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An Introduction to Vibration Aspects of

Two-stroke Diesel Engines i,n Ships

Introduction Natural Frequency and

The purpose of this paper is to give a
provide a straight-forward description A natural frequency is a character-
of the vibration characteristics of two- istic frequency at which a solid ob-
stroke low speed diesel engines, and of ject will vibrate freely, if subjected to
countermeasures to be taken in con- an impact. Any system of solid ele-
nection with their use in ships. ments, a violin string, a beam, a shaft
line or a ship, has several natural fre-
For those who want to study the subject quencies, each corresponding to a
in more detail, we refer to our publica- certain vibration mode as outlined
tion “Vibration Characteristics of Two- below.
stroke Low Speed Diesel Engines”.
Copies of this publication are available Resonance occurs when the frequency
on request. of the excitation coincides with a natu-
ral frequency and, when this happens,
First, a number of general terms used quite high vibration levels can be the
in vibration terminology are explained: result.

To take an example:
Excitation Sources
It is planned to install a 4L60MC engine
An excitation source is the disturbing in- in a vessel.
fluence which generates and maintains
vibrations. This source may be a free Calculations have revealed that avert-
moment, a guide force moment pro- cal hull vibration has a natural frequency
duced by the engine, the influence on of 3.83 Hz. This corresponds to:
engine frame and ship‘s structure aris-
ing from the axial vibration of the shaft 3.83 x 60 cycles/min =
system, or the influence on the same 230 cycles/min
parts from the torsional vibration of the
shaft system. If 4L60MC engine runs 117 r/min at
MCR, so obviously there is no risk of
The excitation sources in a diesel en- resonance with the first order moment,
gine are cyclic by nature, meaning that as its maximum excitation frequency is:
they vary periodically during the work-
ing cycle of the engine, see Fig. 1. 117 x 1 cycle/min =
117 cycleslmin
In order to evaluate the influence of an
excitation source, a so-called har- The 2nd order moment has an excita-
monic analysis is performed, by which tion frequency of up to:
an excitation source is represented by a I I
sum of excitations acting with different 117 x 2 cycleslmin =
frequencies, which are multiples of the Fig, 7: internal forces in a crosshead engine 234 cycles/min
engine’s rotational frequency.
This means that resonance with the
Mathematically, this is expressed as fol- 2nd order moment may occur at:
F= F, x co+ + v,) +
The first contribution Fl cos (a + cp,) is corresponding to $ sx 100
called the first order force, because it i 1
acts once per revolution. which equals 95% load.
a= crank angle
qn= phase angles F2 cos 2 (2~ + cp,) is called the second Therefore, it is relevant to consider out-
order force, as it acts twice per revolu- balancing the 2nd order moment in Case
tion, and so on. a 4L60MC engine is installed.


Fig. 2 shows the deflection line of the Often the phrase “vibratory response”
hull for the vibration mode mentioned. is met with: this means the deflection of
the system caused by~excitations on the
8 Frequency t
Vibration Modes excitation
Damping .5
A system can have several natural fre-
quencies, each corresponding to a cer- r!
tain characteristic vibration mode. for As there is some kind of energy-absorb- 1
ing friction in all systems, the deflection
will only reach a certain value. This value fig. 4: Deflection curve with and without
will depend on the magnitude of the ex-
Deflection: citation and damping (Friction) as well
as on the excitation frequency in rela-
2 nodes tion to the system’s natural frequency.
The four categories of excitation sources
The magnitude of the damping, which
- I must be known in order to calculate
mentioned are the following, see Fig. 5:
stresses and deflections, can be based
I External unbalanced moments, clas-
on theoretical studies or on experience.
sified as 1st order moments (acting
3 nodes in both the horizontal and vertical
Fig. 4 illustrates the deflection with and
directions) and 2nd order moments
without damping.
(acting in the vertical direction only),
see Fig. 5
i Description and Examples II Guide force moments (see Fig. 5)
Fig. 3: Vibration modes
The description of excitation sources is Ill Axial vibrations
divided into four sections, because the IV Torsional vibrations
vibration characteristics of two-stroke
low speed diesel engines are normally
As can be seen, the upper deflection split up into four categories, During the working cycle of an engine
mode has two points that do not move, there are inertia forces as well as gas
the lower one has three. Each section gives a basic explanation forces acting on the drive train.
of a so-called excitation source in terms
These points are called “nodes”, and of origin and nature, and describes the The inertia forces are divided into inertia
the vibration nodes are called “2.node countermeasures to be taken to mini- forces acting on rotating masses and
vibration”, and “3-node vibration”, re- mise or eliminate the consequences of on reciprocating masses.
spectively. the excitation source.
The inertia forces acting on rotating
Also other forms exist, e.g. deflections masses are constant in magnitude,
in the longitudinal direction, torsional when the engine speed is constant, but
deflections and combinations of these, the direction changes
The inertia forces acting on reciprocating
masses, however, depend on the actual
position of the piston, even though the
engine speed is constant.

