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Made by: Mónica

González Castañeda
My favorite movie

 How often do you go to the cinema?

 Which do you like best: watching a film at the cinema or at home? Why?
 What’s your favorite movie?

 What’s your favorite type of films? Why?

Grammar: present perfect

 When to use the present perfect?

To talk about experiences Repeated actions

She has flown in a balloon He has lost his wallet four times
She has swum with dolphins She has seen that film twice
Actions that started in the past and
When the time period has not finished yet
continue in the present

She has worked in the bank since 1990 They have worked hard this week

 Have (I, you, they, we) – Has (she, he, it) + Verb in past participle
Write the past and the past participles of these verbs:

Regular past participles Irregular past participles

Work Meet
Miss Be
Travel Get
Try Have
Call Do
Stay Eat
Visit Go
Live See
Start Write
Enjoy Come

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Time to practice: take screenshot of the results
Do this reading and answer the questions

Grammar: simple past vs present perfect

Simple past Present perfect

For experiences at a definite time in For experiences within a time period up

the past to the present

Have you ever eaten snails?

- No, I haven’t. I have never eaten snails

- Yes, I have. I ate them last month

Did you like them?

- Yes, I did. They were delicious

Let’s practice: take screenshot of the results:

Grammar: questions with “ever”

Have/has + sub + (ever) + verb p.p + complement

Have you ever been abroad?

- Yes, I have. I was abroad the last year
- No, I haven’t. I have never been abroad.

Answer these questions:

1. Have you ever been in a fight?

2. Have you ever broken a bone?
3. Have you ever cheated on an exam?
4. Have you ever fallen asleep during class?
5. Have you ever written a love letter?
6. Have you ever met a celebrity?
7. Have you ever had a Deja Vu experience?
8. Have you ever seen a ghost?
9. Have you ever lost your wallet?
10. Have you ever worn a Halloween costume?
11. Have you ever been robbed?
12. Have you ever had an accident?

Make “have you ever” questions with these prompts:

Take screenshot of the results:

The Arts
Kinds of art:

Sculpture Painting Literature

‘Café terrace at night’
was painted in 1888 by
Vincent Van Gogh

‘Hamlet’ was written

in 1603 by William
‘David’ was sculpted/carved
between 1501 and 1504 by

Pottery Fashion and jewelry Drawing

‘Study of a dancer in
tights’ was drawn in
1900 by Edgar Degas

Atsumi ware pot was

discovered in the
Hakusan Burial Mound Hepburns’s black dress
was designed by Coco

Music Architecture Photography and cinema

‘The Afghan girl’ was
taken in 1984 by the
photographer S. McCurry

The Taj Majal was built

between 1631 and
The Symphony No. 9 1654 by Ustad Ahmad
was composed by
Ludwig van Beethoven

 Do you have any favorite artist? Why do you like that artist?

Grammar: the passive voice

The passive voice is used when the focus is on the object (person or thing affected by the action-verb), not the
subject (performer)

Active voice Passive voice

object object

Uses of the passive voice

Uses Active voice Passive voice

When we don’t know who Someone stole my sister My sister was stolen
performed the action
Someone killed John F. John Kenndy was killed
Kennedy (eat- ate- eaten)

Someone hid the treasure on The treasure was hidden on

that island that island

Someone ate my cookies My cookies were eaten

When the agent is too Tha maids clean the rooms The rooms are cleaned evry
obvious, unimportant or every night night (by the maids)
An engineer fixed my laptop My laptop was fixed

The mailman delivered the The letter was delivered on

letter on time time

Farmers produce a lot of A lot of coffee is produced in

coffee in Brazil Brazil

When we want to W. Shakespeare wrote Macbeth was written by

emphasize the object or be Macbeth in 1615 Shakespeare in 1615
vague about the agent
The president made some Some mistakes were made
mistakes during the pandemic during the pandemic

Trump launched a bomb on A bomb was lanched on Syria

The Golden Gate was built in
Joseph Strauss built the the 30’s by J. Strauss
Golden Gate in the 30’s

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Passive voice (simple past): use the past of the verb to be (was, were) and a verb in
past participle
Active voice Passive voice Piece of art
Pablo Picasso painted “Guernica” Guernica was painted in 1937 by
in 1937 P. Picasso
Did Picasso paint “Guernica” in Was “Guernica” painted in 1937
1937? by Picasso?- Yes, it was- No, it
When did Picasso paint wasn’t
“Guernica”? When was “Guernica” painted?
Stanley Kubrick directed C.O was directed by Kubrick in
“Clockwork orange” in 1971 1971
Did Kubrick direct “C. O” in 1971? Was C.O directed in 1971 by
Who directed “C.0? Kubrick?
What movie did Kubrick direct in When was C.O directed?
When did Kubrick direct “C.O”?

