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Task 6 –MAY 2021

1) Pre- reading

a. Would you like to study in Australia? (¿le gustaría estudiar en Australia?

b. Watch this video and note down the advantages of studying in Australia (veamos este video y anotemos las
las ventajas de estudiar en Australia):

c. Have you changed your mind? If so, let´s see which university you would go to.. (¿Cambió de parecer? De
ser asi, veamos a qué universidad iría)

2) Let´s read now!

1 With rising fees at European universities, Australia

is now becoming a definite option for people who
want to save money and have new experiences
while studying. Universities are based on the
5 British model in terms of structure and teaching and
links with Britain are still strong. However, they are not just imitations of the older universities;
they now have a noticeable and academic and organisational flavour of their own. Educational
standards are high and in many ways Australia is ahead of Britain in the development of world
class higher education. What about living in Australia? People from all over the world are warmly
10 welcomed and accepted as equals. People work hard but know how to relax and have a good
time. As for the cost of living, Australia is cheaper than Britain for food, rent and basic clothing
but other things are not such good value, for instance, imported clothing and cars. Australia is
definitely worth considering for a good time and a world class degree.

1) Are these sentences TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)? Correct the false statements with INFORMATION FROM
a) ___ European universities are cheaper than Australian ones.
b) ___ British and Australian universities are similar in terms of structure and teaching.
c) ___ Academically and organisationally, Australian universities are unique.
d) ___ Britain is better than Australia in developing world class higher education.
e) ___ Australians do not like foreigners.
f) ___ Australians can balance work and spare time.
g) ___ Food, rent and basic clothing are more expensive in Britain.
h) ___ It is very convenient to buy imported clothing and cars in Australia.

2) Complete the chart:

Advantages of studying in Australia:

• Educational standards:________________________________________
• World class higher education: __________________________________
• Local residents: _____________________________________________
• Cost of living: _______________________________________________

3) CONTEXTUAL REFERENCE. What do the HIGHIGHTED words in the text refer to?

the older universities=

4) What do these discourse markers introduce?

However (line 6) contrast addition exemplification

for instance (line 12) exemplification addition conclusion
5) Choose the best translation to Spanish:

Australia is now becoming a definite option:

1) Australia es la opción definitiva
2) Definimos a Australia como una opción
3) Australia se perfila como una opción concreta

other things are not such good value:

1) otras cosas no valen tanto
2) otras cosas no son tan convenientes económicamente
3) otras cosas no están bien valoradas

Australia is definitely worth considering:

1) Vale la pena considerar a Australia
2) Australia está definitivamente bien considerada
3) Australia es un lugar de alto costo

Now, Can you underline the words with ING in the text?
(¿Pueden subrayar las palabras con ING en el texto de Australia?)

As you can see, there are some ING forms that do not indicate an activity in PRESENT CONTINUOUS
(remember from week 5 about Kent University?). Como pueden ver, las formas con ING en estos casos
no indican acciones en PRESENTE CONTINUO (como vimos en la semana 5 con el texo de la
Universidad de Kent)

Today, we are going to see other uses of the ING FORM in English. Hoy veremos otros usos de la forma ING
en inglés:
Algunas veces, luego de estudiar el presente continuo, algunos alumnos tienden a pensar que toda forma con
–ing es un gerundio (i.e. los verboides que en español terminan en –ando y –endo) Pero el inglés tiene muchas
formas de utilizar formas con –ing que no necesariamente se asocian con los gerundios.

Veamos algunas de ellas:

• Forma –ing
Se utiliza:

▪ A veces, como sustantivo: That building is very tall. (Ese edificio es muy alto) Y también, como verbo
sustantivado para ocupar el lugar del sujeto en la oración: Dancing is my favourite hobby. (El baile es
mi hobby favorito o Bailar es mi hobby favorito)
Usar verbos sustantivados para ocupar el lugar de sujeto también es un recurso del español, piensen en “Fumar es
perjudicial para la salud”

▪ Luego de todas las preposiciones, incluyendo las partículas de los “phrasal verbs”: I’ve given up
smoking. (He dejado de fumar)
▪ Luego de ciertas expresiones / frases preposicionales: I´m fed up with doing exams. (Estoy harto de
hacer examenes)
▪ Como segunda parte de un adjetivo compuesto: He´s very good – looking. (Él es muy atractivo)

▪ Verbos + -ing:
Usamos la forma –ing luego de ciertos verbos o frases: I avoid going to crowded places / It´s worth trying
(Evito ir a lugares concurridos. / Vale la pena probar)
Algunos de estos verbos o frases son: admit, adore, appreciate, can’t help, consider, delay, deny, detest, dislike,
enjoy, fancy, feel like, finish, imagine, involve, sep (=continue), loathe, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practise,
resent, risk, suggest

▪ Verbo + objeto + -ing:

Usamos el objeto + -ing luego de hear, see, feel and watch para indicar que la acción luego del verbo continúa
o está incompleta: I saw the boy drowning, but luckily he was rescued just in time. (Vi al niño que se ahogaba
pero afortunadamente fue rescatado justo a tiempo)

▪ Adjetivos que terminan en –ing:

Usamos adjetivos que terminan en –ing para hablar del efecto que algo o alguien tiene sobre nosotros o

nuestros sentimientos: The talk was rather boring. (La charla fue bastante aburrida)

Ahora, analicemos nuevamente los ejemplos del texto con ING de Austrañlia con más detenimiento:

1) Studying in Australia
2) With rising fees at European universities (…)
3) (…) people who want to save money and have new experiences while studying.
4) Universities are based on the British model in terms of structure and teaching (…)
5) What about living in Australia?
6) As for the cost of living (…)
7) (…) Australia is cheaper than Britain for food rent and basic clothing.
8) Australia is definitely worth considering (…)

¿Con cuáles de los usos estudiados arriba podemos asociarlos?

a) Frase
b) Preposición + -ing
c) Sujeto.
d) Sustantivo

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