The same applies to the gas forces;

they are not constant during the work-
ing cycle.

In order to give a mathematical descrip-

tion of the behaviour of the forces, a har-
monic analysis is normally carried out.

These forces are counteracted by reac-

tion forces in the crankshaft, thus mak-
ing the resultant force equal to zero, but
the external unbalanced moments will
still exist.

I External unbalanced moments

A -Combustion pressure
B -Guide force The external moments are known as the
C - Staybolt force 1 st ,order moments (acting in both the
D -Main bearing force vertical and horizontal directions) and
2nd order moments (acting in the verti-
cal direction only, because they origin-
ate solely in the inertia forces on the
1st Order moment vertical 1 cyclelrev reciprocating masses.
2nd Order moment, vertical 2 cycles/rev
Moments of higher orders exist, but are
normally ignored, as they are very small.

1st order moment

The 1 st order moments acts with a fre-
1st Order moment,horizontal 1 cycle/rev
quency corresponding to the engine
speed x 1.

Generally speaking, the 1 st order mo-
ment causes no vibration problems. For
Guide force moment, H transverse Z cycles/rev 4-cylinder engines, however, ti is recom-
Z is 1 or 2 times the number of cylinders mendable to evaluate the risk because
in rare cases this cylinder configuration
may cause vibration levels of a disturb-

ing magnitude.

Resonance with a 1st order moment

Guide force moment, X transverse Z cycles/rev may occur for hull vibrations with 2 and/
z= 1,2 1 2 or 3 nodes. This resonance can be cal-
-s culated with reasonable accuracy, and
the calculation for the specific plant will
show whether or not a compensator is
necessary on a given four-cylinder en-

Resonance with the vertical moment for

fig. 5: External forces and moments the 2 or 3-node hull vibration can be

1,000 kNm vertically as well as hori-
Standard balancing A aft zontally in standard balancing.

As the natural frequency for the ver-

tical 3-node hull girder vibration mode
was approximately 80 cycles/min,
resonance would occur with excita-
tion from the 1st order vertical exter-
nal moment in the normal running

It was decided to adjust the counter-

weights so as to neutralise the vert-
Balancing reducing Cal moment, and to accept the in-
the vertical moment creased horizontal moment. If vibra-
tion excited by the horizontal 1 st
order moment would cause harmful
vibration (possible horizontal 2.node
vibration mode), an additional balan-
‘1. cing of the engine could be carried
MlV out.
It should be mentioned that 2nd
order moment compensators were
fitted from the start.

