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Applied Acoustics 127 (2017) 126–132

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Estimation of the minimum measurement time interval in acoustic noise

Consolatina Liguori, Alessandro Ruggiero, Domenico Russo ⇑, Paolo Sommella
Department of Industrial Engineering (DIIn), University of Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II 132, I - 84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The appropriate choice of the minimum measurement time interval is introduced for an accurate estima-
Received 11 October 2016 tion of environmental noise indicators. The proposal is based on a bootstrap approach for the continuous
Received in revised form 24 May 2017 estimation of measurement uncertainty in order to determine the statistical variability of the acquired
Accepted 25 May 2017
sound pressure levels. Experimental results concerning the adoption of the proposed method regarding
environmental noise from three different sources (road traffic, outdoor air conditioner fan motor and con-
struction site) confirm the reliability of the proposal and its feasibility in evaluating the equivalent sound
pressure level of an acoustic phenomenon using short-term indicators.
Noise control
Measurement uncertainty
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Measurement time interval
Statistical analysis
Bootstrap method

1. Introduction periods. If continuous measurements over such a period cannot be

made, measurement time intervals shall be chosen so that each one
One of today’s most important environmental problems is noise constitutes a part of the cycle, so that, together, they represent the
pollution. In order to assess the acoustic environmental impact of complete cycle’’. Unfortunately, this condition is generally not
new infrastructure or the compatibility of the existing noise with applicable for environmental noise where the acoustic signal is
the maximum limits established by legislation [1], it is necessary random.
to arrive at an appropriate calculation of the environmental noise Some surveys [7–9] show that the reliability of the estimate of
equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level. According environmental noise indicators depends largely on the time vari-
to [2], the measurement should optimally be carried out continu- ability of the noise, so a sampling technique has to be chosen
ously over the entire observation period. Such an approach is according to address this parameter.
prohibitively costly in terms of time and money. In practice there- Drawing on previous studies, the authors introduce an original
fore, environmental noise indicators are estimated from several method for choosing the minimum measurement time interval
measurement time windows (episodes) randomly distributed that takes into account the statistical variability of the acoustic
throughout the observation period, during day, evening and night phenomenon. The model may be adopted for the automatic
reference time. determination of the measurement episodes, by lowering the sam-
Each measurement time interval has to contain representative pling window necessary to estimate the short and/or long term
values of noise pressure levels to accurately calculate equivalent indicators.
sound pressure level LAeq. This is obtained by integrating and aver-
aging the squared A-weighted sound pressure of fluctuating noise
[3–6]. The actual form of the technical standards do not provide 2. State of the art
practical criteria for the choice of the temporal distribution of
the samples, i.e. the number and duration of the measurement epi- The road traffic noise is one of the main sources of pollution, so
sodes. For example, ISO 1996-Part 2 states only ‘‘to select the mea- the estimation of minimum measurement time interval represents
surement time interval to cover all significant variations in sound an important research topic, to which many studies have been
emission and propagation. If the noise shows periodicity, the measure- devoted.
ment time interval should cover an integer number of at least three In [10], with reference to 5 years of continuous noise measure-
ments of LAeq,24h carried out in Valencia (Spain), the appropriate
⇑ Corresponding author at: University of Salerno, Department of Industrial period of measurement over a 24-h noise intervals in order to cal-
Engineering Via Giovanni Paolo II, Nr. 132, 84084 Fisciano, Italy. culate the corresponding annual equivalent level has been investi-
E-mail address: (D. Russo). gated. The findings offer very useful information on traffic noise
0003-682X/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Liguori et al. / Applied Acoustics 127 (2017) 126–132 127

