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Muhammad Naeem Ahmad

Linking Individual Performance to Business
In this article it has tried to develop a relationship between
human resources strategies and people processes and individual
and organization by developing model. By this research it is
tried to know how business policies are converted into
individual performance and organizational performance by the
mean of human resources management system and people

For this purpose a map has provided which shows that how this
conversion of business strategies into individual and
organizational performance by creating a linkage between them.
This research discusses why some people processes are more
related to business strategies made for the business by the way
to make better organizational as well as individual
performances. Conceptual or theoretical and processes make
able of delivering business models derived from the literature
are also strategies such as customer satisfaction.

In this research qualitative and quantitative, both methods have

used by the researchers. Case based study is the main way in
this research to carry out this research which is the part of
qualitative research method. Major part of this study is done by
the qualitative research method but quantitative research method
is also the part of this research. Researcher has used both of the
research methods because of which there is almost balance in
this study regarding limitations or delimitations. For the purpose
of this research 7 companies were selected as sample. All the
companies selected were UK based.
Some of these operates internationally the entire world and
some operates only in UK 37 people were interviewed by the
researchers. Interviews held were of three types

1. Semi-structured

2. Detail and Comprehensive Interviews

3. Interviews with Initial Focus Group (with Members of


Quantitative research method has followed while sending

questionnaires to the 20% employees of the company. Internal
and external documents have been also checked for the purpose
of validation of field work.

To make analysis of colleted data, case based methodology has

been adopted. For this purpose case have prepared and shared
with other relevant companies while doing this a special
consideration has been given to security of the companies'
trading or business secrets. These models are delivered to HR
department related persons so they can make comparison of
these cases or models designed for the purpose of this research.
After comparison it has revealed that formulation of a emerged
map defining the relationship between business strategy and
individual and organizational performances, following
propositions have drawn:

1. Dimensions of Linkage

2. The Relationship between the Core People Process and,

3. The Strength of the Processes

The Research team after collecting data from interviews and

surveys, and analyzing the data from case based methodology to
create both rating and elements across all the cases and
describing the strong and weak linkages respectively with
reasons and implications.

Out of 7 companies in 2 companies there was a very strong

linkage between business strategy and individuals performance
due to better human resources management plan.

In both companies objective setting has been enforce for a

decade and individuals had known about the company's future
goal setting.

In these companies employees are provided with the short term

training program to make better their performances.

In long term leadership development process has carried out on

these employees because of which there is a thought in among
employees to b promoted.

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