Measurements on the trial trip and

with the ship in loaded condition
confirmed a satisfactory vibration

In rare cases, where the 1 st order mo-

~ Fig. 6: AQusfable counteweights for 1st order moment
ment may cause resonance with both
the vertical and the horizontal hull vibra-
tion mode in the normal speed range
of the engine, the adjustable counter-
weights should be positioned so as to
make the vertical moment harmless,
I and a 1st order compensator fitted in
i critical, whereas resonance with the ho+ zero horizontal moment is also avail- the chain tightener wheel in order to
~, zontal moment normally occurs at a able should this be desirable, see Fig. 6. neutralise the horizontal moment.
~: higher engine speed than the nominal
because of the higher natural frequency An example: The compensator comprises two
:‘.,.~.; of horizontal hull vibrations, counter-rotating masses running at the
A Panama bulk carrier, previously same speed as the main engine crank-
1 As standard, four-cylinder versions of designed and delivered with a 5- shaft, see Fig. 7.
the 50MC and larger engine types are cylinder engine, was ordered with a
~ fitted with adjustable counterweights. 4L90GBE. Experience from actual vibration mea-
For S26MC, L35MC and L42MC adju- surements shows that the aftmost node
stable counterweights can be ordered The hull girder vibration characteris- in the 2-node horizontal hull vibration
as an option. tics had been measured on the “hull mode is positioned reasonably far from
wise” identical sistership and were, the compensator in the chain drive.
~: These counterweights can reduce the as such, well-known. The engine was
vertical moment to an insignificant value derated from the nominal 97 r/min Since resonance with both the vertical
(although they simultaneously increase to 84 r/min in order to optimise the and the horizontal hull vibration mode is
the horizontal moment), so this reso- propeller. The 1 st order moment at rare, the standard MAN B&W two-stroke
( nance is easily dealt with. A solution with the derated 64 r/min represents engine is not prepared for the fitting of
However, should the need for compen-
sators arise, solution (e) as mentioned
below, may be applied.

The calculation of the vibration modes

Balancing reducing mentioned above requires advanced cal-
the vertical moment .. culation systems and is often subject to
a high degree of uncertainty. Therefore,
it is essential that owner, shipyard and
engine builder discuss the question at
Balancing reducing the project stage, because later reme-
the horizontal moment dies can be very costly.

Several solutions, from which the most

cost-efficient one can be chosen, are
available to cope with the 2nd order vert-
cal moment:

a) No compensators, if considered
Flc resulting horizontal unnecessary on the basis of the
compensating force natural frequency, nodal point and
size of the 2nd order moment
b) A compensator mounted on the aft
end of the engine driven by the main
rotating with the crankshaft chain drive, see Fig. 8

c) A compensator mounted on the front

end, driven from the crank shaft
through a separate chain drive
d) Compensators on both the aft and
fore ends of the engine, completely
eliminating the external 2nd order
moments, see Fig. 9

e) An electrically driven compensator,

synchronised to the correct phase
fig. 7: Compensation of Ist order horizonfalmoment relative to the free moment, This type
of compensator needs preparations
in the form of an extra seating, prefer-
able in the steering gear room, where
such compensators. If there is a risk of sary to analyse the situation only on such deflections are largest and the
such resonance, it should be considered engines. Resonance with 4 and 5.node compensator, therefore, will have
to prepare the engine for the fitting of vertical hull girder vibration modes can the greatest effect, see Fig. 10
compensators. occur in the normal engine speed range.
Compensation of an external moment
2nd order moment In order to control the resulting vibra- by means of a compensating force is
The 2nd order moment acts with a fre- tory responses, a 2nd order compen- possible if there is an adequate dis-
quency corresponding to twice the en- sator can be installed. tance from the position where the force
gine speed. As mentioned earlier, the is acting to the node of the vibration
2nd order moment acts in the vertical Experience has shown, however, that (i.e. an excitation force is inefficient
direction only. vessels of a size propelled by the when acting in a node).
S26MC, L35MC and L42MC engines
Owing to the magnitude of the 2nd order are less sensitive to hull vibrations, for
moment, it is only relevant to compen- which reason engine-mounted 2nd
sate this moment on 4, 5 and B-cylinder order moment compensators are not
engines, for which reason it is necas- applied on these smaller types,

The counterweights on the chain wheel
produce a centrifugal force which cra-
Compensating moment F2C x Lnode ates a moment, the size of which is
render M2V harmless found by multiplying the force by the
distance to the node.