measurement techniques. In particular, the sampling strategy with distribution and/or main influence parameters) of the acoustic
a selection of at least 6 randomly chosen days provides an accurate phenomenon, has not been sufficiently explored
representation of the annual equivalent noise level.
In [11] long term equivalent levels of road traffic noise acquired
in Ladenburg, Germany, have been considered and different mea- 3. The proposal
surement approaches have been discussed. The author demon-
strate that a sampling strategy of at least one week leads to the In order to determine the minimum measurement time interval
uncertainty of less than ±1 dB in noise equivalent levels. for the estimation of the environmental noise, a data-driven sam-
Jagniatinskis and Fiks in [12] focus their attention on a one-year pling strategy is proposed, which takes into account the observed
duration noise monitoring experiment in the town of Vilnius variability associated with measured sound pressure levels. In par-
(Lithuania) near an arterial road with intensive road traffic. They ticular, the data variability is estimated by adopting the popular
observe that, under normal weather and source emission condi- technique of the bootstrap [27], i.e. a statistical nonparametric
tions, the lowest uncertainty values of Lden occur when a total mea- resampling method which replicates the initial dataset, without
surement time of 7 consecutive days is considered. any restrictions in terms of shape and properties of the statistical
In [13] the author determines the minimum time necessary for distributions under consideration.
accurately measuring the hourly equivalent level of road traffic In this proposal, the bootstrap technique has been adopted to
noise according to preset measurement uncertainty [14,15] on LAeq. determine the Confidence Interval (CI) of the short time statistic
Analogously, in [16–18] the authors find that the minimum mea- LAeq, once the desired Confidence Level (CL) has been chosen. In lit-
surement time interval should be calculated from the error associ- erature, some rules of thumb have been suggested both for the
ated with LAeq on the basis of various vehicle distributions. More number of bootstrap samples and type of algorithm for CI calcula-
specifically, by measuring over intervals of less than an hour, they tion, such as the normal approximation (NORM), the t-student (T-
find it is possible to have an accurate measurement of road traffic STUD), the basic percentile (PER), the bias corrected percentile
noise, within a predetermined uncertainty range for the hourly val- (CPER), and the bias corrected and accelerated percentile (BCA)
ues of LAeq. methods [28–32].
A different approach based on probability studies focuses on the Typically, values (m) at least equal to 1000 should be considered
determination of the minimum time for estimating a reliable value for CI calculation [33,34]. Moreover, as reported in [35], the CPER
of LAeq drawing cases in which the probability density function of method has been revealed the most repeatable algorithm for deter-
noise level is known theoretically or experimentally [19–21]. mining the CI of the short-term statistic and consequently it has
Some authors, such as Maruyama et al., address the issue of the been implemented in this proposal. In particular, the CPER tech-
minimum measurement time interval T to evaluate the equivalent nique is a slight modification of the PER algorithm and it allows
sound pressure level LAeqT of road traffic noise from the viewpoint the mean of the transformed estimate to differ from the population
of the reliability required for the estimation. In particular, in [22] mean: interval endpoints depend on the bias correction (z0), that is
they consider the influence of four kinds of traffic variables (traffic calculated from the bootstrap sampling distribution.
volume, average vehicle speed, percentage of heavy vehicles and As presented in Fig. 1, the proposed strategy hypothesizes a
the number of vehicle transits). In [23] they introduce two types minimum acquisition time corresponding to the number (N) of
of dynamic statistics: the mean time interval between two succes- sound pressure levels for assuring the statistical significance of
sive maximum A-weighted sound pressure levels observed during the starting dataset. Consequently, the minimum measurement
the reference measurement time interval and the mean recurrence time Tmeas_min (resulting from the proposed algorithm) is forced
time of the maximum A-weighted sound pressure level. to be an integer multiple of the minimum acquisition time (as well
In [24], for the estimation of the traffic noise minimum mea- as dependent from the frequency 1/ Tconst of the recorded data by
surement time interval in the city of Hamadan (West of Iran), the the sound level meter).
main roads are divided into 54 segments and 94 measuring sta- The N A-weighted sound pressure levels Lt are considered to cal-
tions are fixed. Field data obtained from 282 measurements, culate the corresponding equivalent level according to the
including 2 daily-hour and one nightly-hour measurements, show equation:
that 10-min interval measurement of equivalent sound pressure !
1 X
Nmin Lt
level is able to forecast the hourly values of LAeq in each station. LAeq ¼ 10Log 1010 ð1Þ
Jagniatinskis et al. in [25] suggest the replacement of full year Nmin t¼1
measurement by choosing a shorter time interval using the idea
The CI of the above short term statistic (once the CL is fixed) is
of representative time interval that contains an appropriate
determined by applying the CPER bootstrap method and consider-
amount of transportation noise events. In particular, they analyse
ing m bootstrap samples (resampling the Lt dataset). In order to
the representative sample definition for the cases of road, aircraft
take into account the random variability introduced by the boot-
and rail transport. In Lithuania, for example, a representative mea-
strap method, k repetitions of the CI calculation are suggested to
surement time interval for annual urban traffic noise assessment,
determine the (mean) values for the interval width (DCI) and
under normal weather conditions, is one week.
extremes (CIlower and CIupper).
In [26] the authors focus their attention on the effectiveness of
According to the strategy, the introduced steps are repeated for
using short time span measurements to monitor or assess the
calculating the CI information for each next acquisition time win-
acoustical environment. On the basis of data acquired in the
dow as long as both the actual interval width and extremes show
high-rise residential areas of Hong Kong, they observe that short
a data variability lower than the one observed in the previous win-
time interval results are much lower than the worst scenario of a
dows. Furthermore, satisfaction of the following conditions (Eq.
site, but the energy-based Day–night level and Day–evening–night
(2)) are considered as a stopping rule:
level are acceptable.
As a summary of the reported literature, most of the proposed      
approaches refer to the estimation of the minimum measurement DCIiþ1 < DCIi;updated AND CIlower
iþ1 i;updated
> CIlower AND CIiþ1 i;updated
upper < CI upper

time about long-term traffic noise indicator. The topic of the mea- ¼ true; i P 1
surement of the short term equivalent sound pressure level, which
may be independent from the previous knowledge (i.e. statistical
128 C. Liguori et al. / Applied Acoustics 127 (2017) 126–132

dB (A)


