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Assignment 4

Group Members:

Shahzaib Azam L1F18BBAM0232

Mawra Faryad L1F18BBAM0474
Husnain Matloob L1S19BBAM0153
Haider Iqbal L1F19BBAM0437
M. Ismail L1S19BBAM0129
Toqeer Ijaz L1S19BBAM0113
To Develop emotional intelligence training for employees:
Imagine a workplace where
employees feel valued and grounded. They know that they are part of a larger mission, working
with others to create a space where even the most diametrically opposed people can come
together and build consensus. If this sounds like a magical, mythical place, don’t despair.
Emotional intelligence training for employees can help you get there. This is how.

Emotional Intelligence:
Psychology Today defines emotional intelligence as the ability to manage not
only your own emotions, but also the emotions of others.
Training Design:
Emotional Intelligence Training is a set of practical knowledge and skills that help individuals to
become fluent in understanding the language of emotions. The training aims at developing:
Self-motivation, Productivity, Self-awareness and self-control.

How can Emotional Intelligence training and development be implemented in

your organization?
1. Current employees can analyze their EI levels through various tests available online.
Before any type of training, employees should know their EI levels. Without a clear
understanding of EI levels, it is difficult to assess how much progress has been made.
2. Once you have understood what the EI levels are within the organization, there are
some tactics that can be built into the organization to increase EI levels:
 Part of EI involves our ability to control and regulate our emotions. How do
you deal with negative emotions? People with high EI can deal with stress and
other negative emotions effectively. Developing stress management
techniques is critical to becoming more emotionally intelligent. Meditation, for
example, has proven to be an effective stress relief strategy. Incorporating a
meditation or relaxation technique into your daily routine can help you
manage stress. Organizations should incorporate stress reduction techniques
into the workplace whenever possible (offer yoga classes, discounted gym
membership, meditation / prayer rooms, provide information on stress
reduction techniques).
 Increasing your EI means developing and improving your listening skills. People
with high EI are active listeners who can assimilate information and process it
before feeling the need to respond. For managers, it is especially important to
be an active listener to communicate effectively with employees and
customers. Training can help develop listening skills, but training must be done
consistently and continuously.
 Empathy is a key aspect of EI and fostering ways to increase empathy will
improve the workplace. Research indicates that focusing on the similarities you
have with another person can increase your empathy for that person.
Organizations should implement activities that foster bonding and allow
employees to bond and build relationships, in order to increase empathy. This
can be done through employee retreats and weekly / monthly employee
outings. EI training can also include an empathy development aspect.

Material used for training:

A peacful environment for meditation
A Questionnaire (paper/pen)

Significance of training design used:

Self-Awareness For Leaders
As a leader, actions matter more than words. This exercise is for leaders and supervisors who
manage large teams in the workplace.
It is best when practiced in a group, for example, in stand up meetings or orientation programs
is an excellent indicator for evaluating the group thinking.

Self-Awareness Group Exercise For Leaders

Ask your employees/teammates the following questions and urge them to record their
responses on paper:
What do you think is missing from our team?

How do you think I view your contribution to the team?


Do you think you are important in this group?


As a leader/manager/supervisor what do you think I have done to benefit the team?


How have I made you feel part of the group?


Expected outcomes:
Increased leadership ability
Increased team performance
Improved decision making
Decreased occupational stress
Reduced staff turnover
Increased personal wellbeing.

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