Due to the positioning of these counter-

weights, the direction of the compen-
sating moment will always be opposite
to the direction of the external moment.
Obviously this method of compensa-
tion, solutions (b), (c) and (e), requires
knowledge of the distance from the po-
sition of the compensating force to the
node in order to choose the correct
compensating force. Such knowledge
may be acquired by calculation, but it
is often necessary to take measure-
ments during the sea trial.

If the node is placed in the same posi-

Lnode tion (or close to) the compensating
force, no compensating moment will
be created. Thus, solution (d) must be
fig, 8: 2nd order moment compenstor located on aft end applied, because the fitting of compen-
sators on both the fore and aft ends
of the engine form a compensating
moment which neutralises the free mo-
ment. In this case independence of the
node position is achieved, and no know-
ledge of the hull vibrations forms is
Moment from compensator
M2C outbalances M2V When placed in the steering gear room,
the electrically driven compensator (e)
has the advantage -compared to the
other compensators (b) and (c) -that it
is not as sensitive to the position of the
node. Such a device does not take up
much room, approximately 1 x 2 x 3 m,
and is driven by an electric motor of
about 15 kW.

More than 70 ships are currently in ser-

vice with the electrically driven compen-
sator and have an excellent low vibration

If compensator(s) are omitted, the en-

gine can be delivered prepared for the
later fitting of compensators. This prep-
Centre line crankshaft aration must be decided at the project
stage or, at the latest, when ordering
the engine.

Fig. 9: 2nd order moment compensator located on fore end

II Guide force moments

The so-called guide force moments are

caused by the gas force on the piston,
Compensatiirg moment FZE x Lnode and by inertia forces.
outbalances M2V
When the piston is not exactly in its top
or bottom position, the gas force, trans-
ferred through the connecting rod, will
have a component acting on the crank-
shaft perpendicular to the axis of the cy-
linder. Its resultant is acting on the guide
shoe and, together, they form a guide
force moment, see Fig. 1.

In a multi-cylinder engine, gas and iner-

tia forces and their resultants form a
system of guide force moments con-
taining all orders.

Two kinds of guide force moments exist:

The so-called H and X-moments.

Lnode -I The H-type guide force moment, which

is dominating on engines with less than
seven cylinders, tends to rock the en-
gine top in the transverse direction, see
Fig. 10: 2nd order moment comoensation from electrical driven compensator in steer;ng Fig. 5. The main order of the H-moment
gearroom is equal to the cylinder number, i.e. for
a 5-cylinder engine the frequency of the
excitation is 5 times the number of
Measurements taken during the sea Only in cases where the vibration
trial, or later during service, with diffar- level would exceed the value given The X-type guide force moment is the
ent loadings of the ship, will show in IS0 recommendations, should dominating for engines with more than
whether or not compensator(s) need compensators be fitted. six cylinders, see Fig. 5. The X-moment
to be fitted. tends to twist the engine in an X-like
The measurements showed satis- shape, and the main order is equal to
An example: factory conditions at fully loaded half the number. For engines with odd
ship, but at the specified ballast numbers of cylinders, the main orders
A 40,000 dwt general cargo ship was condition the level was measured are mostly the two orders closest to
to be equipped with a 6-cylinder en- to 11 mm/set. The IS0 recommen- half the number of cylinders, In order
gine of the L67GFCA-type. A rough dation stated 9 mm/set as being to counteract the possible impact on
calculation showed only a small risk acceptable. the hull from guide force moments, we
of excitation of vibration from the 2nd recommend the installation of a set of
! order external moment of 760 kNm, However, the measurements also top bracings between the upper gallery
but still there was a certain degree showed that the node or the vibra- of the main engine and the hull struc-
of uncertainty. tion (4-node hull girder vibration) was ture (casing side). The top bracing can
situated very close to the aft end of either be mechanical with frictional con-
Discussion between the owner, yard the engine, nearly independent of the nection or hydraulically adjustable, see
and engine builder materialised into ship’s load. Fig. 11 and Fig. 12.
an agreement that the engine should
be delivered prepared for later mount- As mentioned earlier, a compensator These bracings act as detuners of the
ing of 2nd order compensators. fitted at the aft end would be ineffi- system double bottom and main en-
cient, so only the forward compen- gine, which means that the natural fre-
sator was fitted. quency of the vibration system will be