Let’s practice

Change each sentence from de active to the passive voice. Use a by phrase

1. Leonardo DaVinci painted the Mona Lisa in the sixteenth century

2. Mexican filmmaker Alejandro Gonzalez directed Babel in 2006

3. Korean fashion designer Sang Im-Propp created these beautiful


4. Sculptor Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi designed the Statue of

Liberty in 1884

5. Daniel Day-Lewis played Abraham Lincoln in the 2012 film Lincoln

6. Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote the book One Hundred Years of

Solitude in 1971

7. Empire magazine readers chose The Godfather as the greatest

films of all time

8. W.A. Mozart composed The Requiem in Dm in 1791

Complete the sentences with the simple past passive form of the verbs
1. The world cup final __ (win) by Spain
2. The film Avatar __ (direct) by James Cameron
3. The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn __ (write) by Mark Twain
4. The songs Revolution and Hey Jude __ (record) by the Beatles in 1968
5. The Starry Night __ (Paint) by Vincent van Gogh
6. The Shanghai Grand Theater __ (design) by french architect Jean-Marie
7. The opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics __ (see) by millions
of people
8. In the 2007 film I’m Not There, the American musician Bob Dylan __
(play) by six different people

Take a screenshot of the result
Inventions and discoveries

The wheel The printing press

The television The automobile

 What’s the difference between an invention and a discovery?


 In your opinion, what’s the best invention ever made?

Rank the inventions and/or discoveries in order of importance from 1 (most important)
to 10 (least important)

Water purification systems The light bulb

The internet Refrigeration
Vaccination The Wheel
Air travel Penicillin
The printing press Personal computer
Discuss the impact of inventions and discoveries

In your opinion, what has been the most important medical discovery in history? Why?

Antibiotics Soon, penicillin was used for serious diseases such

Today, vaccines can prevent some of the infectious as pneumonia and tuberculosis, which had always
diseases that in the past resulted in serious illness caused many deaths. Fleming, Florey and Chain
and death. Fortunately, for diseases caused by received the Nobel Prize in 1945. Antibiotics
bacteria (tiny organisms that can only be seen by changed medicine and continue today to enable
microscope), vaccines can make the difference people to survive conditions that would have
between life and death. killed them before the antibiotic age.

What are antibiotics? Overuse of antibiotics

Antibiotics are substances that work in one of two Since their discovery and widespread use,
ways. Some antibiotics, such as penicillin, kill antibiotics have been considered a wonder drug.
desease-causing bacteria. Others, such as Many common diseases, however, are caused by
tetracycline, stop them from multiplying. viruses, not bacteria, and antibiotics are not
effective against them. Nevertheless, to many
History people use antibiotics regularly, believing they
In 1675, Dutch will cure viral illnesses such as common upper
scientist Antoine respiratory infections, colds, and sore throats.
van Leeuwenhoek, Why is this a problem?
using a microscope,
discovered the First, it is a waste fo money to use antibiotics to
existance of treat viruses. Our body’s immune system
microorganisms. eventually combats most viruses, and we recover
However, it wasn’t A. Fleming without treatment. But more importantly, bacteria
known that they exposed to an antibiotic can become resistant to
could cause disease until French scientist Louis it, making the antibiotic less efective, ore ven
Pasteur confirmed that approximately 200 years useless. If antibiotics no longer work against
later. Finally, in 1928, British scientist Alexander infections and diseases, people will begin to die
Fleming noticed that a mold, penicillium, growing from them again.
in one of his petri dishes, was capable of killing
bacteria, and the development of antibiotics If scientists had
became possible. Fleming named the active agent recognized that
in the mold “penicillin” but was unable to create a bacteria could develop
drug from it. resistance, perhaps
they would have
In 1940, during the Second World War, two warned doctors not to
scientists working at Oxford University, Ernst use antibiotics unless a
Chain and Howard Florey, were able to make an patient has a bacterial
antibacterial powder from penicillin that was safe infection. Hopefully,
to use in humans. Penicillin was mass-produced for A. Leeuwenhoek worldwide awareness
use on soldiers in the war. If there had been no of this threat to an
penicillin, many would have died from bacterial important class of drugs will convince us to avoid
infections caused by their wounds. using them for conditions that don’t require them.
Some diseases caused by bacteria Some diseases caused by viruses
 Tuberculosis  Influenza (flu)
 Plague  Polio
 Pertussis  AIDS
 Streptococcal sore throat (strep  Common cold
throat)  Hepatitis
 Cholera  Rabies
 Leprosy  Chicken pox

Find supporting details: answer in your own words

1. What is the benefit of antibiotics?

2. Why are antibiotics not effective againts the common cold?
3. Why are antibiotics effective against strep throat?
4. What problem has overuse of antibiotics caused?

