders’ ISP central host computer and stored on it.
Received by the addressee’s host computer/ISP
The addressee logs in to a local computer and receives the mail
(b) Describe two advantages and two disadvantages of using electronic mail rather than using
ordinary letter post. [4] Advantages: Two from:
o Messages can be sent instantaneously by e-mail/delivery times are quicker
o You do not have to leave your house to send e-mail
o Replies to e-mails can be quicker
o Sending e-mail can be cheaper/the cost of a phone call is less than the cost of a stamp [2]

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Disadvantages: Two from:

o Signatures/important documents cannot be sent by e-mail
o Vulnerable/Possibility to be hacked
o You need to have a computer/e-mail account/Internet
o You cannot attach physical objects [2]
Question (20) Name each type of network [3]

C Bus

A Star
B Ring

Question (21)
Discuss the needs of encryption including one of encryption techniques used in common network
environment. [4]
Data should be confidential, different users have different needs and different authorities to
access data. The networks, computer systems, and the data should be secure from unauthorised
access and also kept confidential.
Encryption is used to secure data and keeps it confidential, the authorised users only would have
the encryption and decryption key/keys.
Question (22)
Discuss the needs of authentication and state three techniques used in authentication on common
network environment like Internet. [4]
One of the main risks on data security on common network environment is the unauthorised
access of data including hacking, theft, alteration and corruption.
Authentication is the process of attempting to verify the digital identity of the sender of a
communication such as a request to log in to the computer system.
Authentication techniques:
o Allocate password and identification number associated with access rights to each user of
computer system to be checked at login to the system and accordingly giving them access or
not and define which part of the system they would be allowed to use.
o Use firewall to control access to computer system
o Use digital signature to ensure users are who they are.

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