I fig. 17: Mechanical top bracing fig. 12: Hydraulic top bracing

increased to such an extent that rason- For engines with odd numbers of cylin- Shortly after we experienced a case
ance occurs above the running range ders, the dominating orders are mostly in which a 5L50MC engine installed
of engine speed and the guide force the two orders closest to half the cylin- in an LPG tanker recorded excessive
moments will, therefore, be harmless, der number. axial vibration of the crankshaft dur-
ing the trial trip.
Measurements on plants in selvice In order to counteract the influence on
prove that, with adequately fitted brac- the hull from the axial vibration, all en- A closer analysis of this case re-
ings, resonance occurs above the nor- gines are equipped with an axial vibra- vealed that the crankshaft was not
mal running range. tion damper although, for the crankshaft in resonance, and that the situation
itself, such a damper is only necessary was caused by a coupled vibration
on larger cylinder numbers. phenomenon The crankshaft vibra-
III Axial vibrations tion was coupled to the engine frame
The damper is shown in Fig. 13. and double bottom which, in turn,
When the crankthrow is loaded by the transferred vibration energy back to
gas force through the connecting rod An example: the crankshaft. As a result, both the
mechanism, the arms of the crank throw whole engine and the superstructure
deflect in the axial direction of the crank- At the introduction of our MC en- suffered from heavy longitudinal vi-
shaft, exciting axial vibrations which, gine series, an axial vibration dam- bration.
through the thrust bearing, may be trans- per was only standard on engines
ferred to the ship’s hull. with six or more cylinders, where the We decided to tackle the problem
damper was needed because reso- from two sides:
The dominating order of the axial vibra- nance with the order corresponding
tion is equivalent to the number of cy- to the cylinder number would other- An axial vibration damper was retro-
linders for engines with less than seven wise have caused too high stresses fitted to the crankshaft, and top brac-
cylinders. For engines with more than in the crankthrows. ing in the longitudinal direction was
six cylinders, the dominating order is fitted on the aft end of the engine.
equal to half the numbers of cylinders.

These two countermeasures both influ-
free end , enced the vibration behaviour of the
crankshaft, the engine frame, and the

The axial vibration damper alone actu-

ally eliminated the problems, and the
longitudinal top bracing alone reduced
the vibration level in the deck house to
below the IS0 recommended values.
With both countermeasures in action,
the longitudinal top bracing had only in-
significant influence.

This incident, together with experience

from some other 5-cylinder engines, led
us to install axial vibration dampers as
standard on all our engines.
Main bearing
support NO. 1
IV Torsional vibration

The varying gas pressure in the cylin-

ders during the working cycle and the
fig. 13: Axial vibration damper crankshaft/connecting rod mechanism
create a varying torque in the crank-
shaft. It is these variations that cause
the excitation of torsional vibration of
the shaft system.

Like the other excitation sources, the

varying torque is cyclic of nature and
can thus be subject to harmonic ana-

As explained in the section “Excitation

Source” this analysis makes it possible
to represent the varying torque as a sum
of torques acting with different frequen-
cies which are multiples of the engine’s
rotational frequency.

Abs. max. limit Like other kinds of vibration, torsional

vibration causes extra stresses, which
Barred speed may be detrimental to the shaft system.
range required The stresses will show peak values at
resonances, i.e. where the number of
I - Speed revolutions multiplied by the order of
excitation corresponds to the natural
Resonances !-Normal frequency.