Li 1 L2
i … Li Li+11 Li+1
2 … Li+1

k repeons k repeons

Bootstrap CPER CPER Bootstrap

sampling bootstrap bootstrap sampling
method method

Li1,1 Li1,2 … Li Li+11,1 Li+11,2 … Li+1

Average on k: Average on k:
CIi CIi CIi+1 CIi+1
Li2,1 Li2,2 … Li
(1- ) Li+12,1 Li+12,2 … Li+1
(1- ) CIiLower Cii+1Lower

CIiUpper Cii+1Upper

Lim,1 Lim,2 … Li Li+1m,1 Li+1m,2 … Li+1


me interval

Fig. 1. Algorithm used to obtain the minimum measurement time.

once the update rule (Eq. (3)) is applied to the (i + 1) time win- (a) For the measurement of road traffic noise, the sound level
dow next to the acquisition starting point. meter was placed in close proximity to the motorway (at a distance
of 1 m from the roadside at a height of 4 m).
8   Main parameters of the noise source, recorded during the mea-
< CIlower
¼ min CIiþ1 i;updated
lower ; CI lower surement campaign, are reported in Table 1.
DCIiþ1 < DCIi;updated !  
: CIupper
¼ max CIiþ1 i;updated Data collection was performed during one day (wind speed less
upper ; CI upper
than 5 m/s and no rain) over the course of 3 consecutive hours
ð3Þ (starting time: 10 a.m.). With regard to the instrument
setting, the time history logging step (Tconst) was fixed at one
Finally, the minimum measurement time Tmeas_min is set to the
second, resulting in a dataset of 10,800 consecutive sound pressure
extent of the consecutive acquisition time windows before the stop
rule is satisfied.
(b) For the noise measurement of the air conditioner outdoor
fan motor (heat pump and liquid chiller) WSAN-XIN 141 of CLIVET,
the sound level meter was placed at a distance of 1 m from the
4. Experimental results nearest building facade and a height of 4 m.
Main parameters of the noise source, recorded during the mea-
In order to characterize the proposed strategy [36,37], a statis- surement campaign, are reported in Table 2.
tical analysis has been carried out on the measurements of envi- Data collection was carried out during one day (wind speed less
ronmental noise from three sources: (a) road traffic, (b) the than 5 m/s and no rain) with measurement taking place over
outdoor fan motor of an air conditioner and (c) a construction site. 50 min covering two different working conditions (namely start-
Measurement data were collected by using the Sound Level up and modulation state) of the air conditioner fan motor. With
Meter Larson Davis 831, Class 1 Environmental Noise & Building regard to the instrument setting, the time history logging step
Acoustics Analyzer.

Table 1
Main parameters of road traffic.

Average hourly traffic volume Mean speed

Light vehicles Heavy vehicles Light vehicles Heavy vehicles
Diurnal reference time (6–22 h) 172 veh/h 62 veh/h 113 km/h 93 km/h
Nocturnal reference time (22–6 h) 30 veh/h 25 veh/h 109 km/h 91 km/h
C. Liguori et al. / Applied Acoustics 127 (2017) 126–132 129

Table 2
Main parameters of the air conditioner outdoor fan motor.

WSAN-XIN 141 Heating Capacity [kW] Cooling Capacity [kW] Sound Power Level (dB)
Octave bands (Hz)
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 dB(A)
32.36 33.19
85.0 83.0 80.0 79.0 83.0 75.0 72.0 61.0 85.0

Table 3
Main noise sources at the construction site.

Truck (Eurotrakker 410 – Iveco) Excavator (318BLN – Caterpillar) Concrete mixer (FG3 – Unimec) Circular saw (Master 03CMF-Edilsider)
Lwmax [dB(A)] 103 104 80 113

Fig. 2. Normal probability plot for collected dataset of environmental noise of different sources: (a) road traffic; (b) outdoor air conditioner fan motor; (c) construction site.
130 C. Liguori et al. / Applied Acoustics 127 (2017) 126–132

