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What do you know about the Physiome Project history? Explain its working and also pro and cons.

The concept of physiome project was first proposed by IUPS (International Union of Physiological Sciences) in
1993. They presented this project with the goal for providing “a quantitative description and functional behavior
of the inact organisms”. In 2001, this project became a focus for IUPS.

The main objective of this project is to collect integrated modelling data, information on different methods used
for processing and related software tools and databases and make them available for everyone.


This project is helping us to understand and explain the physiology of human beings which will improve human

The information about previous researches is easily available which helps in new discoveries.


I do not think there is any disadvantage of this project.


What is meant by “Survival of fittest”?

The term “Survival of fittest” was first proposed by Herbert Spencer. This idea stated that Natural selection
supports fittest organisms. It means that the organisms which are more favorable to changes will survive

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