Understand from context: choose the correct word

1. (an antibiotic/a vaccine) prevents diseases from occurring

2. (bacteria/tetracycline) can cause infectious diseases
3. Bacteria are small organisms that can only be seen (in a petri dish/with a microscope)
4. (penicillium/penicillin) is a drug that kills bacteria
5. The common cold and influenza are common (bacterial/upper respiratory) infections
6. Some antibiotics are no longer effective because certain bacteria have developed
(overuse/resistance) to antibiotics

Sum up: summarize the reading using your own words. Write at least two paragraphs.
Answer Sheet
∙ How often do you go to the cinema?
• I often go to the movies once a month.

∙ Which do you like best: watching a film at the cinema or at home? Why? ∙
• I like to watch movies at home for the comfort and my favorite movie is
bad boys.
What’s your favorite movie?
• my favorite movies is John Wick
∙ What’s your favorite type of films? Why?
• My favorite type of movie is action because I like adrenaline and they are

Write the past and the past participles of these verbs:

Regular past participles Irregular past participles

Work Worked Worked Meet Met Met

Miss missed Missed Be was / were Been
Travel traveled Traveled Get got Gotten
Try tried Tried Have had Had
Call called Called Do did Done
Stay stayed Stayed Eat ate Eaten
Visit visited Visited Go went Gone
Live lived Lived See saw Seen
Start started Started Write wrote Written
Enjoy enjoyed enjoyed Come came Come

Time to practice: take screenshot of the results
Do this reading and answer the questions

questions answers
1. he started acting at the age of seven.
2. He realized he looks like Johnny Depp in 1984, when he saw Johnny in the movie
Nigbmare on Elm Street.
3. makes appearances at private parties and public events around the world.
4. what he likes the most is to make the children happy.
5. yes, they know each other.

Let’s practice: take screenshot of the results:
Answer these questions:

1. Have you ever been in a fight?

Yes, I have, I had some times in my childhood.
2. Have you ever broken a bone?
No, I haven't, I've never broken a bone.
3. Have you ever cheated on an exam?
No, I haven't, I never cheated on any exam.
4. Have you ever fallen asleep during class?
Yes, I have, I ever fell asleep in class because of the workload.
5. Have you ever written a love letter?
Yes, I have, I write a lot of love letters for my girlfriend.
6. Have you ever met a celebrity?
Yes, I have, I met the celebrity in a restaurant.
7. Have you ever had a Deja Vu experience?
If I have, I was walking with my girlfriend on the street and we tripped and fell to the
8. Have you ever seen a ghost?
No, I have not, I have never seen a ghost.
9. Have you ever lost your wallet?
Yes, I have, I lost my wallet at a party.
10. Have you ever worn a Halloween costume?
Yes, I have, I wore a costume last year.
11. Have you ever been robbed?
No, I have not, I have never been robbed.
12. Have you ever had an accident?
yes, yes, I had an accident on my motorcycle.

Make “have you ever” questions with these prompts:

Have you ever learned to play an instrument?

Have you ever been to a jazz or classical concert?
Have you ever been to dance or singing lessons?
Have you ever been in a band or an orchestra?
Have you ever been to a disco all night?
Have you ever met someone famous?
Have you ever missed a flight?
Have you ever seen movies five times?
Have you ever practiced yoga, udo or pilates?
Have you ever been to a five star hotel
Take screenshot of the results:

∙ Do you have any favorite artist? Why do you like that artist?

My favorite artist is Beethoven.

Because his music goes straight to the heart. Other classical composers do the same, but
Beethoven is special.

Let’s practice

Change each sentence from de active to the passive voice. Use a by phrase

1. Leonardo DaVinci painted the Mona Lisa in the sixteenth century

The Mona Lisa was painted in the sixteenth century, by Leonardo DaVinci.

2. Mexican filmmaker Alejandro Gonzalez directed Babel in 2006

Babel Was directed in 2006 by Mexican filmmaker Alejandro Gonzalez.

3. Korean fashion designer Sang Im-Propp created these beautiful handbags

These beautiful handbags were created by Korean fashion designer Sang Im-Propp.

4. Sculptor Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi designed the Statue of Liberty in 1884

The Statue of Liberty was designed in 1884, by sculptor Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi.

5. Daniel Day-Lewis played Abraham Lincoln in the 2012 film Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was played by Daniel Day-Lewis in the 2012 movie Lincoln.
6. Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote the book One Hundred Years of Solitude in 1971

The book One Hundred Years of Solitude was written in 1971 by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
7. Empire magazine readers chose The Godfather as the greatest films of all time

The Godfather was chosen as the best movie of all time by the readers of Empire magazine.

8. W.A. Mozart composed The Requiem in Dm in 1791

The Requiem in Dm was composed in 1791 by W.A. Mozart .