Table 4  k = 30 repetitions of the bootstrap method for each time

Application of Anderson-Darling Test to the sound pressure levels dataset of interest. window.
Noise Source p-value Test result
Road Traffic 0.0005 H0 refused The minimum number N of sound pressure levels has been var-
Air Conditioner 0.0005 H0 refused ied in the range [10500] to analyse the repeatability of the algo-
Construction site 0.0786 H0 not refused rithm. To this aim, the proposed strategy has been executed L
multiple times (L = 100) for an acquisition starting point randomly
was fixed at 0.1 s, resulting in a dataset of 30,000 consecutive chosen within the observation period of interest. For each type of
sound pressure levels. the noise source, the corresponding measurement time (Tmeas_min)
(c) For the noise measurement of construction site, the sound is not influenced by the statistical variability introduced by the
level meter was placed at a distance of 2 m from the noise source bootstrap method: the observed repeatability of the estimated
and a height of 4 m. Main noise sources at the considered construc- minimum measurement time was equal to 100%.
tion site with corresponding sound power levels are reported in Experimental results take into account the mean value for:
Table 3:
Data collection was performed during two days (wind speed i. minimum measurement time Tmeas_min;
less than 5 m/s and no rain) over the course of 24 consecutive ii. the 95%-CI for the equivalent sound pressure level LAeq,
hours (starting time: 10 p.m.). In terms of instrument setting, the Tmeas_min corresponding to Tmeas_min;

time history logging step was fixed at one minute, resulting in a iii. the maximum observation period Tobs (from the starting
dataset of 1440 consecutive sound pressure levels. point) for which the 95%-CI for the equivalent sound pres-
The normal probability plot corresponding to the different data- sure level LAeq,Tobs, (by taking into account Nlevels = Tmeas_min
sets are reported in Fig. 2, whereas the Anderson-Darling Test with / Tconst sound pressure levels randomly distributed) is com-
5% significance level (see Table 4) leads to refuse the null hypoth- patible with the results achieved for Tmeas_min.
esis (H0: ‘‘dataset is Gaussian”), showing the examined populations
are not strictly Gaussian. Thus, for the CI estimation, use had been In order to analyse the stability of the proposed algorithm (in
made of the bootstrap method (CPER) [38–41]. terms of the resulting Tmeas_min) with respect to the noise source
The proposed algorithm for determining a significant measure- variability, a sliding window  N4 samples has been considered
ment time has been applied to each dataset according to the fol- around the starting point. Then, the relative occurrence OTmode of
lowing parameters: the observed mode for Tmeas_min achieved correspondingly to
(N/2 + 1) starting points within the sliding window has been deter-
 application of the CPER bootstrap method with m = 1000 boot- mined for all the noise sources. As an example, the relative occur-
strap samples; rence for different values of N is reported in Fig. 3 about the road
 a = 0.05 for determining the CI corresponding to 95% confidence traffic noise. The better stability at N increasing may be observed
level; as a general behaviour. Thus, a threshold about the relative occur-

Fig. 3. Relative occurrence of the mode for Tmeas_min observed for different sliding window width (road traffice noise).

Table 5
Minimum measurement time and 95% confidence intervals for the equivalent sound pressure level.

Noise Source Tconst [s] N Tmeas_min [s] 95%-CI (LAeq,Tmeas_min) 95%-CI (LAeq,Tobs)
Lower limit Upper limit Width [dB] Tobs [s] Lower limit Upper limit Width
LAeq,lower [dB] LAeq,upper [dB] LAeq,lower [dB] LAeq,upper [dB] [dB]
Road Traffic 1.0 300 1200 64.1 65.0 0.9 10800 64.3 65.2 0.9
Air Conditioner 0.1 300 120 61.4 61.6 0.2 600 61.2 61.4 0.2
Air Conditioner 0.1 400 360 57.7 58.0 0.3 1080 57.2 57.8 0.6
(Modulation State)
Construction site 60 10 3600 69.7 70.3 0.6 28800 69.0 69.7 0.7
C. Liguori et al. / Applied Acoustics 127 (2017) 126–132 131

rence may be adopted as criterion for choosing the parameter N of Tmeas_min (highlighted as red line) is able to predict the behaviour
the proposed approach. of the acoustic noise observed during the time window Tobs (high-
The experimental results are summarized in Table 5, where the lighted as green line), that is longer from 3 to 9 times, respectively
reported N is the minimum value which assures a relative occur- for the air conditioner working in modulation state and the road
rence OTmode greater than 95% for the corresponding noise source. traffic.
You may note that the proposed algorithm has been revealed More in details, independently from the noise source, the mea-
effective in the estimation of the acoustic noise from the observa- surement results (95%-CI for the equivalent sound pressure level)
tion of short episodes. For each noise source (see Fig. 4), the short- corresponding respectively to the minimum measurement time
term indicator achieved from the minimum measurement time Tmeas_min and the observation window Tobs are compatible, i.e. the

Fig. 4. Sequence of sound pressure levels during observation period (solid green) and resulting minimum measurement time (solid red), LAeq 95% CI (dash black) for
observation period, LAeq 95% CI (dash red) for measurement time about different noise sources: a) traffic road; b) outdoor air conditioner fan motor; c) construction site.
132 C. Liguori et al. / Applied Acoustics 127 (2017) 126–132

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