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Installation Instructions for PDI Software

(These instructions apply to following PDI Software: GRLWEAP, CAPWAP and PIT-W)
may take a few seconds, so please be
Important Installation Notes for PDI
Software 3. Follow the installation instructions
shown on your screen. When
prompted for your name, Company
• Do not connect the SentinelSuperPro
Name and Serial Number, enter the
USB hardware key until the sentinel
latter two exactly as given on the
system driver and the PDI Software
inside of the back cover of the manual.
have been installed.
4. When the software has been
• To install PDI Software on a computer
successfully installed, a dialog box will
with an operating system that allows
be displayed prompting the user to run
for the configuration of permissions for
the “Sentinel Protection Installer”.
security groups (i.e. Windows NT,
Running this will install the Sentinel
2000 or XP), you need to login as a
system drivers that are needed for the
user with administrator level access.
hardware keys. So, if you purchased a
After the program has been installed,
hardware key (USB or parallel), it is
run it once at this administrator level to
necessary to install the Sentinel
initialize the key and registry settings.
system driver, so check the checkbox
to “Run Sentinel Protection
• If the program cannot see the Installer”. Note, if you purchased a
Hardware key, verify that the Sentinel Software Key, GRLWEAP University
System drivers have been installed on version, or PIT-W Standard, the driver
the computer. If they were installed, is not needed, so uncheck the
check the website www.safenet- checkbox. Click on “Finish” to for current drivers and for complete the installation.
additional setup information pertaining
to specific computers.
5. Once the setup program has finished,
attach the hardware key if purchased
(see “Installing ...Hardware Key”) and
Installation Steps for PDI Software start the program by double clicking on
the icon located in the PDI folder on
1. Insert the ‘PDI Software’ compact disc the desktop or from the Start menu.
into your CD-ROM drive.
License Type Selection
2. The install program will start
automatically. Or, if the Auto Run GRLWEAP and CAPWAP – When the
feature of Windows is not enabled on program starts it should automatically
your system, click the “Start” button detect the single user hardware key. But,
and choose the “Run” command. In if it fails to find the Hardware key or to
the Run dialog box, type determine the license type, it will display
“D:\SETUP.EXE” (where “D” the “License Key Type Selection” dialog
represents the letter of your CD-ROM box (refer to Figure 1).
drive). Then click the OK button. This
PIT-W - For PIT-W Standard Version, a key Single User Hardware Key
is not required to run the program.
Prior to use of any professional features If you are using a single user hardware key,
of the program the Professional Version click on “Single User hardware key” and at
license will need to be activated. If the this time the program will look for the single
program detects a hardware key, the user key attached to the computer and
license and features are already display the appropriate message. If the
activated. If not, click on the “File” Menu, program can’t find the hardware key, a
“Professional License…” and then message box will be displayed. If this
“Switch License Type” to display the occurs, verify that the key is connected to
“License Key Type Selection" dialog the computer and that the sentinel system
box, which should appear as in drivers have been installed correctly. After
Figure 1, only the title will be different. receiving the message that a valid single
user hardware key has been found, click
“Accept” to use it for future runs.

Network Hardware Key

If you have a network key and know the IP

address of the server that has the network
key attached, you can directly enter the IP
address to save search time. Enter the
specified IP and then click on “Network
hardware key” and the program will then
check the specified computer for the network

If the server’s IP address is not known, click

on “Network hardware key” and the
program will search the subnet of your
network for computers that have a PDI
Figure 1: License Key Type Selection for hardware key attached. A list of IP
PDI Software addresses that it found will then be
displayed and you can click on the
From this dialog box you can select the type appropriate IP address to select it. The
of license purchased (Single user, Software program will then check that IP address for a
or Network key) by clicking on the valid Network key and display the
appropriate radio button. If you are not sure corresponding message. Once a valid IP
of the type, click on the “Find Keys” button address has been found click “Accept” to
and the program will first check for a “Single use it for future runs.
user hardware key” and then for a
“Software License”. If neither is found then
Software key
the program will search for computers on
your network’s subnet that have a hardware
key attached and display the list of IP If the software key has not been registered,
addresses found. a box as shown in Figure 2 will be displayed

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saying the software key is not found. If this is Figure 3: GRLWEAP Software License Figure
the first time that PDI Software has been 4: License Update dialog box
installed on this computer you can use the Update dialog box for PIT-W
program for 7 days before completing the
registration process. To use the software Until you have received from PDI the
license option, click “OK” on this box and Registration Key
then click “Accept” in the “License Key number(s), click on
Type Selection” Figure 2: Software “Cancel” to exit the
Key not found on this computer dialog box. dialog box and do not
enter anything in
The program will then display the “Software these fields.
License Update” dialog box, refer to Figure
3 for CAPWAP and GRLWEAP and to If e-mail is not setup
Figure 4 for PIT-W Professional. Here you on the computer then
can see how many demo days you have left write down the two
to run the program along with the option to User Code numbers
register the program. Figure 3 shows that shown in the dialog
there are two DEMO days remaining for the box. Report these
trial period. two numbers along
with your Company
Click on the “Unlock by Phone/E-mail” Name, User's Name,
button to display the “License Update” Serial Number,
dialog box for license registration (see Software Name and
Figure 6). This dialog box is the same for Version to
Professional Version of PIT-W except for Pile
the title. If the computer is setup to send e- Dynamics, Inc. (see
mail, you can click on the “Send” button to “Instruction for
e-mail the information to PDI. Software License”).

After receiving an email back from PDI with

the registration number(s), enter the
number(s) in the field(s)
Registration Key 1 Figure 5:
License Update dialog box
and/or Registration
Key 2. Click “OK” and "Activation
Complete!" message appears if registration
was successful. For GRLWEAP and
CAPWAP, the computer is now licensed to
run the program and the next time you start
the program, it will go directly to the Main
Input screen. For PIT-W, the computer is now
licensed to run the Professional features of
the program.

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