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Ajia Afaque ERP 14042

Both Microsoft and Google are big fishes of global tech industries with asset valuations crossing billions of
Generally, these two companies do not seem like competing against each other. Microsoft core expertise lie in
making operating software and user application whereas Google has been making its search engine wider. Google
has been focusing very much on creating services on products based on AI and Cloud computing.
But at numerous times we saw them competing at many arenas too. The direct competition lies with the Google
Search Engine and Microsoft Bing. Microsoft had tried very hard to gain the market share, but Google’s state of
the art algorithms and marketing lead it to be a market leader by a lesser margin. Bing’s video feature is ought to
be better.
Microsoft has been leading the market with their Microsoft Office Package which includes Microsoft word, Excel,
PowerPoint etc. This package has been trending all over the globe. Recently google has also stepped into the
market and has been gaining a strong market share slowly. The main USP by google is remote access. Users can
now make reports, edit excel sheets, create forms and presentations on the go from any device provided they have
an internet connection and a Google account. This whole service is free as well unlike the very expensive
Microsoft Office. It does however compromise on a few features that a full fledge downloaded and installed-in-
a-PC software has but nevertheless, Google Gsuite is an extremely powerful office application. But I would access
here can be made improvements to outperform Microsoft
Microsoft has also been investing in the gaming industry. Xbox gaming console is a product from Microsoft
which is very famous. A lot of the games available on the market are made by Microsoft’s gaming studios. To
tackle this Google has launched the Google Stadia. It which eliminated the need of having large disk spaces and
specific gaming consoles. The only thing you need is a supported PC and a high-speed internet connection. With
cloud networking you can play any game available on the Stadia servers at any place in the world.
Microsoft and Google started competition in Smartphone software as well. Google’s Android have been
exceptionally successful in capturing the market along with Apple’s IOS. Microsoft’s windows had to take a back
seat and in the recent times, Microsoft Windows is slowly fading away from the smartphone market.
The way in which the tech business is advancing, Google ought to exclusively invest into new companies that are
chipping away at shopper administrations with AI and distributed computing innovations. In this way they will
widen their core competency. Also, Google has huge amounts of customer information. The world is moving into
an information upheaval. Buyer put together administrations and items based with respect to information
examination ought to be another of Google's primary center regions to rival Microsoft. Indeed, even in the PC OS
market, Google's information examination group can help in cutting out open doors for making more shopper
centered Google administrations which can give Microsoft a solid rivalry.

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