Complete the sentences with the simple past passive form of the verbs
1. The world cup final __ (win) by Spain
The World Cup final was won by Spain
2. The film Avatar __ (direct) by James Cameron
The movie Avatar was directed by James Cameron
3. The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn __ (write) by Mark Twain
The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was wrote by Mark Twain
4. The songs Revolution and Hey Jude __ (record) by the Beatles in 1968
The songs Revolution and Hey Jude were recorded by the Beatles in 1968
5. The Starry Night __ (Paint) by Vincent van Gogh
The Starry Night was painted by Vincent van Gogh
6. The Shanghai Grand Theater __ (design) by french architect Jean-Marie Charpentier
Shanghai's Grand Theater was designed by French architect Jean-Marie Charpentier
7. The opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics __ (see) by millions of people
The opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics was seen by millions of people
8. In the 2007 film I’m Not There, the American musician Bob Dylan __ (play) by six different people
In the 2007 film I'm Not There, American musician Bob Dylan was played by six different people

Take a screenshot of the result

∙ What’s the difference between an invention and a discovery?
An invention is something that is obtained through the application of achieved knowledge, it
is something that comes out of our imagination and which in certain time can be patented.
The discovery is something that already existed, it was hidden and was secret or unknown
and we only discover it, we reveal it, it can be some aspect of reality, normally a natural
phenomenon; that is to say, it is something that already exists but nobody knew about it
and it comes to light by means of experienced searches of some person.

The discovery cannot be patented. Let's see it with an example, paleontologists did not
create dinosaurs, they only found them, but on the other hand Alexander Graham Bell,
together with Elisa Gray, invented the telephone.

∙ In your opinion, what’s the best invention ever made?

The best invention in history is the automobile, since to me it calls my attention more because I
had the opportunity to read the history and the changes that these vehicles have had with the
passage of time.

Rank the inventions and/or discoveries in order of importance from 1 (most important) to
10 (least important)
3 Water purification systems 1 The light bulb

6 The internet 5 Refrigeration

7 Vaccination 2 The Wheel

10 Air travel 9 Penicillin

4 The printing press 8 Personal computer

In your opinion, what has been the most important medical discovery in history? Why?
Structure of DNA
because it contains the genetic information of most organisms and is composed of units called
Find supporting details: answer in your own words

1. What is the benefit of antibiotics?

They help humans kill or prevent disease-causing bacteria from multiplying.
2. Why are antibiotics not effective againts the common cold?
Our body's immune system fights off most viruses, and we recover without treatment. But
more importantly, bacteria exposed to an antibiotic can become resistant to it, making the
antibiotic less effective, or even useless.
3. Why are antibiotics effective against strep throat?
Because antibiotics reduce bacterial infections even though they can cause diarrhea, rash
and other adverse effects, and communities develop resistance to them.
4. What problem has overuse of antibiotics caused?
Because many common diseases are caused by viruses, not viruses, not bacteria.
viruses, not bacteria, and antibiotics are not effective against them. However, many people
use antibiotics regularly, believing that they will cure viral diseases, such as common upper
respiratory infections, colds and sore throats.

Understand from context: choose the correct word

1. (an antibiotic/a vaccine) prevents diseases from occurring

(A vaccine) prevents the onset of disease.
2. (bacteria/tetracycline) can cause infectious diseases
(bacteria) can cause infectious diseases
3. Bacteria are small organisms that can only be seen (in a petri dish/with a microscope)
Bacteria are tiny organisms that can only be seen (with a microscope).
4. (penicillium/penicillin) is a drug that kills bacteria
(penicillin) is a drug that kills bacteria.
5. The common cold and influenza are common (bacterial/upper respiratory) infections
The common cold and the flu are common infections (upper respiratory ).
6. Some antibiotics are no longer effective because certain bacteria have developed
(overuse/resistance) to antibiotics
Some antibiotics are no longer effective because certain bacteria have developed
(resistance) to the antibiotics.

Sum up: summarize the reading using your own words. Write at least two paragraphs.

Vaccines can prevent some of the infectious diseases, which in the past caused the death of
thousands of people; since there was no knowledge of them, certainly for diseases caused by
bacteria, vaccines have helped to prevent and reduce death. Antibiotics are substances that kill
disease-causing bacteria.
In 1928, the British scientist Alexander Fleming observed a mold, which was able to kill bacteria,
and it was there that the development of antibiotics became possible. It was then that this 1928
discovery was called "penicillin". In 1940, two scientists working at Oxford University, Ernst Chain
and Howard Florey, were able to make an antibacterial powder from penicillin that was safe for
use in humans. Penicillin was mass produced for use in soldiers in the war, since then penicillin
has been used for serious diseases, and the use of antibiotics has been considered a miracle,
however, many of the diseases are caused by viruses and not by bacteria, so the use of
antibiotics causes a drug-resistant reaction.

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