Therefore, the Classification Societies

If the barred speed range is close to normal speed, request that the torsional vibration
this solution can not be used characteristics of the engine/shafting
system be calculated, and they have
laid down limits for the extra strasses.
Fig. 14: Engine located aft and shaftk diameter according to Class Rules

quired by the class rules in order to in-
crease the natural frequency and
thereby bringing it 40.45% above nor-
mal running range.

For 5cylinder engines the main critical

Small varying ning wheel (5th order) is also positioned close to,
but below, normal revolutions.

If the diameter of the shafting is chosen

according to the class rules, the reso-
_ - nance with main critical will be posi-
torque improved material tioned quite close to the normal service
speed, thus introducing a barrad speed
range, see Fig. 14. The usual and cor-
rect way to tackle this unacceptable po-
sition of a barred speed range is to mount
a tuning wheel on the front end of the
crankshaftand design the intermediate
shaft with reduced diameter relative to
the class diameter and to use better
material with a higher ultimate tensile
strength. This is called over-critical run-
ning, because the normal speed range
is placed above the resonance, see
Fig. 15.

In some cases, the solution chosen

has been to install a large diameter in-
termediate shaft in order to increase the
resonance to above the MCR. This is
called under-critical running, because the
normal speed range is placed below the
fig. 15: Over-critical condition resonance, see Fig. 16.

Besides avoiding a barred speed range,

this solution is characterised by a
Two limits exist: quency. Also the introduction of a tun- rather high varying torque in the shaft
ing wheel will lower the natural frequency. which will induce a rather high varying
The lower I,: thrust, called Torsional Vibration In-
Determines a stress level which The Classification Societies have also duced Propeller thrust.
may only be exceeded for a short laid down rules determining the shaft
time, i.e. not during continuous run- diameter. It is permitted to increase the For 6-cyknder engines the normal ex-
: : ning, which means that the propul- diameter, whereas a reduction will re- ecution is a shaftline with a diameter
sion plant requires a barred speed quire the use of a material with a higher according to the class rules and, con-
range of revolutions. ultimate tensile strength. sequently, a barred speed range.

The upper limit za: For the different numbers of cylinders For engines with seven or more cyfin-
May not be exceeded at all, the following guidelines can be given der. the excitations are smaller, and a
based on our experience: barred speed range is not normally
Considering a shaftline of a certain necessary.
length, it is possible to adjust its natu- 4-cylinder engines normally have the
ral frequency of torsional vibration by main critical resonance (4th order) posi- An example:
adjusting the diameter. A small diameter tioned above but close to normal revo-
results in a low natural frequency, and lutions and thus, in the worst cases, A series of tankers equipped with
a larger diameter in a high natural fre- require an increased diameter of the 5L80MCE engines was fitted with a
shaft-line relative to the diameters re- shaft system of a larger diameter than

Large vaying torque
increased diameter
and large vajing thrust
related to class rules
when or if resonance is

I - Speed


Approx. 40-45% of rlmin

Recommended distance
“from resonance”

No barred speed range required

fig, 16: Under-cr;tical condition

required by the Classification Societies had to be strengthened in order to pos-

and had no tuning wheel in order to sess sufficient rigidity. After this streng-
avoid a barred speed range. The tor- thening had been carried out, the vibra-
sional vibration induced propeller thrust tion levels became accedable.
was approximately 30% of the mean
thrust and, during the sea trial, heavy
longitudinal vibration of the engine frame Conclusion
as well as the superstructure excited
by the varying thrust was experienced. If proper consideration is given to the
vibration aspects at an early stage, the
As replacement of the whole shaft sys- countermeasures available provide a
tem was considered virtually impossible good safety margin against potential vi-
(expensive and time consuming), efforts bration problems.
to restrict the heavy longitudinal vibra-
tion were concentrated on longitudinal It is emphasised that the all-important
top bracing. After a few attempts it be- issue in these questions is the interac-
came evident that the steel work of the tion with the ship, and not the mere
deck in way of the fore end of the engine magnitude of the excitation source.


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